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Reports until 11:17, Friday 08 March 2013
joseph.gleason@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:17, Friday 08 March 2013 (5726)
ALS light pipe installed
Joe Gleason, Guido Mueller, Deepak Kumar

We've installed the ALS light pipe. Richard has installed the lock and tag #2097, key# 3123. Much like the Main beam pipe the ALS one shows a horizontal offset from the upper periscope mirror and is fully offset in the PVC pipe in order to pass through. This may require re-positioning the upper ALS periscope mirror if it is found the beam cannot pass to HAM1 safely.
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:53, Friday 08 March 2013 (5725)
BSC2/HAM3 Cleanroom Marriage
I went out first thing this morning and took a few particle counts at HAM3 west door (all particle sizes read zero at both 6 ft and 1 ft from floor), near the electronics rack near HAM3 (hits above 150 on all particle sizes at both 6 ft and 1 ft from floor), and in the gap between BSC2 and HAM3 (hits above 25 at all particle sizes 6 ft and 1 ft from floor with cleaning going on at HAM3 east door). I wrapped the electronics rack/cable trays in CPStat and took additional particle counts (all particle sizes read zero at both 6 ft and 1 ft from floor). The cleaning crew was working on second cleaning while I finished up the rack. Mick and Ed closed the gap in the HAM3 cleanroom by running a sheet of CPStat underneath the beam tube. 

The anticipated order of events for the rest of the morning is as follows:
1. Remove west door from HAM3/replace with soft cover (Randy and crew)
2. Remove hard cover from HAM3/replace with soft cover (Randy and crew)
3. Remove and gently lower BSC2 curtains (Randy and crew)
4. Let dust settle (20-30 minutes)
5. Damp mop floors with special attention at HAM3 west door and at the border between cleanrooms (Karen)
6. Check particle counts (Mark L.)
7. If counts good, proceed. If not, remediate. (Randy and crew)
8. Cleanroom and contamination check and photos in HAM3 (Robert S.)
9. IAS set-up (Jason)
10.Prep for HAM3 east door removal (Randy and crew)

Dale is operator: he has this list and will serve as point of contact.
jim.warner@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:37, Friday 08 March 2013 - last comment - 09:46, Tuesday 12 March 2013(5724)
BSC2 didn't completely survive the flight

This morning I turned on the CPSes at BSC2 to see if they all survived, and it looks like one didn't make it. The horizontal St1 sensor on corner 1 is reading 32k counts, which probably means a broken in-vacuum cable. I went out to the chamber and checked all of the in air connections,  which looked good. I then swapped the horizontal and vertical cables at the box to rule out the board, but the problem followed the probe. At this point it could be the in-air cable (they rarely fail), the feed-thru (seems unlikely), the in-vacuum connection (which can't be accessed right now, there's a hard cover on the chamber) and the probe. I'll try to swap the in-air cable later today, but the rest will have to wait until we can get back into the lower part of BSC2. We can still float the ISI and HEPI, but no post-flight transfer functions until this is resolved. I am a little surprised that this particular sensor broke, because the horizontal sensors are better protected than the verticals, and this corner had a better routing scheme than the other two.

Comments related to this report
jim.warner@LIGO.ORG - 15:27, Monday 11 March 2013 (5746)

After more investigating today, Hugh, Mitch and I discovered that the allegedly bad CPS seems to be innocent. When we swapped in-vac cables, the channel in MEDM didn't change, as it would have if the probe were broken. This leaves the feed-thru and the in-air cable. IAS and SUS are currently working in HAM3, so we will wait until tomorrow to try swapping more parts on the in-air side.

jim.warner@LIGO.ORG - 09:46, Tuesday 12 March 2013 (5758)

More investigating this morning, turns out the in-air cable was bad. Replaced it, and all the sensors are now working.

patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:53, Friday 08 March 2013 (5723)
h1ecatc1 crashed again
This time without any IOCs running.
dale.ingram@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:12, Friday 08 March 2013 (5722)
Friday morning in CR
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:04, Friday 08 March 2013 (5721)
IMC attempt at locking yesterday thwarted buy a white screened MC common board medm
Some flashing was seen on REFL, but without the MC servo, no locking. 
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:00, Friday 08 March 2013 (5719)
Alignment changes, creating challenges in recovering the IMC
The IMC alignment did not survive the recent vent, swap of dummy mass from HAM2, and installation of PRM and PR3, and bellows removal from HAM3.   Changes to the PSL have changed the input pointing into the vacuum system.  HAM3, while in theory seems to be OK, has not been fully vetted at this point, and there are some changes in the way MC2 is hanging in it's cage.

