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Reports until 15:49, Wednesday 16 September 2015
stefan.ballmer@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:49, Wednesday 16 September 2015 - last comment - 15:40, Thursday 17 September 2015(21552)
So called dust glitches, some examples
Attached is agallery of 5 "dust" glitches. Still clueless of what they are, but
 - ETMY saturation is a symptom, not a cause  - it is not possible to produce such a white glitch from saturating a drive.
 - The DCPD spectrum shows a roll-off for all of them
 - But the roll-off frequency (i.e. glitch duration) varies significantly = from about 300Hz to 3kHz.

Example 2:
GPS: 1126294545
UTC: Sep 14 2015 19:35:28 UTC
ETMY saturation: yes

Example 3
GPS: 1126437892
UTC: Sep 16 2015 11:24:35 UTC
ETMY saturation: yes

Example 4
GPS: 1126434798
UTC: Sep 16 2015 10:33:01 UTC
ETMY saturation: yes

Example 5
GPS: 1126441165
UTC: Sep 16 2015 12:19:08 UTC
ETMY saturation: yes

Example 6
GPS: 1126442379
UTC: Sep 16 2015 12:39:22 UTC
ETMY saturation: yes

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Comments related to this report
nutsinee.kijbunchoo@LIGO.ORG - 05:46, Thursday 17 September 2015 (21613)DetChar

WIth Hang's help, I managed to investigate these glitches with the new lockloss tool using SUS-ETMY_L3_MASTER_OUT_LL_DQ as a reference channel. The script couldn't find any other optics that glitch prior to the ETMY. And sometimes the glitches are seen by ETMX 30-40 miliseconds after.

I've attached the plot of the glitches at the time you've given. I've also attached the list of channel I told the script to look. Basically all the SUS MASTER OUT DQ channels. Please let me know if you have any suggestions on whereelse I should look at.

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stefan.ballmer@LIGO.ORG - 15:40, Thursday 17 September 2015 (21633)
Attached are time traces of the DCPD_SUM for the 5 examples.
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sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:39, Wednesday 16 September 2015 - last comment - 15:56, Wednesday 16 September 2015(21587)
Two minor guardian changes

We just loaded two minor guardian changes that should save us some time and locklosses during acquisition.  They don't change anything about the configuration of the IFO in observing mode.

The first was the fix the issue that Jenne and Patrick wrote about 21508.  When the SOFT loops had not converged before the gain was increased, it could cause us to loose lock (which could be because the SRC1 loop is strongly contaminated by these signals, and we see POP90 running away in the usual way.)  I've simply added another if statement to the ENGAGE_ASC part 3 state, which will wait for all the SOFT loop control signals to become less than 500:

