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Reports until 11:40, Friday 22 February 2013
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:40, Friday 22 February 2013 - last comment - 13:14, Friday 22 February 2013(5561)
Leaks at X-end
The 10-4 torr*L/sec leak on BSC5's dome outer O-ring has been located and marked with white tape for future reference -> This leak will have to be addressed at some point in order to pump this volume with the nominal ion pump, i.e., BSC5's dome will need to come off -> This looks to be the only appreciable leak for this annulus volume -> Also, the venting of this annulus space did not affect the 1 x 10-7 torr pressure indicated on PT510B. 

I improved the 2 x 10-6 torr*L/sec leak of the IP12 gate valve bonnet via - "wait for it!" - TIGHTENING the bonnet screws (it's what I do - required turning down the o.d. of a 13mm socket to a very thin wall thickness) to a more tolerable 1.5 x 10-9 torr*L/sec.  Some of these screws were found to be very loose - others, not so much.  This make/model of valve used to isolate the 2500 L/sec ion pumps have noticeable as-built QC issues.  Among these are the use of hex-head cap screws for the bonnet joint instead of 12-pt cap screws-resulting in damning interferences which prevent the use of unmodified tools.  I suspect that the as-found loose screws were loose due to these tool interferences.  I'll scrutinize these joints (site-wide) as opportunities present themselves - chances are others are leaking for the same reason.  

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john.worden@LIGO.ORG - 13:14, Friday 22 February 2013 (5563)

Excellent - good to hear that bonnet leak is fixed (or at least 1000 times smaller!)



jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:11, Friday 22 February 2013 (5560)
Re-plot Power Spectra Data for I1-MC2
   The original plots, for the India HSTS I1-MC2 (aLOG #5550) were generated with the “meas.sensCalib” switch was set to “true”. This switch should be set to “false” for plotting test data from the X1 Triples Test Stand. The attached are the plots for the power spectra for the I1-MC2, with the switch set correctly.    
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dale.ingram@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:52, Friday 22 February 2013 (5559)
PSL chiller

Re: PSL chiller alarm mentioned below --  After the morning meeting today Richard added 1.33 cups of water to the PSL chiller.  This removed the alarm condition.

H1 General
dale.ingram@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:02, Friday 22 February 2013 (5558)
Friday morning alarms in CR

H1:PSL-OSC_XCHILALARM went off near 3:56 AM and remains red after acknowledgement.  The channel alarms when the temp exceeds 70F, but the value that's listed in the log file is 1.

ITMY OSEM5 and OSEM6 remain yellow as do SUSH34, SUSB123 and SUSB6.

jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:51, Thursday 21 February 2013 (5552)
ETM02A (from BSC10) Removed from SUS to Cake Tin
Cheryl, Chris S. and I went down to Y End TMS lab to get the optic into a cake tin in prep for shipment to KAGRA (eventually). The process went smoothly with no magnet disturbance. We took pix of the optic (which was relatively clean) and the SUS cage. The exposed height adapter plate surface contained what Cheryl called a "forest of fibers": see photo below. Lots of particulate on other horizontal surfaces.

The cake tin is now in the OSB Optics Lab. We removed the SUS cage and the dutch oven from the TMS lab.
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kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:04, Thursday 21 February 2013 - last comment - 16:21, Monday 01 April 2013(5556)
Re-calibration of the VCO actuation coefficient

[Kyohei W. and Kiwamu I.]

 There was a concern that the actuation coefficient of the VCO --- which actuates the PSL laser frequency via the refcav for the IMC locking --- were calibrated wrong and hence we might have kept plotting more-or-less inaccurate noise budget. Indeed the coefficient was underestimated by approximately 34% according to a measurement we did today. Giacomo helped us out by confirming that the coefficient had been indeed miscalibrated [1]. Of course this brings our past noise budget of IMC_F slightly higher, but certainly this is not a major issue.
 The measured VCO coefficient is 268302 Hz/V (see the attached figure made by Kyohei). Please use this number hereafter.

 A good news is that our measured value agrees with that of Livingston, which is about 246 kHz [2], within 9%. Our measurement was done by applying various DC offset at the input of the VCO box (2-pin lemo) and by looking at the frequency of one of the two outputs with a frequency counter. The input of the VCO box is designed to be a differential input and hence the x-axis of the plot is Vpos-Vneg.

[1] LHO alog #5534 Comments on "IMC noise"
[2] LLO alog #4645 "low range VCO installed"

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kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - 16:21, Monday 01 April 2013 (5956)

Here is the data which I forgot to attach.

