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Reports until 22:18, Wednesday 26 August 2015
evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:18, Wednesday 26 August 2015 (20941)
EY crossover measurements

As per Jeff's request.

Since the last L2/L3 crossover measurement, we have moved the 200 Hz digital pole in DARM to 1 kHz. This changes the shape of the crossover slightly above 50 Hz.

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jenne.driggers@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:30, Wednesday 26 August 2015 - last comment - 00:52, Friday 28 August 2015(20939)
Template to decide if OMC DCPD extra whitening is okay

I have created a DTT template that makes it easier to decide when it's okay to turn on more OMC DCPD whitening.

Evan wrote an alog some time ago about the new OMC DCPD whitening on/off guardian states (alog 20578), and Cheryl and Evan made some notes on when it's okay to go to these new states (alog 20787).

As of right now, the guardian will automatically turn on one stage of whitening, but we get better high frequency noise performance if we add a second stage.  However, if some mode (eg. a violin mode) is rung up, then we can't add the second stage of whitening without being in danger of saturating the ADC.  So.  The new DTT template should help decide when it's okay to add the second stage.

The template is /ligo/home/ops/Templates/dtt/DCPD_saturation_check.xml (screenshot below). The template should be run after we have arrived at NOMINAL_LOW_NOISE for the main lock sequence.  If the dashed RMS lines are below the green horizontal line, it's okay to add the second stage of whitening.  

To engage the second stage of DCPD whitening:

Open the full list of guardian states for the OMC_LOCK guardian, and select "ADD_WHITENING". It will take a minute or two, and automatically return to the nominal "READY_FOR_HANDOFF" state.

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Comments related to this report
rana.adhikari@LIGO.ORG - 16:17, Thursday 27 August 2015 (20965)

could you explain the math & logic a little bit more?

I would have thought that an RMS of 3000 cts is as high as we want to go. Increasing the RMS by a factor of 10 would make it so that its always saturating = not OK. Or isn't this IN1 channel the real ADC input?

evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - 00:52, Friday 28 August 2015 (20975)

Yes, 3000 ct rms = 8500 ct pkpk = too many counts to add a second stage of whitening.

We run with about 10 mA dc on each DCPD, which shows up as 13000 ct or so of dc on the IN1 channels. That means we have something like 19000 ct of headroom before the ADCs saturate on the high side (+32 kct). Assuming the ac fuzz is symmetric about the mean, saturation will certainly occur if the ac is greater than 38000 ct pkpk with two stages of whtening, or 3800 ct pkpk with one stage of whitening.

That's why the criterion I've been using for turning on a second stage of whtening is to look at the IN1 channels and verify that the ac is less than 3000 ct pkpk, or 1000 ct rms when there is only one stage of whitening on. If we find the DCPDs saturating too often with two stages, we should be even more restrictive.

stefan.ballmer@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:17, Wednesday 26 August 2015 (20938)
ASAIR gain scaling when BDIV is closed
Added a gain change for ASAIR_B_RF18, ASAIR_B_RF90, ASAIR_B_LF and  ASAIR_A_LF when the AS port beam diverted closes (it has 10% residual through beam).

            # Set the ASAIR PD gains for BDIV open
            ezca['LSC-ASAIR_B_RF18_I_GAIN'] = 18
            ezca['LSC-ASAIR_B_RF18_Q_GAIN'] = 18
            ezca['LSC-ASAIR_B_RF90_I_GAIN'] = 18
            ezca['LSC-ASAIR_B_RF90_Q_GAIN'] = 18
            ezca['LSC-ASAIR_A_LF_GAIN'] = 11
            ezca['LSC-ASAIR_B_LF_GAIN'] = 11

Curiously, the DC gains scale differently than the RF channels...
sudarshan.karki@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:11, Wednesday 26 August 2015 (20931)

More Whitening Filter changes to reduce the pole frequency and thus high frequency distortion (LHO alog 20393).