Changes to HAM2 include:
- a rotation of ISI by 19um
- an elevation change of ISI by 30um
- a shift of HEPI by 4um East (so small, likely thermal)
- an elevation change 1-4um in HEPI (miniscule)

- length -9um
- pitch +549urad
- yaw  +307urad
- MC1 also had a side OSEM flag that was touching but is centered now

- length -42um
- pitch +199rad
- yaw  +95urad

- bellows removed.

- length -11um
- pitch +89urad
- yaw  -12urad

- beam from PMC is a bit high on it's alignment iris, and significantly better centered after the room temperature was lowered by MichaelR, and the laser is again thermally stable.

- alignment shift on my second alignment iris on the leakage beam from the bottom periscope is now attributed to a mix of changes made to the pickoff beam splitter for that iris made while I was out with the flu, and the beam shift seen coming from the PMC.

- the current beam coming from the PSL doesn't hit either set of marks we used for our previous alignments.  The PSL beams marked on the wall have two locations marked - one in-air that we used to do the original alignment of the IMC, and one under-vacuum when the IMC was locking well.  The PSL beams are now splitting those marks.

While some of these change seem small, I have concerns that a stuck or damaged sensor could be relaying false information about the state of a system.  I believe it's possible that the tilt and rotation of the HAM2 table, when combined, is having a greater effect than just looking at the one set of sensors for each degree of freedom.
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:37, Thursday 07 March 2013 (5717)
User models for h1sush56 installed!
J. Kissel (D. Barker, J. Batch)

Since the CDS crew has the h1sush56 computer up and running, and I was already going through infrastructure sweeps today, I figured I'd close out by getting the user front-end models up and running for H1 SUS SRM, H1 SUS SR3, and H1 SUS OMC. After copying over the corresponding L1 simulink files from the userapps repo, changing L1 to H1, l1 to h1, and cleaning them up a little bit, it was straight forward to compile*. After the models were up, I followed the usual instructions to get the new infrastructure filled in, taking full advantage of the recently freshened up safe.snaps and filter files from the input arm suspensions. There's still a ways to go for the OMC because neither LLO or myself have put much effort into it yet, but we'll get there.

* There's still a small snafoo in that the second bit on the RT NET STAT word on H1 SUS SR3's GDS_TP screen is red, indicating (I believe), that SR3 is getting errors upon receiving the his optical lever signals from SRM over the PCIe Dolphin Network. Jim and I scratched out heads over this, and tried various combinations of fixing the IPC file, clearing out the IPC file (of the offending/new channels only), and recompiling, but to no avail. We'll leave it for tomorrow so Dave can take a look, but worse-comes-to-worst, we can just use Shared Memory which appears to be working. Naturally, it didn't help that I began compiling the models before I'd caught every instance of L1 to H1. (*).(*) But all of that's fixed now...
kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:55, Thursday 07 March 2013 - last comment - 08:01, Friday 08 March 2013(5716)
A new PZT mirror installed at ISCTEY and red in-vac QPD swapped on TMSY

[Keita and Kiwamu]

Details are coming soon.wink

EY stays laser hazard tonight. Alignment of the red beam path will be performed tomorrow.

Comments related to this report
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 20:02, Thursday 07 March 2013 (5718)

PZT mirror: PZT1 (1" holder) and its controller were replaced with the proper ones.

Newport mirror mount for 1" mirror was a hair larger than the optics. Corey tried both our green optic as well as Newport 1" optic, and both were loose to the point where the mirror would fall off of the mount.