        elif self.timer['ITMboost'] and self.counter==1:
            if asc_convergence_checker(self.Soft_loops, self.Soft_P_thresh, self.Soft_Y_thresh):
                # increase SOFT loop gain by 20dB
                ezca.switch('ASC-DSOFT_P', 'FM1', 'OFF')
                ezca.switch('ASC-DSOFT_Y', 'FM1', 'OFF')
                ezca.switch('ASC-CSOFT_P', 'FM1', 'OFF')
                ezca.switch('ASC-CSOFT_Y', 'FM1', 'OFF')
                # turn on CHARD boosts
                #ezca.switch('ASC-CHARD_P', 'FM3', 'ON')  # No MsBoosts, JCD 12Aug2015
                #ezca.switch('ASC-CHARD_Y', 'FM3', 'ON')  # No MsBoosts, JCD 12Aug2015
                #ezca.switch('ASC-CHARD_P', 'FM9', 'ON')
                #ezca.switch('ASC-CHARD_Y', 'FM9', 'ON')
                # turn off the PR3 PR3 wire heating compenstation
                ezca.switch('SUS-PR3_M1_DRIVEALIGN_P2P', 'OFFSET', 'OFF')
                #turn up SRC2 gains, turn on LPFs
                ezca.switch('ASC-SRC2_P', 'FM10', 'ON')
                ezca.switch('ASC-SRC2_Y', 'FM10', 'ON')
                self.counter = 2
        elif self.counter==2:
            ezca.switch('ASC-DHARD_P', 'FM1', 'ON')
            return True 
         elif self.timer['ITMboost'] and self.counter==1:
            if asc_convergence_checker(self.Soft_loops, self.Soft_P_thresh, self.Soft_Y_thresh):
                # increase SOFT loop gain by 20dB
                ezca.switch('ASC-DSOFT_P', 'FM1', 'OFF')
                ezca.switch('ASC-DSOFT_Y', 'FM1', 'OFF')
                ezca.switch('ASC-CSOFT_P', 'FM1', 'OFF')
                ezca.switch('ASC-CSOFT_Y', 'FM1', 'OFF')
If you are curious to see why you are waiting, you can open the log and it will tell you which loops it thinks have not converged.  
The second change was to the ALS ARM guardians.  This morning Patrick noticed that the XARM was not well aligned in green after he offloaded the green WFS.  The attached screnshot shows what happened.  While The green WFS were aligning the arm (guardian state -18), there was a rather large change in the drive to the arm (the LSC-X_ARM channel is calibrated in um), which seems to be the dominant contribution to the GREEN WFS control signal for ETM pitch (ETMX_M0_LOCK_P).  We offloaded this control signal, which was mostly compensating for pitch induced by the slow length signal to the alignment sliders.  After arm drops lock and the slow length signal goes away, the arm is misalined.  We would have then gone on to use this bad arm alignment as a reference for inital alingment.  This may be one of the reasons that our inital alingment doesn't always result in a good alingment. 
One good solution to this problem would have been to work on the length to pitch decoupling for the ETMs, but we don't want to spend time on that now.  Instead, are changing the inital alingment procedure to no longer use slow feedback to the ETMs while we are running green WFS.  We tried this with ground motion around 0.1 um/sec in the 0.03-0.1 Hz band, and it was OK.  In high ground motion, operators may have trouble keeping the arm locked because the end station VCO could run out of range.  However, I think this is better than having something that appears to work but results in a poor alingment.  
This uses existing gaurdian states, I've simply renamed the state that used to be LOCK_NO_SLOW to INITAL_ALIGNMENT, so that it is clear which state we are using, made it requestable, and connected it to OFFLOAD_GREEN_WFS in the graph. 
We haven't had a chance to test either of these, but they are relatively simple code changes and they should save us time in relocking.  I've commited ISC_LOCK(11665), ISC_DRMI (rev 11666), and the ALS guardians (11667).  
The message for operators is:  Use INITIAL_ALIGNMENT instead of locked_W_SLOW_FEEDBACK for the green arms durring inital alingment.  If ENGAGE_ASC_PART3 takes a long time, don't worry about it.  If its taking excessively long and we need to adjust the thresholds let me know.  If you have any problems give me a call.
Comments related to this report
jenne.driggers@LIGO.ORG - 15:56, Wednesday 16 September 2015 (21588)

The Initial Alignment Checklist and ops wiki page's "Initial alignment brief version" have been updated to reflect this change.

keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:55, Wednesday 16 September 2015 - last comment - 08:45, Wednesday 30 September 2015(21585)
Binary inspiral range copy in EPICS is about 109 seconds delayed from the DMT

When you compare "H1 SNSW EFFECTIVE RANGE (MPC) (TSeries)" data in DMT SenseMonitor_CAL_H1 with its copy in EPICS (H1:CDS-SENSEMON_CAL_SNSW_EFFECTIVE_RANGE_MPC), you will find that the EPICS data is "delayed" from the DMT data by about 109 seconds (109.375 sec in this example, I don't know if it varies with time significantly).

In the attached, vertical lines are minute markers where GPS second is divisible by 60. Bottom is the DMT trend, top is its EPICS copy. In the second attachment you see that this results in the minute trend of this EPICS range data becoming a mixture of DMT trend from 1 minute and 2 minutes ago.

This is harmless most of the time, but if you want to see if e.g. a particular glitch caused the inspiral range to drop, you need to do either a mental math or a real math.

(Out of this 109 seconds, 60 should come from the fact that DMT takes 60 seconds of data to calculate one data point and puts the start time of this 1 min window as the time stamp. Note that this start time is always at the minute boundary where GPS second is divisible by 60. Remaining 49 seconds should be the sum of various latencies on DMT end as well as on the copying mechanism.)

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jonathan.hanks@LIGO.ORG - 08:45, Wednesday 30 September 2015 (22106)

The 109s delay is a little higher than expected, but not to strange.  I'm not sure where DMT marks the time, as the start/mid/end of the minute it outputs.

