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Reports until 12:44, Saturday 08 August 2015
eleanor.king@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:44, Saturday 08 August 2015 (20352)
Attempting to measure SRC gouy phase

Dave O and I have been talking about measuring the SRC guoy phase by dithering optics in teh corner station and looking at the motion of the beam at the AS port.  This should allow us to work out the ray transfer matrix for the SRC cavity.  I misaligned PRM, and ITMX, and misaligned the SRM slightly so that two beams could be seen on the AS camera:  a straight shot beam through the SRM and a beam that had made one round trip of SRY.  I put exictations on the optic align stage of BS and PR3 auapensions and tracked the beam motion.  I now need to do some further analysis on this.  All optics have been returned to their nominal positions.

jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:57, Saturday 08 August 2015 - last comment - 19:57, Saturday 15 August 2015(20351)
Where StripTool Templates Live
J. Kissel

I always forget where the StripTool templates for the wall displays live, and my first instinct is to search the aLOG for ".stp". For future me, here're there locations:
PRMIsb.stp      <<< This is what usually is displayed to show the lock acquisition process
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evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - 19:57, Saturday 15 August 2015 (20558)

While we're at it, the I copied the seismic FOM into userapps/isc/h1/scripts/Seismic_FOM_split.xml and checked it into the SVN, since the original directory (/ligo/home/controls/FOMs/) is not version controlled.

H1 ISC (DetChar, ISC, SUS)
daniel.hoak@LIGO.ORG - posted 05:27, Saturday 08 August 2015 - last comment - 13:22, Saturday 08 August 2015(20345)
violin mode first harmonic whack-a-mole

Dan, Nutsinee, Evan


Tonight we explored the damping settings for the first harmonic of the violin modes.  Our goal was to reduce the intensity fluctuations on the DCPDs enough that we could engage a second stage of whitening.

We were able to damp nearly all of the peaks that were visible between 1002-1010Hz, these correspond to the ETMs and are well separated in frequency.  The phases required for the damping filters are not amenable to broad bandpass filters (ETMX in particular is pretty random).  In the end I dealt with each mode one at a time, by hand.

After a while I got tired of saving the filters, so I just recorded the gain and phase that led to smooth damping.  These settings can be easily replicated using a 20mHz bandpass filter around the frequency of the line.

We worked on the modes in order of height.  Eventually we ran out of steam, but the first harmonic lines in the spectrum have been reduced by a factor of five compared to the reference.  The RMS of the DCPD signals (about 300 counts) is now dominated by the residual length motion around 3-4Hz.  We should be able to engage more whitening if we want to get some headroom over the ADC noise.

The frequencies in the table below are from Keith Riles' list o' lines in ER7: alog 19190.  Eventually this will get propagated to Nutsinee's new violin mode wiki page.


Mode Frequency Optic Damping gain & phase Filter settings for damping
992.7944 ITMX 266dB, +/-180deg  
994.2767 ITMX 260dB, +/-180deg  
995.6447 ITMX 260dB, 0deg  
996.5296 ITMX 260dB, 0deg  
1003.6673 ETMX 260dB, -60deg ETMX L2 DAMP MODE2 FM6, FM8, FM9, gain=-50
1003.7788 ETMX 260dB, 130deg ETMX L2 DAMP MODE3 FM6, FM8, FM9, gain=50
1003.9071 ETMX 280dB, 0deg ETMX L2 DAMP MODE8 FM6, FM9, gain=1000
1004.0782 ETMX 272dB, +/-180deg  
1004.5370 ETMX 260dB, 0deg ETMX L2 DAMP MODE1 FM6, FM9, gain=100
1005.1694 ETMX 266dB, 0deg  
1005.9378 ETMX 266dB, +/-180deg  
1006.5031 ETMX 266dB, +/-180deg  
1008.4938 ETMY 272dB, 83deg ETMY L2 MODE3 FM1, FM3, FM4, gain=400
1009.0273 ETMY 266dB, +/-180deg ETMY L2 MODE7 FM6, FM9, gain=-200
1009.4402 ETMY 272dB, 67deg ETMY L2 MODE3 FM1, FM3, FM4, gain=400
1009.4863 ETMY 272dB, 67deg ETMY L2 MODE3 FM1, FM3, FM4, gain=400



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nutsinee.kijbunchoo@LIGO.ORG - 13:22, Saturday 08 August 2015 (20353)

Added to the Wiki.

H1 SUS (DetChar)
nutsinee.kijbunchoo@LIGO.ORG - posted 03:32, Saturday 08 August 2015 (20346)
Violin Mode Wikipage!

