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Reports until 15:48, Monday 11 March 2013
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:48, Monday 11 March 2013 (5748)
FTIR results came through with flying colors: all samples analyzed below detectable. ;-)
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:30, Monday 11 March 2013 - last comment - 16:48, Monday 11 March 2013(5747)
sus corner of the userapps repo updated
I've updated the sus corner of the cds_user_apps repository, in order to get up-to-date guardian stuff from LLO. 

In doing so, though there were many updates unrelated to H1 (mostly stuff unique to L1, M1, or C1, etc), there were several bits common to all IFOs, including updated TMTS and HAUX medm screens, and the HAUX front-end-model library part. Though the screen updates require no action, the update to the HAUX library part requires recompiling the model (that it's unknown what the changes are). I'll inquire as to what they might be, and then decide on going forward with re-compilation tomorrow during maintenance.
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jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 16:48, Monday 11 March 2013 (5751)
The last attempt to get Guardian running at LHO was Matt's attempt during the H2OAT (see Guardian aWiki Page for a log of his activity). This was back when the userapps repository lived in the /opt/rtcds/lho/h1/userapps/release/ folder, as opposed to the current, common location /opt/rtcds/userapps/release/. As such, the soft link to the GuardTools.pm perl module library was broken, as it pointed to the lho/h2/ location. I've now fixed the pointer:

controls@opsws0:perlmodules 0$ pwd
controls@opsws0:perlmodules 0$ ls -l GuardTools.pm
lrwxrwxrwx 1 controls controls 50 2013-03-11 16:06 GuardTools.pm -> /opt/rtcds/userapps/release/guardian/GuardTools.pm
john.worden@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:31, Monday 11 March 2013 - last comment - 15:58, Tuesday 12 March 2013(5742)
Beam Tube Module Accumulation Summary


LHO Module      Total Outgassing     Outgas rate/unit area          Hydrogen              Date         Outdoor Temps      Post Bake(1998) H2 at 23C             at 0C

                                 torr- l/sec                    torr-l/s/cm^2                     torr-l/s/cm^2                              high/low  C              torr-l/s/cm^2

Y1                            1.3 e-6                          1.77 e-14                         4.4 e-14                   Mar 5         7.2/0                        6.3 e-14                                     9.0 e-15

Y2                             2.4 e-7                          3.3 e-15                          8.25 e-15                Mar 6          5/1.1                        4.7 e-14                                    6.8 e-15

X1                             5.4 e-7                          7.3 e-15                          1.83 e-14                Mar 7          12.2/3.3                        5.2 e-14                                    7.4 e-15

X2                             3.4 e-7                          4.6 e-15                          1.2 e-14                   Mar 8          12.2/1.1                        4.6 e-14                                   6.6 e-15


Volume of each module ~ 2.35 e6 liters

Area of each module  ~ 7.35 e7 cm^2   (excludes baffles and port hardware)

Gauge factor for cold cathode and H2 = 2.5

Note that each module accumulation includes the 80k pumps at either end - a significant surface area of untreated SS with H2 outgassing of perhaps 100x that of the beam tube steel(per unit area).

A quick estimate of the SS surface in the long pump is 285,000 cm^2.  If you assume 100 times the H2 outgassing this yields an equivalent 2.8 e7cm^2 or 1/3 of the beam tube. The internals of the pump are largely aluminum and likely do not contribute to the H2 outgassing.

Comments related to this report
rainer.weiss@LIGO.ORG - 20:26, Monday 11 March 2013 (5755)
Current temperatures are in F not C
john.worden@LIGO.ORG - 20:36, Monday 11 March 2013 (5756)

80K pump contribution added, fixed degrees C.


john.worden@LIGO.ORG - 15:58, Tuesday 12 March 2013 (5767)

Second accumulation on Y1 March 12 with 80K pump CP1 isolated:

We have two accumulations - one for the 80K pump and one for the Y1 module.

CP1 outgassing:

Estimated volume of CP1 including one gate valve interior = 22,800 liters

Estimated surface area of SS of CP1 plus valve = 285000 cm2

Pressure rise in 8700 seconds = 8.9 e-8 torr = 2.3 e-7 t-l/sec    x gauge factor of 2.5 = H2 outgassing of 2.1 e-12 tl/s/cm^

Y1 Module:

Outgas rate without CP1 is now 2.63e-7 e-7 t l/s or 1/5 of what it was before. On the other hand summing the two yields ~5 e-7 tl/s rather than the 1.3 e-6 obtained a few days ago.

