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Reports until 14:43, Tuesday 30 July 2013
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:43, Tuesday 30 July 2013 (7285)
TMS tele tuning: done


Off-center the beam on curved mirrors significantly in one direction and everything is within tolerance (first plot, this is the best quality data we managed to squeeze out of this setup).

Center the beam on the curved mirrors and the data looks OK-ish but things are somewhat out of nominal tolerance (second plot, some green error bars are outside of two vertical lines representing the nominal tolerance), and the ellipticity and the astigmatism become worse (you can tell by the fact that X data and Y data moved in the opposite direction).

The third/4th attachment show how off-centered the beams were on the secondary and on the primary when the good data was obtained.

The 5th/6th attachment show the centering on the secondary and the primary when the second set of data was taken.

This is repeatable. Every time a good looking data is obtained, the beam position on the primary is offset to the left. Every time we re-centered the beam on the primary and the secondary, the scan data is worse (but still OK-ish, not terrible).

Sounds like a problem of the mirror surface figure to me. Maybe we got unlucky on this pair.

This is the best we can achieve, and since it's not terrible when the beam is centered on the curved mirror, I'll declare that this is the final tuning of the H1TMSX. Tomorrow we'll mate the ISC table to the tele.

Images attached to this report
arnaud.pele@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:29, Monday 29 July 2013 (7272)
H1 MCs phase 3b lower stages transfer functions

Today I processed the data from the lower stage transfer functions taken few weeks ago on the 3 MC suspensions.

Attached are the plots showing respectively M2 to M2 and M3 to M3 Phase 3b DTT undamped transfer functions for MC1 MC2 and MC3.

Measurements are consistent with the models (blue curves). Only MC2 M2-M2 and M3-M3 pitch show a small discrepancy at around .85Hz, frequency that corresponds to the first vertical mode. 


*Measurement and data processing details*

dtt templates are saved and commited under :


mat results files are saved and commited under :


During the process, a function called "calib_hsts.m" has been created under /ligo/svncommon/SusSVN/sus/trunk/HSTS/Common/MatlabTools and is being used in plotHSTS_dtttfs_${M1/2/3}.m, since the calibration of the second stage of MC2 is different than MC1 and MC3 (different coil driver).

the function defines the DC scaling factor to calibrate data with inputs :

susID ('MC1','MC2','MC3',...)

level ('M1','M2','M3') 

is sensor input filter engaged ? ('true','false')

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kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:11, Monday 29 July 2013 (7280)
Ooops! Sorry for the double entry submission

kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:11, Monday 29 July 2013 - last comment - 19:59, Monday 29 July 2013(7279)
Summary of helium in the vacuum system
Initially we were unable to do some needed leak testing on GV6 a few weeks ago as the helium background signal in the site vacuum system was too high (~2 x 10-6 torr*L/sec).  We have reduced this via valving-in the YBM turbo during the day then valving it out at the end of the day over the past few weeks (must be attended when open to the BT).  As of the end of today the helium background is about 2.5 x 10-7 torr*L/sec, still too high for leak testing.  

Based upon the physical parameters, the rate of removal via the YBM turbo pump suggests a reservoir of helium with some independent conductance to the vacuum system as opposed to an initial quantity of helium fully present in the vacuum system.  As such we have vented then pumped and or purged adjacent volumes which had been exposed to helium spraying in the recent past (GV1 annulus, GV3,4 gate annulus, HAM4 annulus, HAM4-5 OMC volume, HAM1-2 annulus, HAM1 interior.  This had no significant effect, i.e. the reservoir+conductance could be withing the vacuum envelope(?)