CAL-CS_DARM_DELTAL_RESIDUAL:  zpk ([1 1],[500,500],1)

                  changed to zpk ([0.1 0.1],[100,100],1)

CAL-DARM_ERR zpk ([10 10],[100,1000],1)

                  changed to zpk ([1 1],[200,200],1)

CAL-DARM_CTRL : zpk ([5 5],[500,500],1)

                  changed to zpk ([1 1],[200,200],1)

Attached plot shows the signal with old filter and the new filter for comparison.

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H1 DetChar (ISC)
stefan.ballmer@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:54, Wednesday 26 August 2015 (20936)
ODC nominal state set during morning lock
- Set the nominal ODC threshold values for all SUS, LSC, ASC, TCS and OMC during the morning lock.
- Updated SDF with those settings.
- Note that TCS got disconnected yesterday, so ODC_MASTER settings related to TCS are not SDF'ed yet.
- Updated all ODC screens to show all relevant bits.
- Added the intent bit button to the ODC master screen (it is also available on the Guardian screen).

With that almost all indicator are green in full lock. The exceptions are:
- ADC saturation:
  - Unfortunately many models have an ADC channel that by design saturates, i.e. the CDS bit delivered to ODC for those models is always lo.
  - On top of that some models (like e.g. ASC) report a saturation, even though n channel seems to be saturation. Dave Barker has noticed that before...
- DAC saturation: TCS currently reports a DAC saturation - not sure why.
- LSC and ASC report a incorrect parity bit (that's an ODC internal issue)
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:36, Wednesday 26 August 2015 (20934)
Test of duotone in ADC

To show the calibration group how to analyze duotone, I looked at the IOP channel for the duotone input of the first LSC ADC card (the same card that is used for OMC DCPD).

Nothing is automated yet (that's for Sudarshan), I just used dtt to access 64kHz IOP channel, took 2 sec of time series, exported it to text, and used matlab to analyze.

According to my script the delay is 7.3us (i.e. the duotone second boundary is 7.3us behind the digital world second boundary).

The medm screen for each IOP has a simpler duotone timing monitor and it is reporting 5us delay instead of 7 (see attached). I don't know where that descrepancy comes from. I know that the number the medm screen is reporting comes from a simple zero-crossing calculation at around the second boundary, but even when you look at the zero-crossing, it looks more like 7us than 5 (second attachment).

Tomorrow we'll do the loopback duotone test for pcal and ETM SUS.

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daniel.sigg@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:02, Wednesday 26 August 2015 - last comment - 03:30, Friday 28 August 2015(20930)
RF AM at 45.5MHz

Evan Stefan Daniel

The second EOM driver was installed in the CER using the 9MHz control and readback channels. The first attached plot shows the DAQ readback signals. Both drivers show the similar noise levels for the in-loop and out-of-loop sensors. They are also coherent with each other as well as ASC-AS_C! The in-loop noise is clearly below which would indicate that the signal is suppressed to the sensor noise. The measured out-of-loop noise level is also a factor of 4 higher than the setup in the shop.

The second plot shows the same traces but this time the ifr is feeding the EOM driver in the CER. As expected its out-of-loop noise level is now consistent with measurements in the shop and no longer coherent with the unit in the PSL.

We were starting to suspect that we are looking at down-converted out-of-band noise...

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evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - 03:24, Thursday 27 August 2015 (20950)

Using a network analyzer, we took the following measurements:

  • rf spectrum of 45.5 MHz from harmonic generator + distribution amplifier in CER,
  • rf spectrum of 45.5 MHz from IFR in CER,
  • rf spectrum of 45.5 MHz from spare harmonic generator in the EE shop,
  • rf spectrum of 9.1 MHz from OCXO + distribution amplifier in CER,
  • audio-band spectrum of out-of-loop RAM readback of EOM driver, using harmonic generator as 45.5 MHz source, and
  • audio-band spectrum of out-of-loop RAM readback of EOM driver, using IFR as 45.5 MHz source.

