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Reports until 11:49, Monday 26 November 2012
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:49, Monday 26 November 2012 (4765)
Extended IOP Watchdog bypass time for MC2 work


The IOP WD bypass time was extended from 10 mins to 6 hours for h1sush34 (MC2, PR2, SR2). This will permit mode cleaner commissioning which requires large DC offsets to be applied to MC2. This WP will remain open until the bypass time is restored to 10 mins.

jim.warner@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:17, Monday 26 November 2012 (4764)
BSC1 ready for SUS work
GregG, JimW

After software issues were sorted last week, we were able to finish roughly balancing the ISI this morning. CPSes still need to be re-gapped and the balancing should be fine-tuned, but as of now the locked position is where it needs to be, after HEPI adjustments from last week, and the unlocked position is only a couple milli-inches off from that. The ISI was left locked, so SUS is clear to start their work.
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:34, Sunday 25 November 2012 (4762)
Adjusted CP7's dewar head pressure
Cycled instrument air to LLCV and verified that needle was 100% open as indicated by CDS -> Temporarily valved-in magnahelic differential gauge and confirmed CP7's level, 38" = 92% full -> Noted indicated vapor "head" pressure for LN2 dewar was low, ~5 psi -> No indication of parallel paths for vapor exhaust -> Adjusted exhaust pressure regulator 1/2 turn CW.
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:03, Sunday 25 November 2012 (4761)
Something amis with CP7
LLCV nominally 75% open to maintian CP7 level at setpoint -> Presently maxed-out at 100% -> Am monitoring indicate pump level -> may or may not investigate tonight 
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:47, Wednesday 21 November 2012 (4760)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .3 microns and > .5 microns in particles per cubic foot from approximately 6 PM Nov. 20 to 6 PM Nov. 21. Also attached are plots of the modes to show when they were running/acquiring data.
Non-image files attached to this report
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:15, Wednesday 21 November 2012 (4759)
Isolated BSC6' annulus ion pump from rest of annulus plumbing @ ~1100? hrs local
Pump controller should have come on-scale by now if gas load was due to O-ring flanges (now isolated from pump) -> Swapped controller -> leaving pump valved-out -> leaving aux. cart pumping annulus (1.3 x 10-6 torr)
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:10, Wednesday 21 November 2012 (4756)
H1 SUS ETMY M0 Phase 3b Transfer Functions
I've taken long-overdue damped and undamped, Phase 3b (with BSC6 at vacuum), transfer functions H1 SUS ITMY's main (M0) chain (formerly H2 SUS ETMY). Attached are the results: 2012-11-19 data is damped, and 2012-11-20 undamped. No surprises -- all mechanics look great / as expected. In processing these measurements, I've made improvements to the QUAD analysis scripts (see details below), so please svn up the QUAD corner of your local copies of the SusSVN. These were taken in-between Vincent's commissioning of BSC6-ISI, so I didn't press my luck to try and get reaction R0 chain measurements. We'll get 'em eventually.

- The damped transfer functions use the "final" set of filters and gains that were tuned / used during the H2 OAT, which look to be a little bit too aggressive, but it's a totally "by feel," qualitative assessment. With the newly fixed damped QUAD model, I intend to slap these filters and gains in (instead of the old "legacy" filters and arbitrary from LASTI which are in there now), and predict the test mass displacement -- specifically how much arises from sensor noise re-injected into the SUS vs. residual seismic noise. Stay tuned!

- The data was taken with freshly minted H1 SUS ETMY DTT templates, which can be found here:


(The same template is used for both damped and undamped transfer functions, so the date is the only thing one should need to change.)