I shimmed the mirror using about a half-inch length of a plastic bag strip and it was perfect fit. Not loose, not overly tight.

We first  restored the offset to PZT2, zero-ed the offset to PZT1, moved PZT1 so the beam is roughly centered on all three irises on the ALS table, and the beam was already hitting one of in-vac green QPDs at that point. I played with the offset of PZT1 so that the beam hits both of the in-vac QPDs, turned on the QPD centering servo, and we were back.

The whitening gain of the QPDs are apparently super large: I had to reduce the servo gain by a factor of 1000 to keep the QPD centering servo stable, and with this reduced gain the servo was reasonably fast. Whitening MEDM screen was all white, and I don't know if the whitening gains were burt restored, but it's not that important for the moment. I'll talk to Daniel tomorrow.

TMS/EY relative alignment: Good now.

After the PZT servo started working, we aligned the TMS to the EY such that the retro reflected beam from EY clears the Faraday and goes to ALS PDH diode. It's kind of tricky as TMS and EY are moving in the air, but it seems like on average it's good.

ISI was locked: Jim and Travis locked ISI, put an aluminum cover on EY and put a sock on EY.

Broken in-vac IR QPD2 was replaced in situ: All quadrants are working now.

The QPD in question is the one closer to EY: https://services.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/integrationissues/show_bug.cgi?id=1

QPD S/N = 3.

In the chamber, the broken QPD was removed by first detaching a rhombus-shaped face plate to expose the QPD, then plying the QPD from the PEEK/PCB/alumina plate assembly using the tip of a small screw driver that was thoroughy wiped clean. (We first tried to use our fingers but they were too big and week for the job, so we called Koji at Caltech to learn the proper technique.)

We inserted a new QPD (serial number 14) into position and put the face plate on.

These were done without removing the QPD cable assembly from the sled (nor the sled from TMS), so we don't have to worry about any gross change in the QPD position on the sled.

After this, we confirmed that all quadrants respond to light by using a head light Kiwamu was wearing while monitoring signal on dataviewer . (We also confirmed that the other QPD still works.)

Tomorrow: Will have to remove EY sock to get the retro-reflection back, and align the IR path using green leakage. Also we'll check the polarity of EY beam diverter.

kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - 08:01, Friday 08 March 2013 (5720)

PZT settings after the beam centering on the green QPDs

   H1:ALS-Y_PZT1_PIT_OUT = 3480.973 counts

   H1:ALS-Y_PZT1_YAW_OUT = 7083.696 counts 

   H1:ALS-Y_PZT2_PIT_OUT = -260.878 counts

   H1:ALS-Y_PZT2_YAW_OUT = 1702.087 counts


TMS settings after the alignment

   H1:SUS-TMSY_M1_OPTICALIGN_P_OUTPUT = -68000 counts


LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:51, Thursday 07 March 2013 (5715)
Ops Summary
The LVEA was transitioned to laser hazard.
The h1ecatc1 Beckhoff computer crashed.
The end Y ISI was locked. End Y was transitioned to laser hazard. Keita and Kiwamu installed a new PZT mirror on ISCT-EY. Work was started on replacing a QPD.
Gerardo opened and closed gate valves to measure the out-gassing of the X arm.
The end Y cold cathode gauge, PT424 failed. Gerardo and Richard fixed it.
Hugh and Jim worked on ISI cabling for BSC2. Hugh surveyed the elevation of the optical table.
The clean rooms for BSC2 and HAM3 were combined to allow access to the HAM3 door. The forklift was craned over the Y arm beam tube.
School group on site
Dave compiled h1iopsush56 against RCG 2.6.2 and restarted it.
Light fixtures replacement in mechanical room.
Pcal equipment set up in NW corner of LVEA north bay.
Fluid was added to the HEPI lines.
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:23, Thursday 07 March 2013 (5714)
Restarted daqd to add new models
Added h1sussrm, h1sussr3, and h1susomc models to master file, restarted daqd at 16:50 PST
dale.ingram@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:59, Thursday 07 March 2013 (5713)
Beam Splitter Installation Photos

Shots of the 3/6//2013 BSC 2 installation appear in ResourceSpace.