The first four of these are shown in the attached plot [the OCXO has been multiplied by 5 in frequency for the sake of comparison]. The message is that the 45.5 MHz in the IFO distribution system has huge, broad wings out to 2 MHz away from the carrier. These are not seen on the IFR, the harmonic generator on the bench, or the 9.1 MHz in the distribution system.

Although the EOM driver still works to suppress some of the RFAM below 50 kHz, the broad wings still contribute significantly to the rms; most of it is accumulated above 200 kHz offset from the carrier. This is shown in the second attachment.

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evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - 03:30, Friday 28 August 2015 (20977)

I looked again at some rf spectra in the CER.

These peaks appear on every output of the harmonic generator, even when it is not driving any distribution amplifiers (just a network analyzer).

These peaks also appear even when the harmonic generator is driven by +12 dBm of 9.1 MHz from an IFR (not from the OCXO + distribution amplifier).

This suggests we should focus on the harmonic generator or its power supply.

patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:34, Wednesday 26 August 2015 - last comment - 23:50, Wednesday 26 August 2015(20927)
Invalid values for Conlog
Although the error reporting is not detailed enough yet on the production server to provide the channel name and value that caused an error upon attempting to insert it into the MySQL database, it is on the test system. The following channels and values caused errors on the test system:

Jul 11 16:59:40 H1:OMC-READOUT_ERR_GAIN: -nan
Aug  4 07:54:43 H1:SYS-MOTION_C_PICO_F_MOTOR_1_NAME: 'xF3x01'
Aug  8 12:25:47 H1:OMC-READOUT_ERR_GAIN: -nan
Comments related to this report
daniel.hoak@LIGO.ORG - 21:12, Wednesday 26 August 2015 (20937)

This is nice, it gives us a sense of how often the calculations for the handoff to DC readout fail.  Answer: about once a month.

We should have the OMC guardian check that the calculated value for OMC_READOUT_ERR gain is sensible before writing it to the epics channel.

patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - 23:50, Wednesday 26 August 2015 (20945)
Maybe more than that. There have been times when the test server has not been running and so did not catch the error when the production server stopped. I think maybe twice while I was on vacation Aug. 8 - 20.
H1 General
jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:00, Wednesday 26 August 2015 (20926)
Ops Day Shift Summary
LVEA: Laser Hazard
IFO: Locked
Observation Bit: Undisturbed    

All Times in UTC (PT)

15:00 (08:00) Take over from Ed
15:00 (08:00) IFO locked at NOMINAL_LOW_NOISE, 68Mpc
15:38 (08:38) Switch to commissioning/calibration mode for commissioners
16:15 (09:15) Alarm on Instrument air MR-PT199 – Left message for Kyle & spoke to Bubba
16:25 (09:25) Bubba – Check into alarm with PT0199
16:30 (09:30) Lockloss – Due to commissioning – Put IOF in DOWN per commissioner request
17:19 (10:19) Kyle – Going to X2-8 near End-X for vacuum work
17:59 (10:59) Filiberto – Going to Mid-Y to get parts for PEM work
18:00 (11:00) IFO locked at NOMINAL_LOW_NOISE, 65Mpc
18:17 (11:17) Filiberto – Back from Mid-Y
19:26 (12:26) Fire Protection Specialist – On site working on alarm system in VPW
19:32 (12:32) Filiberto – Going into CER looking for tools
19:38 (12:38) Kyle – Leaving X2-8 going to Y2-8 on the Y-Arm
21:44 (14:44) Lockloss – Commissioners looking into cause
22:10 (15:10) IFO Locked at NOMINAL_LOW_NOISE, 65Mps 
22:19 (15:19) Lockloss – Calibration activities
22:32 (15:32) Lockloss – Possibly due to Earthquake

Shift Summary & Observations:

   Took over from Ed at 15:00 (08:00). IFO locked with good range. LLO down. 
   Commissioners have started working on calibration.
   IFO was stable during the day. After first lock loss the IFO relocked at NOMINAL_LOW_NOISE in 34 minutes. 
   21:56 (14:56) 5.2 Mag EQ at N. Mid-Atlantic Ridge R-Wave arrival ~22:28 (15:28)  

jonathan.hanks@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:37, Wednesday 26 August 2015 (20925)
Inspiral range available in EPICS via a DMT to EPICS bridge

We are testing out a DMT to EPICS bridge that is able to translate DMT data to EPICS data real time.