- I've made several improvements to 

(1) I've added a few lines at the end of all three scripts which removes the individual plot .pdfs after they've been merged into the ALL.pdfs. They're just clogging up the svn, and were never use them anyways. 
For the "raw measurement" processing scripts, I've
(2) In the interest of getting all the gains right for predicting the damping loop performance, and because we now know the calibrations of the sensor and actuator chains well from independent measurements, I've changed the way the scripts calibrate the data. Namely, I explicitly calculate the [(sensor ct/drive ct) / (m/N)] (or [(sensor ct/drive ct) / (m/N.m)], [(sensor ct/drive ct) / (rad/N)], [(sensor ct/drive ct) / (rad/N.m)] as need be), instead of using the empirically measured value of 60. The number turns out to be 55.0708 [(sensor ct/drive ct) / (rad/N.m)], only an 8% difference, but it also aids in the understanding of improvement (3).
(3) I've added a switch inside the calibration step which -- based on a new, user-input, boolean, variable meas.sensCalib -- determines whether the OSEMINF "to_um" filter has been left ON during the measurement or not. Here's the new lines:

        if meas.sensCalib
                          % <-Sensor->   <---------- Actuator Chain ---------->;
                          %    OSEM                    Coil Driver Coil/Magnet ;
                          % Sensitivity       DAC       TransCond. Force Coeff.; 
                          %   [m/um]      [drive ct/V]    [V/A]      [A/N]   = [(m/um) . (drive ct/N)];
            calibration = (( (1/1e6) ) * ( (2^18/20)*(1/0.009943)*(1/1.694) ))^-1;
                          % <----------------- Sensor Chain ---------------->    <--------- Actuator Chain --------->; 
                          %     OSEM                     SatAmp                              Coil Driver Coil/Magnet ;
                          %  Sensitivity                TransImp.    ADC            DAC       TransCond. Force Coeff.; 
                          %   [mm/uA]    [m/mm]  [uA/A]   [A/V]   [V/sens ct]   [drive ct/V]    [V/A]      [A/N]   = [(m/sens ct) . (drive ct/N)];
            calibration = (( (0.7/76.29)*(1/1e3)*(1e6/1)*(1/240e3)*(40/2^16) ) * ( (2^18/20)*(1/0.009943)*(1/1.694) ))^-1;

Where, for the sensor chain, I've used the calibration as (best) described in LLO aLOG 4291, and for the drive chain, I've used the calibration as (best) described in LHO aLOG 4563 (though the force coefficient is different because HSTSs use 10Dx5T [mm] magnets, and QUADs, BSFMs, and HLTSs use 10Dx10T [mm] magnets on their top stage; the coil driver trans conductance is different because QUADs use QUAD TOP drivers, where HSTSs use Triple TOP drivers). Or, if you like pictures / diagrams, see T1100378. 

In case you're worried, we don't have to go back and re-run all of the old data. It's only an 8% change in the calibration, which we know can be less than the mechanical/electronics gain variation between suspensions. I will say though, I re-ran a few older measurements just to test it out, and it does put the measurements right smack on the model now for some of them (nice!).
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jim.warner@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:55, Wednesday 21 November 2012 (4757)
BSC1 HEPI and ISI install progress
GregG, MitchR, JimW

Following the initial float of HEPI and Doug's follow up optical survey yesterday, HEPI was adjusted to fix the level of the the optical table this morning. The adjustment was relatively problem free, and the ISI is now level to within .1mm and is within .1 mm of the required elevation, at 244.1mm on Doug's ruler (see post 4752). After HEPI was adjusted, I locked the feet down while Greg and Mitch dropped cables down and plugged CPSes in. Unfortunately, a cable on a vertical sensor broke during install, so we will have to replace it, before proceeding with floating the ISI. We should be able to finish up by COB today, allowing SUSsers to resume work on Monday.
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:26, Wednesday 21 November 2012 (4755)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .3 microns and > .5 microns in particles per cubic foot from approximately 6 PM Nov. 19 to 6 PM Nov. 20. Also attached are plots of the modes to show when they were running/acquiring data.