Start Time Max End Time Stage
0 60 Data being calculated in the DMT.
60 90 The DMT to EPICS IOC queries the DMT every 30s.
90 91

The EDCU should sample it at 16Hz and send to the frame writter.

The 30s sample rate of the DMT to EPICS IOC is configurable, but was chosen as a good sample rate for a data source that produces data every 60 seconds.

It should also be noted that at least at LHO we do not make an effort to coordinate the sampling time (as far as which seconds in the minute) that happen with the DMT.  So the actual delay time may change if the IOC gets restarted.


Also, for this channel we record the GPS time that DMT asserts is associated with each sample.  That way you should be able to get the offset.


H1 General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:29, Wednesday 16 September 2015 (21584)
Back to Observing Mode
20:28 UTC Back to observing mode.
craig.cahillane@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:05, Wednesday 16 September 2015 (21582)
Strain Uncertainty Update - Actuation Uncertainty Analyzed
C. Cahillane

I have generated the latest uncertainty results for LHO.  I have characterized the uncertainty in the actuation function by quadratically summing the statistical and systematic errors.  There are more elegant ways to combine systematics and statistical errors, but for now we will see if this is sufficient.
Plot 1 and 2 are the Mag and Phase components of σ_h^2, and Plots 3 and 4 are the Mag and Phase of σ_h itself.
We have greater than 10% and 10 degree uncertainty just below 100 Hz with our current analysis, but this is just an update with inflated flat uncertainties in the kappas and f_c.

Note that the linear sum of our PUM and UIM stage uncertainties into our A_pu uncertainty is not correct, but only an estimate used for calculations in the meantime.  I have performed the correct calculations in Mathematica and will implement them given time.
The following are the sigma values I have used:

σ_|A_tst| = A_coeff_sigma_mag_A_tst .* abs(A_tst);  
σ_|A_pu| = A_coeff_sigma_mag_A_pum .* abs(A_pum) + A_coeff_sigma_mag_A_uim .* abs(A_uim);
σ_|C_r| = 1.0 .* abs(C_r);
σ_|kappa_tst| =  5;
σ_|kappa_pu| = 5;
σ_φ_A_tst = A_coeff_sigma_phase_A_tst;
σ_φ_A_pu = A_coeff_sigma_phase_A_pum + A_coeff_sigma_phase_A_uim;
σ_φ_C_r = 5;
σ_φ_kappa_tst = 5;
σ_φ_kappa_pu = 5;
σ_kappa_C = 5;
σ_f_c = 23.4731;

I have inflated the errors in the kappas and f_c to 5% and 5 degrees based on our systematics seen from the calibration group calculations.  We hope that we can deflate these errors when the calibration group discovers the systematics responsible for our kappa deviations from 1.
The next step is to propagate uncertainty for the sensing function, after which I will have finished analysing the uncertainty of measurements at LHO.  Then I may move onto LLO.

1) Get sensing function uncertainties at LHO
2) Implement correct A_pu uncertainty propagation
3) Check sanity
4) Move on to LLO uncertainty measurements
(?) Correct for kappas and f_c uncertainties as better calculations are made available.  For now, apply flat 5% and 5 degrees.
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LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:01, Wednesday 16 September 2015 - last comment - 13:20, Wednesday 16 September 2015(21580)
Ops Mid Shift Summary
15:55 David N. through gate

Had trouble locking on DRMI. Tried locking on just PRMI. Had a few locks on PRMI, but would not stay. Eventually gave up and started an initial alignment at 17:47 UTC. Finished initial alignment with help from Sheila at 18:55 UTC. Had trouble with ALS during initial alignment. Sheila and Jenne now suspect we may be losing lock engaging the gain for the DSOFT loop. They are starting a test now.
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jenne.driggers@LIGO.ORG - 13:20, Wednesday 16 September 2015 (21583)

[Sheila, Patrick, Jenne]

We discovered that the problem was we had some medium-large offsets on the input of the SOFT yaw loops, and when the gain was being increased in ENGAGE_ASC_PART3, the loops started to run away.

For this lock, we hand-ran the "main" part of ENGAGE_ASC_PART3, which turns the loops on with low gain.  Once the loops had converged (~ 10 minutes for all of them to finish!), we let guardian run the full ENGAGE_ASC_PART3 state, and continue on.  We have just arrived at NOMINAL_LOW_NOISE, and we don't have any SDF diffs, so there is no net change in the configuration of the IFO.

