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Reports until 16:07, Wednesday 20 February 2013
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:07, Wednesday 20 February 2013 (5540)
PR3 - 2 rounds of noise hunting

The spectra taken since the M2 stage AOSEM bracket swap last Friday (15th) show slightly anomolous peaks (not glaringly wrong, but not great).  This morning we attempted to remedy the mis-centering of the M1 UL AOSEM which we thought might be brushing the magnet.  After deeming it ok, Arnaud's spectra revealed it still to be bad.  This time I went in and played with both the UL and LL attempting to center the AOEM with it buried over the magnet blocking all of the light.  This old standby technique was not very helpful though because as you draw the AOSEM back out to 50% open light, the AOSEM walks all over in the bracket nulling the alignment.  The stackup of brackets at this stage are not very nice (putting it nicely).

The picture below shows how all 4 AOSEM brackets are crooked relative to the structure and the suspended mass with the "modified" brackets.  We needed to make new brackets here.  Too late.  (Although I have Tyler making a fresh set for SR3, now that I am aware of the problem.)

I also found that one of the 4 top mass EQ stops was brushing the top mass.  This could have been the culprit the whole time, but nevertheless, the M2 stage brackets don't look right.

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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:55, Wednesday 20 February 2013 (5538)
PRM unplugged and ready for transport to HAM2

Yesterday, Travis did this.  PR3 is the first one we need, however but it's good to get this work done.

H1 General
hernan.daveloza@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:31, Wednesday 20 February 2013 - last comment - 09:14, Thursday 21 February 2013(5537)
Ops review

- 8:15 meeting Richard mention alarm ITMY OSEM3 was on

- 10:00 Filiberto shut down ITMY electronics - turned on at 12:00, followed by oscillation on OSEM5 and OSEM6, solved by Pele and Mark

- 11:30 Patrick activated DUST monitor 9

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filiberto.clara@LIGO.ORG - 09:14, Thursday 21 February 2013 (5545)
Yesterday, I powered down the ITMY coil drivers. I disconnected and reconnected field cables at the SAT units inside SUS H1-R6. This was done to help finish dressing cabling inside the rack. When units were reconnected and powered up, we saw a high frequency oscillation as described by Pablo. We were able to remove the oscillation by power cycling the AA units.
kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:32, Wednesday 20 February 2013 (5536)
Installation of the ALS periscope mirrors done

 Both the upper and lower mirrors of the ALS-PSL periscope were installed this morning.
Also I have spent some times to align the entire ALS path on the table so that the beam can nicely climb up the periscope and hit the center of the penetration hole and duct on the PSL enclosure wall (see attached picture). This work required the WP #3723 and the metal cap of the penetration hole was put back on afterward. The ALS beam is ready to enter the HAM1 chamber (although a light pipe will be required).

/* some notes on the beam power */
before ALS-Faraday = 125.8 mW
after ALS-Faraday =  123.9 mW

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LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:12, Wednesday 20 February 2013 (5535)
started dust monitor 9 in the LVEA
It is in the clean room in front of the west door of HAM1.
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:48, Wednesday 20 February 2013 (5533)
HEPI Plumbing Leak Testing Update
Since Wednesday when the welder completed the gross leak fix, the system had been losing about 1psi per day.  On Saturday all the valves to the distribution manifolds (at Chambers) were closed.  The pressure loss trend continued and yesterday a small leak was found and stopped on a Swagelok fitting under BSC1 where a 1/4" valve provides bleeding at a high point.  This morning the pressure was found to be holding so the main line valves have again been opened.  No pressure drop was observed so I am optimistic things are now leak free.  I may vent a couple small sections to install pressure transducers.  Otherwise will monitor the pressure for another day or so before calling it good.
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:15, Tuesday 19 February 2013 (5532)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .3 microns and > .5 microns in particles per cubic foot requested from 5 PM Feb. 18 to 5 PM Feb 19. Also attached are plots of the modes to show when they were running/acquiring data. I'm not sure why dust monitor 4 in the LVEA stopped. I have restarted it.