Today we were able to "take the gloves off" (HIFO Y ended) and demonstrate the the large, 2500L/sec, ion pumps are the source of helium.  We conclude this by noting that soft-closing GV5 resulted in a slight increase in the helium background at the Vertex (IP9 and IP11 not yet saturated-still pump helium a little bit) and that valving-out IP1, IP2, IP5 and IP6 resulted in the plummeting of the helium signal, i.e. t0=1100hours=3.1x10-7 torr*L/sec, 1110hours=1.7x10-7, 1120hours=9x10-8, 1130hours=5.0x10-8, 1140hours=2.7x10-8, 1150hours=1.5x10-8, 1305hours=1.2x10-9, 1430hours=1.1x10-9.  

Conclusion: We believe that this is the first instance that we have ever had a leak detector valved-in while one or more 2500L/s ion pump(s) was simultaneously valved-in.  Nominally, leak testing is performed on an isolatable volume pumped only by a turbo which is backed by a leak detector.  When initially attempting to leak test GV6, the YBM turbo, IP1, IP2, IP9 and IP11 were all valved-in (GV6 was open at the time).  Therefore we don't know if the helium concentrated/dissolved in the ion pumps that we see now is the result of years of low level residual exposure or, conversely, one single large recent exposure "event".  So we don't know if this is a new issue or an old issue(?)  
Comments related to this report
rainer.weiss@LIGO.ORG - 19:59, Monday 29 July 2013 (7282)
 You may be able to reduce the helium in the ion pumps by baking them at 150C (need to establish the Curie
temperature of the magnets to decide if they can remain on the pump during the bake). The helium is not bonded
to any of the molecules deposited on the walls and will diffuse out even though buried under layers of getter.
douglas.cook@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:45, Monday 29 July 2013 (7278)
IAS/P-CAL Periscope Alignment is done
Rick, Doug, Jason, Craig, Pablo
The P-Cal periscope alignment successfully finished up today. Targets worked well and the positioning and angles are better than required in most cases.
Actual values to be added here shortly. We will break done the setup tomorrow and begin the ETMx test stand alignment
LHO General
thomas.vo@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:25, Monday 29 July 2013 (7275)
07/29/2013 Ops Summary
Remove light pipes from ISCEY - Sheila

Replace check valves at MY and EY - Ski

Hard close GV-18 - Kyle

Soft close GV-5  - Kyle

Relocate the old BSC 10 ISI from termination slab - Apollo

Sweeping both X and Y arms - Stripe Rite

Upgrade all CDS to RCG2.7 - Dave and Jim

Power down all EY CDS computer and networking systems - CDS
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:19, Monday 29 July 2013 (7274)
WBSC6 EndY HEPI Actuators Locked and DC Payload Springs are Released
I tried to keep the position fixed while I locked these up & dropped the Springs.  Based on the IPS readouts, all shifts are less than 6 mils except V1 which dropped 18 mils.  Should not be an issue for swapping the HEPIs out and the iLIGO external support in.
Logbook Admin General
jonathan.hanks@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:03, Monday 29 July 2013 (7271)
Maintenance on the aLOG tomorrow

During the latest system update the LIGO DS system failed.  This system is used to failover authentication servers when login.ligo.org is not available.  A stop gap solution is in place, however I will be working on the system tomorrow during the regular Tuesday maintenance period to fix the problem.

kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:57, Monday 29 July 2013 (7270)
Hard-closed GV18, soft-closed GV5

kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:28, Monday 29 July 2013 (7268)
IMC WFS : demod phase re-adjusted and loops closed

The WFS demod phases were adjusted this afternoon. The WFS loops were successfully closed.

This was needed because the RF phase rotated for some reason a week ago (see alog 7181).


The new demod settings :



The adjustment :

As usual I hooked up a function generator to EXC_A of the IMC servo board at the floor to excite the longitudinal signal. I set it to be 6 Hz and 4 Vp-p. I had to put such a big signal because the IMC locking loop had a big gain at around this frequency. Looking at diaggui I rotated the demod phases so that a peak at the excitation frequency in the Q signals becomes as small as possible. Roughly speaking all of them needed to be rotated by 95 degrees. This is consistent with what I saw in the length signal (see alog 7181). By the way I took a look at the length demod signal and confirmed that the RF phase stayed the same.

