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Reports until 13:30, Tuesday 20 November 2012
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:30, Tuesday 20 November 2012 - last comment - 15:01, Tuesday 20 November 2012(4745)
Taking (More) H1 SUS ETMY Transfer Frunctions
Remotely; will be finished by ~5:30p, regardless of whether I'm actually done or not!
Comments related to this report
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 15:01, Tuesday 20 November 2012 (4747)
Transfer functions complete, restored ETMY with damping ON.
douglas.cook@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:25, Tuesday 20 November 2012 (4744)
BSC2 BS cartridge positions_LHO location vs LLO
(Doug, Jason)
We took some quick measurements of the BS on TS2 to determine its postion in order to help resolve the interference between the strut mounting and the trim masses locations verses those at LLO.
We measured to H1 BS position in relation to TS2-18 monument back  sighting to TS2-25 monument.
The required distance is 3734.9mm +/-3.0mm from the TS2-18 monument to the AR side of the optic with the glass mass installed. however, the metal dummy mass was installed for this measurement.
Note: the glass mass is 60.0mm+/-.0.5 thick verses 57.09mm +/- 0.5mm. So to adjust for the difference the distance measurement is shorter by 1.46mm (60.0 - 57.09 = 2.91/2 =1.46mm).
Measured distance was total station EDM to corner cube = 3694mm; corner cube to BS AR face = 49.4mm=> 3743.4mm => - 1.46mm correction for the dummy mass = 3742.mm total = 7.04mm error (long)

Total Station set over the TS2-18 monument total station pointing at 45deg, 6min, 17 sec (perpendicular to AR)
Measured angle to the left edge of structure frame = 41deg,29min, 53sec. (3deg 37min,24sec from centerline)
Measured angle to the right edge of structure frame =48deg, 42min,54sec (3deg 36min 37sec from centerline).
Note: for calculation purposes needing the distance to the structure face where the edge measurement were taken we added: 3694mm (TS - CC) + 10mm (reference plain to CC mnt) + 4.90mm (mount thickness) =3708.9mm
Results: tan[3.6067-3.6103]/2 * 3708.9 =-0.1mm (right) (requirement is +/- 1.0mm

The 7.04mm is not the whole story I don't think
We should revisit templates? Changes in rev number of templates? Same version used in LLO?
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:18, Tuesday 20 November 2012 (4741)
dust monitor in OSB optics lab
Yesterday I swapped the dust monitor in the optics lab labeled 'N', which was intermittently giving calibration alarms, for the one labeled 'U'.
travis.sadecki@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:16, Tuesday 20 November 2012 (4740)
MC2 status

First Contact has been removed from the previously troublesome HR side of the MC2 optic.  The optic has been released and is now fully suspended. 

kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:19, Monday 19 November 2012 - last comment - 16:32, Monday 19 November 2012(4738)
High return water temp for Y-mid

Cheryl notified me of a high temp alarm for the Y-mid supply ~74F return ~78F -> I confirmed that the chilled water circulating pump was running and noted 20psi was indicated at the pump inlet.  There were no alarms on the chiller control panel and the the display showed "Auto" and "Local".  The compressor did not run while I was present.  I walked through the building and the temp seemed "normal" i.e., not noticeably warm.  

The ambient temp outside is unseasonably warm today.  Neither Ski nor John are here today and I am not privy on the current FMCS settings etc. so, I'll not jump to rock the boat unless the building temperature rises noticeably.
Comments related to this report
john.worden@LIGO.ORG - 16:32, Monday 19 November 2012 (4739)

I found that both YMID and XMID had their heaters set to one stage on (8ma) in manual control. In the recent past these were in auto but now I notice that XMID is responding incorrectly when placed in auto. For the time being I have turned off the heaters in both buildings (4ma). This should bring the temperatures down.