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LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:51, Thursday 21 February 2013 (5557)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .3 microns and > .5 microns in particles per cubic foot requested from 5 PM Feb. 20 to 5 PM Feb 21. Also attached are plots of the modes to show when they were running/acquiring data.

Data was taken from h1nds0.
1440.0 minutes of trend displayed
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sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:28, Thursday 21 February 2013 - last comment - 13:29, Tuesday 12 March 2013(5555)
ALS SHG Temperature controller
The ALS SHG oven is assembled without the crystal and the temperature controlled.  

I added washers between the 5 axis stage and the aluminum base for the ALS SHG, now with the vertical adjustment screws all the way in the crystal is just at four inches.  I think if Bram adds 3 mm to the aluminum base plate for the rest of the units they should have the crystal at 4 inches when the screws are in the center of the adjustment, without any extra washers.  

The temperature controller is working.  The TEC is mounted for this unit in a way that seems upside down when you look at it, the larger face is on top, this requires crossing the wires that drive the TEC.  I did that because the data sheet says that the less wide face of the TEC should be the cool face.  

One last warning about assembling it, I thought I was using a very small amount of thermal paste, but I wish I had used even less.  The thermal paste in the hole for the thermistor was not a problem, but when I lightly tightened the bolt that holds the copper holder in place, the small amount of paste I had on the TEC came oozing out.  I was glad that I did this without the crystal installed.  

The TwinCAT library is called TECController.  Daniel Set up the corner 5 chassis for the third interferometer in end X (really the MSR for now) and there is a PLC called TEST on it.  We configured this system manager to control the TEC, and it is in the SVN at C:SlowControlsTwinCATTargetH1ECATX1H1ECATX1.tsm revision 684

So far none of the variables are in EPICS, but I had a look at the step response using a trend in the TwinCAT visualization.  1 Volt sent towards the TEC raises the temperature by about 18.3 C, and the time constant is roughly 50 seconds.  

The library has a servo, the filter has a pole at zero, a zero at 0.02Hz, and you can adjust the UGF with the user interface.  It seems to work for ugf settings up to 9 Hz, you can push the UGF up to 15 Hz if it is already locked and you aren't changing the temperature, but I don't think that's necessary.  

I will try to post some step responses once we have the channels in EPICS.  

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sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - 13:29, Tuesday 12 March 2013 (5762)
Here are some pictures of the SHG temperature controller, with the TEC mounted with the wider side up.  The fig file has some step responses recorded using strip tool, zoomed in on one that is a 1 degree step with the UGF at 5Hz.  The overshoot is around 20% when the ugf is at 5 Hz, and as you can see once things have partially settleded the in loop sensor see fluctuations of less than 0.05 C peak.  
The step resposes settings were:
Set Temp   UGF
27         5Hz  (tuning servo on)
29         5Hz
26         5 Hz
28         10 Hz
27         10 Hz
28         7 Hz
27         3Hz
28         3Hz
27         5Hz
28         5Hz    
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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:14, Thursday 21 February 2013 (5554)
H1 PR3 Intalled in HAM2

Today, Travis and I (and some Arnaud) used both Genie lifts to move the PR3 from the chamberside work table to the HAM install arm.  With the arm mounted to the NE corner of the chamber, we could not get the PR3 exactly where we wanted it so we had to slide the sus around a bit to locate it in the cookie cutter (we recall hearing that this would be a small issue).  We then found that the safety pins in new HLTS brackets which mount the PR3 to the HAM install arm were very bound up when we tried to deinstall them.  After loosening lots of stuff, we finally got them free and were able to remove the arm from the suspension - we're having the locating pins bored out to a larger clearance since they don't need to be so tight.  We added dog clamps, removed the cookie cutter and will continue with the PRM install tomorrow.

LHO General
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:00, Thursday 21 February 2013 (5546)
Days Activities

In the morning, the Apollo crew installed "The Arm" on HAM2's East side

9:20  Hugh started work at BSC2 (HEPI Bellows & dial indicator ) & BSC1 (cable strain relief & moving dial indicators); this work went off and on through out the day.