We would like to think about putting a "convergence checker" in this guardian state, so that it waits until the loops are happy before continuing.  Sheila has implemented this with great success several weeks ago in the DRMI ASC parts of the guardian code, so it should be relatively simple to do the same thing for the arm loops.

H1 General
nutsinee.kijbunchoo@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:29, Wednesday 16 September 2015 (21573)
Owl Shift Summary

TITLE:  Sep 16 OWL Shift 07:00-15:00UTC (00:00-08:00 PDT), all times posted in UTC

STATE Of H1: Was observing at ~70 Mpc for 4 hours after the 6.3M earthquake in Indonesia. We lost lock again due to a 6.0 earthquake in Papua New Guinea. Mother nature wasn't happy.

SUPPORT: Rick S., Darkhan T., Corey G.

SHIFT SUMMARY: After the 6.3M earthquake in Indonesia, things had been quiet until another 6.0M earthquake in Papua New Guinea. There were several small earthquakes (less than 3 mag) in California, Oregon, and Alaska but the interferometer hardly noticed them. Wind speed >=10 mph. 4 ETMY glitches that were loud enough to be noticable on range plot. Overall trend of the microseism is slowly coming down. LLO has been down since earthquake. Danny said there were a problem with ALS PDH servo board.


Activity log:

07:00 Took over from Ed. The ifo was locking and observing. No more nasty 2Hz comb (yay!).

08:07 Rick called about LVEA light. I switched to commissioning to go into the LVEA to turn off the light.

08:12 Back to Observing. The light in the PSL area was still on. Called Rick again. We thought it was the light from the change room.

08:30 After LLO went down I switched the intent bit to commissioning again and went to find PSL change room light switch. It wasn't the change room light. It was the crain.

           Came back few minutes after and found out we had a lock loss at 08:01 Due to an earthquake in Indonesia.

09:02 Began lock acquisition. The earthquake band amplitude was still 10^-1 um/s but ALS-TRX and TRY didn't glitch much so I gave it a try.

09:15 Craig and Darkhan left the control room.

09:18 Corey called about the crain light. I went out to LVEA to take care of it. I switched off the door access reader on my way out.

09:23 Back in the control room. I realized that the operating mode was still commissioning. It should have been in Environmental for ~30 minutes. Since I have started the lock acquisition I switched the operating mode to LOCK ACQUISITION.

09:47 Back to Observing. The ifo have reached NOMINAL_LOW_NOISE few minutes ago but I thought the 3001 Hz Pcal line wasn't there. I called Darkhan and apparently the spectrum needed a narrower BW for the line to show (I saw it at 0.01Hz BW).

12:00 Karen and Christina on site

13:00 Richard on site.

14:28 Lockloss. 6.0M earthquake in Papua New Guinea.

15:00 Handing off to Patrick



- EX dust monitor looks bogus. The alarm that went off probably wasn't real neither.

LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:19, Wednesday 16 September 2015 (21579)
09/16 [DAY Shift]: 15:00-23:00UTC (08:00-16:00 PDT), all times posted in UTC
STATE Of H1: Earthquake
QUICK SUMMARY: Unlocked, possibly due to earthquake. Winds less than 10 mph. Peak to around 1 um/s in 0.03 - 0.1 Hz seismic. 0.1 - 0.3 Hz seismic around 10^-1 um/s. Lights off in LVEA. Lights appear off in PSL enclosure. Lights appear off at mid and end stations.
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:13, Wednesday 16 September 2015 (21578)
CDS model and DAQ restart report, Tuesday 15th September 2015

ER8 Day 30. h1ecaty1 all three PLCs restarted due to Beckhoff chassis work.

Tue 15 Sep 2015 11:34:25 h1ecaty1plc[1,2,3]

patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:07, Wednesday 16 September 2015 (21577)
added 100mL H2O to H1 PSL chiller

david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:07, Wednesday 16 September 2015 (21576)
CDS model and DAQ restart report, Monday 14th September 2015

ER8 Day 29. No restarts reported.

david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:07, Wednesday 16 September 2015 (21575)
CDS model and DAQ restart report, Sunday 13th September 2015

ER8 Day 28. No restarts reported

nutsinee.kijbunchoo@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:31, Wednesday 16 September 2015 (21574)
Lockloss 14:28 UTC

Due to a 6.0M earthquake in Papua New Guinea. Requested ISC_LOCK to DOWN. Mother nature hasn't been very happy today....

