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Reports until 10:18, Saturday 22 December 2012
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:18, Saturday 22 December 2012 (4998)
1015 hrs. local -> Arriving to check on pumps -> Expect to be here 30 mins

david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:17, Friday 21 December 2012 (4997)
rebuilt the backup server

The CDS backup disk server cdsfs1 crashed late last night and would not reboot today. We could not recover its boot disk, so we reinstalled Ubuntu 10.04LTS. The backup raid contents were preserved, so no need to rsync everything from /ligo and h1boot again. We are now re-installing the backup scripts and linking the tape backup system.

cdsfs1 had become very flakey lately, hopefully the rebuild will fix this.

james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:12, Friday 21 December 2012 (4996)
h1seih16 rebooted multiple times, ADC channel hopping
Models running on h1seih16 would not run more than a few minutes.  The IOP model would die with complaints of ADC channel hopping, the GDS TP screen showed ADC1 as the culprit.  In an effort to find the problem, Richard McCarthy 1.) reseated all the cards in the I/O chassis, then 2.) moved the ADC card for ADC1 to a different slot so it would no longer be ADC1, 3.) Completely rearranged the cards to match the h1seih23 system (minus 2 ADC cards).  In all cases, the models would stop after a period of time (up to 25 minutes) with the same complaint of ADC channel hopping and the indication that ADC1 was the problem.

David Barker modified the IOP model to only use 1 ADC card and the model was restarted.  So far after many hours, the IOP model is still running.  All cards were left in the I/O chassis for this test.

We need to troubleshoot this to find out if any 2 ADC cards cause channel hopping, or if there is a specific ADC card that is causing the issue, or some other cause.

LHO General
dale.ingram@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:22, Friday 21 December 2012 (4995)
Ops shift summary
A quiet day in the CR.  The biggest news was the startup of pumping of the volume between HAM's 2 and 3. See Kyle's entry below.  Kyle has his eye on the LN2 tank for CP4 which reads 31.3 today.  Tumbleweeds nixed last week's scheduled fill of this tank. Dave Barker, Jim and Richard swapped ADC cards for HAM1/HAM6 SEI in an attempt to provide readouts for seismic.  See Kiwamu's entry below regarding the move of IOT1.  The tumbleweed crew has been working all day.

Jeff Barlett, Mark Barton, Kyle and Dave Barker have placed work permits for work that will occur over the holiday break.
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:08, Friday 21 December 2012 (4994)
Began roughing HAM2-HAM3 @ 1345 hrs. local -> 400 torr @ 1455 hrs
Will be in occasionally to check on status, record pressure and to switch over to turbo etc. -> Will make aLOG stating my intended duration when I arrive and an entry when I leave site -> Am continuing to pump down Vertex + YBM over the break for the data.
kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:18, Friday 21 December 2012 - last comment - 14:41, Friday 21 December 2012(4992)
IOT1 moved in

The IOT1 table [1] was transported from the squeezer bay to the place next to  HAM2 where the table is supposed to be. The disk-shaped spacers were installed between the enclosure and legs after the table moved in there.

Some pictures will be uploaded shortely.

[1] LHO alog #4985

Comments related to this report
kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - 14:41, Friday 21 December 2012 (4993)
Images attached to this comment
bubba.gateley@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:54, Thursday 20 December 2012 (4991)
HAM doors and view ports installation
Ham 2 doors were installed and torqued and ham 1 west door was installed with 4 bolts.
Viewports were installed on all ports on ham 2 doors and protective covers as well.
First contact on the high quality view ports was removed by Gerardo and Douglas D.
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:07, Thursday 20 December 2012 (4990)
BS damping
Mark B.

I installed damping filters on BSTST per advice of Stuart. The FM1 filters are as per ITMy and the FM2 are all "lp25": cheby1("LowPass",4,1,25). It damps happily with the gains Stuart had been using at LLO:

L = -2.00
T = -5.00
V = -4.00
R = -0.20
P = -0.04
Y = -0.05
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:03, Thursday 20 December 2012 (4989)
Mark B.

I revisited the bug whereby the IOP DACKILL state is displayed white on some SUS screens. As Dave and I discovered the other day, it was due to an incorrect COMP argument being passed by SITEMAP.adl to SUS_CUST_QUAD_OVERVIEW.adl. It's supposed to give the text fragment to add to H1IOPSUS to give the IOP model name. For ITMy it should be COMP="B123", and I fixed that a few days ago. I recalled that there was also a lower case version comp, so today I confirmed that it was used and set it to "b123".

I also established that for QUADTST and BSTST, the strings should be "QUADTST" etc. Unfortunately attempting to enter them takes the total argument string over 256 characters, which is an error, so I left them wrong.
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:01, Thursday 20 December 2012 (4988)
Installed 8" gate valve + adapter spool + turbo pump on HAM3 bottom center East Door
Temporary pump connection for HAM2 + HAM3 isolated volume
kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:40, Thursday 20 December 2012 (4987)
ISC cables' missing list

This is just for a record.