The plots of counts for the LVEA are missing. There were errors trying to plot them. They were not running for a time yesterday, (the power was unplugged, they probably glitched, and I didn't check for a while to see if they had come back). When they were being rebooted the channels for the calibrated counts were '-nan'. The edcu probably can not record this.
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LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:08, Wednesday 21 November 2012 (4743)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .3 microns and > .5 microns in particles per cubic foot from approximately 6 PM Nov. 18 to 6 PM Nov. 19. Also attached are plots of the modes to show when they were running/acquiring data.
Non-image files attached to this report
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 00:54, Wednesday 21 November 2012 (4754)
Mode Cleaner alignment:
- Keita, Kiwamu, Cheryl

Mode Cleaner:
The beam is centered as it comes through MC1 and centered on MC2.  We were able to center the beam on MC3 using the alignment sliders on MC2.  The beam made it back around to MC1 and is separated from the input beam by about 1cm.  Then it was time to go home.

The alignment was made using irises placed on HAM2 and HAM3 according to the dimensions of alignment tools that Luke made.

One thing we ran into was that one OSEM on MC2 was basically railed, so the watchdog kept tripping.  When MC2 tripped, it moved mostly in yaw which suggests it might be bumping into an EQ stop.

Other work in HAM2:
The beam from the PSL had to be adjusted from inside the PSL, because the centering on the upper periscope mirror was off.  After centering on the upper periscope mirror, the periscope had to be rotated to align the beam to the lower periscope mirror.  The rotation was maybe 1-2 degrees.  The position and angle of AROM RH1 and ROM RH1 were adjusted.  The clamp on ROM RH1 was moved 180 degrees, after seeing that the screw in the clamp was at the far end of the slot, and after finding available space on the top level HAM2 layout drawing.
gerardo.moreno@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:39, Tuesday 20 November 2012 (4753)

(Margot P, Gerardo M)

Both primary prisms were finally removed from PR3-01, the adventure started on Wednesday, 11/14/2012.  After roughly 32 hours of soaking (in acetone, a very rare commodity around LHO lately), both primary prisms are off.

The only secondary prism was removed on Thursday, within 9 hours of soaking.

PR3-01 is now ready for its prisms to be glued.

douglas.cook@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:43, Tuesday 20 November 2012 (4752)
BSC1 level and elevation measurements
Transferred wall target 501 elevation to new location for better line of sight for the autolevel. I named it 501B
I mounted a scale vertical next to 501B (501B = -26.9mm below Z0 at BSC2, beam tube centerline) and centered the scales 300mm line with the new wall target horizontal line.
I set the autolevel zero on the vertical scale at 500mm (200mm above 501B)
Panning over to BSC2 to the elevation height gage, the scale mounted to the precision rod which Jim W. held against the ISI optical table surface, the autolevel zero read 244.0mm near to the south side of the table.
Note: the distance down from the ISI table requirement is 1661.7mm to the beam tube centerline. So height gage length = 1488.6mm [1244.6mm (49.0") + 244mm on scale = 1488.6mm] + 200 on wall target + -26.9 = 1661.7mm 


HEIGHT: AVERAGE FROM SCALE 243.45mm (244mm = PERFECT ELEVATION)REQUIREMENT +/- 1.0mm FOR BEAM CENTERLINE so the closer the better (<1.0mm ?)


SE CORNER: 243.0 RAISE UP 1.0mm 
SW CORNER: 243.0 RAISE UP 1.0mm
NE CORNER: 243.6 RAISE UP 0.4mm
NW CORNER: 244.2 LOWER DN 0.2mm
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:54, Tuesday 20 November 2012 (4751)
Test of DAQ upgrade to solaris11 on H2 DAQ


Greg, Dan, Dave.

LDAS upgraded the QFS writer for the H2DAQ primary system (h2ldasgw0 machine) to Solaris11.0 this afternoon. I have just remounted this file system on h2fw0 and h2nds0. The h2fw0 is writing frames to the QFS file system.

