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Reports until 09:53, Wednesday 10 October 2012
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:53, Wednesday 10 October 2012 (4411)
plots of dust counts for October 9, 2012
Attached are plots of dust counts > .3 microns and > .5 microns in particles per cubic foot. The data was taken from approximately 6 AM to 6 PM.
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hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:59, Wednesday 10 October 2012 (4410)
WBSC1 SEI Preparation
Last week the Support Tubes were put in nominal position in readiness for Cartridge Installation.  The iLIGO SEI CAS elements were removed and replaced with HEPI Housings.  This required much craning, wrenching, drilling & tapping, etc.  Monday & Tuesday, the HEPI Actuators were installed, not possible once cleanroom is in place, and final securing of the housings were completed.  The SEI external structure is now ready for the Cartridge.
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:13, Wednesday 10 October 2012 (4409)
WBSC1 ITMY ISI Preparation
Before the SUS move of the Quad on the ISI yesterday, on Monday the SEI Crew removed the remaining Trim Mass Assemblies.  Yesterday, the Assemblies have been relocated along with many more on this ISI.  This installation work continues.
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:24, Tuesday 09 October 2012 (4408)
H1 Faraday Isolator - High Power Testing
- Rodica, Cheryl

Testing of the FI started last Thursday, with increasing power to the IO optics on the PSL, and then increasing power through the FI.  Currently, we are running high-power tests, to measure thermal lensing with and without the DKDP ( thermal lens compensator).  In this process, we increased the power in steps, and located ghost beams in the IO path and through the FI path.  With these dumped, we proceeded to high power tests putting 140W through the IO path and FI.  Some clipping was found and corrected, however we see evidence of clipping in the beam downstream of the EOM, as measured with the beam scan.  Thermal lens measurements without the DKDP look as expected. 
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:30, Tuesday 09 October 2012 (4406)
Water in instrument air @ the corner station
Routine site inspection revealed that water is accumulating at the LN2 LLCV actuator bowl drain (point-of-use) for CP1 and CP2 -> Found that the corner station instrument air drying tower was working but that the tower regeneration purge rate valve was adjusted to ~15 psi (should be ~65 psi) -> adjusted and opened bowl drains, let air flow until dry. Will check tomorrow. 

jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:39, Tuesday 09 October 2012 (4405)
Torque ITMY Dog Clamp Bolts
 I torque the ITMY dog clamp bolts to 25 FtLb, as per D0901140. 
jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:35, Tuesday 09 October 2012 (4404)
AOSEM Noise Testing and Tuning
   We noise tested the 24 untested AOSEMs returned from LLO. Seven AOSEMs had lose circuit boards (positioning setscrews were backed off), which were corrected and tuned to >25k open light counts. The remaining 17 AOSEMs have open light counts over 20k counts. These will be tuned to >25k open light counts over the next few days. The open light tuning results will be sent to Stuart Aston at LLO. 

   The noise testing results are posted on the DCC under E1101030, with the individual plots found in S1203453 through S1203476.      
vincent.lhuillier@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:31, Tuesday 09 October 2012 (4403)
Optical levers drift - 2 day measurement at EY

Thomas and I started a 2-day measurement at EY to evaluate the drift of the optical levers. For this long measurement, HEPI and ISI are controlled (no sensor correction) and SUS is damped.
If you plan to work at EY, please stop by the control room to inform the operator of the day. Your activity might trip the ISI-HEPI watchdogs and ruin the long measurement.

david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:28, Tuesday 09 October 2012 (4402)
SUS IOP watchdog system re-enabled for HAM3 suspensions

WP3414 WP3396

The IOP watchdog system between SUS HAM2a, SUS HAM34 and SEI HAM23 was partially re-enabled.

In the new scheme, HAM2A SUS cannot trip SEI HAM23, but SUS HAM34 (actually only the HAM3 SUS of MC2,PR2) can trip SEI HAM23.

Note that if MC2 or PR2 trip SEI HAM23, then all HAM2 suspensions lose their HPI/ISI drives.

This work required restart of h1sush34, h1seih23 and H1 DAQ. For testing I WD tripped MC2, PR2 and MC1 (to prove HAM2 will not trip SEI).

WD MEDM screen was changed to show the new layout.