Data was taken from h1nds1.
2880 seconds worth of data was unavailable on this server
1440.0 minutes of trend displayed
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david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:09, Tuesday 19 February 2013 (5531)
CDS Maintenance Summary

lhocds. changed nat routing for ports 22 and 2222 such that SSH now routes to the 2fa server.

h1seih16. IO chassis power supply swap out and restart of front end. Dolphin problems meant we had to restart almost all MSR models which have Dolphin IPC.

h1dc0. went down a few times this morning in order to clone its boot disk in order to build h1dc1.

worked with PSL and HAM ISI groups to revert some recent SVN file changes.

Changed the NAT configuration of marble/h1dmt0 to route to the new ligo.org auth login server as part of its install process

Performed OS upgrades of some CDS servers.

H1 General
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:42, Tuesday 19 February 2013 - last comment - 12:01, Wednesday 27 November 2013(5530)
Inspection in HAM2:

Jodi and I inspected HAM2 withness plates and surfaces, and found a lot of articulate.  Wafers also have visible finger prints, that I put there installing them - good reason to use our nifty wafer tweezers.  Particulate found on all wafers.  Examples include but are not limited to white fibers, black flecks, white flecks, metal flecks, bright red stuff, and a bit of First Contact.

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cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - 16:34, Wednesday 20 February 2013 (5539)
- Jodi, Cheryl

Observations of witness plates and other in-chamber surfaces goes as follows:

Every surface we looked at had particulate, including table top, optic structures, etc.  Optics, both small fixed 2" and the larger 4" IM2 and IM4, show particulate.

Witness Plates:

- Worst contamination: 
One 4" witness plate on the HAM2 table top:
Exposed during IO installation, pump down and vent.  
Significant particulate, and my gloved hand print.

- Competing for the next worst contamination:
Two 4" witness plates in the beam tube, North and South of HAM2:
Exposed during pump down and vent.  
Large particulate easily seen from about 1.5m away.

Two 4" witness plates in the bottom of HAM2:
Exposed during pump down and vent.  
Large particulate easily seen from about 1.5m away.

- The winners, showing the least contamination:
4" witness plates in the beam tube, West side of HAM2 on ISI level-0, positioned North, Center, and South:
Exposed during pump down and vent.  
Small particulate easily seen by eye.

- The three 1 optics had some particulate but were very hard to evaluate in-chamber, so hard to say how much contamination is on their surfaces until we can pick them up.  There was a piece of First Contact, about 1mm square, on one of the 3 optics - it was missed by at least two sets of eyes before pump down.  The up-side is that this does show that FC stayed put on an optic during pump down and venting.

Current State of Witness Plates in HAM2:
We did not have containers to remove wafers or 1" optics, so new wafers were installed along side the old wafers, (in every position, the new wafer is installed in the counter-clockwise direction from the old wafer).  Two new wafers replaced the old table top wafer, and the old wafer was moved across the table, to prevent it from contaminating the new wafers.
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 12:01, Wednesday 27 November 2013 (8764)

On Nov 21st, 2013:  Calum and I picked up a few witness plates in HAM2 and 3 since we had so many in there.  We picked up the 2 that were in the HAM2-HAM1 spool floor, and both that were in front of the PR3.  We placed a new one near the center of the table behind PR3.

LHO General
bubba.gateley@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:48, Tuesday 19 February 2013 (5528)
Apollo crew
Moved cleanrooms in south bay per request from Betsy with approval from Jodi. Started ICC at BSC 10, documented chamber, pictures, wraped support tubes, covered RGA per instruction from Kyle. Ran compressor to blow out cobwebs and ready to start brushing tomorrow. John and I glued measurement spheres for reference before and after removal of coupon on sample beamtube and started setting up for coupon cut with plasma cutter.
jim.warner@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:47, Tuesday 19 February 2013 (5527)
HAM2 dummy payload removed

HughR, JimW, some Apollo

This afternoon, after Jodi and Cheryl did their in-chamber cleanliness assessment, we removed the dummy payload from the HAM2 optical table (6x 50lb masses and 3 10kg masses). No other components were touched, so there maybe other components to be removed from the table before PR's are installed.

jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:10, Tuesday 19 February 2013 (5526)
Phase 1b M1 Transfer Functions for I1-MC2
   Attached are the plots for the M1 level transfer functions for MC2. This is the first of the India HSTS suspensions to be tested. The plots look good. While Stuart Aston and Jeff Kissel are reviewing these results, we will install the AOSEMs and prep MC2 for the power spectra tests.      
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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:49, Tuesday 19 February 2013 (5525)
PR3- M2 AOSEM Brackets swapped

Late last week, Deepak and I precariously swapped the problematic and AOSEM brackets described in my previous alog:



I use the word precarious because the operation meant that tools, small fasteners, and hands were wedged inside of the suspension above the optic and extremely close to fragile wires in order to replace the 4 brackets.  This did not make me happy.  See some pictures below, but the collection is also posted  ResourceSpace: https://ligoimages.mit.edu/?r=23901

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hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:22, Tuesday 19 February 2013 (5524)
HAM3-ISI - Level 3 Controllers

HAM3-ISI level 3 controllers were designed on Jan 16th 2013. Controllers are shown in the first .pdf attahcement of this post, and saved in the SVN under: /seismic/HAM-ISI/H1/IMC_Test/Isolation_Filters/HAM3/

Those controllers were designed on in-air measurements. In-air VS In-Vacuum comparisons show that the major resonances we account for during ISO loops design are not affected by switching from in-air to in-vacuum.

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david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:56, Saturday 16 February 2013 (5522)
cdsfs0 and h1seih16

cdsfs0 was reset. I verified from the control room that I could recover this system "remotely" via the administration port. If it fails again before Tue I'll try to remotely recover it, but for now it appears to be a Saturday problem.

h1seih16 When I got to the control room at 15:30 I noticed that h1seih16 had been frozen from 13:15. I took it out of the Dolhin fabric and tried restarting the models, but no I/O cards are detected. I took a quick look at the IO Chassis and found it without power (front panel switch is ON, 24V power strip has +24V LED ON). It looks like  a power supply issue so I'm leaving this till Tuesday. I'm running the models to "green up" the EDCU, but no useful data is coming from HEPI HAM1.

david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:54, Saturday 16 February 2013 (5521)
/ligo file system is in read-only mode

For the second saturday in a row the /ligo file system at LHO has issued a scsi error and switched to read-only mode. I'll drive to the site later this afternoon to reboot it. We will work on replacing the scsi controller card next week to see if we can fix this problem.

The error occurred at 08:06 today, at at 00:05 last sat.
LHO General
dale.ingram@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:44, Friday 15 February 2013 - last comment - 11:47, Tuesday 19 February 2013(5518)
Friday Summary
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arnaud.pele@LIGO.ORG - 11:47, Tuesday 19 February 2013 (5523)

Ran new power spectra over the week end, to confirm why the low frequency amplitude was high on Thursday's PRM power spectra (2013-02-14). Now the suspension is covered again, the power spectra looks better. See one of the two first attached documents (allhstss_2013-02-15) comparing L1 PRM power spectra (Jan 2013) H1 PRM uncovered (Feb 14th 2013) and H1 PRM covered (Feb 15th 2013), the difference can be clearly seen.

**the data have been commited on the svn and can be found here :

/ligo/svncommon/SusSVN/sus/trunk/HSTS/H1/PRM/SAGM1/Results/SAGM{1,2 or 3}/2013-02-15_1700_H1SUSPRM_M{1,2 or 3}_ALL_Spectra.pdf


**Only the "good" data (=Feb 15th 2013) will be added to the plotallhsts_spectra.m script. Will commit the script with new data right after this log.




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arnaud.pele@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:33, Thursday 14 February 2013 - last comment - 16:41, Tuesday 19 February 2013(5498)
PR3 Phase 2b Power Spectra
Attached phase 2b power spectra for PR3.
The two first pdfs show a comparison of the power spectra between L1-PR3 (June 2012),X1-PR3 (June 2012) and H1-PR3 (Feb 2013) respectively damping off and damping on.
The three others show the effect of damping for the top, middle and lower masses of PR3

New power spectra will be taken tomorrow since Betsy has to change some of the OSEMs.
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arnaud.pele@LIGO.ORG - 16:41, Tuesday 19 February 2013 (5529)

