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Reports until 00:54, Tuesday 10 July 2012
matthew.evans@LIGO.ORG - posted 00:54, Tuesday 10 July 2012 - last comment - 06:43, Tuesday 10 July 2012(3383)
OAT cavity locking

Damping Stronger

With the help of the SUS folks, I increased by a factor of 3 the gain on the quad yaw and vertical (both M0 and R0 on ITMY and ETMY).  I also added 0.45Hz boosts to L and T for the transmon damping.  All of these changes are aimed at making sure that the ISI does not see sharp resonant features from the suspensions.

HEPI Tripped, cavity misaligned

I started the evening with the PLL unlocked, and the cavity badly aligned.  The cavity alignment problem came from the HEPI, which had tripped and thus let go of its 1M count RZ offset.  It turns out to be surprising difficult to restart HEPI without the watchdog tripping;

  1. remove the RZ offset (set gain to zero)
  2. open all filter inputs
  3. clear all filters
  4. set output gain to 0.05
  5. close all filter inputs
  6. slowly ramp output to 1
  7. set 60s TRAMP on RZ offset
  8. restore RZ offset (set gain to 100)

Or maybe we should just consider making the WD less sensitive.

Slow Controls Don't BURT, CM settings wrong (again)

The PLL was not working because the CM board was not set properly.  The compensation filter was off, and the boost was 1.  I guess these should be {on, 0}, or at least it works like this.  Similarly the PDH CM board had the common option on, which made it not work either.  We should really find a better solution.

Locking Well, small power fluctuations

After fixing these problems, and tweaking the alignment with the ITM and ETM, the cavity locked and was very stable.  We should check the state of the ISIs during this time.

Comments related to this report
matthew.evans@LIGO.ORG - 01:06, Tuesday 10 July 2012 (3385)

Plot requested by Jeff K.

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keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 06:43, Tuesday 10 July 2012 (3386)

boost=1 and no comp for PLL means that something/somebody attempted to copy the PDH CM setting to PLL.

But PLL was left locked when I went home. There's no good reason the setting should/could have changed.  Puzzled.

matthew.evans@LIGO.ORG - posted 00:35, Tuesday 10 July 2012 (3382)
BSC6 ISI (EY) - test started

After a false start wich for some reason tripped the watchdogs, I managed to start the driven tests on the ISI around 12am local time.  The HEPI was also tripped... I'm not sure if this happened before the ISI tripped, or because it tripped.  Please check filters and switches on the ISI isolation filter banks, as they seemed to be in an odd state.

matthew.evans@LIGO.ORG - posted 00:31, Tuesday 10 July 2012 (3381)
OAT long locks

These are some reference data from a long lock on the weekend.  There are 3 hours of continuous lock between 14:00 and 17:00 UTC (2012-07-08).  The long locks show a full tidal cycle; 1450 counts on the BOSEMS sensors ~ 580um ~ 50k counts of drive at the top mass.  It also shows very little residual L2Y coupling, and a little L2P (which I later tried to remove with an L2P coefficient of 3e-4).

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LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:46, Monday 09 July 2012 (3380)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .5 microns in particles per cubic foot.
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greg.grabeel@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:22, Monday 09 July 2012 (3379)
HAM6 Shipping Container Nitrogen Purge
The continuing tales of HAM6 purge have found the lonely ISI near the end of adventures ... Or is it‽  The dew point numbers seem to be hanging out at the -32 range for the most part. I'm going to turn the flow rate up to 15-20 liters/minute and see if this will urge another drop.
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thomas.vo@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:19, Monday 09 July 2012 (3378)
Enclosure Installation
Thomas V. Szymon S. John W.

We installed the receiver enclosure fully with the viewport protector, reducer (temporary, used from ILIGO) and bellows.

During the transmitter enclosure installation, John noticed that we are extremely close to the bare viewport, approximately 3.75 inches between the enclosure face and the viewport.  There isn't enough room between the enclosure and the viewport to fully fit the standard protector, reducer and bellow. For the one arm test sake, a possible makeshift connection might be made. More work on this to continue.
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david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:58, Monday 09 July 2012 (3376)
H1 Test points fixed

Dave and Jim

The problem of the missing H1 test points was tracked down to a configuration issue in the core switch. The entry for the OPS VLAN needed to have the H1 subnet added to permit the UDP broadcast routing onto the H1 FE LAN.