The channel names are subject to change (comments should be directed to Dave Barker, not the alog).  Currently they are not being recorded in the frames.  There should be a discussion regarding whether or not it is a good idea to put another copy of the range in the frame with a different name and a slight time offset due to being captured from EPICS.

Current channels:

Please remember that the range is a really a minute trend, and that it is visible at some point within a minute of it being generated, see the _GPS channel for the time it refers to.

There are a few other approaches we can take to getting DMT data into the control room faster than the frames appear, so if this does not work out there are some other avenues open to exploration.

hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:28, Wednesday 26 August 2015 (20922)
ASC SDF Not Found & Not Initialized Channels Cleared

Keita updated the ASC model to come inline with LLO channels they are using.  The OM3_PIT1 & YAW1 FM channels changed to just OM3_PIT & YAW.

These changes caused the SDF overview to go yellow for ASC as there were now channels not found and channels not initialized.

Removed these lines from the safe.snap to clear the channels not found:


+H1:ASC-OM3_PIT_GAIN 1 0.000000000000000e+00 1
+H1:ASC-OM3_PIT_LIMIT 1 0.000000000000000e+00 1
+H1:ASC-OM3_PIT_OFFSET 1 0.000000000000000e+00 1
+H1:ASC-OM3_PIT_SW1S 1 0.000000000000000e+00 1
+H1:ASC-OM3_PIT_SW2S 1 5.120000000000000e+02 1
+H1:ASC-OM3_PIT_TRAMP 1 0.000000000000000e+00 1
+H1:ASC-OM3_YAW_GAIN 1 0.000000000000000e+00 1
+H1:ASC-OM3_YAW_LIMIT 1 0.000000000000000e+00 1
+H1:ASC-OM3_YAW_OFFSET 1 0.000000000000000e+00 1
+H1:ASC-OM3_YAW_SW1S 1 0.000000000000000e+00 1
+H1:ASC-OM3_YAW_SW2S 1 5.120000000000000e+02 1
+H1:ASC-OM3_YAW_TRAMP 1 0.000000000000000e+00 1

The new channels are not used at LHO but the path came up with the gain of 1 and the IN and OUT of the FMs engaged.  There is no medm for these FMs so I set the gains and filters to 0 and OFF with CAPUT and EZCASWITCH.  Will this be an ODC issue?

See the attachment for the list of new channels and their current values.  Snap committed.

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james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:07, Wednesday 26 August 2015 - last comment - 14:47, Wednesday 26 August 2015(20921)
Added a new frame writer to H1 DAQ system
ECR 1500312, WP 5455

A new frame writer, h1fw2, has been added to the DAQ system for H1.  It is currently writing science and commissioning frames to it's local file system to allow comparison with existing frame writers.  

This frame writer is an Ubuntu 12.04 based system, with a daqd compiled from advLigoRTS/trunk rev 4057. The computer is a new dual 10 core CPU computer with 132G of RAM.  The ultimate goal is to see if this configuration can be used to replace the existing frame writers.

At this point, h1fw2 should have no impact on the DAQ system unless there is an effect on the data concentrator (h1dc0). We don't anticipate any effect, this configuration has been running at Livingston for at least a week.
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david.barker@LIGO.ORG - 14:47, Wednesday 26 August 2015 (20923)

I have updated the H1CDS_DAQ_OVERVIEW.adl MEDM sceen to show the new frame writer. I have reconfigured the red/green bars now that the new h1fw2 frame writer should agree with h1fw0 for science frames, and h1fw1 for commissioning (full) frames and the fast CRC. Note that h1fw2 completes its frames slightly faster than h1fw0 and h1fw1 because it is writing to its local disk.

