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Reports until 19:08, Wednesday 06 February 2013
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:08, Wednesday 06 February 2013 (5397)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .3 microns and > .5 microns in particles per cubic foot requested from 5 PM Feb. 5 to 5 PM Feb 6. Also attached are plots of the modes to show when they were running/acquiring data.

Data was taken from h1nds1.
1440.0 minutes of trend displayed
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hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:52, Wednesday 06 February 2013 - last comment - 09:32, Thursday 07 February 2013(5395)
HAM3-ISI- Overnight TF

Transfer function measurements are running overnight on HAM3-ISI.

Active control will be turned back on once it is done.

Comments related to this report
hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - 18:04, Wednesday 06 February 2013 (5396)

Same comments apply to HAM2-ISI

hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - 09:32, Thursday 07 February 2013 (5404)

Measurements are done. Level 2 Isolation loops are back ON, on both HAM2 and HAM3 ISIs.

H1 General
michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:27, Wednesday 06 February 2013 (5394)
Ops day summary
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:11, Wednesday 06 February 2013 (5391)
WHAM3 HEPI Changes during recent L4C Leveling
Starting Monday the HAM3 HEPI was unlocked for the L4C leveling.  Each corner is relocked during that corner's leveling work.  As the work proceeds there is invariably some position change but the process is done intended not to move things.  It works pretty well with most horizontal changes counteracting one another in the end.

At first unlocking, the HAM HEPI (& presumably the ISI and Optical Table Payload) moved a small amount:
<1mil X or Y and < 1urad Rz.  There was a drop of the platform of 1.1mil(0.0011") the four corners dropping close to the same but different enough to yield a 1.7urad Ry but only 0.5urad Rx.

After the last Corner was completed the total motion from the Monday (unlocked) position was:
<1mil X or Y and -3.5uradRz.  The payload came back up 0.1mil and rotated about the X & Y axes each -1.1urads.  This will presumably be the final floating (no DC HEPI drive) when next released.  Who know what actually having fluid flowing though HEPI will do even though it should be unaffected.

The system was relocked and the motion after this (where it will be for some time) is as follows:
Again, less than a mil X or Y and -1.6urad Rz.  The table is a bit higher, .5mils with -2.2urad Ry & <.1urad Rx.

How the heck does he do it? you ask.  Well, the Inductive Position Sensors are 655cts/mil sensitive, by watching the readings while being locked the position can be held to a few hundred counts at worst, and by careful reconnection of the Actuator so it is not stressed.
michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:34, Wednesday 06 February 2013 - last comment - 11:45, Thursday 07 February 2013(5390)
60 Hz noise gone

Turns out we left cables attached to the TFIN and TFA/B inputs on the PMC field box in the racks, with the MEDM switch enabling the TF path. Removing the cables got rid of the noise, and I disabled the path. There is still some 60 Hz noise but it is nothing like it was before.

This is something we've forgotten since the science run ended...always check the cables when noise hunting!!

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Comments related to this report
duncan.brown@LIGO.ORG - 09:28, Thursday 07 February 2013 (5403)
Checked the PSL PDA spectrum and ODC lock status again this morning and all looks fine. Thanks for following this up Michael.
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chris.pankow@LIGO.ORG - 11:45, Thursday 07 February 2013 (5408)
Excess power diagram of the past day or so. It's very clear that the high frequency noise diminishes and disappears in the recolored channel right around the time that the problem was corrected.
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jim.warner@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:25, Wednesday 06 February 2013 (5389)
BSC2 now unlocked and balanced

MitchR, JimW BSC2 was unlocked and balanced this morning, mostly problem-free (except for a CPS power cable that had come unplugged) requiring only small changes to the BSC's trim mass on both stages. Locked/unlocked shifts are <500 cts for St1 and <1000 for St2. SUS's C3 cover and optic shields were carefully removed and are sitting on the nearby tables if needed (please notify SEI people before re-installing these). The ISI was left floating  for testing, while we have the window.

kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:29, Tuesday 05 February 2013 (5385)
The mysterious offset spontaneously gone, but watch out

 For some reasons the big offset that had been observed at ASC_ADC_1_7 [1][2] disappeared at around 11:24 AM this morning and never came back. I think this corresponds to the time when I was unplugging the SCSI cable of the AA board. I was trying to look at the raw voltage coming out from the AA board and so for the reason I was attaching a SCSI break out board. I didn't see any raw offset at the time, put the cable back to place and realized that the offset had been magically gone. This is strange because yesterday it came back after I unplugged and plugged the SCSI. This doesn't mean the issue is solved, but anyway we will keep our eyes on this particular ADC channel and AA board.