Notes on the control loops :

I enabled FM1, which is a 10 dB flat gain, in all six degrees of freedom. These are the ones we disabled in order to empirically avoid an oscillation at around 0.1 Hz when we were adjusting the demod phase on July 18th (which was not alogged unfortunately). A current screenshot of the IMC WFS control is attached. Besides the demod phases and FM1, everything stays the same. After all these settings I ran /opt/rtcds/userapps/release/ioo/h1/scripts/imc/mcwfsrelieve to offload the control signals to the static offset in H1IMC-MCX_PIT where X can be 1, 2 or 3.

Images attached to this report
mark.lubinski@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:46, Monday 29 July 2013 (7267)
Replaced check valves on control air compressors at Y mid and end stations
Replaced check valves on control air compressors at Y mid and end stations.  Work is complete and air system is restored.
kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:51, Monday 29 July 2013 (7266)
ISCTEY cable cleaning up

[Daniel, Sheila, Kiwamu]

 As a preparation for the ISCTEY migration we went down to EY this morning and cleaned up the exterior cables, some measurement devices and etc.

The light pipes, which had been attached between the ISCTEY enclosure and the viewports on the BSC6 chamber, were also removed. The viewports are now protected by the yellow cover with the lexan guilotine in. The ISC equipments were brought to the squeezer area and some of those beloging to the EE shop were put back to the shop. We removed all the loose parts from the inside of the enclosure so that nothing will move during the transportation.

The belows are pictures of the ISCTEY enclosure taken after the cleaning.

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kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:43, Monday 29 July 2013 (7265)
IMC alignment stable over 6days without WFSs

The IMC alignment seems stable in a time scale of a week even with no WFSs activated.

The screen shot below is a trend of 6 days for the reflected and transmitted light of the IMC. There is no obvious power drop (or increment), indicating that the IMC alignment was stable.

It has been approximately 6 days since we disabled the WFSs alignment control for the IMC (see alog 7181). Note that the transmitted light became more stable when Rick activated the ISS in the last Thursday.

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corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:21, Monday 29 July 2013 (7264)
Inspection Photos Of 6" Newport Mirrors (from last week)

Last week, we finally received new 6" Mirrors from Newport (part# 60D20ER.2).  These are the ones we were waiting for to use as the F1 mirror for the EX TMS (we've tried a gang of other various 6" mirrors which all had their own unique ugliness).  aLOG of the Inspection was last week, but I wasn't able to post photos due to ResourceSpace being down.  

Inspection photos of both mirrors are here.

H1 General
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:44, Monday 29 July 2013 (7263)
BSC6 Seismic and Suspensions Turned OFF in Prep for End Station Vent
J. Kissel, A. Pele 

In prep for the shutdown of EY, we've ramped down and turned off all active control requests from BSC6. HPI-BSC6, ISI-BSC6, SUS-ETMY, and SUS-TSMY have all been ramped down, and are now with their master switch turned off.
brett.shapiro@LIGO.ORG - posted 00:29, Monday 29 July 2013 - last comment - 17:01, Monday 29 July 2013(7261)
Damping MC2 with cavity feedback
Over the weekend I tested recruiting the IMC cavity feedback to simultaneously damp the MC2 longitudinal DOF. It is possible to make a cavity controller damp a the longitudinal modes of a suspension of 3 or more stages if three rules of thumb are met:

1. Cavity feedback exists below the top mass for at least 2 of the stages. Those are M2 and M3 here.
2. The feedback on the stages below the top mass have unity gain frequencies (UGFs) greater than the longitudinal resonances. The highest mode in this case is 2.75 Hz.
3. The damping increases as the UGF of the highest stage below the top mass decreases towards the highest frequency longitudinal mode. Here the M2 UGF decreases towards the 2.75 Hz longitudinal mode.