A bad 2GB mem DIMM was found in h2ldasgw0, this was replaced with a spare. Also, one of the fibre channel cards is showing a fault and we are running on the second card.

david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:40, Tuesday 20 November 2012 (4750)
BSC1 front end code started


The SUS and ISI models to support BSC1 install work were started today. These were non-standard installs due to the following constraints:

Both of these limitations are temporary. When we upgrade to RCG2.6 the IPC limit will be raised. Tomorrow I will receive more memory for the H1DAQ (most probably wont install till next Tuesday).

I created IOP models for the SUS and SEI BSC1 frontends (h1susb123 and h1seib1). These were copies of the H2 equivalents minus the Dolphin IPC.

I copied H1SUSETMY model to become H1SUSITMY. The appropriate DCUID/computer changes were made and all Dolphin IPC was removed.

I copied the H1ISIETMY model to become H1ISIITMY. Again DCUID was changed and Dolphin IPC was removed. We had some confusion about the ADC distribution between HEPI and ISI. The models we have been using give ISI the first three ADCs and HEPI the fourth. Drawings indicate the opposite, HEPI getting the first ADC and ISI the last three. We will work on resolving this with team SEI.

As stated earlier, no H1DAQ changes were made. None of the BSC1 channels are being recorded by the DAQ.

kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:32, Tuesday 20 November 2012 (4749)
Installed 2.5" all-metal UHV valve @ H1 ouput MC vent/purge port

jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:30, Tuesday 20 November 2012 - last comment - 15:01, Tuesday 20 November 2012(4745)
Taking (More) H1 SUS ETMY Transfer Frunctions
Remotely; will be finished by ~5:30p, regardless of whether I'm actually done or not!
Comments related to this report
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 15:01, Tuesday 20 November 2012 (4747)
Transfer functions complete, restored ETMY with damping ON.
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:51, Monday 19 November 2012 - last comment - 15:04, Tuesday 20 November 2012(4730)
H1 SUS ETMY Infrastructure Completion
I have filled out H1 SUS ETMY's new infrastructure, including
(1) Filling in the ISI to SUS WIT and SUS to ISI OFFLOAD paths, installed as was described for H1 SUS PR2 in LHO aLOG 4553. Nothing new -- same exact filters -- just using the H2 SUS ETMY (yes, H2 -- the SUS hasn't moved yet) matrices from

(2) Installing the OPTICALIGN alignment offset calibration gain, as described in LHO aLOG 4563. Here, for this and all QUADs, the gain is

OPTICALIGN GAIN [cts/urad] = ( DAC [V/ct] * Coil Driver [A/V] * Coil/Magnet [N/A] * HSTS M1 to M3 [rad/N.m] * 1e9 [nrad/rad] )^-1
                           = ( (20/2^18)  * 0.009943          * 1.694             * 0.033514 (for Pitch)    * 1e9            )^-1
                           = 0.023219 [cts/nrad] for Pitch

                           = ( (20/2^18)  * 0.009943          * 1.694             * 0.015055 (for Pitch)    * 1e9            )^-1
                           = 0.051689 [cts/nrad] for Yaw

Note that I've gone with nanoradians instead of microradians (as was done for PR2), because the alignment offsets needed to align (at least the H2OAT) were already quite large (~75% of the M0 BOSEM range), so calibrating this gain into microradians (or any gain larger than 1, really) would have saturated the DAC. This provides for annoying large EPICS values, (retaining the -3027 and +5405 [ct] offsets needed for the H2OAT, means that these offsets are 58562 and 232783 [nrad]), but I think we can deal. I still need to adjust the OPTICALIGN screen to account for this difference (make the sliders have bigger default range and step size, as well as changing the legend to match).