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alastair.heptonstall@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:30, Wednesday 26 August 2015 - last comment - 20:41, Wednesday 26 August 2015(20920)
TCS Chiller output channels - limit added

After some email communication with Keith Thorne and Elli, I've added limits at 32,500 to the channels L1:TCS-ITMX_CO2_CHILLER_OUT_GAIN_OUT and its y-arm sibling.  This has also been done at LLO.

These channels have a static output on them, and are used to set the chiller temperature for the TCS CO2 lasers.  The value is not changed, and will not be at all affected by the limit being put in place. 



Comments related to this report
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - 17:44, Wednesday 26 August 2015 (20929)
Do we want to accept the SDF differences (see attached) for this change?
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alastair.heptonstall@LIGO.ORG - 19:26, Wednesday 26 August 2015 (20933)

Yes, those are the channels where I changed the values for limits in the filters.

patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - 20:41, Wednesday 26 August 2015 (20935)
jenne.driggers@LIGO.ORG - posted 01:23, Wednesday 26 August 2015 - last comment - 15:20, Wednesday 26 August 2015(20895)
1Hz comb is everywhere

[Sheila, Dan, Evan, Jenne, others]

All afternoon (basically, since we started relocking after maintenence day) we have seen a 1 Hz comb (offset by 0.5 Hz) in the DARM spectrum, as well as in many, many other places.  This seems like the same thing as the final bullet point that was reported in aLog 20790 a few days ago, but with much taller peaks.

Much of the day was spent looking into this, by several people.  The lines are very clear in all of the length error signals, as well as the ASC error signals. 

One thing that we tried, just to exonerate it, was swap the PRC length actuation from the PRM to PR2, and then turn off the PRM M3 coil driver.  As expected, PR2 affects the cavity length twice as much as the PRM, so we needed a gain of 0.5 in the M3 LOCK filter bank for PR2, rather than the 1 that PRM has.  We were able to turn off the PRM M3 coil driver, but saw no change in the length signals' spectra.  We put the actuation back on PRM, but when we tried to turn off the PR2 coil driver, PR2 tripped and we lost lock.  So, the new PRM coil driver is certainly not to blame for this new noise.  (PR2 was untripped, and its coil driver turned back on)  Also, we haven't seen the glitches due to the old PRM coil driver at all today, so hopefully they're gone for good, and not just hidden.

At Richard's suggestion, we tried restarting the models that were restarted earlier today in case it is some kind of synchronization problem.  We restarted h1prm, h1pr2, h1lsc, h1asc.  This didn't change anything - the lines are still there loud and clear after relocking. 

The 1 Hz comb is still present, and we are running low on ideas for what it could be, and what to do about it.  DetChar friends, and anyone with ideas, please let us know if you have a suggestion of where to look.


I don't know if this has the same cause as the 1Hz comb, but there are also some unusually large lines at ~838 Hz and ~855 Hz.  These lines are a few Hz wide, and are coherent with magnetometer signals.  But, the magnetometers have seen these lines at the same (or larger) amplitude, in the past, without seeing the lines in DARM.  Why would the coupling from magnetic fields have changed so drastically??

Comments related to this report
daniel.hoak@LIGO.ORG - 02:56, Wednesday 26 August 2015 (20900)DetChar

Tagging DetChar so they're aware of this entry.

The various noise features that appeared after maintenance today -- the 1Hz comb below 70Hz, some broadband noise above 80Hz, and the peaks around 850Hz -- are all coherent with the DRMI length error signals, and are much louder (compared to quiet references) in PRCL and MICH.  Something is different in the corner station...hopefully all three things have the same source.

keith.riles@LIGO.ORG - 05:40, Wednesday 26 August 2015 (20906)DetChar
The 1-Hz comb with 0.5-Hz offset is prevalent in magnetometer channels.
Looking at a typical magnetometer FSscan spectrogram is not for the faint
of heart, but there are plenty of examples to be found here.