This is part of the more general global damping scheme described in G1200774. Global damping is intended to both isolate OSEM sensor noise from the cavity degrees of freedom and decouple the damping design from the control of the optics.

Parameters for this test:
1. The IMC was locked with feedback to MC2 M2 and M3. 
2. There was also ~10 kHz feedback to the laser frequency, but this was unimportant for this test. 
3. The MC2 M1 longitudinal (MC2_M1_DAMP_L) damping was off. 
4. The varying parameter is the gain on the M2 feedback loop (MC2_M2_LOCK_L). The gain was set to 4 different values [0.03, 0.06, 0.12, 0.3], corresponding to M2 UGFs at [3.3, 4.0, 6.0, 14.7] Hz respectively. 0.03 is the default gain.

The M3 loop was not adjusted. Its gain was left at -1000. Fortunately, the existing IMC cavity control was designed with oodles of phase margin, making it relatively easy to adjust the M2 gain by an order of magnitude without redesigning any filters (except for the addition of a 41 Hz notch filter for stability as described in 7257).

See the three attached figures.

1. IMCCavityRingdown.pdf shows the impulse response of the cavity at these different M2 UGFs. The impulse was applied to the M1 stage. Note that the Q of the top mass is a strong function of the M2 UGF, and is positively correlated with it. The magnitudes of the curves in this plot were normalized because they are naturally different since the cavity has differing loop gains with the differing UGFs.

2. MC2M1Ringdown.pdf is structured exactly like IMCCavityRingdown.pdf except the M1 response is shown rather than the cavity response. The results here are the same, the M1 Q drops with the M2 UGF. The curves here are not normalized, since we are not looking at a stage with cavity feedback (no changing loop gains at this stage to effect our scaling).

3. MC2M1toM1TFs.pdf shows longitudinal transfer function measurements on M1 (MC2_M1_TEST_L_EXC to MC2_M1_DAMP_L_IN1). Like the previous two plots, a curve is shown for each UGF case. Here we see again, but in the frequency domain, that the Qs of M1 decrease with M2 UGF. For reference, the transfer function without cavity control or L and P damping (other damping on) is plotted in green. This reference shows clearly how much the cavity control influences the top mass dynamics.

More general comments:

1.  In general, if cavity feedback is applied to the two stages below the top mass in a 3 or more stage pendulum, and that feedback has UGFs beyond the longitudinal modes, some longitudinal damping will be observed. However, by carefully placing the UGF of the stage right below the top mass near that mode, one can maximize the damping provided by the cavity. In this way, no noisy top mass longitudinal damping is required for the pendulum that receives this cavity feedback. The loss in loop gain by dropping this UGF can be compensated for by increasing the UGF at a lower stage.

2. Note, if the cavity feedback is sent to each pendulum in the cavity equally, all longitudinal modes seen by that cavity are damped by the cavity feedback. There are then undamped longitudinal modes not seen by the cavity (or more precisely seen weakly). However, this can be overcome by damping these modes by recombining the OSEM sensors into a global coordinate system orthogonal to the cavity as discussed by G1200774.

Some more nitty gritty measurement details:

1. The impulse is applied at the M1 L stage with MC2_M1_TEST_L_EXC. DTT was used for this by filtering its native impulse excitation through a filter with two poles at 10 Hz. The 10 Hz roll-off is greater than the longitudinal modes, so the ringing response should be true to an impulse. However, it is also smoothed out enough that the otherwise extremely tall and short excitation will excite the suspension and not saturate the DAC.

2. I left the cavity pretty much as I found it when I was done. i.e. the MC2 M1 L damping was turned back on, and the MC2_M2_LOCK_L gain was set back to 0.03. The one exception is that I left a 41 Hz notch filter in place in MC2_M2_LOCK_L at filter module 5 since the cavity seems to be more robust with it there. aLog 7259 describes the notch more fully. The IMC cavity was still locked when I left.