Dan, Nutsinee

Since the knowledge of the violin mode damping is scatted all over the alog, here's the H1 Violin Mode wikipage. The table includes frequencies, test masses, damp settings, and the filters that are being used to damp those modes. All the violin fundamentals are in. Harmonics are coming.


stefan.ballmer@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:28, Friday 07 August 2015 (20344)
501.606Hz mode on ITMY
Increased the damping of ITMY MODE5 to 400. This now makes the 501.606Hz mode fall at a rate of just under a decade per hour.
kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:06, Friday 07 August 2015 - last comment - 09:25, Tuesday 11 August 2015(20334)
Pcal now uses sus dynamical models
The Pcal RX and TX photodetectors now have filters which simulate the suspension dynamical response in order to convert the signals into displacements. The filters are installed and enabled.
Since each signal chain is whitened, one needs to apply two poles at 1 Hz with a gain of 1 when using these signals.
Traditionally Pcal uses a free-mass approximation for the suspension responses which is a simple 1/f^2. This can introduce undesired inaccuracy at low frequencies. Even though we know the accuracy is not too terrible at around 30 Hz, where the lowest frequency Pcal lines are, we decided to replace the old 1/f^2 approximation with the dynamical suspension model.
[Tagging suspension models]
Prior to the update of the filters, we take this opportunity to tag our suspension models. As usual, I used Jeff's code to create tags. The scripts is in:
/ligo/svncommon/SusSVN/sus/trunk/Common/MatlabTools/tagsusdynamicalmodel.m @rv7754
Also, I updated h1etmx.m which is a parameter file dedicated for creating the h1etmx suspension model. I only updated the fundamental violin mode. I confirmed that the mass was correct since this is critical for Pcal. As for h1etmy.m, it was already good from the beginning. The mass is correct and the violin modes are specified up to 8th harmonics. So I did not update it.
The tagged models are now in SVN:
[Script does all at once]
I wrote a matlab script which picks up the tagged suspension models and subsequently quack them into the Pcal TX and RX PD filters. For convenience, the suspension responses are divided into three pieces -- normalized suspension response, zpk([], [1,1], 1, "n") and DC gain in [m/N]. Combining all three makes the complete suspension response. The normalized suspension response has a gain of 1 at DC (technically speaking at 10 mHz) and all the zeros and poles except for two poles at 1 Hz. The two-pole filters are intentionally turned off in order to whiten the whole signal chain. Therefore one has to apply the two poles when calibrating the signals. The attached is a screen shot of how they look in the medm screens.
The script can be found at
/ligo/svncommon/CalSVN/aligocalibration/trunk/Runs/PreER8/H1/Scripts/PcThe Pcal RX and TX photodetectors now have filters which simulates the suspension dynamical response in order to convert the signals into displacements. The filters are installed and enabled.
Since each signal chain is whitened, one needs to apply two poles at 1 Hz with a gain of 1 when using these signals.
Traditionally Pcal uses a free-mass approximation for the suspension responses which is a simple 1/f^2. This can introduce undesired inaccuracy at low frequencies. Even though we know the accuracy is not too terrible at around 30 Hz, where the lowest frequency Pcal lines are, we decided to replace the old 1/f^2 approximation with the dynamical suspension model.
[Tagging suspension models]
Prior to the update of the filters, we take this oportunity to tag our suspension models. As usual, I used Jeff's code to create tags. The scripts is in:
/ligo/svncommon/SusSVN/sus/trunk/Common/MatlabTools/tagsusdynamicalmodel.m @rv7754
Also, I updated h1etmx.m which is a paramter file dedicated for creating the h1etmx suspension model. I only updated the fundamental violin mode. I confirmed that the mass was correct since this is critical for Pcal. As for h1etmy.m, it was already good from the beginning. The mass is correct and the violine modes are specificed up to 8th harmonics. So I did not update it.
The tagged models are now in SVN:
[Script does all at once]
I wrote a matlab script which picks up the tagged suspension models and subsequently quack them into the Pcal TX and RX PD filters. For convenience, the suspension responses are divided into three pieces -- normalized suspension response, zpk([], [1,1], 1, "n") and DC gain in [m/N]. Combining all three makes the complete suspension response. The normalized suspension response has a gain of 1 at DC (technically speaking at 10 mHz) and all the zeros and poles except for two poles at 1 Hz. The two-pole filters are intentionally turned off in order to whiten the whole signal chain. Therefore one has to apply the two poles when calibrating the signals. The attached is a screen shot of how they look in the medm screens.
The can be found at
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sudarshan.karki@LIGO.ORG - 14:13, Sunday 09 August 2015 (20362)