One example from EY_MAG_EBAY_SUSRACK_Y is attached. It's not unusual.

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richard.mccarthy@LIGO.ORG - 07:04, Wednesday 26 August 2015 (20910)
Since the reports stated it shows up in PEM channels I disconnected the LO to the antenna Demod board that resides in the PEM rack and was coincidentally connected yesterday and the comb disappeared.  WE need to verify the RF level needed for these radio signals.  Pick some attenuators and re-installed the LO signal.  I put terminators back on the outputs from the distribution chassis.
daniel.sigg@LIGO.ORG - 09:34, Wednesday 26 August 2015 (20917)

This could also have been due to a ground loop. A balun should be added to the lines.

aidan.brooks@LIGO.ORG - 10:25, Wednesday 26 August 2015 (20919)

I thought this might be the ITM HWS. It looks like the filter on the power supply (which is filter out the 1Hz comb) was turned off yesterday.

evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - 15:20, Wednesday 26 August 2015 (20924)

A small point about the PRM/PR2 experiment: when we switched to PR2, there was a huge 45 Hz resonance (visible in DARM and the vertex LSC signals) that was rung up. It was distinct from the usual 41 Hz HSTS roll mode resonance that we usually see when passing through the noise tuning step in full lock. It did not ring down on its own.

We made sure that the PRCL OLTF did not change before and after the swap, and anyway the loop appeared to have enough phase (more than 30°) at this frequency, so I don't think it was gain peaking. By increasing the loop gain, we were able to bring the resonance down a little bit. I then added 4 dB of resonant gain around 45 Hz, which somehow squashed the resonance completely. (I put it in the PR2 M3 lock L SFM).

It's not clear to me what was going on here.

eric.thrane@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:57, Tuesday 25 August 2015 - last comment - 17:17, Thursday 27 August 2015(20893)
CBC Injection Test For Saturation + First Blind Injection Test
Patrick, Sheila, Jenne, Eric

For the first part of the test, we injected our fiducial CBC waveform (same one used in ER7) and tried raising the LIMIT value on the hardware injection block in order to address saturation problems observed in ER7. During ER7, the LIMIT was 200. We raised it to 400. The first injection did not go through:

1124601535 1 1.000000 cbctest_1117582888_		intent bit off, injection canceled

Patrick, Sheila, and Jenne tried to turn on the intent bit, but there was some sort of problem, which will be alog'ged separately. As a temporary work-around, we turned off the tinj intent-bit check and injected again:

1124602724 1 1.000000 cbctest_1117582888_		successful

Patrick determined that the injection produced a maximum |amplitude| of 15 counts coming out of the injection block, which seemed to indicate that the original LIMIT value of 200 was sufficient. However, an alarm went off to indicate that there was saturation at ETMY. Thus, the saturation problem cannot be solved by tinkering with the INJ block in MEDM. Rather, the problem is occurring downstream on the ETM actuators. We request that Jeff K, Adam M, et al. look into options for avoiding saturation at the ETMs.

Next we tried a blind injection using the new blind injection code. The blind injection code does not log injections in EPICS so they are not automatically picked up in the segment database.

1124603111 1 1.000000 cbctest_1117582888_		successful

The blind injection was clearly visible. The ETM saturation warning went off again. The injection was logged correctly in the blind injection blindinj_H1.log:

current time = 1124603049...
Attempting: awgstream H1:CAL-INJ_BLIND_EXC 16384 /ligo/home/eric.thrane/O1/Hardw
areInjection/Details/Inspiral/H1/cbctest_1117582888_H1.out 1 1124603111
Injection successful.

