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Reports until 13:59, Friday 01 March 2013
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:59, Friday 01 March 2013 (5623)
Modified Clamping Scheme for HA-1 and P1 Baffles in HAM2
J. Kissel, D. Nadnakumar, C. Vorvick

Given the tight space and sparse optical table hole pattern, I volunteered to help Cheryl and Deepak come up with better dog clamping scheme for HA-1  (D0902385) and P1 (D1003019) baffle (whose locations are specified roughly in D1200694 -- but without all the other components surrounding it). 

We ended up using the following scheme:

For HA-1:
     - Corrected the attachment of +X-side table bracket (D1003011), such that both are now as shown in D1200694, where the two brackets are mounted to opposing sides of the baffle: -X bracket's foot points toward -Y, and +X bracket's foot points toward +Y.
     - Securing +X bracket's foot:
        - Dog Clamp: iLIGO LOS (no S/N), 
        - MT. HOLE: A12, B34 
        - Contact Point: as shown in D1200694.
     - Securing -X bracket's foot
        - Dog Clamp: D1100640-V2, Type 01 (S/N 001) 
        - MT. HOLE: A10, B34
        - Contact Point: as shown in D1200694.

For P1:
     - Securing -X bracket's foot:
        - Removed dog-clamp-on-dog-clamp scheme tried before
        - iLIGO Dog Clamp (no S/N) 
        - MT. HOLE: A9, B30 
        - Contact Point: on the other side of the foot that what's shown in D1200694
     - Securing +X bracket's foot
        - Dog Clamp: D1100640-V1, Type 01 (S/N 031)
        - MT. HOLE: A11, B29 
        - Contact Point: as shown in D1200694

Attached are images with annotations. As noted in HA1Baffle.pdf --> With this scheme, it's unclear whether the aperture in the HA1 baffle is well centered around the beam path (the whole is appears too far in the +X direction), and currently the fork securing ROM LH4 prevents any further translation in -X.

Non-image files attached to this report
H1 General
jeffrey.lewis@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:17, Friday 01 March 2013 (5621)
Photos of LHO HAM2 4
Attached are 6 pictures of the same 4 inch wafer which was inside HAM2 for approximately 6 weeks.  These pictures were taken with either a Nikon D300 (DSLR with a NIKON F1.8 35mm lens) or a Nikon S8200 (point and shoot).  The wafer illumination was accomplished with either a FSI plug-in bar light or an LED flashlight.  The illumination was always from the side.  The cleanroom lights were also varied from on to mostly off.

The goal is to find a lighting method and camera system which can be used by all parties to document the accumulation of dust particles on the 4" wafers.  The method needs to be one which can be applied in-chamber without undue difficulty.

The method of illumination makes the largest difference in the ability to see particles.  The bar light clearly outperforms the flashlight.  Calum ordered two different models of inexpensive handheld LED bar lights which will be tried next.  Cordless, handheld lighting is the by far the easiest to deal with in-chamber.  The room lighting (dark preferred) also made a difference but not nearly as great as the direct lighting.  All pictures were handheld (no tripod) because a tripod is not practical inside a chamber.

There are some regions of high concentrations of small particles.  These are glove prints from moving the wafer around inside the chamber.  In one way, they disturb the sample, but in another way they also represent the actual surfaces inside of a chamber.

The next tests will use the cordless LED bar lights.  The F-stop of the D300 will be increased to increase the depth of field.

While we don't have a direct comparison of the amount of dust on the wafer before being hand-carried by Betsy to CIT, the test also shows that a significant amount of dust remained on the wafer during transport.  

Of course, the amount of dust found on this sample represents the amount of dust which can be expected to be found on all horizontal surfaces in HAM2.  

Participants: Betsy, Margot, Kate, and Jeff
Images attached to this report
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:52, Thursday 28 February 2013 (5620)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .3 microns and > .5 microns in particles per cubic foot requested from 5 PM Feb. 27 to 5 PM Feb 28. Also attached are plots of the modes to show when they were running/acquiring data.

Data was taken from h1nds1.
1383.0 minutes of trend displayed
'No data output' errors on all plots except 5 microns.
Non-image files attached to this report
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:31, Thursday 28 February 2013 (5619)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .3 microns and > .5 microns in particles per cubic foot requested from 5 PM Feb. 26 to 5 PM Feb 27. Also attached are plots of the modes to show when they were running/acquiring data.