After the offset was gone, I checked the signal chain from the inputs of the QPD interface box through the whitening filter and ADC to the digitized numbers by injecting analog excitation signal (0.01 Vpp at 3 Hz with DS345). This was a part of the QPD check. The digitized value agreed with an expected count of +/-550 counts with the whitening off. So I conclude that the ADC and AA board are healthy at this moment.

Note :
 one of the QPD interface box [3] in the ISC R4 rack doesn't have a frequency response. It is documented in [3]. The rest of two guys do have a frequency response as designed.

[1] LHO alog 5371 "offset at ASC_ADC_1_7 seem from the AA board"
[2] LHO alog 5373 "Maintenance summary"
[3] S1102815-v3 "ISC Dual QPD Transimpedance Amplifier Chassis"

mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:12, Tuesday 05 February 2013 - last comment - 08:29, Wednesday 06 February 2013(5384)
Commencing Matlab TFs on the BS.
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mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 06:43, Wednesday 06 February 2013 (5386)
Checked at 6:38 am, TFs had finished, apparently OK. Plots pending.

Undamped: ^/trunk/BSFM/H1/BSTST/SAGM1/Data/2013-02-05-1044155727_H1SUSBSTST_M1_0p01to50Hz_tf.mat

Damped: ^/trunk/BSFM/H1/BSTST/SAGM1/Data/2013-02-06-1044174784_H1SUSBSTST_M1_0p01to50Hz_tf.mat
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 08:29, Wednesday 06 February 2013 (5387)
There was a dropout in the central section of V in the undamped plots, and a dropout in P in the damped plots, but otherwise everything is pristine.
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hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:33, Tuesday 05 February 2013 (5382)
WHAM3 HEPI L4C Leveling Complete--HEPI ***Locked***
Completed the Leveling of the final corner's L4Cs on HAM3.  I'm still crunching the IPS readings to go from the starting locked position to floating to after leveling work floating to current locked position.  I expect these to be a few mils & urads at the worst but I'll go through the motions and report, just not now.

HAM3 HEPI is ***Locked*** but try to avoid the Crossbeams anyway.
michael.landry@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:25, Tuesday 05 February 2013 (5381)
Final iLIGO test mass deinstalled
With the EY envelope vented, both doors removed on BSC10, and the downstream nozzle leading to the new spool and to BSC6 dammed, we deinstalled H1 ETMY (final iLIGO test mass on the project).

We made an inspection and photo survey for particulate of the chamber, nozzles, optic and SUS, with not much out of the ordinary observed, save what looks like a tan epoxy-like residue on one chamber wall (sample preserved - the in-chamber cleaning crew has seen a variety of residues before, that have typically FTIR'd clean).  We then clamped the optic with EQ stops and teflon, extracted OSEMs, removed DLC mount/black glass etc from the optics table, and un-dogged/lowered the SUS to the flooring. We then removed it from the chamber. It will be set in the EY TMS lab for optic extraction from the SUS. This test mass is bound for KAGRA.  Next up is passive stack removal.

(Fauver/Landry/Gateley/Layne/Z. Haux/Healis)
jason.oberling@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:21, Tuesday 05 February 2013 - last comment - 17:47, Tuesday 05 February 2013(5380)
BSC2 BS Cartridge Alignment
IAS: D. Cook, J. Oberling
SUS: B. Weaver, T. Sadecki
SEI: H. Radkins
After a couple days of adjustments, re-adjustments, and re-re-adjustments, the BS cartridge alignment is complete.  Below are the position and angle errors from nominal (error direction in parentheses where required).

We also aligned the HR and AR BS elliptical baffles.  The spec for baffle alignment is ±0.5 mm both laterally and vertically.  The AR elliptical baffle was aligned with a lateral error of 0.47 mm to the right (facing the baffle from the AR side) and a vertical error of 0.05 mm up.  The HR elliptical baffle was aligned with a lateral error of 0.25 mm to the left (facing the baffle from the HR side) and a vertical error of 0.0 mm.  This closes out the BS cartidge alignment.

Comments related to this report
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 17:47, Tuesday 05 February 2013 (5383)

Betsy, Travis

Further notes on the elliptical baffle:

1) We did not encounter the issue that the alignment pins on the target would not fit in the baffle as seen at LLO in this alog - https://alog.ligo-la.caltech.edu/aLOG/index.php?callRep=4425.  Our pins fit fine into the baffle.