All tests passed. This closes out the two workpermits.

david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:17, Tuesday 09 October 2012 (4401)
Disable BSC IOP watchdogs to support test stand work


The IOP SUS watchdog system between FMY,ITMY and SEI BSC8 was disabled. This prevents a SUS test on one test stand from tripping the ISI test on the other test stand. This is a transition workpermit which was closed. If in the future an ISI/SUS stack is constructed on the test stand the watchdog can be re-activated.

H2 General
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:21, Tuesday 09 October 2012 (4400)
Re-enabled EY devices turned off Friday
Re-energized the following devices at the Y end station which were turned off on Friday, Oct. 5, 2012 for software debugging:

H2-SEI-C1 rack - (3) coil drivers, reset overtemp condition after powerup.
H2-TCS-C1 rack - Ring heater driver, A/I filter box.
H2-SUS-C1 rack - (3) A/I filter boxes.

LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:54, Monday 08 October 2012 (4399)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .3 microns and > .5 microns in particles per cubic foot. The data was taken from approximately 6 AM to 7 PM.
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jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:09, Monday 08 October 2012 (4397)
Move ITMY to H1-BSC1 Position
Andres R, Gerardo2 M. and Jeff B.

   Today we moved the ITMY from its H2 one arm test position to its H1-BSC1 position. No problems were encountered during the move or with mounting the QUAD to the BSC.

Images attached to this report
stuart.aston@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:50, Monday 08 October 2012 (4386)
Digital front-end set-up for SR2, PR3 and PRM
During any spare moments last week, whilst waiting for test results to come in, I spent time configuring the digital system for the remaining suspension models that are already up and running.

- Infrastructure created for BURT snapshot files at, for example, "opt/rtcds/userapps/release/sus/h1/burtfiles/sr2".

- BURT infrastructure put under SUS svn control.

- Set-up for M1, M2 and M3 stages nominal Watchdog limits, i.e. sensor DC monitors of -30000 to +30000, sensor AC rms monitors of +8000, actuator AC rms monitors of +25000. Also, switched in required "dcBandLim" and "acBandLim" filter banks.

- Configured OSEM INPUT FILTERS with default gains (+1) and offsets (-15000), for M1, M2 and M3 stages. Also, switched in required "deWhite" filter banks.

- Populated OSEM2EUL matrix with values generated with "make_sushsts_projections.m" and written using "fill_matrix_values.m" scripts (see LLO aLOG entry 2508 for an example).

- Populated EUL2OSEM matrix with values generated as above, for M1, M2 and M3 stages. 

- Verified correct sign convention used in both OSEM2EUL and EUL2OSEM matrices (as detailed in LHO aLOG entry 4350).

- Populated SENSALIGN matrix using Matlab blkdiag(1,1,1,1,1,1) function and "fill_matrix_values.m" script, for M1, M2 and M3 stages.

- Configured DAMP filter gains using default values for SR2 + PRM (HSTSs), and PR3 (HLTS). Also, switched in required filter banks.

- Configured DRIVEALIGN matrix, manually turning off non-diagonal elements, for M1, M2 and M3 stages.

- Configured COIL OUTPUT FILTERS gains (signs) for M1, M2 and M3 stages. n.b. the M1-SD BOSEM gain is switched to (+1) for PR3 (HLTS). Also, switched in required filter banks. n.b. updated compensation filters have already installed for all HSTS and HLTS suspensions (see LHO aLOG entry 4359). 

- Turned ON damping loops for each DOF, but turned OFF M1, M2, and M3 Master Switches, so that new SAFE BURT snapshot could be taken for SR2, PR3 and PRM.

- Moved BURT snapshots from "target" directory, to "userapps" directory i.e. from "opt/rtcds/lho/h1/target/h1sussr2/h1sussr2epics/" to directory under sus svn control "opt/rtcds/userapps/release/sus/h1/burtfiles/sr2".

- Committed new BURT snapshots to sus svn, "h1sussr2_safe.snap", "h1suspr3_safe.snap" and "h1susprm_safe.snap".

These digital systems are now ready to receive the next suspensions for Phase 2a testing chamber-side, most likely this will be PR3 (HLTS). The final piece of the puzzle will be to input/transfer OSEM gains and offsets.
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:22, Saturday 06 October 2012 (4395)
Added slow controls PEM channels with full loopback to H1 DAQ

While H2 DAQ was down today I copied the complete set of slow controls PEM minute trend data from H2 DAQ to H1 DAQ using the same procedure followed yesterday for VE and FMCS data.