Perhaps this is an indication of our measurement error. Arithmetic error?

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jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:36, Monday 11 March 2013 (5741)
h1sussem and h1sussr3 front-end models now exchange SR3 oplev via SHMEM
J. Kissel, D. Barker,

A few days ago, I'd installed the H1SUSSRM, H1SUSSR3, and H1SUSOMC front-end models (see LHO aLOG 5717), but we ran into a small problem that the RTNET status showing red in that SRM wasn't properly sending (the first bit), and SR3 wasn't properly receiving (the second bit). We traced it down to me unnecessarily using the Dolphin PCIe network (i.e. the cdsIPCx_PCIE blocks), when -- because SRM and SR3 are on the same computer -- the shared memory (the cdsIPCx_SHMEM blocks) should be used instead*. 

Today we 

- Modified the h1sussrm.mdl and h1sussr3.mdl front-end models to use the cdsIPCx_SHMEM
- cleared the H1.ipc file of all channels created by the h1ham56 user models (since they're the latest)
- re-compiled all three h1sussrm, h1sussr3, and h1susomc models to repopulate the H1.ipc file with all the interwoven channels (specifically the Binary I/O, but including watchdog channels, offload channels [for srm only], etc.)
- re-installed the models,
- restarted the models,
- restored the models
- confirmed that the RT NET status is now green for all suspensions.
- committed the modified models to the user apps repository

* This was a relic of the copy-and-paste from the PR3 system, which actually needs to use the dolphin network because the optical lever signals come in on the sush2b IO chassis, and PR3 is run from the sush2a IO chassis.
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:23, Monday 11 March 2013 - last comment - 16:33, Monday 11 March 2013(5739)
WBSC2 BS ISI Keel Payload Proceeding

The base layer of the Keel Payload is positioned per D1001514-v2 each atop 2 square inches (1.41x1.41) of 0.25" thick viton in each corner (see image).  The second layer is stacked on and the third layer is near by.  All the heavy lifting got Jim a bit sweaty and me a bit winded so we decided to call it there.  And Betsy reminded to feed Jim and that the HAM3 table which was ready to be locked.  We'll complete the bolt down and stacking after lunch.

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Comments related to this report
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - 16:33, Monday 11 March 2013 (5750)

Finished Stacking the payload.  See the image as you wish.

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jim.warner@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:22, Monday 11 March 2013 - last comment - 14:10, Monday 11 March 2013(5740)
HAM-3 ISI now locked

HAM3 is now locked. Went smoothly, but I noticed that the soft covers on both sides are very tight, like they are undersized, and hit the corners of the ISI. I'm not sure exactly when the west door was removed in relation to MC alignment activities, so it would probably be worth if for those teams to take another look at their alignments. With the ISI unlocked, a dragging cover is more than enough to pull the ISI out of position. Covers were pulled completely clear of the ISI before locking, so it should be back to its nominal position, now.

Comments related to this report
jim.warner@LIGO.ORG - 14:10, Monday 11 March 2013 (5743)

Trends from just prior the removal of the door on Friday 8th until lock-up at ~noon today. Final values are hard to see on the plot, but are all within +/- 300cts.

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jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:59, Monday 11 March 2013 (5738)
BSC5 Leak Hunt
Chamber cleanroom moved from BSC9 to BSC5 so that leak hunt at the dome could begin as soon as a soft roof is available. (Clean garb shipment due tomorrow.)Special care was taken with GV20 (hard closed) and GV19 (soft closed by Kyle).
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:55, Monday 11 March 2013 (5737)
East door removed.
john.worden@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:50, Monday 11 March 2013 (5735)
X2 Accumulation

X2 accumulation from Friday.

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keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:44, Sunday 10 March 2013 - last comment - 08:32, Wednesday 24 April 2013(5734)
EY work on Friday: Beam diverter polarity check

I had to go home in the afternoon, so we couldn't do any alignment work, which should be done on Monday. EY is in laser hazard.

We did check the beam diverter. (This one should be replaced anyway, but not before moving the entire EY to H1 position. https://services.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/integrationissues/show_bug.cgi?id=83)

Beam diverter is connected to F2-2C2 feedthrough on BSC6. From outside, pin1-14 is the coil, pin2-15 is one of the reed switches (SW1), and pin3-16 is the other (SW2).