Terramon showed this earthquake 4 minutes after the lockloss.

H1 General
nutsinee.kijbunchoo@LIGO.ORG - posted 01:48, Wednesday 16 September 2015 - last comment - 02:51, Wednesday 16 September 2015(21570)
Lockloss 8:31 UTC + Early Mid Shift Summary

Due to a 6.3M earthquake in Indonesia. I didn't take anything down and hoped that we could survive. Nothing has tripped. I've requested ISC_LOCK to DOWN waiting for the earthquake to pass.

Earlier I set the bit to commissioning briefly and went in to turn the light off in the LVEA as Rick suggested. He thought it'd be better if the LVEA was to be in the same condition as couple nights before and I agreed. However I noticed the light was on near the PSL area and I couldn't find the light switch for it. I came back, set the intent bit to Observing and called Rick. He suggested the light switch would be in the change room by the PSL. Shortly after the earthquake took down LLO I set the intent bit to commissioning and went in again and realized that the light didn't come from the change room but came from the ceiling (part of the crain?). I didn't know where to turn it off so I left it as that. I've attached a photo. If you know where/how to kill the light please call and I will take care of it.

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Comments related to this report
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - 02:23, Wednesday 16 September 2015 (21571)

Just chatted with Nutsinee about the southbay crane.  I believe this one has the standard controller pendant which hangs from the bridge.  The hand controller has controls for moving the crane (i.e. north/south/east/west/up/down), and it also has a red emergency button on the top.  To power off the entire crane (including the lights), one just pushes this red button in.

We do have a remote/wireless controller for the West Bay crane (can't remember if we have other cranes with remote/wireless controllers).  The controller for this is kept in a "mailbox" attached on the north wall of the west bay (near the "parking spot" of the crane).

nutsinee.kijbunchoo@LIGO.ORG - 02:51, Wednesday 16 September 2015 (21572)

Back to Observing 9:47 UTC at 75 Mpc.

I turned off the crain light by pushing the emergency button as Corey suggested. I also turned off the door access reader.

H1 General
nutsinee.kijbunchoo@LIGO.ORG - posted 00:42, Wednesday 16 September 2015 (21568)
Owl Shift Transition

TITLE: Sep 16 Owl Shift 07:00-15:00UTC (00:00-08:00 PDT), all times posted in UTC

STATE Of H1: Observing at ~70 Mpc for the past 6.5 hours


QUICK SUMMARY: 2Hz comb disappeared. Microseismic seems to have flatten between 0.1 and 0.2 um/s. Wind speed <=10 mph. Craig and Darkhan doing calibration work. LLO is also observing. LVEA light is on.

H1 General
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:23, Tuesday 15 September 2015 - last comment - 01:17, Wednesday 16 September 2015(21550)
late late mid shift update (and shift summary)

Hugh, Sheila, Jenne, filling in for Patrick

We are filling in for Patrick at the moment because he is helping Fil to use the beckhoff test stand in the H2 building.  We are trying to lock now after Patrick and Jenne did a full initial alignment.  

This morning, Fil, Vern, Elli, Nutsinee and I swapped out the End Station 2 Beckhoff Chassis, because all the modules on the right rail were in the state INIT NO_COMM, and we could not change their state by requesting different states (including safe) or clearing errors.  We swapped the chassis with a spare.  Hugh and Patrick burt restored plc1,2,3 to 10 pm last night.  

When we first arrived we saw that the high voltage power supplies for the ESD were off, Fil turned them on and restored the settings.  This may be because the vacuum gauges which are controlled by beckhoff would have tripped them off. The ESD driver was off, but we did not reset it believing that we could reset it remotely. Later Betsy reset it by driving back to EY after she could not reset it in the normal way remotely.

Elli quickly noticed that something was amiss with the ring heaters at end Y, which are controlled by the same beckhoff chassis.  We checked that the settings were all the same, it seems like there is some difference between the 2 chassis.  

Fil, with help from several people, has spent most of the afternoon with the chassis we removed.  We had trouble getting a test set up going that we could use to diagnose the problem, so Hugh, Jenne, and I are relieving Patrick for a few hours so he and Fil can work together on the removed chassis.  They think that they have found a problem with one of the modules, and are currently replacing that module.  