3. The MATLAB code that generates these plots is found at 
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Comments related to this report
brett.shapiro@LIGO.ORG - 17:01, Monday 29 July 2013 (7277)
Here are some additional plots of the measurements. The data is the same, but shows the M1 to M1 transfer functions and the cavity impulse responses against model predicted results.

The first 4 pages show the M1 to M1 TFs, where each following page represents a UGF of the M2 cavity control in descending order. The next, and final, 4 pages show the ringdown of the cavity to an impulse at M1.

The model agrees well with the results.

Details on the HSTS model:

In order to make the model agree as well as it does I had to tweak the HSTS model a bit. The final long mode at 2.7ish Hz was off by 1.7 %, and some of the zeros in the various L to L transfer functions did not agree so well either. This may not sound like much, but the impulse response ringdowns were out of phase by more than 180 degrees at 10 seconds before adjusting the model. Also, the single damped mode in the M1 to M1 TFs was noticeably off. The agreement is much better now.
To make the model agree, I ran the triple model through a Gauss-Newton least squares algorithm (like the ones used for the quad pendulums). I only had good longitudinal mode frequencies off hand to give it, so some pitch mode information was missing. Nonetheless, the algorithm spit out a good match on resonances and zeros when I floated the mass values of the M2 and M3 stages. It decreased M2 by 0.189 kg and M3 by 0.140 kg. Proportionally this is a lot for a nominally 3 kg stage. However, the model claims to be metal and MC2's optic (M3) is I believe glass. Note, this fit does not necessarily reflect the true as-built state (though it could potentially). The adjusted model is on the svn at


The state space variable of the model is called pen_mod. The MATLAB code that produced this model is not yet on the svn, but I plan to put it there (some effort to get it working from the svn directory structure).
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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:12, Wednesday 24 July 2013 - last comment - 09:05, Tuesday 30 July 2013(7199)
L1-ETM02-PUM first prism glued

Yesterday, Gerardo bonded on the 1st prism to the LLO destined PUM.  He used the new procedure which incorporateed adding borosilicate glass beads to space the glue joint more appropriately.  He intends to proceed today with gluing in the magnet/flag discs and then the 2nd prism today/tomorrow.

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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 09:05, Tuesday 30 July 2013 (7283)

Late last week, the discs and second prism were glued.  The second prism glue joint did not cure with glue across the entire surface.  Work continues at CIT/LHO to investigate why and revise procedures.  After the optic was airbaked for additional cure as per the existing procedure, and no further change was noticed, it was decided to ship the PUM to LLO.  It should arrive at LLO by Wed July 31st.  LLO can proceed with using this PUM in the L1-ETMx monolithic assembly.

jess.mciver@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:30, Monday 22 July 2013 - last comment - 16:21, Monday 29 July 2013(7159)
6.8 Hz line found in top stage ITMY BOSEMs traced to stage 2 of the ISI

Daniel Halbe, Jess McIver

Daniel has shown a strong, persistent line at 6.8 Hz in all DOFs of the top stage BOSEMs of the ITMY since at least June 12. 

As a follow up to his study, I looked for this line in the ITMY ISI and found it in stage 2: very sharply in RX, strongly in RY, somewhat fainter in Z, and much quieter in X, Y, and RZ. 

The line is not seen in any DOF in stage 1, looking at the T240s. 

Normalized spectrograms of representative DOFs are attached. 