When pin1 is positive and pin14 negative, the beam diverter moves from "open" position where the mirror is tipped toward EY to "closed" position where it is tipped away from EY.

However, we've found that pin1 is short-circuited to the chamber and the building ground. This means that you need a floating supply to drive it (which is not a problem for a proper driver but is a problem when you're using a power supply with one of the pins grounded). If for example the negative is grounded and if you try to "close" it by supplying positive to pin 1, all current goes to the ground via short circuit, not the coil.

Anyway, the problem is somewhere in the chamber. This should be checked when EY is moved to the H1 position, most likely an offending cable should be replaced.

One of the reed switches is still stuck, despite a previous report that it was somehow magically unstuck: https://services.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/integrationissues/show_bug.cgi?id=2

When in "open" position both of the switches are closed. When "closed" one of the switch opens.

Comments related to this report
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - 08:32, Wednesday 24 April 2013 (6180)

After building five Beam Diverters, I noticed issues with the Reed Switches.  I was able to get them to work after orienting the Sensor Magnet in a position which was related to polarity (Chris Guido at LLO noted that the position of this little magnet determined Switch functionality).  So, it will be good to check this Beam Diverter out when we pull it out.

jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:38, Friday 08 March 2013 (5731)
Updated OMCS Dynamical Model
M. Barton, D. Bridges, J. Kissel

These are the beginnings of the aLIGO Production Matlab Dynamical Model of the Output Mode Cleaner Suspension (OMCS). The last (known) attempt at this was during the Final Design Review: T080138, but the OMC breadboard suspension design has changed dramatically since (see the aWiki for details). Mark has brushed off the dust and greased the wheels of the core model components, 
and Derek and I have gathered enough information from his SolidWorks Assembly (D0900295) for me to create new parameter files:

With the usual-style wrapper function,
I've compared all three parameter sets (where omcsopt_doublep.m is the FDR version from T080138), and attached the TOP to TOP transfer functions. Details of the differences in parameters are listed below, but the major differences are
(1) Bug fix with moments of inertia (a mix up between SolidWorks and Euler Suspension coordinate systems that's now resolved)
(2) M1 to M2 wire length is shorter by 3 [cm]
(3) The suspension break-off point (the "d2") of the breadboard increased from 3 [mm] to 40 [mm]
(4) We're now correctly accounting for the imperfect flexing of the wires (i.e. turned on the flexure correction)
With these differences, the rotational dynamics are totally different (modes frequencies are all shuffled around), but not nearly as bad as I thought it would be because of the shorter wires and larger d2 (with which I would expect *higher* mode frequencies). I'll be interested to see these parameters plugged back into the full Mathematica model to check out the mode shapes.

Step 2 is to get some data once we've built up one of these suckers, and compare. Then we'll do the usual compare and contrast to see if the model's in any way accurate*.
Step 3 is to develop the whole suite of software that we have for the other suspensions, i.e. transfer function comparisons, actuation range calculations, residual ground estimates, etc. 
Step 4 is to design damping loops (though not much thought is needed, just a little gain tuning on the basic loops should be fine for now).

... but at least we're done with Step 1 finally!


* Note that there's very little difference in dynamics between the glass and metal parameter set, but I didn't know that before getting started, so I created both. Once we get a few measurements under our belt, if we see that the assembly variance outweighs the dynamical variance, we can toss one of the sets in the trash and move on.

Detailed breakdown of parameter differences:

    'Fields'     'omcsopt_doublep'    'omcsopt_metal'    'Abs. Difference'    'Rel. Difference [%]'
    'm2'        [          6.895]    [        6.971]    [          0.076]    '1.1%'               
    'I2x'       [          0.139]    [       0.0152]    [        -0.1238]    '-89.1%'             
    'I2y'       [         0.0164]    [        0.148]    [         0.1316]    '802%'               
    'I2z'       [           0.15]    [        0.136]    [         -0.014]    '-9.33%'             
    'l1'        [           0.25]    [       0.2496]    [        -0.0004]    '-0.16%'             
    'l2'        [           0.25]    [         0.22]    [          -0.03]    '-12%'               
    'r2'        [       0.000102]    [    0.0001005]    [       -1.5e-06]    '-1.47%'             
    'Y1'        [       2.12e+11]    [    2.119e+11]    [     -100000000]    '-0.0472%'           
    'Y2'        [       2.12e+11]    [    2.119e+11]    [     -100000000]    '-0.0472%'           
    'ufc1'      [           2.38]    [         2.34]    [          -0.04]    '-1.68%'             
    'stage2'    [              0]    [            1]    [              1]    'Inf%'               
    'd0'        [         0.0018]    [        0.001]    [        -0.0008]    '-44.4%'             
    'd1'        [         0.0015]    [        0.001]    [        -0.0005]    '-33.3%'             
    'd2'        [          0.003]    [       0.0402]    [         0.0372]    '1.24e+03%'   