Data was taken from h1nds1.
1437.0 minutes of trend displayed
Non-image files attached to this report
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:50, Thursday 28 February 2013 (5618)
Steps to locking the IMC in air:
Today the Apollo crew installed platforms of HAM2 East and West doors.  Bubba and I determined yesterday that the original platform prototype would not block our IMC REFL or IMC Trans beams, if installed on HAM2 West.  The IOT2L table was moved to a position that isn't the one marked by the red tape, but rather where I think the table needs to go to catch the beams and keep the table enclosure outside of the clean room.

Michael says the PSL laser is back, so tomorrow at min. I would like to flash the IMC.  

If it's possible to hook up the electronics at IOT2L tomorrow, I would try to lock the IMC in air.
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:43, Thursday 28 February 2013 (5617)
IO mechanical work in HAM2 - never been closer
- Deepak, Cheryl

Installation of IO components on HAM2 is nearly complete.  PRM AR and EQ Stop baffles are installed.  FI rejected beam beadump is installed.  Dog clamps have been swapped, recorded, moved to the correct placements.  

Some issues still need to be addressed.
- IM4 baffle was reworked, and still didn't fit.  We looked into anomalies in it's assembly today and found only that it's 0.06" wider than designed.  LLO had to loosen the EQ stop plate to install their baffle, the same plate that is preventing our installation, so we'll try that tomorrow.
- IM1-3 still have SUS dog clamps.  A decision to keep them or swap them out for SYS dog clamps is pending.  If we have to swap them out, that's a min. of a few hours work.

Deepak assembled and installed the FI rejected beam beamdump.

I installed the HAM2 Table Optical Lever Mirror on the North side of HAM2.

Still to do:
- IM4 baffle
- torque to spec. those dog clamps we know are staying
Images attached to this report
michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:14, Thursday 28 February 2013 (5615)
PSL back up

Gergorio, Rodney, Michael R

Today we moved the H2 spare chiller over to the H1 chiller room. We ran both upper and lower units in a closed loop with water filters for about an hour and a half to clean out any gunk that has been sitting inside. The diode chiller tank did have some algae in it but it looks like the filter took it out (see attached photo). We removed the broken chiller from the water lines and hooked up the spare chiller which ran with no problems. No leaks observed, so we went ahead and turned the laser back on. No problems getting it back on, but we still need to increase the diode current to get back some laser power.

We also unsuccessfully tried to fix the chiller by bleeding the pump per the manufacturers advice, but it had no effect. It may be a damaged flow sensor or clogged pipe.

Images attached to this report
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:58, Thursday 28 February 2013 - last comment - 17:14, Thursday 28 February 2013(5614)
Change x1login to x1work, restart x1psl0
Install reworked one-stop card in x1psl0 I/O chassis, start x1psl0 front-end.

Move the old x1login computer to x1work.  (New login machine is x1dtslogin)

Move /home on x1work to /home-original, then nfs mount x1dtslogin:/home to x1work:/home.  This allows users to log in, then ssh to x1work which is an Ubuntu OS configured to run the LIGO control room tools.  
Comments related to this report
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - 17:14, Thursday 28 February 2013 (5616)
Also corrected values for LIGONDSIP and NDSSERVER to use x1nds0 instead of x1nds1 which is down for now.
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:16, Thursday 28 February 2013 (5613)
Restart of all awgtpman processes on all front ends

We discovered multiple copies of awgtpman processes on some front ends. The duplication occured on Tues 26th Feb. For safety we restarted all awgtpman processes on all front ends.

The problem was discovered by the SUS team when they tried running their transfer functions.

LHO General
gerardo.moreno@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:04, Thursday 28 February 2013 (5612)
Operator shift summary

Activities for today:
- Michael R. and Gregorio T., PSL chiller work.
- Christina C., Karen R., and Cris M. clean test stand area and BSC2 area in LVEA.
- Richard M. work in LVEA PEM related.
- Cheryl V. Work in and around WHAM02.
- Rick S. and visitors to roof, observation deck.
- Dave B. work in Mid-X.
- Rick S. and visitors to X-end.

jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:11, Thursday 28 February 2013 (5611)
Dome cleaned and returned to chamber.
Door and dome bolts torqued.
Pedestals removed from VEA.
Feedthrough and blank installation discussed.
Some ICC equipment moved back to corner.
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:08, Thursday 28 February 2013 (5610)
BSC2 Install Prep Checklist
Build custom bridge between work platform and e-module-Done
Install custom bridge-Done
Work on cleanroom curtains: "doorway" at bridge-Done
Install central curtains on garbing/staging cleanroom-Done
Clean chamber and cleanroom X 2- 1 done
Install leg jacks-Done
Test leg jacks
Move cleanroom from HAM aux optics table to BSC2-HAM3 for garbing/staging
Check cleanroom function
Stage garbing/staging cleanrooms
Baffle assembly (Clean test stand-solid stack to test stand ~28 Feb-work tables moved in-clean cleanroom and contents prior to assembly start-1 done)
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:29, Thursday 28 February 2013 (5609)
Started I/O Chassis for h1seih45, h1sush56, h1susauxh56
Installed reworked one-stop cards in I/O chassis for h1seih45, h1sush56, and h1susauxh56.  Ran timing fiber for h1seih45's I/O chassis, connected timing fibers for h1sush56, h1susauxh56.  

Powered up I/O chassis, made sure timing sync'd up, then powered up computers.

All three computers show the I/O chassis' cards.  Dolphin network is currently unplugged from h1seih45 and h1sush56.

NOTE: no AI/AA chassis or binary cables are connected to the I/O chassis.
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:23, Thursday 28 February 2013 (5608)
BSC1 ITMY HEPI Moves (very little)

Since I removed the Dial Indicators yesterday I thought it would reasonable to document the numbers. I recorded the DIs before removing. I compare them to the last time I recorded them on 29 January after the HEPI Actuator Attachment. IAS followed shortly and Jason logged that the ITMy was within tolerance.

The dial indicator numbers suggest at worst a coherent rotation of about 180urads CW and a very slight tilt down(4mils) on the NE (+X,-Y) corner.  If this yaw is true, we are still in spec as Jason logged we were CCW 70urads.  However, the HEPI IPS which have been on line since Feb1 would suggest much less motion.  These suggest an up motion of <1mil all corners and incoherent horizontal moves of <1mil.  I would venture that the DIs have just not managed the duration without some disturbance.  So at worse we are still in spec and at best we haven't moved at all.

hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:18, Thursday 28 February 2013 - last comment - 11:23, Thursday 28 February 2013(5606)
HAM-ISI & HAM-HEPI model updates

The SEI electronics wiring diagrams were recently updated.

Models were modified to reflect those changes on our Units:

Models were recompiled and wiring was checked. IPS readouts match values recorded prior to re-wiring. Turning sensor's interface chassis on/off is reflected on the correct channels. Actuation was checked on HAM3-ISI, confirming the DAC number for HAM2-ISI (only 2 DACs on HAM23 IO chassis).

Damping loops, and level 2 Isolation loops were closed, on HAM3-ISI. We used the latest blend filters created during the IMC test. Controls were not tested after the vent. The current stability of these controllers confirms both the new wiring/models and the robustness of the control loops, in Air.

Hence, these control loops will be used to help IO locking the mode cleaner during the upcoming weeks.

Comments related to this report
hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - 11:23, Thursday 28 February 2013 (5607)

Updated models were commited in the SVN

H1 General
hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:11, Thursday 28 February 2013 (5605)
HAM-ISI Electronics - Cable moved

Moved the STS cable one AA chassis up for both HAM2-ISI and HAM3-ISI, in order to be consistent with latest wiring diagrams, and their associated models.

michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 23:39, Wednesday 27 February 2013 (5604)
Chiller woes

I replaced the broken fitting on the diode chiller today but it would not start due to a low flow error. The flow will reach a max of 2 lpm before shutting off after a few seconds. I short circuited the flow to the chiller and got the same error, so the issue is with the chiller itself. We'll likely need the spare chiller from the H2 room, but will have to flush it out as there is some algae in the water tank.

cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:14, Wednesday 27 February 2013 (5603)
IO work in HAM2 Continues:
- Deepak, Kyohei, Travis, Cheryl

More dog clamp swaps and installation of components.  Some components were moved to allow new hardware installation in HAM2 .

Highlights of work completed:
- PRM AR Baffle installed
- PRM EQ Stop Baffle installed
- MC3 EQ Stop Baffle dog clamps swapped
- dog clamp mess in front of IM1 cleared up, though one baffle now has dog clamps only on one side, which is not ideal, so maybe some small changes still to come there
- dog clamp serial numbers and types collected

Still to do:
- modify IM4 baffle - didn't fit today, but slop in washers used as spacers may allow a fix
- FI rejected beam dump needs to be assembled and installed
- a few dog clamps to work on, less than 5
- OpLev optic still to install on North side of the table
- move one baffle, which requires climbing into the chamber on the South side
- pictures of the changes
- check alignment of every component!  Components moved without an alignment beam, so minor adjustments may be needed on multiple components.
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