Images attached to this report
Comments related to this report
daniel.halbe@LIGO.ORG - 02:28, Tuesday 23 July 2013 (7173)
I have discovered a line very similar to this at Livingston and it occurs at 7 Hz.  This line is found in Roll (very strongly) and not as strong in pitch.  It appears to only show up in those two degrees of freedom and only in the top SUS mass.  It does not show up in the ISIWIT channels or the top stage of the ISI.  Also it does not show up in any of the other suspension stages.
Images attached to this comment
jess.mciver@LIGO.ORG - 16:21, Monday 29 July 2013 (7273)

I looked at spectrograms, time series, and ASDs for the CPS sensors on ST2 of the H1 ITMY ISI in all global degrees of freedom, but saw no evidence for a line at 6.8 Hz. An ASD of each CPS DOF during this time is attached in .fig form. 

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jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:26, Monday 22 July 2013 - last comment - 07:58, Monday 29 July 2013(7154)
18 bit DAC Noise Revisited, with Excitation and at Low Frequency
To date and the best of my knowledge, the only measurements of the 18-bit DAC noise have been those performed by J. Heefner, documented in T0900338, where the DAC noise is quoted as 150 [nV/rtHz] (and flat in the frequency band he probed). We'd learned from eLIGO (lessons by Tobin, myself,Matt, and Nic) that a DAC's noise floor changes when excitation is present, so Jay had measured the DAC noise while injecting a single-frequency line at ~100 [Hz], and then measured the high-frequency asymptote (his plots are on a linear x axis, without a grid so one can really only see the results above 100 Hz).

In the interest of suspension performance in the 0.1-10 [Hz] band where cavities are currently sensitive to their optic's motion, I've now characterized the noise in detail at low-frequency (0.05-1e3 [Hz], with focus on 0.05-50 [Hz] band), using a realistic output spectrum as the requested voltage. The results are attached and described below. Since the results are clearly non-linear, we may need to try different input spectra (working a little harder than I did to balance the SR785 range vs. noise) to really understand it. Naturally, we should also develop a model of the quantization noise, to see if we can differentiate this from just bad, non-linear electronics noise. Finally, we should also perform this same measurements on a 16-bit DAC.

Note that, by default, the user-model-to-IOP-model exchange is done with zero-padding, as has become the default configuration for all models.

Plots and Captions

During a fully functional Input Mode Cleaner lock, this is the output voltage requested of the DAC at all three stages. The spectra seen at the TOP/M1 stage is totally confusing to me, so I ignored it, as it was distracting to this study to try and figure out. More on that to come later. As such, (and also informed by the input range vs. noise floor of the SR785 at these frequencies), I chose the Middle / M2 stage spectra as my representative spectra.

Diagram of how the experiment was set up. For this study, I commandeered the H1 SUS QUAD Test Stand. This is a fully-production quality test stand, running up-to-date software, and up to which nothing is hooked, so it was the perfect test bed. The Pomona box that was used to switch between output channels (borrowed from MIT) was a easy, convenient way to grab the signals, keeping them shielded, without having to mess with the usual breakout boards and clip leads -- a set up usually fraught with excess unwanted noise.

2013-07-21_H1SUSQUADTST_DACNoise.pdf The Results
PG1: Here is the digitally requested spectrum, calibrated into voltage out of the AI filter (i.e. cts at the COILOUTF_??_EXC point, multiplied by the gain of the DAC, 20 / 2^18 [V/ct]). It is compared with the measurement noise floor (for the low-frequency, 0.05 - 50 [Hz] band, with -10 [dBVpk] SR785 input range), and the measured DAC noise with no digital output requested. The "traveling notches" in the requested drive are used to carve out at the DAC noise without disrupting the main frequency content of the signal. Note that because of SR785 range vs. noise issues, I sent out a requested signal with a factor of 10 less RMS voltage at 1e-2 [Vrms]. This is compared with the M2 stage (with 1e-1 [Vrms]) and 

PG2 - 4:
The measured DAC noise output at the AI chassis for 3 DAC channels. We see, rather obviously that none of the notches below 10 [Hz], indicating a several elevated DAC noise floor. I've included a quick by-eye fit to the noise, which indicates that the DAC noise is 6e-6 * (10 [Hz] / f) [V/rtHz], with this excitation. 