10:15 Rodruck looking for hardware at MY

2:00 Filiberto/Steven modifying EY ISC racks per work permit

LHO General
bubba.gateley@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:48, Thursday 21 February 2013 (5553)
Apollo crew
We installed the ham install arm and attached the elevator. Moved a stairway from ham 7 area where it was tested and approved by Jodi and Cheryl for use at ham 2-3. Began assembly of the work platform around bsc 2, several different configurations to choose from (and of course a galled bolt here and there). Will continue the work platform saga tomorrow. ICC at bsc 10 going quite well, brushing complete down to floor and started removing floor to begin brushing below.
jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:33, Thursday 21 February 2013 (5550)
Power Spectra for I1-MC2
   I took power spectra for the India HSTS suspension I1-MC2 yesterday. The data files are posted below and have been written to the SVN repository. I will wait for Stuart A. and Jeff K. to review before removing this suspension from the test system.   
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hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:32, Thursday 21 February 2013 (5549)
WBSC1 at Feed-Thrus Cables Strain Relieved
Strain relieved all the cables coming to the Chamber.  That is, zip tied all cables to the feedthru protection.  I did not unplug any cables and only molested them as required.  SUS & SEI would be wise to check no harm was inflicted.
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arnaud.pele@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:37, Thursday 21 February 2013 (5548)
PR3 Phase 2b passed

Attached are plots of PR3 comparing power spectra from L1 PR3 (June 2012), H1 PR3 (Feb 14th 2013 before Betsy changed the brackets), H1 PR3 (Feb 19th 2013 after changing the brackets), and H1 PR3 (Feb 20th 2013 after recentering M2 UL OSEM and moving one of the top EQ stops).

To sum up, some investigation has been done to understand why some peaks from Feb 13th PR3 power spectra has been shifted in frequency  (see the ~3.2 Hz peak on the red curve for M2 Pitch page 18 on allhltss_2013-02-20_Phase2b_PR3_ALL_Spectra_Doff ). After making few changes as described above, the new power spectra taken yesterday (Feb 20th) look consistent.

PR3 is now ready to get installed in the chamber.


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jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:00, Thursday 21 February 2013 (5547)
Chamber cleaning started on Tuesday, 19 Feb. 
BSC10 has very robust color and staining from the original bake for strain relief. Please see attached PDF for pix.
Note the deep brown/black background color of the chamber, the yellow and orange trails and splotches and other colorful artifacts visible on the chamber’s interior surface. (Upper photos) Some concern has been expressed with regard to the quality of the brushed sections. I inspected progress this morning (21 Feb) and am satisfied that the ICC process is working as intended. Although the results are not as “pretty” or “shiny” as we would like, there is ample evidence that the surface layer is being removed (Lower photos).  Notice the change in surface color to a silver/whitish background and the absence of orange and yellow trails. 
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LHO General
bubba.gateley@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:02, Thursday 21 February 2013 (5544)
Apollo crew
Yesterdays report! We moved some BSC plates to mid x and a BSC cartdridge container back to the corner station for Hugh. The top section and collar of the BSC 10 chamber was brushed. We installed the stiffener backing ring and o-ring protectors on HAM 2 with the install arm to follow today. 
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:06, Wednesday 20 February 2013 (5543)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .3 microns and > .5 microns in particles per cubic foot requested from 5 PM Feb. 19 to 5 PM Feb 20. Also attached are plots of the modes to show when they were running/acquiring data.

Data was taken from h1nds0.
1440.0 minutes of trend displayed
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H1 General
hernan.daveloza@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:31, Wednesday 20 February 2013 - last comment - 09:14, Thursday 21 February 2013(5537)
Ops review

- 8:15 meeting Richard mention alarm ITMY OSEM3 was on

- 10:00 Filiberto shut down ITMY electronics - turned on at 12:00, followed by oscillation on OSEM5 and OSEM6, solved by Pele and Mark

- 11:30 Patrick activated DUST monitor 9

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filiberto.clara@LIGO.ORG - 09:14, Thursday 21 February 2013 (5545)
Yesterday, I powered down the ITMY coil drivers. I disconnected and reconnected field cables at the SAT units inside SUS H1-R6. This was done to help finish dressing cabling inside the rack. When units were reconnected and powered up, we saw a high frequency oscillation as described by Pablo. We were able to remove the oscillation by power cycling the AA units.
H1 General
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:42, Tuesday 19 February 2013 - last comment - 12:01, Wednesday 27 November 2013(5530)
Inspection in HAM2:

Jodi and I inspected HAM2 withness plates and surfaces, and found a lot of articulate.  Wafers also have visible finger prints, that I put there installing them - good reason to use our nifty wafer tweezers.  Particulate found on all wafers.  Examples include but are not limited to white fibers, black flecks, white flecks, metal flecks, bright red stuff, and a bit of First Contact.