2) However, we DID run into the problem they mentioned where one of the press-fit pins was too tight of a fit in the target.  At LLO they apparently reamed out the hole, again mentioned in their alog cited just above.  However, since I read that log too late, we forced the pin into one of the targets and broke it off.  (Phlltt!)  We weren't given much of a hint to assembling/using these, however we were given a spare!  Lesson-learned the hard way and we more-carefully assembled the second AOS baffle target.

3) I don't see how the baffle alignment is captured in the mechanics of the baffle if it gets removed.  We've been working under the impression that the baffle cannot come off once aligned, which does make installation a bit trickier.  Baffle RODA's assure us the baffle is supposed to be "removeable" so we'll pursue how to maintain the alignment with AOS as we haven't stumbled on that in an LLO log.

4) The method of how we aligned the baffle today seems to be the same as what LLO reported in the cited alog above.

4) Lastly, it seems strange to me that the optic height tolerance is 1mm, while the baffle tolerance is 0.5mm.

LHO General
michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:40, Tuesday 05 February 2013 - last comment - 19:13, Wednesday 06 February 2013(5379)
Ops day summary
Comments related to this report
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - 19:13, Wednesday 06 February 2013 (5398)
I restarted and burtrestored the dust monitor and weather station IOCs on h0epics2 that lost communication after the work on the network.
michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:28, Tuesday 05 February 2013 - last comment - 16:25, Tuesday 05 February 2013(5374)
PSL Plots

For the 35W laser

In investigating the ISS noise, I tried unlocking the FSS so the mode cleaner had no input to the PSL and took a spectrum. The noise is still there, so I think this rules it out as a noise source, unless they installed some hardware in the outside racks which is loudly humming at 60 Hz. I tried disabling the heater on the PMC which did help clear up the noise around 50 Hz but did not affect the peaks (iss_rpn-005). However, the noise does appear in the HV signal of the PMC when it's unlocked and locked. The peak around 4 kHz shows up in this signal as well, although its position moves by 1-2 kHz. So it looks like it is not the mode cleaner but the PMC causing this noise, maybe in the HV signal.

On the DBB: Rick and I several months back adjusted the lenses in the box to improve the mode matching, using the medm interface. However, we did not save these settings to the safe.snap file and when the DBB was burtrestored it moved the lenses to their old positions. I've updated the values and wrote a new safe.snap file.

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michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - 16:25, Tuesday 05 February 2013 (5378)

It looks like it is the HV that is carrying the 60 Hz noise. I unlocked the PMC again and disabled the ramp input and temperature loop so there was (I believe) no input to the high voltage, and took a time series plot. There is a clear 60 Hz signal present on this channel I haven't seen before. I do not know where this could be coming from, but I will check with IO/ISC people to see if they installed anything near the rack.

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kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:27, Tuesday 05 February 2013 (5377)
Realignment of the ALS-PSL fiber launcher setup

[Max and Kiwamu]

A few days ago, we found that there was almost no light coming out from the ALS-PSL fiber [1]. This was thought to be a misalignment in the launcher setup on the PSL table.

Today we entered the PSL room and realigned the setup. Although we screwed up the previous alignment at the beginning due to the lack of a right measurement device, at the end we became able to couple 40% of the incident light (Pin ~ 4.6 mW) into the fiber. Note that the best coupling efficiency in the past was 60% and therefore we maybe able to squeeze some more power from it, but we are satisfied with this number at the moment.

[1] LHO alog 4721 "PSL reference cavity transmission picked-off and launched into ALS fiber"

keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:30, Monday 04 February 2013 - last comment - 08:36, Wednesday 06 February 2013(5367)
MC OLTF peak is not a peak in the FSS

Somehow the hypothesis has been that the peak in the MC OLTF is the structure in FSS and we should be able to mitigate that guy if we retune the FSS notch.

That was attempted today, but the problem is that the peaks the FSS notch is notching out are at about 780 kHz, and MC "peak" we're talking about is a rather broad thing at around 710 kHz. We could move the FSS notch to there, but if we do that the FSS structures are almost totally out of the notch. See attached. Note that the MC OLTF was measured without Evans Notch (TM).

It's clear that the "peak" we're talking about is not the FSS peak per se, it's either a simple gain peaking or something that is not there in FSS. Keeping Evans Notch (TM) sounds fine to me, but if somebody feels the need to put move it out on the option board in the common mode board, please feel free.

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keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 08:36, Wednesday 06 February 2013 (5388)

Correction: Both the OLTF of MC without (middle) and with (bottom) the notch in the MC path are in the plot.

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