Prior to this change,  photodiodes (TX and Rx PD) calibartion coeffcient were reported in metres/Volt *(1/f^2). Now with the suspension model in place, we have calibrated the photodiodes in terms of Force Coefficient (N/V). The filter banks, as shown in the attachement above, now reflect these new N/V calibration factors. Appropriate changes have been made to the DCC document  (T1500252) as well.

kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - 09:25, Tuesday 11 August 2015 (20420)

This is an additional note about the quack function -- when I was using quack, I had a difficulty in quacking an state-space suspension model into a foton filter. See the detail below.

In matlab, I had been using something like:

quad.d = minreal( zpk( c2d(quad.ss, smaplingTime, 'tustin' ), tolerance )
where quad.ss is a state-space representation of the quad suspension response, and samplingTime in this case is 1/16384 sec. The reason why I used the minreal function is that otherwise it would come with too many number of poles and zeros which exceeded the number of poles and zeros that foton can handle. I tried adjusting the tolerance of minreal in order to reduce the number of poles and zeros, but it was extremely difficult because it ended up with either too many poles/zeros or too few poles and zeros.
Instead, I tried the following command which at the end worked fine:
quad.d = c2d( minreal( zpk(plant.ss), tolerance ), samplingTime, 'tustin');
The combination of the functions are exactly the same, but the ordering is different. It does minreal before c2d. This allowed me for having a reasonable number of poles and zeros.
darkhan.tuyenbayev@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:51, Friday 07 August 2015 (20343)
Adjusted 35.9 Hz TST (ESD) line amplitude

RickS, Darkhan

We adjusted 35.9 Hz TST (L3 stage only) line drive level from 0.08 ct to 0.11 ct.

Now the amplitude of the TST calibration line in DARM_ERR readout is close to ampltitudes of 36.7 Hz Pcal and 37.3 Hz x_ctrl calibration lines. The target SNR for these lines and for 331.9 Hz Pcal line is 100 SNR with 10 s FFTs (see T1500377).

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stefan.ballmer@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:50, Friday 07 August 2015 - last comment - 08:16, Wednesday 12 August 2015(20342)
2nd thermal tuning tun started
Evan's script to automatically take frequency and intensity transfer functions is now running. 

As a reminder, the summing note B path was repurposed for this run. The interferometer won't relock unless we reconnect them. 

At 4:20 UTC we started changing the TCS X CO2 power from 0.23W to 0.4W. The rotation stage took us on some full circles, but by 04:23 we reached 0.4W. 

At 4:45 I increased the frequency noise drive by a factor of 5 to gain back coherence.

At 6:04 I decreased the power to 0.35W - trying to find the minimal frequency noise point. (The coupling sign had changed.)

At 6:34 I reduced it to 0.3W.
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evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - 06:07, Saturday 08 August 2015 (20348)

It wasn't really clear from this run where the minimum in frequency coupling was (maybe because of the 5 W blast at the start), so I went back to 0.23 W of heating and let the frequency coupling reach a steady state (by driving the same line as before, this time with 100 ct amplitude). Around 2015-08-08 10:18:30 I kicked the TCS power to 0.53 W and started the datataking again.

Once the frequency coupling reached a steady state again, I made a guess for what TCS power we need to minimize the coupling. At 12:43:30 I changed the TCS power to 0.43 W.

I have revered the ALS/CARM cabling to its nominal configuration.

evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - 08:16, Wednesday 12 August 2015 (20470)

Preliminary analysis from this second run suggests that, of the TCS powers that we probed, our current TCS power is the best in terms of intensity noise coupling.

The attached plot shows the transfer function which takes ISS outer loop PD #1 (in counts) to DCPD A (in milliamps). The coloring of the traces just follows the sequence in which they were taken. Black was taken at 0.23 W of TCS power, and the lightest gray was taken at 0.53 W of TCS power.

The measurements and the plotting script are in evan.hall/Public/Templates/LSC/CARM/FrequencyCouplingAuto/Run2.

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darkhan.tuyenbayev@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:25, Friday 07 August 2015 - last comment - 12:41, Tuesday 11 August 2015(20341)
Changed Delta L_{res} and Delta L_{ctrl} whitening filters

Shivaraj, Darkhan


We replaced whitening filters on Delta L_{res} output channel with 2 zeros and 2 poles zpk, and Delta L_{ctrl} with 3 zeros and 3 poles zpk.