A few weeks ago the chilled water setpoints were adjusted for winter operation - this, along with the additional heat load of the heaters, should explain the high chilled water temperatures.

travis.sadecki@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:12, Monday 19 November 2012 - last comment - 09:40, Tuesday 20 November 2012(4737)
MC2 First Contact removal

With SEI continuing work on BSC1, I had the afternoon free to get a jump start on HAM3 work that Cheryl will be doing tomorrow.  The optic was locked and (after swapping controllers on the nitrogen due to non-functionality), I began pulling First Contact.  The AR side of the optic came off with no problems.  However, moving to the HR side, I noticed as I began pulling the PEEK tab that it had not be FC'd all the way to the edge of the FC area (about 5mm from the edge in fact).  After pulling hard enough to rip a few strands of the PEEK with no success on pulling down the FC, I resorted to applying more FC to the tab such that it is connected at the edge.  I'll try again in the morning.  Current state: optic is locked, AR is naked, HR is drying.  Side note: Before beginning, I noticed that SEI had 'testing in progress' signs posted on the chamber.  After consulting with the operator (Cheryl), attempting to contact Hugo by phone, talking to Vincent, checking the aLog, and physically checking that the ISI was locked down myself, it was decided that the signs were false and that I could work in the chamber.  Apologies if I did interrupt any measurements.

Comments related to this report
hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - 09:40, Tuesday 20 November 2012 (4742)

The signs do not necessarily mean that measurements are currently running.

They are here to remind that the ISI is in testing state which implies that:

- Things can be broken if someone steps on the ISI while it is unlocked
- If someone makes changes to the ISI without notifying the SEI team, SEI ends up spending time troubleshooting while changes are obvious to the one who performed them.
- If measurements are running they will be interrupted.
- No matter how small the changes made are, it is always an interruption in the commissioning process and time is needed to get back up.

Like Travis did, it is important to always check with the operator/SEI before touching the ISI. Please follow the checklists on the sign to make sure that it is safe to work on the ISI (e.i. ISI is locked, suspensions are damped, no measurement running, ...) and that you leave everything like it should be (ISI unlocked for testing, SUS damped, no tools on the ISI, covers inflated, no rubbing cable....).

It is important to always leave an aLog, even short, describing the state the ISI was found, and left in.

The sign and the aLogs will also be helpful to our visitors that are not necessarily aware of the state/needs of the platform.

kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:29, Monday 19 November 2012 (4736)
9 MHz seed source powered up

In the past week I have powered up an IFR 2023A signal generator which has been in the C4 remote rack.

This one will be temporarily used as a 9 MHz RF seed source for the interferometer sensing and control (ISC) until we get a cool crystal oscillator.

SInce the 2023A needed an AC power, I laid down a long yellow power cord from wall to the C4 rack. Although this cord will be gone in some future, please be aware of it.


- - Current settings:

 Carrier freq = 9099471 Hz

 RF level = 10 dBm

 Modulations = OFF

 no SYNC

jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:19, Monday 19 November 2012 (4734)
H1 SUS TMSY Simulink Model Bug Fixed
Keita and Vincent had reported some time ago that the BIO_STATE_REQ (the EPICs channel in which one requests to change the state of the analog filtering in the coil drivers) was not switching the digital filters in the COILOUTF bank like it's supposed to. This cropped up after the big upgrade back in late October. Turns out it was just two tags that were swapped -- the CTRL bit word and the MASK bitword, which are sent to the cdsCtrlFilt had been switched. My bad. 

I fixed this bug in 
committed, recompiled, re-installed, restarted, and restored the TMTS, and have confirmed the the digital filters switch according to the BIO_STATE_REQ as designed.