    'Parameter'                      'omcsopt_metal'    'omcsopt_glass'    'Abs. Difference'    'Rel. Difference [%]'
    'm2'                             [        6.971]    [        6.916]    [         -0.055]    '-0.789%'            
    'I2x'                            [       0.0152]    [       0.0142]    [         -0.001]    '-6.58%'             
    'I2y'                            [        0.148]    [        0.132]    [         -0.016]    '-10.8%'             
    'I2z'                            [        0.136]    [        0.122]    [         -0.014]    '-10.3%'             
    'd2'                             [       0.0402]    [       0.0391]    [        -0.0011]    '-2.74%'             
    'flex1'                          [    0.0018715]    [    0.0018768]    [     5.3147e-06]    '0.284%'             
    'flex2'                          [   0.00099653]    [    0.0010005]    [     3.9546e-06]    '0.397%'             
    'kc2'                            [       624.29]    [       619.36]    [        -4.9255]    '-0.789%'            
    'tl2'                            [       0.2612]    [       0.2601]    [        -0.0011]    '-0.421%'            
    'l_suspoint_to_centreofoptic'    [       0.5118]    [       0.5107]    [        -0.0011]    '-0.215%'

Also scripts and functions are committed to 
as of this entry. Svn up and away!
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LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:20, Friday 08 March 2013 (5733)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .3 microns and > .5 microns in particles per cubic foot requested from 5 PM March 7 to 5 PM March 8. Also attached are plots of the modes to show when they were running/acquiring data.

Data was taken from h1nds1.
13-03-08-06-01-47T0=13-03-08-01-00-00; Length=86400 (s)
1800 seconds worth of data was unavailable on this server
1439.0 minutes of trend displayed

For .3 and .5 micron plots:
1800 seconds worth of data was unavailable on this server
1439.0 minutes of trend displayed
read(); errno=9
read(); errno=9
T0=13-03-08-01-00-00; Length=86400 (s)
No data output.
Non-image files attached to this report
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:59, Friday 08 March 2013 (5732)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .3 microns and > .5 microns in particles per cubic foot requested from 5 PM March 6 to 5 PM March 7. Also attached are plots of the modes to show when they were running/acquiring data.

Data was taken from h1nds1.
T0=13-03-07-01-00-00; Length=86400 (s)
480 seconds worth of data was unavailable on this server
1397.0 minutes of trend displayed
Non-image files attached to this report
LHO General
dale.ingram@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:18, Friday 08 March 2013 (5730)
Day summary for Friday

Some of today's activity:

arnaud.pele@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:16, Friday 08 March 2013 (5729)
OMC update

After Jeff K created the front end model for OMC (see alog entry 5717) the blank epics values and filters have been filled in for :

-ISI sensor input filters (copied from MC1)

-Offload ouput filters (copied from MC1)

-Osem input filters (copied from MC1)

-OSEM2EUL and EUL2OSEM matrices (calculated with the newly created make_susomcs_projections.m living in /ligo/svncommon/SusSVN/sus/trunk/OMCS/Common/MatlabTools). The lever arms/distances between OSEMS to calculate the matrices have been taken from the drawings attached.

-Coil output filters (copied from MC1)

-Watchdog DC/AC/actuator Band limiters (copied from MC1)

-ISC input filters (copied from MC1)

A new safe.snap (/opt/rtcds/lho/h1/target/h1susomc/h1susomcepics/burt) has been created pointing to the saved snapshot h1susomc_safe.snap (/opt/rtcds/userapps/trunk/sus/h1/burtfiles)

The filter file, the burtsafe file, and the make_susomcsprojection script have been commited on the svn

Still to do : CART2EUL, EUL2CART matrices, and damping filters

Images attached to this report
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:25, Friday 08 March 2013 (5728)
LVEA HEPI Fluid Flush Status