Now low level test points diagnostics will show both H1 and H2 AWGTP processes. We discovered that h2pemeyaux was using a duplicated DCUID as h1sush34. We have powered down h2pemeyaux for now, and will give it new DCUID numbers during tomorrow's Tue Morning Maintenance.

kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:19, Monday 09 July 2012 (3374)
Soft-closed GV5 for a few hours during work exposing viewport (Tom V.+ others)

hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:30, Monday 09 July 2012 (3372)
H1 HAM3 ISI Table Leveled with HEPI
Greg Mitchell & Hugh

Back on Friday a week ago, the SEI was floated on HEPI and then locked down, see aLog 3315.  Today we released the stops and adjusted the HEPI springs to level the Optical Table.  We are very close and basically ready for horizontal adjustments in response to IAS.

*** The Table remains free and is floating  ***
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:10, Monday 09 July 2012 (3369)
QUAD Test Mass Pitch Motion Estimate
J. Kissel, P. Fritschel

After all the investigations into the SUS loop performance to find the source of the excess motion Pitch and Longitudinal motion at 0.43 (, 0.56, and 1.0) [Hz], Peter suggested perhaps it's merely the expected coupling between L and P, with the large not-yet-awesome input motion from the BSC-ISIs. So, following the same prescription used to generate the curves in G1200712, I produced the predicted QUAD test mass motion due to the measured (BSC8-ISI, ITMY) motion on June 26th, i.e. E1200668, in both L and P.

Attached are the results.

We see that indeed, given the (BSC8-ISI, ITMY) input motion, the predicted motion is on the order of 2.4e-6 [m RMS] and 5e-6 [rad RMS], with the expected first L and P modes at 0.43 Hz and 0.56 Hz, which have (modeled) damped amplitudes of 1e-5 [m/rtHz] and 2e-5 [rad/rtHz], reasonably consistent with results reported in LHO aLOG 3363, LHO aLOG 3302, and LHO aLOG.

There are several ways in which this model isn't perfect:
- The input motion is representative of BSC8-ISI (ITMY), which has been commissioned further than BSC6-ISI (ETMY), so one might expect the input motion to ETMY to be somewhat worse (It only has damping, No HEPI, No Level 0 Isolation Loops). Fabrice is working on getting me BSC6 data.
- I took the input motions in X, Y, Z, RX, RY, and RZ -- which are defined about the center (in X and Y) of the ISI, and at the lower-zero-moment-actuation-plane of ST2 of the ISI -- as direct inputs to the suspension point of the QUAD: (Y->) L, (X->) T, (Z->) V, (RY->) R, (RX->) P, (RZ->) Y, which means that the estimate for P does not account for the ~0.5 [m] lever arm between the ISI ST2 origin and the SUS point origin. See T1100617 for details (B. Lantz, C. Kucharcyzk, and I are working on getting the correct transform.)

The bonus attachments, relevant to the discussion, are as follows
- [2012-07-09_testmassmotion_bscinput.pdf] A plot of the motion used as input (identical to what is shown in E1200668)
- [2012-07-09_modeltf_*toP.pdf] The rarely-looked-at transfer functions between all degrees of freedom input to pitch in [rad/m] or [rad/rad].
- [2012-07-09_testmassmotion_P_resgndbudget.pdf] A break down of the predicted residual P motion from all degrees of freedom.

One VERY interesting revelation from these bonus plots: 
- T @SUS point transmission to P @ test mass becomes comparable to L to P in [rad/m] above ~1 Hz
- R @SUS point transmission to P @ test mass becomes roughly a factor of 10 greater to P to P in [rad/rad] above ~0.5 Hz
These mean we'll have to focus on reducing the T and R motion *just as much* as reducing the L and P motion.
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hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:59, Monday 09 July 2012 - last comment - 14:54, Thursday 26 July 2012(3370)
HAM-ISI Unit #6 - CPS readout drifting

HAM-ISI Unit #6 was balanced, and CPS readouts were within acceptable range, on 07/03 when we left it for long TF measurments. When checked this morning, CPS readouts featured an offset of approximately +/-3000 counts:































There is no drive/offset on MEDM channels.

Coil drivers were turned off. The CPS readouts remained unchanged.

CPS interface chassis were turned off, and then turned back on. The CPS readouts remained unchanged.


Dataviewer plots are attached. They show the drifting of the CPS readouts.


We experienced high temperatures over the last few days.