In doing so, I made sure that H1 SUS TMSY's safe.snap was up-to-date, and followed the current schema. The safe.snap now lives here:
(which had lived in ETMY's folder, for some reason, prior to my update). It's not properly soft-linked in the target directory as 

Regrettably, I'd restarted the front-end before remembering that the TMS watchdog was hooked up to the BSC6-ISI. So, upon restart, the BSC6-ISI, who had been running with some if his stage 1 isolation loops, watchdog tripped which -- going from isolated to tripped -- sent a "jolt" big enough to trip the very-sensitive QUAD watchdog. No one was "hurt," but it meant I had more restoring to do than initially intended. I've restored the TMS, ETMY to be fully damped and functional. Because the user scripts for the ISI are still pretty user-unfriendly (IMHO), and I think Vincent had BSC6-ISI in some "non-standard" configuration, I didn't wanna "risk" bringing the isolation loops back up, so I've left the ISI with damping loops for both stages on (only). [[Everything in quotes are stronger words than what happened. That's why I put them in quotes.]]
travis.sadecki@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:20, Monday 19 November 2012 (4733)
ITMy blade ECD magnets removed

The ITMy blade ECD magnet have been removed in preparation for the upcoming magnet coupling measurements by Robert Schofield.  Also, while in chamber, I added PEEK tabs to both ITM and CP First Contact to facilitate removal before closing the chamber.  I will resume work on suspending and alignment when a final decision has been made with respect to ISI table level.

jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:51, Monday 19 November 2012 - last comment - 15:04, Tuesday 20 November 2012(4730)
H1 SUS ETMY Infrastructure Completion
I have filled out H1 SUS ETMY's new infrastructure, including
(1) Filling in the ISI to SUS WIT and SUS to ISI OFFLOAD paths, installed as was described for H1 SUS PR2 in LHO aLOG 4553. Nothing new -- same exact filters -- just using the H2 SUS ETMY (yes, H2 -- the SUS hasn't moved yet) matrices from

(2) Installing the OPTICALIGN alignment offset calibration gain, as described in LHO aLOG 4563. Here, for this and all QUADs, the gain is

OPTICALIGN GAIN [cts/urad] = ( DAC [V/ct] * Coil Driver [A/V] * Coil/Magnet [N/A] * HSTS M1 to M3 [rad/N.m] * 1e9 [nrad/rad] )^-1
                           = ( (20/2^18)  * 0.009943          * 1.694             * 0.033514 (for Pitch)    * 1e9            )^-1
                           = 0.023219 [cts/nrad] for Pitch

                           = ( (20/2^18)  * 0.009943          * 1.694             * 0.015055 (for Pitch)    * 1e9            )^-1
                           = 0.051689 [cts/nrad] for Yaw

Note that I've gone with nanoradians instead of microradians (as was done for PR2), because the alignment offsets needed to align (at least the H2OAT) were already quite large (~75% of the M0 BOSEM range), so calibrating this gain into microradians (or any gain larger than 1, really) would have saturated the DAC. This provides for annoying large EPICS values, (retaining the -3027 and +5405 [ct] offsets needed for the H2OAT, means that these offsets are 58562 and 232783 [nrad]), but I think we can deal. I still need to adjust the OPTICALIGN screen to account for this difference (make the sliders have bigger default range and step size, as well as changing the legend to match).

(3) With further quantitative assessment pending, I've installed Rana's 2k to 16k anti-imaging filter in the 


filter banks, in order to filter any imaging noise that arises from the inter-process-communication between the ASC model (running at 2k) and the SUS model (running at 16k). I attach a bode plot of the filter as installed (again, identical to Rana's).
Non-image files attached to this report
Comments related to this report
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 11:56, Monday 19 November 2012 (4731)
As of this entry, I've updated and committed H1 SUS ETMY's safe.snap here,

as well as saved and committed the updated foton filter here,

For both, I've checked that they're obeying the new schema, in which 
are soft links to the above userapps locations.
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 14:30, Tuesday 20 November 2012 (4746)
S. Aston, J. Kissel

Stuart was double checking my work (hooray!) and found several problems with my implementations of the OPTICALIGN offsets and gains.