Finally got enough fluid pumped in and enough air out of the lines to hold a steady level at the Mezzinine Reservoir.  Currently all four pumps are running in servo mode at 19psi; this drives the output to the motor at a little less than 3/4 of the max.  This has been the state for a little over an hour.  I just checked the Mezzinine and the level remains constant and a thorough check of the LVEA reveals no leaks.  The system will throttle back if a block occurs and should not see any pressure spikes; it will shut down if fluid levels drop too low.

guido.mueller@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:35, Friday 08 March 2013 (5727)
IMC alignment and beams on HAM 2
The polarization into HAM 2 is changed inside the PSL table using an additional wave plate. 
After aligning the IMC yesterday back to flashes, today we checked the beam on the periscope mirrors in the PSL and on IMC2. It is reasonably well centered on the periscope mirrors (within 2-3mm) and as far as we can tell within 2mm centered on IMC2 in Yaw and within 1mm in Pitch. 

We removed the wave plate after the IMC from its Siskiyou mount and bolted it on the table next to the mount. This turns the polarization back to the polarization we want in the Faraday and the beam clears the Faraday w/o a problem. 

One issue: IM3 is misaligned by a lot in yaw and some on pitch, barely clearing the elliptical baffle. This is consistent with the changes we saw in OSEM readings of 18mrad in yaw and 4 mrad in pitch between December and now. It is not clear where this is coming from. 
Other mirrors on HAM2 don't show these large changes but we also had to tweak IMC1 and 3 by a few mrad to close the beam path. 
Something to keep an eye on. 

We left the polarization in this state; Chris and Rodica will continue alignment and power measurements next week in this stage.

Joe Gleason, Deepak Kumar, GM
jim.warner@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:37, Friday 08 March 2013 - last comment - 09:46, Tuesday 12 March 2013(5724)
BSC2 didn't completely survive the flight

This morning I turned on the CPSes at BSC2 to see if they all survived, and it looks like one didn't make it. The horizontal St1 sensor on corner 1 is reading 32k counts, which probably means a broken in-vacuum cable. I went out to the chamber and checked all of the in air connections,  which looked good. I then swapped the horizontal and vertical cables at the box to rule out the board, but the problem followed the probe. At this point it could be the in-air cable (they rarely fail), the feed-thru (seems unlikely), the in-vacuum connection (which can't be accessed right now, there's a hard cover on the chamber) and the probe. I'll try to swap the in-air cable later today, but the rest will have to wait until we can get back into the lower part of BSC2. We can still float the ISI and HEPI, but no post-flight transfer functions until this is resolved. I am a little surprised that this particular sensor broke, because the horizontal sensors are better protected than the verticals, and this corner had a better routing scheme than the other two.

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jim.warner@LIGO.ORG - 15:27, Monday 11 March 2013 (5746)

After more investigating today, Hugh, Mitch and I discovered that the allegedly bad CPS seems to be innocent. When we swapped in-vac cables, the channel in MEDM didn't change, as it would have if the probe were broken. This leaves the feed-thru and the in-air cable. IAS and SUS are currently working in HAM3, so we will wait until tomorrow to try swapping more parts on the in-air side.

jim.warner@LIGO.ORG - 09:46, Tuesday 12 March 2013 (5758)

More investigating this morning, turns out the in-air cable was bad. Replaced it, and all the sensors are now working.

jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:30, Wednesday 06 March 2013 - last comment - 11:53, Wednesday 20 March 2013(5684)
Phase 1b Testing I1-MC1
   We took TFs and Power Spectra data for HSTS I1-MC1. All files have been committed to the SVN repository.  The data files are attached below for review by Stuart A. and Jeff K.  
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stuart.aston@LIGO.ORG - 14:54, Monday 11 March 2013 (5744)
My only minor concern is what appears to be a roll mode ever so slightly coupling into longitudinal + transverse DOFs. Although, damping appears to suppress this coupling on I1-MC1. After discussing this with Jeff B over the phone, he and his assembly team will check flag alignments.
stuart.aston@LIGO.ORG - 11:53, Wednesday 20 March 2013 (5850)
Under close inspection, MC1 looks to exhibit similar R-T cross-coupling as has been seen on the L1 SRM suspension (see LLO aLog entry 6451), although shifted in frequency consistent with the shift in the roll mode.

However, the MC1 R-T coupling is significantly weaker than for SRM, and having raised this with both Norna R and Jeff K, we feel that this minor feature should be noted, and that MC1 can be approved through Phase 1b.
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