(3) With further quantitative assessment pending, I've installed Rana's 2k to 16k anti-imaging filter in the 


filter banks, in order to filter any imaging noise that arises from the inter-process-communication between the ASC model (running at 2k) and the SUS model (running at 16k). I attach a bode plot of the filter as installed (again, identical to Rana's).
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Comments related to this report
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 11:56, Monday 19 November 2012 (4731)
As of this entry, I've updated and committed H1 SUS ETMY's safe.snap here,

as well as saved and committed the updated foton filter here,

For both, I've checked that they're obeying the new schema, in which 
are soft links to the above userapps locations.
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 14:30, Tuesday 20 November 2012 (4746)
S. Aston, J. Kissel

Stuart was double checking my work (hooray!) and found several problems with my implementations of the OPTICALIGN offsets and gains.

(1) There's a typo in the labelling of the calculation (I wrote "for Pitch" twice, when one should be Yaw). The corrected statement is 

"For this and all QUADs, the gain is

OPTICALIGN GAIN [cts/urad] = ( DAC [V/ct] * Coil Driver [A/V] * Coil/Magnet [N/A] * HSTS M1 to M3 [rad/N.m] * 1e9 [nrad/rad] )^-1
                           = ( (20/2^18)  * 0.009943          * 1.694             * 0.033514 (for Pitch)    * 1e9            )^-1
                           = 0.023219 [cts/nrad] for Pitch

                           = ( (20/2^18)  * 0.009943          * 1.694             * 0.015055 (for Yaw)      * 1e9            )^-1
                           = 0.051689 [cts/nrad] for Yaw

(2) In my haste, I'd installed these gains exactly backwards (0.023 for YAW and 0.052 for Pitch). In fact, even further, I had calculated the offsets to-be-restored with the gains exactly flipped as well. Whoops! I've now corrected the gains, and changed the stored offsets to

Pitch: -3027 [ct] / 0.023219 [cts/nrad] => -132302 [nrad]  
Yaw:   +5405 [ct] / 0.051689 [cts/nrad] =>  104548 [nrad]

I'm Currently taking measurements, but I'll take a new safe.snap once I'm finished.
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 15:04, Tuesday 20 November 2012 (4748)
New safe.snap has been captured and committed to the userapps repo, as of version 3401:
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:55, Wednesday 31 October 2012 - last comment - 09:15, Monday 26 November 2012(4563)
H1 SUS PR2 Alignment Offsets Calibrated into [urads] of Optic Motion
Following a similar prescription as what Keiko's done at LLO (see e.g. LLO aLOG 4030), but now using the new infrastructure, I've installed a few gains,

H1:SUS-PR2_M1_OPTICALIGN_P_GAIN 2.636 [drive cts/urad]
H1:SUS-PR2_M1_OPTICALIGN_Y_GAIN 1.859 [drive cts/urad]

into the new OPTICALIGN bank, which should now be responsible for aligning the optic. With this gain, the offsets


are then calibrated into [urad] of optic motion. This gain should be [applicable to / the same for] every HSTS.

I attach some shots of the new screens demonstrating where these gains live (and showing off the new screens).

How the gain was calculated:
It's along signal chain, but here goes (I use Yaw on an HSTS as an example):
                                                                 LF  +--------+  +------+  +-----------+  +-----------+  +---------+  
                                                                  +->|COILOUTF|->| DAC  |->|Coil Driver|->|Coil/Magnet|->|Lever Arm|->+
+-----------------+  +---------------+  +----------+  +--------+  |  +[cts/ct]+  +[V/ct]+  +---[A/V]---+  +---[N/A]---+  +---[m]---+  |  +-------------+   +------------------+           
|OPTICALIGN OFFSET|->|OPTICALIGN GAIN|->|DRIVEALIGN|->|EUL2OSEM|->+                                                                   +->|HSTS M1 to M3|-->|Optic Displacement|
+-----[urad]------+  +---[cts/urad]--+  +-[cts/ct]-+  +[cts/ct]+  |  +--------+  +------+  +-----------+  +-----------+  +---------+  |  +--[rad/N.m]--+   +------[urad]------+
                                                                  +->|COILOUTF|->| DAC  |->|Coil Driver|->|Coil/Magnet|->|Lever Arm|->+
                                                                 RT  +[cts/ct]+  +[V/ct]+  +---[A/V]---+  +---[N/A]---+  +---[m]---+