All of these injections were carried out with scale factor = 1; (that's the 1.000000). The injection file, described in a comment below, is a 1.4 on 1.4 BNS, optimal orientation, at D=45 Mpc. It is the same waveform used in previous ER tests.
Comments related to this report
andrew.lundgren@LIGO.ORG - 00:49, Wednesday 26 August 2015 (20894)DetChar, INJ
It looks like the injection actually does hit the 400 count limit (plot 1). It saturates right at the end when the injection chirps up to high frequency. There's some kind of ringing as well (plot 2). From the spectrogram (plot 3) and the zoom (plot 4) this looks like a feature at just above 300 Hz. I thought it might be a notch for the PCal line, but that's 331.9 Hz. So someone will have to check the inverse actuation filter and see what's happening at that frequency.

It's possible to see the overflow from the first injection in the ETMY L3 MASTER channel (plot 5). It happens at -131072 counts, and the injection is trying to push it past -200000. The blind injection caused an overflow as well, but since this channel is only recorded at 2048 Hz, it looks like it falls short of overflow (plot 6). There's a faster readback whose name escapes me at the moment.

Unless the blind injection is made a factor of about 10 smaller, or rolled off at high frequency, it will be trivial to detect it by looking at the drive to the ETM.
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eric.thrane@LIGO.ORG - 04:24, Wednesday 26 August 2015 (20901)INJ
FYI, the injected waveform was fiducial waveform from ER7:


It's a 1.4-1.4 BNS at 45 Mpc, optimal orientation.
duncan.brown@LIGO.ORG - 05:06, Wednesday 26 August 2015 (20904)

There are a couple of things to watch out for when performing CBC hardware injections, based on iLIGO experience:

  • In iLIGO, the actuation function had a notch at the violin-mode frequencies. If you just invert A(f) without smoothing this out, the notch will get inverted and you'll give the the mirrors a hard kick as the inspiral sweeps through the notch frequency. (My guess is that Adam and Jeff have already dealt with this, though.)
  •  If the end of the inspiral signal is not smoothly rolled off and the signal drops from some loudish amplitude to zero then you put a step function in. This caused the iLIGO test mass to swing at its pendulum frequency, putting a huge ringdown in the data (called the "whooper" in iLIGO). In iLIGO, the CBC group generated waveforms in counts, by applying 1/A(f) ourselves using the adiabatic inverse calibration, so we smoothed 1/A(f) ourselves before applying it. In aLIGO, 1/A(f) is: (i) more complicated, and (ii) applied in the front end by IIR filters. It is possible that the sharp turnoff of the CBC injection at the end is causing the filters that apply 1/A(f) to ring and that's what's giving us garbage at the end of the signal.

For the ER7 injection we used an SEOBNRv2 waveform that has a ringdown at the end, hoping that this turn off would not trigger an impulse. However, for BNS masses, the turn off and ringdown is pretty sharp. I've asked Chris check that there are no "whooper" effects with the SEOBNRv2 waveform, but we haven't had chance to do this yet. For a SpinTaylorT4 waveform (the other waveform CBC wants to inject), there will definitely be a step, so this needs to be checked and rolled off carefully.

duncan.brown@LIGO.ORG - 05:08, Wednesday 26 August 2015 (20905)

One other comment on the test: what scaling in awgstream did you use? That waveform looks monstously loud (eyeball SNR > 20). That's much louder than would be useful for a blind injections, but good for helping us find whooper effects.

eric.thrane@LIGO.ORG - 16:44, Wednesday 26 August 2015 (20928)INJ
Duncan, the scale factor is 1.
andrew.lundgren@LIGO.ORG - 14:27, Thursday 27 August 2015 (20959)DetChar, INJ
Just for completeness, because I didn't see it posted, here's an Omega scan of the injections in h(t). The first is the non-blind injection, the second is the blind injection. I think the glitch ten seconds after the blind injection is unrelated. I thought it might be a filter turning off or being reset, but it's not on a GPS second (it's at 1124603210.28). It does cause an overflow of the ETMY ESD DAC.
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peter.shawhan@LIGO.ORG - 17:17, Thursday 27 August 2015 (20966)INJ
I verified that the blind injection was correctly recorded in the raw frame file.
Displaying reports 58041-58060 of 78434.Go to page Start 2899 2900 2901 2902 2903 2904 2905 2906 2907 End