- Even though the SR785 measurement is focused on the 0.05 - 50 [Hz] band, the full spectrum out to several [kHz] is requested during all measurements.
- It's unclear to me why the shape and level of the DAC noise changes when I switch to the higher measurement band (10 to 810 [Hz]). Since I saw the DAC noise floor after the natural 100 [Hz] roll-off of the output spectra while retaining the 30 [Hz] notch (and it was Sunday at 8pm), I didn't bother traveling the notch any further, and therefore only have one measurement for each channel in this band.

The template for the mode cleaner output request spectra can be found here:

The input spectra is defined by the following AWGGUI Foton String which filtered white ("uniform") noise:

amplitude  = 100000 to get 1e-2 [Vrms]

I'm *sure* there's a more elegant way of defining it, but ... so it goes.

The captured digital output spectra templates can be found here:

The raw SR785 data files can be found here:
with a key to what each number means in

The data is analyzed, and plots are produced with the following script:

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Comments related to this report
christopher.wipf@LIGO.ORG - 13:43, Thursday 25 July 2013 (7223)

I used Matlab to model the quantization noise associated with Jeff's measurement.  Here's the punchline: The "hiFreq" measurement series is consistent with quantization noise. The excess noise seen in the "loFreq" measurements is not.

The attached plot tells the story.  The blue curve (mostly submerged under the red one) is the spectrum of Jeff's excitation, calculated with double precision as the front end would do.  The solid red curve is what you get after applying 4x interpolation, and rounding the signal so it matches the 18-bit precision of the DAC.  The 18-bit curve overlaps the double-precision curve almost everywhere -- except in the bottom of the notch and past the cutoff of the LP filter.  In those two places, it's limited by round-off error, also known as "quantization noise".  This noise floor is shown by the dotted red curve, which is the spectrum of the double signal minus the 18-bit signal.

The black curves are taken from Jeff's measurements.  For the solid curves, the excitation was on; for the dotted curves it was off (requested DAC output = 0).  The dotted curves are presumably limited by the electronics noise of the DAC. As for the solid curves, the "hiFreq" data reaches the quantization noise limit in the notch and outside the LP cutoff.  The "loFreq" data appears to be running into some other noise floor.  As Jeff noticed, the loFreq and hiFreq curves suspiciously disagree about the depth of the notch.

Side notes

  • I checked the round-off method used within the front end code (controller.c).  It's set up to round the DAC outputs to the nearest integer, which is better than the normal C behavior of just lopping off the fractional part.
  • The 4x interpolation doesn't actually do anything to benefit the quantization noise here.  This surprised me at first: I thought the noise was supposed to improve as the square root of the interpolation factor.  But in fact, this depends on the signal.  Interpolation only helps you when you have a signal that often moves the DAC output by one or more steps.  It doesn't have any perceptible effect on a signal that's constant, or mostly constant.  And Jeff's excitation is so tiny and so heavily low-passed that the DAC output is held constant much of the time.  If you rescale the excitation so it uses the full DAC range, then the quantization noise goes down, and you do see the expected improvement from interpolation.

Suggested next steps

  • If the excess noise in the loFreq measurements is something real, can we pin down the source?  Is it already present at the AI chassis input?
  • How about a direct measurement of the quantization noise, by adding testpoints in the IOP before and after the round-off?
  • We could use some noise shaping sorcery to push the quantization noise floor below the electronics noise of the DAC.
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daniel.sigg@LIGO.ORG - 07:58, Monday 29 July 2013 (7262)
The dominant noise source of a low noise DAC, when driven near its full range is the integrated non-linearity (INL). The exact shape of this noise might depend on the exact drive, ie., it could very well be different for a broadband signal vs single frequency, it might look different for high vs low frequency drive signals.
Displaying reports 70021-70040 of 77077.Go to page Start 3498 3499 3500 3501 3502 3503 3504 3505 3506 End