Images attached to this report
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:22, Thursday 07 March 2013 (5712)
LVEA HEPI Pumps off--Supply Valves Open Lines have Fluid

We cracked the main supply lines from the Pump Station array in the mech room and added several gallons of fluid to the system.  We did this with the pumps running but some air coming back apparently generated some cavitation and the system stopped.  We will start up again in the morning when the EE guy is around.

I toured the LVEA lines and found no leaks.  So again, the pumps are off, the only pressure is the head from the Mezzinine.

hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:14, Thursday 07 March 2013 (5706)
BSC2 ISI In Chamber Cabling & Optical Table Elevation Survey

We dropped the Cabling from the ISI down into the chamber and plugged the CPS cabling to the in-chamber feedthrus.  These signals will allow ISI to balance etc the floating stages as well as confirm the health of the CPS which often suffer from rough handling.  This may have occurred with the C3 covers and other work during the Cartridge install yesterday.  The other sensor cabling was not connected to the feed thrus.  These need a little doctoring and dressing and we needed to limit our time inside.

Before exiting we shot elevation/level of the optical table with the optical level.

Nominal elevation of a BSC ISI Optical Table is +1661.7Gz; BSC2 has no global to local correction.  The Beam Splitter though is being set low by 2.9mm(percomm-DCoyne).  I don't know if IAS has any vertical adjustment to correct for from the Test Stand Alignment.

Attached is my survey logbook page.

The average elevation of the Optical Table is 1658.0mm with a 0.4mm range of readings.  This puts the Optical Table currently low by 0.8mm and out of spec for level by 2x.  Still not bad.  I also recorded the Dial Indicator readings so we can muck around with this if possible.

Non-image files attached to this report
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:26, Thursday 07 March 2013 (5711)
BSC2/HAM3 Cleanroom Marriage
Randy and crew tried unsuccessfully to crane the cleanroom over the valve on the ion pump. After consultation with John, the cleanroom legs were raised 6 inches and the cleanroom move was tried again with success. HAM3 cleanroom was butted right up to the BSC2 cleanroom but at a slight offset to accommodate the power box and leg casters. HAM3 cleanroom curtains were adjusted to fill gaps: additional curtain work will be done in the morning. The cleanroom was powered up and turned on: FFU function will be checked in the morning. First cleaning was done and west door bolts were removed except for the usual four, which were loosened. The lower level garbing/staging cleanroom was moved to allow west door access. The forklift was craned over the beam tube so it can be used for door removal.

Hard cover was returned to BSC2 after Hugh's brief entry this morning.
deepakmanoj.nandakumar@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:02, Thursday 07 March 2013 (5710)
Mode Cleaner Alignment

Guido M, Joe G, Deepak K

The Mode Cleaner was aligned to the following offsets. It is still a little off on Pitch.

The Alignment Offsets are


MC1 -
            Pitch : -46 ct
            Yaw  : -3750 ct

MC2 -
            Pitch : 65 ct
            Yaw  : 137 ct

MC3 -
            Pitch : 500 ct
            Yaw  : -4000 ct

john.worden@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:57, Thursday 07 March 2013 (5708)
X1 Beam Tube accumulation

X1 module yields an outgassing rate of 7.3 e-15 tl/s/cm^2. Warmer today and the sun is out - currently 54F.

Images attached to this report
john.worden@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:44, Thursday 07 March 2013 - last comment - 14:58, Thursday 07 March 2013(5705)
END Y vacuum gauge

One of the ENDY cold cathode gauges seems to have failed this morning. PT 424 (LN pump) has gone to zero and is showing RED. This will be investigated in the next few days. PT423 is only a few feet away and can be used instead.

Comments related to this report
john.worden@LIGO.ORG - 14:58, Thursday 07 March 2013 (5709)

Richard and Gerardo went out and shook some wires and tightened some screws. Fixed.

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