(see fullsignalchain.png if you browser sucks at ASCII art)
Thankfully, because 
- we're only looking for the DC gain of this path, 
- the DRIVEALIGN matrix is an identity at this point
- the EUL2OSEM matrix accounts for (divides out) the number of actuators (two in this case) and the lever arm between the OSEM and the center of rotation
- the COILOUTFs are unity at DC
then our calculation only involves this simplified chain:

+-----------------+  +---------------+  +------+  +-----------+  +-----------+  +-------------+   +------------------+
|OPTICALIGN OFFSET|->|OPTICALIGN GAIN|->| DAC  |--|Coil Driver|--|Coil/Magnet|->|HSTS M1 to M3|-->|Optic Displacement|
+-----[urad]------+  +---[cts/urad]--+  +[V/ct]+  +---[A/V]---+  +-["N.m"/A]-+  +--[rad/N.m]--+   +------[urad]------+

(see reducedsignalchain.png if you browser sucks at ASCII art)
which means the OPTICALIGN GAIN is:

OPTICALIGN GAIN [cts/urad] = ( DAC [V/ct] * Coil Driver [A/V] * Coil/Magnet [N/A] * HSTS M1 to M3 [rad/N.m] * 1e6 [urad/rad] )^-1
                           = ( (20/2^18)  * 0.011919          * 0.963             * 0.4332 (for Yaw)        * 1e6            )^-1
                           = 1.850 [cts/urad]

The only difference for pitch is that HSTS M1 to M3 [rad/N.m] = 0.6172 (for Pitch). The electronics gains of the signal chain were taken from T1000061 (the contents of which have been experimentally confirmed elsewhere), and the HSTS M1 to M3 coefficients were taken from the production model (e.g. see T1200404).

Images attached to this report
Comments related to this report
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 09:15, Monday 26 November 2012 (4763)
S. Aston, J. Kissel

As with the QUAD (see LHO aLOG 4746), I have made mistakes in the OPTICALIGN gain calculation (shown above) in that, though the spelled out calculation is correct (with a "DC" compliance of 0.6172 [rad/N.m] (for Pitch), and  0.4332 [rad/N.m] (for Yaw)), the answer I call out has the values for Pitch and Yaw flipped. 

Even further, after double checking the DC compliance numbers using the HSTS model, I discovered that, for "DC," I used the value of the transfer function at 0.1 Hz. However, the transfer functions have not yet truly flattened by that point as the values at 0.01 Hz are:

M1 P to M3 P: 0.609 [rad/N.m]
M1 Y to M3 Y: 0.426 [rad/N.m]

Sheesh. I clearly did these calculations far too quickly, or at least was far too hasty with my copy-and-pasting. Thanks to Stuart for catching them!

So, redoing it slower, with the 0.01 Hz numbers for the "DC" compliance, the calculation should read:

OPTICALIGN GAIN [cts/urad] = ( DAC [V/ct] * Coil Driver [A/V] * Coil/Magnet [N/A] * HSTS M1 to M3 [rad/N.m] * 1e6 [urad/rad] )^-1
                           = ( (20/2^18)  * 0.011919          * 0.963             * 0.609 (for Pitch)       * 1e6            )^-1
                           = 1.8751 [cts/urad] (for Pitch)
OPTICALIGN GAIN [cts/urad] = ( DAC [V/ct] * Coil Driver [A/V] * Coil/Magnet [N/A] * HSTS M1 to M3 [rad/N.m] * 1e6 [urad/rad] )^-1
                           = ( (20/2^18)  * 0.011919          * 0.963             * 0.426 (for Yaw)         * 1e6            )^-1
                           = 2.6806 [cts/urad] (for Yaw)

As of this entry, I have corrected these gain values in H1 SUS PR2, saved a new h1suspr2_safe.snap, and committed it to the userapps repo,
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