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cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - 16:34, Wednesday 20 February 2013 (5539)
- Jodi, Cheryl

Observations of witness plates and other in-chamber surfaces goes as follows:

Every surface we looked at had particulate, including table top, optic structures, etc.  Optics, both small fixed 2" and the larger 4" IM2 and IM4, show particulate.

Witness Plates:

- Worst contamination: 
One 4" witness plate on the HAM2 table top:
Exposed during IO installation, pump down and vent.  
Significant particulate, and my gloved hand print.

- Competing for the next worst contamination:
Two 4" witness plates in the beam tube, North and South of HAM2:
Exposed during pump down and vent.  
Large particulate easily seen from about 1.5m away.

Two 4" witness plates in the bottom of HAM2:
Exposed during pump down and vent.  
Large particulate easily seen from about 1.5m away.

- The winners, showing the least contamination:
4" witness plates in the beam tube, West side of HAM2 on ISI level-0, positioned North, Center, and South:
Exposed during pump down and vent.  
Small particulate easily seen by eye.

- The three 1 optics had some particulate but were very hard to evaluate in-chamber, so hard to say how much contamination is on their surfaces until we can pick them up.  There was a piece of First Contact, about 1mm square, on one of the 3 optics - it was missed by at least two sets of eyes before pump down.  The up-side is that this does show that FC stayed put on an optic during pump down and venting.

Current State of Witness Plates in HAM2:
We did not have containers to remove wafers or 1" optics, so new wafers were installed along side the old wafers, (in every position, the new wafer is installed in the counter-clockwise direction from the old wafer).  Two new wafers replaced the old table top wafer, and the old wafer was moved across the table, to prevent it from contaminating the new wafers.
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 12:01, Wednesday 27 November 2013 (8764)

On Nov 21st, 2013:  Calum and I picked up a few witness plates in HAM2 and 3 since we had so many in there.  We picked up the 2 that were in the HAM2-HAM1 spool floor, and both that were in front of the PR3.  We placed a new one near the center of the table behind PR3.

arnaud.pele@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:57, Tuesday 12 February 2013 - last comment - 16:45, Friday 18 October 2013(5468)
B&K Hammer Measurement
Arnaud P. Betsy W. 

Did B&K hammer measurements on Friday feb 8th on the BeamSplitter that will be installed in BSC2. 
Config: BSC-ISI Unlocked, QUAD Unlocked, Baffles ON, Vibration Absorbers ON, Damping ON.

Attached, pictures describing the position of hammer impacts, and accelerometer + corresponding pulse files.

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stuart.aston@LIGO.ORG - 14:26, Thursday 21 February 2013 (5551)
Raw data has been exported from the B&K Pulse files, in accordance with the procedure outlined in the SUS Operations Manual (see How to do B&K Hammer Testing).

Exported ASCII data files have been committed to the SUS svn at the following location, ligo/svncommon/SusSVN/sus/trunk/BSFM/H1/BS/BandK$, these files include the following (n.b. files have been renamed to comply with convention detailed in the Op's Manual) :-


The above B&K data has been processed using v12 of the "BandK_plot.m" Matlab script, available in the /ligo/svncommon/SusSVN/sus/trunk/Common/MatlabTools$ directory.

The merged plot attached below shows:-
pg1 - Y response of the structure to Y hammer impact excitations at various locations, from 1Hz to 400Hz.
pg2 - X response of the structure to X hammer impact excitations at various locations, from 1Hz to 400Hz.
pg3 - X response of the structure to X hammer impact excitations at various locations, ZOOMED IN from 50Hz to 400Hz.

n.b. hammer impact locations are viewable in the attachment to the original aLOG entry above see "Hammer_Impacts.pdf".   
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arnaud.pele@LIGO.ORG - 18:27, Wednesday 25 September 2013 (7873)

For acceptance review, I reprocessed the data for the beamsplitter, after seeing a legend mismatch between the plotted results and the raw data from PULSE software.
Therefore the attached results below are the ones to look at, and are following the accelerometer axis convention represented on the last attachement

(1) BandK_results_X_Exc.pdf

(2) BandK_results_Y_Exc.pdf

(3) Picture of BS with axis convention and hammer impact location

The X and Y hits have been chosen to correspond to the "Top Middle" hits on the picture

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arnaud.pele@LIGO.ORG - 16:45, Friday 18 October 2013 (8173)

Those results in X to X (blue of 1st pdf) and Y to Y (green of 2nd pdf) are not showing any high Q resonnances below 150Hz, meaning the vibration absorbers are working as expected, and the test passed succesfully.

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