The H1 DAQ was restarted, it is now serving the full look back of DUST and WEATHER data.

I put all the H1 and H2 DAQ hand edited configuration files into the cds_user_apps SVN repository under trunk/cds/h[1,2]/daqfiles

Files put under SVN

LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:03, Friday 05 October 2012 (4394)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .3 microns and > .5 microns in particles per cubic foot. The data was taken from approximately 6 AM to 6 PM. Also attached are plots of the modes to help show when the data was valid. The large gap is from when the H2 DAQ was down.
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david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:09, Friday 05 October 2012 - last comment - 18:42, Friday 05 October 2012(4391)
Added Vacuum controls and FMCS slow channels to H1 DAQ

Ref WP#3492

Due to today's H2 DAQ work, I reconfigured H1 DAQ to also acquire the VACUUM and FMCS EPICS channels. The process was:

h2ldasgw0 and h2ldasgw1; stop acquiring data, tar up the raw minute files for all the VE and FMCS channels. These tar files were 62GB and 48GB respectively, and have 277 and 382 number of channels respectively.

compess the VE and FMCS tar files, size reduced to 18GB and 8GB respectively.

copy the h2ldasgw0 files to h1ldasgw0, copy the h2ldasgw1 files to h1ldasgw1. Uncompress and install the VE and FMCS files into the minute_raw trends dirctory on h1ldasgw[0,1]

Reconfigure h1fw0 and h1fw1 to acquire VE and FMCS files. The H0EDCU_VE.ini and H0EDCU_FMCS.ini files were copied from H2 DAQ to H1 DAQ.

The H1 DAQ was restarted. VE and FMCS data in full frames, second frames and minute frames started from scratch. The raw minute trend frames were then appended with the latest data, and all previous minute trends are available back to the VE and FMCS epoch.

In addition, the H1 TIMING EPICS channels from the h1ecatc0 IOC were added to the frame. These channels cover the status of the H1 Timing Master in the MSR. The new channels have the prefix H1:CDS-TIMING_

The new ini file is called H1EDCU_TIMING.ini

Comments related to this report
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - 18:42, Friday 05 October 2012 (4393)

Patrick reminded me that a trend of this weekend's dust monitors would be also valuable to preserve, so I have just added the H0EDCU_PEM.ini to the H1 DAQ (dust and weather station data). In this case I did not have time to copy the raw minute trend files, so these channels are starting from scratch at 18:30 Friday.

greg.grabeel@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:09, Thursday 04 October 2012 - last comment - 16:29, Monday 08 October 2012(4378)
HAM1 HEPI Spring adjustment
After HAM1 needed a large  movement  to rectify some measurement issues the springs had come into hard contact with the side of the housing collar. I re-centered the springs and loaded the weight back to the previous values. This brought the support tubes to +- 25 thousandths of an inch. During the process of bringing the support tubes to nominal one of the springs started to bind, and after removing the nut one could see several demolished threads. Tyler G. expertly repaired them and I replaced the spring. 

The support tubes are now sitting within +- 5 thousandths although with the amount of activity around the dial indicators some of those values may be adulterated. After I locked the HEPI feet down I re-zeroed the dial indicators and hopefully placed them in better positions for when IAS can shoot the table.
Images attached to this report
Comments related to this report
greg.grabeel@LIGO.ORG - 16:29, Monday 08 October 2012 (4398)
There was some concern about the threads of the spring. The threads were cleaned up on the lathe knocking out the material that had been deposited in the root of the thread. This added a bit of slop where some crests had been lost but I flipped the spring in the housing so the areas supporting the tension of the spring are on good threads. 
Images attached to this comment
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:42, Tuesday 02 October 2012 - last comment - 20:20, Tuesday 09 October 2012(4351)
MC3 Y-V-T cross coupling - more Phase 2a testing

We resumed analysis of MC3 Phase 2a data taken Sept 27 and found that now the sus ails from pretty severe yaw to vertical and transverse coupling.  Travis eye-balled the suspesnion and sees that it is not well aligned in Yaw.  Note, the alignment procedure during the build phase of HXTSes is all done "by eye".  I think we possibly have been aligning suspensions to the crocked side flag mount (a recent discovery).

Note to self, our recent issues with processing the plothsts_dtttfs.m script was due to file naming convention.  Watch for dash and underscore locations in the name!