       2259.8       17.137
       2534.3       20.602
      -3112.1       26.775
      -3118.5       20.225
      -3054.5       31.743


      -387.82       15.522
      -15.363       16.733
       291.12       24.948
      -80.917       24.324
      -38.773       18.063
       119.34       25.563
      -387.82       15.522
      -15.363       16.733
       291.12       24.948
      -80.917       24.324
      -38.773       18.063
       119.34       25.563
3-Jul 9-Jul Difference
H1 -387.82 2014.8 2402.62
H2 -15.363 2259.8 2275.163
H3 291.12 2534.3 2243.18
V1 -80.917 -3112.1 -3031.183
V2 -38.773 -3118.5 -3079.727
V3 119.34 -3054.5 -3173.84
3-Jul 9-Jul Difference
H1 -387.82 2014.8 2402.62
H2 -15.363 2259.8 2275.163
H3 291.12 2534.3 2243.18
V1 -80.917 -3112.1 -3031.183
V2 -38.773 -3118.5 -3079.727
V3 119.34 -3054.5 -3173.84
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Comments related to this report
hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - 13:04, Monday 09 July 2012 (3371)

The ISI was re-blanced this morning. Reasonable values were obtained along Z. 

However, re-balancing the ISI did not correct the out-of-specification offset observed on horizontal CPSs.

CPS readouts, after re-balancing this morning, are presented below:

H1 1901.6
H2 2268.7
H3 2417
V1 -34.45
V2 47.896
V3 -201.18
hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - 17:51, Monday 09 July 2012 (3375)

In order to get a better understanding of what was happening, we collected data from GS13/L4C pressure sensors. Data shows:

  • Pressure increased for the past 4 days (+3 kPa, fig, 1). Pressure data is well correlated between sensors.
  • CPS readout drifting is highly correlated to pressure variations. (Fig. 2) 
  • Pressure is still high: 103-4kPa (Fig. 3, just measured)
  • Figure 4 shows the pressure/CPS-readout evolution over 2 days. From 7am to 7am.


  • Dataviewer time = PT+7h
  • Mean values displayed. Fluctuations due to runnning excitations.
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hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - 15:04, Tuesday 10 July 2012 (3390)

The ISI was locked. CPS readouts are within expected range. 

H1 -348.96
H2 297.36
H3 -156.01
V1 252.29
V2 155.3
V3 323.62

The drifting we observed was not caused by a malfunctioning of the CPSs.

john.worden@LIGO.ORG - 14:54, Thursday 26 July 2012 (3612)

We later found that one circuit of our air conditioning had failed and therefore we could not maintain normal conditions in the staging building. There is no record of the indoor temperatures during this event  but I estimate that the temperature excursions were on the order of 5-10 degrees F. Normal excursions (night-day) are probably 2-3F and perhaps closer to 1F during the day only (if you exclude the cooling overnight.

matthew.evans@LIGO.ORG - posted 00:37, Sunday 08 July 2012 - last comment - 00:57, Tuesday 10 July 2012(3363)
OAT cavity locking - calibrated spectrum

ALS Input Pointing QPD->PZT Loops

I started this fine Saturday checking the PZT alignment loops while JeffK measured SUS TFs.  The idea was to make sure that the loops were fast enough to ensure that sub-Hertz alignment loops would not be bothered by sluggish PZT response.  I found all of the loops in good working order with UGFs between 3 and 10Hz.  While I was there I added cut-off and boost filters (loops are still unconditionally stable) and set all the UGFs a little closer to 10Hz.

SUS Damping

In search of something to blame for our large angular motion, much of which appears at 0.43Hz (the first longitudinal resonance), I measured the Transverse loop (side OSEM), which also has a resonance around 0.43Hz.  It wasn't doing much, so I broght it up to speed with the Longitudinal loop boost filter.  I also changed the cut-off somewhat, as there was very little phase margin for the highest resonance (near 4Hz).  The result was a much more damped T DOF, but not much else that was obvious.

Slow Length Loop

After figuring out that the PHASE and PDH fast monitor signals are switched in digital land, I was able to close a slow loop (< 100mHz UGF) which off-loads the VCO signal for locking the arm cavity to the ETM.  At the moment, the locking filter is in the SUS-ETMY_M0_LOCK_L filter bank rather than the ALS_EY_ARM_LONG bank.  This is because ETMY_M0_LOCK_L_IN1 is recorded at 2kHz, which is useful for making spectra (see below).