New power spectra have been taken after Betsy changed the "unfortunates brackets"
The attached plots show comparison between H1 PR3 (Feb 15th 2013 after changing the brackets) H1 PR3(Feb 14th 2013 before changing the brackets) X1 PR3 (June 2012) and L1 PR3 (June 2012)

**Looking at M2 and M3 Pitch from ALL_Spectra_Doff, some peaks appear to be shifted from the other curves. (~1Hz --> ~1.2Hz and ~3Hz --> ~3.2Hz)

Will run power spectra overnight and will compare it tomorrow

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paul.fulda@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:26, Friday 08 February 2013 - last comment - 16:31, Wednesday 20 February 2013(5429)
IMC pole measurement

[Rodica, Kiwamu, Dick, Michael R., Keita, Paul]

Last night and today we finally managed to get what looked like a good measurement of the IMC pole response. Here is a brief description of the measurement setup:

Swept sine signal applied directly from the SRS785 to the AOM driver box inside the PSL. Frequency range was 1kHz to 100kHz, signal amplitude was 400mV pkpk. 1000 intergration cycles, and 101.56ms integration time. Measurement was a transfer function from the DCPD on the PSL installed recently (PDA55) to the DCPD on the IOT2L table (DET100A). ~200mW injected to modecleaner.

The PDA55 on the PSL table didn't give us an observable signal from the amplitude modulation previously when we tried on Wednesday. Rodica checked the Thorlabs recommendation for best linear performance, which states that the maximum intensity should be less than 10mW/cm^2. Even with a very low beam power we may have been exceeding this value due to the very small beam size. The PD was therefore moved to have a larger incident beam size.

We were struggling to get a decent signal on the SRS785 until Kiwamu suggested reducing the light power reaching the PDs to less than 1V. Once we brought the power down to less than 600mV, we were able to see a decent signals on the SRS785 and began taking TFs. 

The first attached transfer function is directly from the PSL PD to the IOT2L PD. In the event that the response of both PDs is linear, this should just give the cavity response. However, we noticed that the phase dropped below -90deg on the TF, indicating the presence of another pole - likely that of one of the PDs. We therefore took a TF from the PSL PD to the IOT2L PD, with the IOT2L PD repositioned in the IMC REFL path and the cavity misaligned (as Giacomo did previously). This TF is the second attached plot, and shows the pole of the IOT2L PD. Finally, we then divided the first transfer function by the second to eliminate the different PD response, leaving us just with the cavity response. This transfer function, along with a fit, is shown in the third attached plot.

For now, I just fitted the phase of the pole measurement, which gave the result 8812.36 Hz for the cavity pole. I'll try a complex data fitting routine soon and post the result.

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giacomo.ciani@LIGO.ORG - 16:31, Wednesday 20 February 2013 (5541)

Puzzled by the fact that my previous measurement of the cavity pole didn't make much sense, I spent some time playing with differnt fitting algorithm and writing a simple rountine to fit complex valued functions. It didn't help with my data (there's apparently something I'm missing in the response of some of the compoenents...), but I got a chance to fit this measurement.

Of the attached figure, the two plots on the right don't need any explanation. The one on the left, intead, its a bit odd and needs some explanation (but I like it!). It is built by plotting the complex TF experimental data points and the LP filter fitting function both divided by the magnitude of the fitting function itself. The fitting parameters are obtained by minimizing the quantity:

abs( ( data(f) - fitfunt(f) ) / fitfunc(f) )^2

The reason for normalizing by the value of the fitted function is that, in this way, the points with very small magnitude have the same relative weight of the ones with large magnitude (analogous as fitting in dB scale with uniform weighting), that wouldn't be true otherwise. For the same reason I plotted the normalized quantitites instead of the normal ones, so it is easier to see how "relatively" far the fitting function is from the data, regardless fo their absolute magnitude.

The plot is actually a 3D plot seen from above (you can rotate it in the ".fig", obviously not in the ".png"), with the z axis being the log(frequency). log(frequency) also set the color of the points, so that when you look at the graph projected on a plane (i.e. from above) you can still somehow see the frequency dependence. If the fit is good, the fitted points and the measured ones should be close in both position on the plane AND color.