The cables below are the ones that are currently not pulled or that need(ed) some modifications :

 CAB_H1:ISC_2        DB25MF (wrong gender [1], already fixed by a gender changer at each end)
 CAB_H1:ISC_16       DB25MF (a temporary cable will be installed)
 CAB_H1:ISC_24       DB25MF (in stock: to be installed)
 CAB_H1:ISC_25       DB25MF (in stock: to be installed)
 CAB_H1:ISC_26       DB9MF  (in stock: to be installed)
 CAB_H1:ISC_27             (too short [2])
 CAB_H1:ISC_28             (too short [2])
 CAB_H1:ISC_48             (too short [2])
 CAB_H1:ISC_206      DB25MF (in stock: to be installed)
 CAB_H1:ISC_208      DB25MF (missing)
 CAB_H1:ISC_209      DB25MF (missing)
 CAB_H1:ISC_211      DB9MF  (in stock: to be installed)
 CAB_H1:IOO_270      DB9MF  (wrong gender at C1. The other end will be checked)
 CAB_H1:ISC_310      DB37MF (missing)
 CAB_H1:ISC_311      DB37MF (missing)
 CAB_H1:ISC_321      DB25MF (missing)
 CAB_H1:ISC_322      DB25MF

All of these cables are more or less related to the upcoming IMC locking and the other missing cables which are fairly independet of the IMC locking are not shown. Also this list doesn't count the cables associated with IOT2.

[1] LHO alog #4567

[2] LHO alog #4978

LHO General
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:04, Thursday 20 December 2012 (4981)
Day Shift Summary

There were a flurry of activities/measurements in the morning to get to a point where Kyle & Gerardo could start pumpdown on the MC section (HAM2, Input MC Tube, HAM3). 

Morning Meeting Notes:

  1. MC3 measurements continue
  2. Craning around BSC3
  3. Cheryl has optics she wants to check for 1st Contact
  4. CP2 Delivery today
  5. HAM3 Cabling for HEPI
  6. BSC3 HEPI Pier drilling

Day Acitvities

mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:54, Thursday 20 December 2012 (4986)
MC1/MC2/MC3/PR2 safe.snap
Mark B.

I updated the safe.snap files for MC1, MC2, and MC3 to lock in Cheryl's alignment work of the last week. For good measure I also updated PR2 because I wasn't sure of the provenance of the old file (of 11/26/12).

In each case I saved the old file with the modification date appended (e.g., h1susmc1_safe20121002.snap), and made a spare copy of the new file with today's date appended  (e.g., h1susmc1_safe20121220.snap).

Note that per current SUS policy, the suspension does _not_ come up with the offsets applied. The offset values are saved, but the offset enables are off, along with the damping enables, the test inputs and the master switch. Thus the laser needs to stay off until the offsets and master switch are reenabled.
kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:48, Thursday 20 December 2012 (4985)
IOT table ready for craining

The IOT table, which is currently in the squeezer bay, is ready to go.

 All the enclosure panels are now back in place and I have wiped the interior of the enclosure with iso since the table has been exposed for a long time (~ more than a week) because some of the panels had been off. In addition to it, I put some dog-clamps on the two periscope structures, which would otherwise potentially move during the crane business. Also I confirmed that the rest of the parts (i.e. mirror mounnts and etc.) on the table are sufficiently tightened so that they won't move.

 Note that the installation of the optics and electronics on the table is ongoing and will be completed after the craning.

david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:55, Thursday 20 December 2012 (4984)
h1seih16 rebooted

In order to investigate the channel hopping error on the h1iopseih16 model, I powered down the h1seih16 front end and removed it from the Dolphin fabric (which allows us to reboot it without risk of crashing other front ends). I power cycled the IOChassis by removing the power cord and now the IOP model is running with no channel hopping error. We will keep h1seih16 running in this configuration to permit wiring tests for HAM1 HEPI this week.

volker.quetschke@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:12, Thursday 20 December 2012 (4982)
Connecting RF to EOM

[Rick S., Volker Q.]

Yesterday we hooked up the "new" RF cables coming from outside the PSL enclosure to the EOM.  Before connecting the following drive levels were measured using a 50 Ohm terminator and an oscilloscope.

9.10 MHz    2.72Vpp
24.08 MHz    3.10Vpp
45.50 MHz    2.78Vpp

Images attached to this report
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:31, Wednesday 19 December 2012 (4979)
Building the front end h1seih16

We began construction of the h1seih16 system today. We powered down h1susauxh34 and its IOChassis (which is broken). We removed its upgraded One Stop card and install it into the h1seih16 IOChassis. We ran a new timing fiber optics cable from the PEM/PSL fanout to this chassis and connected DC power. We connected the One Stop cable from the IOChassis to the front end computer h1seih16 in the MSR. We checked the DHCP, hosts files and rtsystab to verify the front end would boot. We performed a first power-on of h1seih16. It is on the Dolphin network but no gliches were found on other front ends. The IOP model h1iopseih16 was built from a copy of h1iopseih34 and cut down because of the smaller size. All appeared well but on closer inspection we have a ADC channel hopping error.

We tried a variety of h1hpiham1 models from L1, but could not find consistency with the HEPI drawing referenced by the model. But this is moot at the moment until we can get the IOP model running without channel hopping errors. After Mode Cleaner work is completed we will reboot and investigate.

mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:07, Wednesday 19 December 2012 - last comment - 12:22, Thursday 20 December 2012(4977)
MC1 and MC3 TFs
Mark B.

Starting TFs on MC1 and MC3 at 17:05.
Comments related to this report
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 07:54, Thursday 20 December 2012 (4980)
Mark B.

Checked at 06:35. MC1 was done:


L and T plots are pristine but V, R, P, and Y have major dropouts in centre section, so can't for sure say healthy. Will redo everything with DTT.

MC3 was still running, reporting 167 minutes to go, i.e., about 09:00 am finish. Will probably let run while working on MC1 and then decide whether to redo with DTT.
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 12:22, Thursday 20 December 2012 (4983)
Mark B.

MC3 data also had dropouts: 


Redid both MC1 and MC3 with DTT: 


Both look good to go.
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