We are about to reach low noise (with the spare chassis, and incorrect power on the ring heaters).  We hope to see that the comb is gone, and if we see that we may break the lock to revert to the old chassis if possible.  


Patrick's notes about his shift:

10 am PDT safety tour changed from X end to Y end(this may have broken our noisy lock this morning)

18:11 UTC placed beckhoff chassis at End Y

18:20 UTC Rick retrieves (?) PCAL out of optics lab

18:30 UTC Dick in optics lab out at 12:41 PDT

18:31 UTC Fil restarts beckhoff computer (Guardian to down)

a little while later h1ecaty1 burt restores to 22:10 Sep 14

18:53 UTC Jeff B, Jason retrieve part from optics lab (?)

12:38 PDT UPS truck at LSB

20:37 start of initial alignment finished at 21:22

20:54 Sheila to H2 electronics back 20:56, Fil is still there

20:58 Betsy to EY to restart ESD back 14:31


Comments related to this report
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - 17:53, Tuesday 15 September 2015 (21553)
14:58 UTC Ryan B. patching and rebooting alog
15:09 UTC Gate phone rang. Bubba G. answered first. It was the fire department. Bubba let them in. They wanted to do fire hydrant tests. Bubba told them not to.
15:11 UTC Fire department leaving
15:12 UTC David N. through gate
15:59 UTC Turned away fire department from gate. They wanted to check fire extinguishers.
16:06 UTC ETMY saturation alarm, lock loss, end Y ALS in fault
16:16 UTC Christina to mechanical room to get supplies
17:51 UTC King Soft water through gate. Parking in main parking lot. Wheeling in equipment for RO system on hand truck.
17:56 UTC Dave B. running an svn update
18:20 UTC Rick S. retrieving part from optics lab
?     UTC Rick S. back
18:30 UTC Dick G. in optics lab
18:53 UTC Jeff B, Jason O. retrieving part from optics lab
19:30 UTC Jeff B, Jason O. done
19:38 UTC UPS at LSB
19:41 UTC Dick G. out of optics lab
20:37 UTC Starting initial alignment
20:54 UTC Sheila D. to H2 electronics room
20:56 UTC Sheila D. back
20:58 UTC Betsy to end Y for ESD restart
21:22 UTC Finished initial alignment
21:31 UTC Betsy back
richard.savage@LIGO.ORG - 01:17, Wednesday 16 September 2015 (21569)PSL

To clarify, I didn't go to the optics lab as noted in Patrick's log.  When retrieving the PMC from the optics lab was approved, I let Jason know that there was an opportunity to go to the lab, which he did as noted by Patrick.

H1 General
jim.warner@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:35, Saturday 12 September 2015 - last comment - 12:17, Wednesday 16 September 2015(21433)
Mid shift summary

Things were quiet. Then Stefan arrived, and I realized I had set the observatory mode but forgot the Intent Bit, and which spiraled into a bunch SDF differences. The LSC guardian showed a difference on a t-ramp (annoying that this kind of difference would keep us from going into Observe) and ASC had two diffs that I guess Evan logged about last night but didn't accept. Then Stefan went and set a bunch of ODC masks (this also would have kept us from going into observe, so also annoying) as well as tuning the whitening the IM4 QPD (which was saturating, Stefan assures me is out of loop so shouldn't affect anything). Guardian recovered from the earlier lock loss in 20 minutes (not annoying!) back to 70 mpc and it has been otherwise quiet.

Comments related to this report
jim.warner@LIGO.ORG - 13:08, Saturday 12 September 2015 (21434)

We just came out of Observe for a minute so Stefan could set more ODC bits. Service has resumed.

jameson.rollins@LIGO.ORG - 12:29, Monday 14 September 2015 (21507)

The ODC status should not affect OBSERVATION READY in any way.  If it does, then ODC is misconfigured and needs to be fixed.

betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 12:17, Wednesday 16 September 2015 (21581)

SDF is unfortunately looking at all channels - including ODC mask bits.  When anyone updates the ODC masks, the SDF goes red, and you then havta accept the ODC mask channel value in SDF, or ignore it.  Again, it's a one-time thing to update these ODC values, just late in the game and not all at one time.

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