Madeline uses FIR filters to dewhiten Delta L_{res} and Delta L_{ctrl} in GDS scripts. To make it easier to generate shorter dewhitening FIR filters for these channels she requested to replace the existing 5 zeros and 5 poles zpk filters in both of these channels with simpler, less poles and zeros zpk's.

Shivaraj designed new FIR filters for both of these channels, and we implemented them today around 1pm.

Power spectrum of H1:CAL-CS_DARM_DELTAL_CTRL_WHITEN_OUT before applying new whitening filter plotted in attached "H1-CAL-CS_DARM_DELTAL_CTRL_WHITEN_OUT_z5x1_p5x100_MAG.pdf". After applying new whitening filter, zpk([1; 1; 1], [500; 500; 500], 1), unfortunately the interferometer wasn't stable to take a spectrum measurement after I changed the filter, so I couldn't evaluate "whiteness" of the output in this channel.

Power spectrum of H1:CAL-CS_DARM_RESIDUAL_WHITEN_OUT before applying new whitening filter plotted in "H1-CAL-CS_DARM_RESIDUAL_WHITEN_OUT_z5x1_p5x100_MAG.pdf". After applying zpk([1; 1], [500; 500], 1), the spectrum of the same channel is given in "H1-CAL-CS_DARM_RESIDUAL_WHITEN_OUT_z2x1_p2x500_MAG.pdf".

We also plan to implement similar whitening filers on new (not yet existing) channels for Delta L_{TST} and Delta L_{PUM/UIM}.

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shivaraj.kandhasamy@LIGO.ORG - 10:44, Saturday 08 August 2015 (20350)

Below are plots showing the effect of differnet whitening filters including the one that was being used unitl now (5 x 1Hz zeros and 5 x 100 hz poles). These plots are the basis for new filters for DeltaL residual and DeltaL control. In those plots blue curve corresponds to actual data and other colors represent different whitening filters applied to the data.

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shivaraj.kandhasamy@LIGO.ORG - 12:41, Tuesday 11 August 2015 (20431)

With the new filters installed we looked at the DeltaL residual and DeltaL control during a recent lock. Below we have attached the spectrum of both along with DeltaL external as a reference (which is still being used with old 5 x 1 Hz zeros and 5 x 100 Hz pole filter). In the plot the channels are dewhitened with the corresponding filters.

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jenne.driggers@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:55, Friday 07 August 2015 (20340)
Changes to locking sequence to improve lock-ability

Back to locking robustly, all the way to Nominal Low Noise.  Hooray!

It was a bit of a trying day, locking-wise.  Jim was a champ, trying to get it back up after the many, many locklosses throughout the day.  We have made several changes to the guardian scripts that seem to be helping immensely.  Here are the changes that were made:

As an aside, I happened to notice some transients in the ETMX L3 ESD AMON channels pass by on Dataviewer, and looked into them a bit.  These transients happened while we were turning off the ETMX ESD after transitioning to the ETMY.  Thankfully, we didn't lose lock, but I post the time series of the transients anyway.  You'll notice in the attached plot that we basically see no effect in DARM, although I should put these channels through the new lockloss tool from Hang, et al. to see if there are any high-frequency things in DARM that are being swamped by the low-f stuff. 

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hang.yu@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:27, Friday 07 August 2015 (20337)
Lock loss analysis tool update

Matt E., Sheila D., Jamie R., Terra H., Hang Y.

We updated our lockloss tool. A mistake of using the filter was fixed, and all filtering now is done by using secend order sections, which are more stable than using transfer functions ('BA') directly. The algorithm of handling invalid channel names when fetching data from the nds server (which was the time limiting part of our previous version) was also updated, such that now the lock loss analysis on all valid DQ channels can be finished in a few minutes. Besides the previous code finding all sudden changes before lock loss, Terra also finished a script that could pick out saturated channels. The codes are available at


with both a python version and a matlab version.


We applied the code to a lock loss happened at GPS time 1122945715.0, or UTC time 08/07/2015 01:21:38. The two plots shows the first 32 channels that glitched before this lock loss. In the plots, blue lines are raw time-ordered data streams of that channel, and red lines are absolute values of data filtered to a specific frequency band. Thin black lines are pop data, and thick vertical black lines indicate the starting point of that channel going wrong. In the two txt files, the one starts with lockloss shows all DQ channels that glitched for this lock loss, ordered by the time prior lock loss, and the one start with 'satLockloss' gives all channels that saturated.