Calibrated Spectrum

By stepping the gain of the slow loop after a large output had accumulated (with the input switch off), I was able to modulate the length of the cavity without unlocking.  This modulation is visible in the signal send to the VCO for cavity locking, and in the ETMY M0 OSEMS, so I cross-calibrated teh VCO signal using 40nm/cnt as round number for the OSEMS (see fig 1).  This gave 0.8nm/cnt for FMON, which might be 40kHz/V for the VCO if I got all of my conversions right... not so far from the 100kHz/V I would have guessed.  I made 3 spectra from locks separated by ~1 hour, all of which overlap nicely (see fig 2).

Lock Stability

The main threat to lock stability was a large Long -> Yaw coupling that would misalign the cavity as the slow length loop pushed on ETMY_MO_LOCK_L.  I fixed this with a small element in the drive align matrix (L2Y gain = 0.0036), indicating that we will probably have this problem with all of the suspensions just due to small magnet strentgh mismatches and BOSEM misalignments.  With this in place, the cavity will stay locked for hours with ~10% power flucutions (see fig 3, 4).  For reference, I include the alignment slider values in fig 5.

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Comments related to this report
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 08:13, Monday 09 July 2012 (3368)

Calibration could be (and probably should be) done in the opposite direction, from VCO frequency/volt calibration to displacement.

jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 16:52, Monday 09 July 2012 (3373)
M. Evans, (J. Kissel)

Just because we may (read: will most definitely) have to do it again, I called Matt and asked "How'd you come up with that 0.0036 L2Y coefficient for the DriveAlign Matrix?" Here's what he did:

- Look at DC Y Value (in DAMP IN1) with no L offset. (Say it's 1000 cts)
- Put a Huge L offset in place (through the TEST filter bank, for example), and watch Y change.
- Put a number into the L2Y DriveAlign matrix, and tweak until DC Y Value returns to what it was before Huge L offset.

Done! Easy-peezy, Japanese-y.

For the record, he says he also has a coefficient in place for L2P, but "[he's] not sure it's doing anything."
matthew.evans@LIGO.ORG - 00:57, Tuesday 10 July 2012 (3384)

The "calibrated spectrum" shown above does not include a 1.6:40Hz pole:zero which are in the VCO.  Doing this correctly will cause the spectrum to slope down between 1.6 and 40Hz... next time we'll include this, as well as the direct VCO calibration that Keita suggests.

matthew.evans@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:48, Saturday 07 July 2012 - last comment - 06:06, Monday 09 July 2012(3360)
EY ISI not isolating - bias added to RZ

The EY ISI was also tripped.  I reset it, so we have damping, but I don't know the secret handshakes for turning on the isolation, so we will live without.

I added an offset to the input of the ST!-ISO_RZ filter bank, turned off the Cont_1 filter, and set the output gain to 200.  This results in essentially no alignment bias for ETMY and TMSY.  Of course, the isolation won't work like this, but I couldn't find any other way to bias the alignment of the ISI.  SEI team: please make this right!

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matthew.evans@LIGO.ORG - 14:25, Sunday 08 July 2012 (3366)

Having figured out how to reset the HEPI watchdog, I moved the RZ bias to HEPI.  In the process I discovered that the HEPI DC Biases have no ramps or filters, so they are pretty disruptive.  This lead me to use the ISC YAW filter offset (mislabeled V).  Here I discovered that the HEPI ISC paths are not in the order speciied on the screen, so I have to send my offset to RX to get RZ.  Furthermore, we seem to still have the "poor choice of calibration units" problem, since the offset needed to make 14k counts on the H sensors was greater than 106.

The ISI settings are now as before.  Note: we have no isolation on either ISI just damping.

fabrice.matichard@LIGO.ORG - 06:06, Monday 09 July 2012 (3367)

on IY, the ISI controls are already designed and installed. To Turn it on: in the ISI screen, there's a button called "Commands", which opens a screen with turn on buttons called "Damp Sage 1", "Isolate Stage2", "Isolate System"... 

on EY we have been giving priority to HEPI commissioning (sensor correction) over ISI feedback loops. My understanding was that "ISI Damping + HEPI sensor correction"  would also be a good state for the OAT commissioning. We can certainly change priority (focus on ISI feedback and come back to HEPI Sensor Correction later on). Just let us know what's best for you.

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