Comments related to this report
stuart.aston@LIGO.ORG - 13:39, Tuesday 02 October 2012 (4352)
Attached are the most recent M1-M1 TFs for MC3 (see 2012-09-27_0400_H1SUSMC3_M1_ALL_TFs.pdf).

These Phase 2a measurements can be compared to the equivalent Phase 1b measurements obtained for MC3 (see allhstss_2012_10_02_Phase2a_MC3_ALL_ZOOMED_TFs.pdf)
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stuart.aston@LIGO.ORG - 20:20, Tuesday 09 October 2012 (4407)
The most recent MC3 TFs taken at the end of last week (2012−10−05). 

Following some re-aliment and tweaking of the tablecloth, the cross-couplings visible in the TFs are identical to how they appeared the week before (2012−09−27). 
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mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:42, Wednesday 26 September 2012 - last comment - 14:47, Monday 07 April 2014(4312)
Taking more BSFM02 TFs
Mark B.

Resuming work on BSFM02. Will take damped and undamped TFs and damped and undamped spectra.
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mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 22:19, Wednesday 26 September 2012 (4314)
Mark B.

Done for the day. Undamped TF data is 


and damped TF data is 

2012-09-26_2000_X1SUSBSFM02_M1_*_WhiteNoise.xml . 

Plots for these data set are appended. I've added the appropriate lines to plotallbsfm_tfs.m and committed it but I haven't run it - I want to check that it does the right thing with data taken on H2 but filed as X1.

Spectra time segment starts are

startTimeRef.gps = 1032753893; % GPS Start Time Damping OFF
startTimeRes.gps = 1032752625; % GPS Start Time Damping ON

I still need to generate plots for these and the ones earlier today, but as mentioned previously, first I have to modify plotbsfm_spectraBSFM02.m to accept X1 data (the script it's based on was hard-wired to L1/H1/H2).
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mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 09:47, Thursday 27 September 2012 (4319)
Mark B.

Here the comparison plot with all the BSFM02 data plus some for the real H2 FMY and X2 BSFM06. The noise in the BSFM02 data sets is rather worse than X2 BSFM06 (but comparable to H2 FMY), so it looks like we don't have the best drive parameters. However it does look like noise and there don't seem to be any significant features common to the noisy bits of 2012-09-25_1100 and 2012-09-26_0900.
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mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 16:16, Monday 08 October 2012 (4396)
Mark B.

After some discussion with Stuart, I processed the spectrum data from 7/26/12 morning and evening two ways. First I used a custom plotbsfm_spectraBSFM02.m to process it as X1/BSFM02/BUILD01 with tags of 2012-09-26_0900 (morning) and 2012-09-26_1900 (evening) with names like


So if anyone is looking for the data by following the directory structure in the usual fashion for a Phase 1b test, appropriate plots will be there. The captions in these plots also specify X1 BSFM02 primarily and H2 FMY secondarily.

We also used the stock plotbsfm_spectra.m to process the data purely as H2:FMy with names like


This is so that it can be found by the stock version of plotallbsfm_spectra.m, which Stuart felt was too much hassle to customize. We added two new lines to the measList section with comments to the effect that the suspension in each case was really BSFM02.

Attached is a set of comparison plots with the morning and afternoon's data. Unfortunately we couldn't include the 'L1','BS','2012-09-24_1200' dataset because it doesn't seem to have been committed from LLO.

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mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 14:47, Monday 07 April 2014 (11126)

In preparation for the Acceptance review, I redid the TF plots with up-to-date comparisons.

Red: 3IFO Phase 1b undamped (2012-09-26_1900)

Pink: 3IFO Phase 1b damped (2012-09-26_2000)

Black: H1 BS Phase 3b undamped (2013-07-30_1059269030)

Orange: L1 BS Phase 3b undamped (2013-08-29_0900)

Because the data was taken on a mechanical test stand in the LVEA with other work going on around, it is somewhat noisy (especially up to about 0.6 Hz in most DOFs and throughout in P) and the damping is a bit strong, but the peaks in the undamped TFs are very clean and in exactly the right positions.

I also redid the spectra with comparisons.

Green: 3IFO BS 2012-09-26_0900

Red: 3IFO BS 2012-09-26_1900 (later the same day)

Cyan: H1 BS 2013-02-25_1000 (on BSTST test stand)

Purple: H1 BS 2013-07-24_1400

Blue: L1 BS 2013-11-27_0930

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