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kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:16, Friday 07 August 2015 (20338)
Found leak on turbo at Y-mid
Kyle, Gerardo 

Today we continued looking for the leak(s) on the Y-mid turbo, and found it/one -> there is a 2 x 10-5 torr*L/sec (for helium) leak at the factory O-ring seal for the motor wiring feed through -> This is thought to be a very thin cross-sectioned O-ring between the square-flanged feed through and the turbo motor body -> This value of leak (if same for air) would account for the observed pressure rise for time periods this pump has remained idle but, not knowing the actual dimensions of the O-ring could also be accounted for by permeation etc...  -> to test, we moved the LD and helium to the X-mid turbo and observed no indication of a leak or permeation for the same application of helium -> it is not clear how serviceable this O-ring is -> it may be that it would have to be stretched over the square flange in lieu of desoldering motor wiring -ouch!  
H1 General
edmond.merilh@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:57, Friday 07 August 2015 (20312)
Daily Ops Summary



15:00 IFO not locked. Appears we had a couple of Earthquakes in the Tonga and Ecuador area (~5mag).

15:10 Guardian trying to re-lock. Touched ETMY to correct alignment. Locking sequence commencing.

15:20 IFO broke lock at "Noise_Tunings"

15:35 ESD X railed

15:39 Jim Batch to restart broadcast system

15:48 ISC_LOCK set to down (in Jim W's abscence) due to ESD at EX stillbeing railed.

16:00 Ellie into the optics lab

16:00 ESD EX no longer railed

16:04 talked to Jim and Fil at EX to confirm reset of ESD driver.

16:05 ISC_LOCK re-initiated

16:35 Fill into CER to install Cosmic Ray chassis

17:05 Fil out of CER.

17:05 Robert into LVEA to do HF acoustic injections

17:10 6 Kyle and Gerardo to Y-Mid to get/leave equipment

17:20 Robert and Katie out. Lockloss

17:23 Keita and Jenne to LVEA to investigate/turm off ISS noise injection that may have ben left on.

17:30 Keita and Jenne back

17:40 After the most recent lockloss, it seems that EX ESD driver is having trouble turning back on....AND it's railed

17:58 Found a bug in the code. Was able to reset remotely!

18:02 Begin locking sequence

18:02 Nutsinee popping into LVEA to take pictures at TCS X table.

18:08 Nutsinee out

18:31 Richard out on the roof

19:03 Richard back from the roof

19:07 Cheryl going to have a quick look at the exterior of IOT2R cabling.

19:11 Gerardo and Kyle back from the Mid station

20:52 Kyle and Gerardo to MY then MX then Y2-8.

22:55 Kyle and Gerardo back










bubba.gateley@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:35, Friday 07 August 2015 (20335)
Beam Tube Enclosure Joint Repair on the X-Arm
Chris S. Joe D.80%

8/4/15 - 8/7/15
The crew installed metal strips on 120 meters of tube enclosure. That was the last of the strips that were cut to length. We had one more roll which was cut into 10' lengths today.
bubba.gateley@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:25, Friday 07 August 2015 (20332)
Beam Tube Washing
Scott L. Ed P. Rodney H.

79.6 meters of tube cleaned today ending at HSW-2-026.

71.3 meters of tube cleaned ending 10.7 meters east of HSW-2-023.

82 meters of tube cleaned ending at HSW-2-018.
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edmond.merilh@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:24, Friday 07 August 2015 (20333)
The HEPI Pump Controller at EX has apparently lost communications with EPICS

As per Jim, this will be addressed on Tuesday Maintenance Day.

keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:42, Friday 07 August 2015 - last comment - 06:22, Saturday 08 August 2015(20319)
ISS injection turned off at 17:30-ish UTC (Jenne, Keita)

This morning, after the IFO was locked, DARM was super noisy in kHz region. ISS error point was also super noisy and the coherence between the two was big.

Turns out that the ISS got noisy at the tail end of the lock stretch from last night, at around 2015-08-07 12:00:00 UTC. That's 5AM in the morning.

We went to the floor and sure enough a function generator was connected to ISS injection point via SR560. We switched them off, disconnected the cable from the ISS front panel, but left the equipment on the floor so the injection can be restarted later.

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evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - 06:22, Saturday 08 August 2015 (20349)

When Stefan and I hooked the injection back up, we found that the digital enable/disable switches weren't doing their jobs. Toggling the outputs of H1:PSL-ISS_TRANSFER2_INJ and H1:PSL-ISS_TRANSFER1_INJ had no effect on the appearance of the noise in DARM.

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