I excluded the points <2.5e3 Hz and >7e4 Hz from the plot for direct comparison with similar fits done at LLO. The result is definitely close to the expected cavity pole value (8.717 kHz), but I should point out that the choice of the fitting range could change this value by a couple hunderd Hz (for example it increases to about 8950 Hz if I include the entire range of data), so we should pay attention not to  take this result to be more accurate that it actually is.

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giacomo.ciani@LIGO.ORG - posted 23:55, Tuesday 29 January 2013 - last comment - 15:44, Wednesday 20 February 2013(5311)
IMC noise

Attached is a plot of the calibrated IMC control signals for the following relevant control loop settings:

- Common Mode Board: common gain = 20 db, compensation and 1st common boost on, fast gain = -2 db.

- MC2_M3_LOCK_L filters: gain -1000, FM5 (150:4) and FM8 (CLP100) enabled, limt to 400k.

- MC2_M2_LOCK_L filters: gain = 0.03, FM1 (0.01:0.1), FM2 (0.03:1), FM3 (Stab8:2), FM4 (300:1) and FM10 (ELF80) enabled, limit to 300k.


The signals have been calibrated following L1 example. Details on the calibration follow (both for clarity and to check that I correctly interpreted what they has been done at L1).

---- IMC_F ----

- The fast path control signal is directly acquired from the Common Mode Board and becomes the input to the H1IMC-F filter bank (H1:IMC_F_INMON)

- the filter bank contains the following (enabled) filters:

   - "cts2V" that converts ADC counts in volts (0.000610016 V/ct)

   - "InvGenFilt" that compensates for the withening filter at the output of the Common Mode Board (double pole at 10 Hz, double zero at 100 Hz, DC gain = 0.5)

   - "VCO" that accounts for the VCO DC gain (365714 Hz/V, obtained from the test report of unit D0900605-S1200558 and multiplied by 2 to account for the AOM double pass) and filter (pole at 1.6 Hz, zero at 40 Hz)

   - "FtoL" (I added this at H1) that converts the frequency variations dF into equivalent modecleaner round-trip variations dL using dL = dF * L * lambda / c, where L is the length of the IMC (16.47 m nominal), lambda = 1064e-9 m, c=3*10^8 m/s.


---- IMC_X ----

- the output of the MC2_[M3/M2]_LOCK_L filters are input in the IMC-X_[M2/M3] filters bank, respectively

- the MC3 filter bank contains the following enabled filters:

   - "dc_cal" that converts the length actuation into mass displacement at DC

   - "sus_d" that accounts for the TF from force on M3 to displacement of M3 (rescaled for 0 dB DC gain because of the existence of "dc_cal"). Note that this TF has been calculated for L1 in the case of velocity damping; although we are still using velocity damping here at H1, it need to be verified that we are using the same setting that L1 was using when the TF was calculated.

   - "white", a whitening filter (two 0.2 Hz poles and two 1000 Hz zeros) used to get rid of digitization noise. It need to be tken into account when analyzing data.

- the MC2 filter bank contains similar filters, except that "sus_d" is replaced by the combination of "sus_d1" an "sus_d2", that account for the TF from force on M2 to displacement of M3.

- the outputs of both filter banks are summed to estimate the actual M3 motion.

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giacomo.ciani@LIGO.ORG - 15:44, Wednesday 20 February 2013 (5534)

There has been a bit of discussion about the value of the VCO gain used here, as it seemd to be different enough from the one used a LLO (as much as peple suspected the double pass had been ignored, thus missing a factor 2).

After a bit of back and forth by e-mail, Anamaria spotted the problem: in obtaining this facor from the testing documentation I had very naively assumed a linear response over the tested range, thus calculating the gain as [range of output frequency] / [range of input voltage].

Plotting the data points reported in the abovementioned documentation for the units in use at LHO (S1200558) and LLO (S1200580) reveals instead that the two units behave very similarly, but not linearly. The gain in the linear region around 0 V is ~ 0.27 MHz/V, versus the ~0.18 MHz/V calculated over the entire range (see attached plot). The gain can be as low as 100 kHz/V in the region around 5V (or -5V).

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