(1) There's a typo in the labelling of the calculation (I wrote "for Pitch" twice, when one should be Yaw). The corrected statement is 

"For this and all QUADs, the gain is

OPTICALIGN GAIN [cts/urad] = ( DAC [V/ct] * Coil Driver [A/V] * Coil/Magnet [N/A] * HSTS M1 to M3 [rad/N.m] * 1e9 [nrad/rad] )^-1
                           = ( (20/2^18)  * 0.009943          * 1.694             * 0.033514 (for Pitch)    * 1e9            )^-1
                           = 0.023219 [cts/nrad] for Pitch

                           = ( (20/2^18)  * 0.009943          * 1.694             * 0.015055 (for Yaw)      * 1e9            )^-1
                           = 0.051689 [cts/nrad] for Yaw

(2) In my haste, I'd installed these gains exactly backwards (0.023 for YAW and 0.052 for Pitch). In fact, even further, I had calculated the offsets to-be-restored with the gains exactly flipped as well. Whoops! I've now corrected the gains, and changed the stored offsets to

Pitch: -3027 [ct] / 0.023219 [cts/nrad] => -132302 [nrad]  
Yaw:   +5405 [ct] / 0.051689 [cts/nrad] =>  104548 [nrad]

I'm Currently taking measurements, but I'll take a new safe.snap once I'm finished.
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 15:04, Tuesday 20 November 2012 (4748)
New safe.snap has been captured and committed to the userapps repo, as of version 3401:
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:30, Monday 19 November 2012 (4729)
Remote 2fa login and ligo.org internal login working again

We had a kernel crash of the internal cds servers cdsldap0 and cdslog this weekend. Both computers are in the H2EE room, but only these two crashed.

The loss of cdsldap0 meant that remote 2FA log into CDS was not working. Neither was using your ligo.org account on the internal CDS workstations.

I restarted the servers and all looks good so far. Both machines had been running for 342days, so they needed file system checks.

dale.ingram@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:13, Monday 19 November 2012 (4727)
BSC 1 Cartridge Installation, 11/15/12
Check ResourceSpace for the photo collection of last week's cartridge move.  This is the one-arm test cartridge that came out of BSC 8 early in October 2012.  Once on the test stand in October, the ISI's folding mirror suspension was transferred to the neighboring BSC 2 ISI and re-christened as the beam splitter suspension while the quad's position was adjusted on the BSC 1 ISI.  SUS locking photos courtesy of Jeff Bartlett.
Images attached to this report
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:12, Monday 19 November 2012 - last comment - 12:02, Monday 19 November 2012(4728)
Taking H1 SUS ETMY Transfer Frunctions
Gathering closed loop transfer functions on H1 SUSITMY, started ~1:30p ET / 10:30a PT, will cease (regardless) at 3:00p ET / 12:00p PT.
Comments related to this report
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 12:02, Monday 19 November 2012 (4732)
Transfer functions complete.
H1 General
kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:34, Monday 19 November 2012 - last comment - 15:16, Monday 19 November 2012(4726)
A bad RF cable in the C4 remote rack

[Dick / Kiwamu]

 We found an RF cable whose signal level depends on the angle of one of the cable end. This is not good. I consulted with Filiberto on this issue and we decided to leave it to the electricians who are coming in the next week from Caltech. Or if the cable turns out to be necessary soon, we can just swap or fix it by ourselves.

--- the Cable
place: remote rack C4
connection between : U42-1 and U9-1
description:71 MHz for a VCO
length: ~ 2 m
type: N male / N male

--- Symptoms
 * The RF power dropped from 11 dBm to -8 dBm suddenly while doing nothing
 * Applying tension at the cable end (the U9-1 side) introduces variation in the RF power by ~15 db or so.

--- Assessment
 At the beginning we thought that the power variation was due to the connector which is a part of the U9 circuit box (i.e. the channel 1 output of an RF distribution amplifier D100024/S1000595). We pulled out the circuit box and brought it to the EE shop to do a further investigation. We didn't find anything wrong. So we put the box back to the rack and it seems working fine.
 Eventually we located the issue and confirmed that it was in the RF cable and not in the box. Currently everything is back to place.

Comments related to this report
kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - 15:16, Monday 19 November 2012 (4735)

I have just removed the cable and cut it so that noboday can accidentally use it.

michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:20, Monday 19 November 2012 (4725)
PSL plots

For the 35W beam

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