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Reports until 11:42, Thursday 29 December 2011
Logbook Admin Feature Requests
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:42, Thursday 29 December 2011 - last comment - 10:17, Tuesday 31 January 2012(1959)
Remove/Change the Search Shortcuts
I've often been confused by the functionality of the "Quick Search" and the "Search Tasks" shortcuts in the top middle of the aLOG home page. Rather, I understand the "Search Tasks" field -- I just think it's functionality is not needed -- and the "Quick search" is not reliable enough at returning good search results to be useful. More accurately, "Quick search" only searches for the entered text as a keyword. 

For example a search for "kissel" doesn't return anything written by me, only the one's to which I've added my name in the text. Another example, if I enter in an aLOG entry number "1933" it returns nothing. 

Conversely, I think the "Search" page has enough versatility that it returns exactly what I want, everytime.

In summary I suggest:
Removal of the "Search Tasks" possibility, and have the "Quick Search" use the user input as all possible search fields (Section/Task, Report ID, Date, Authors, and keywords), if we want to keep the quick search at all.
Comments related to this report
jonathan.hanks@LIGO.ORG - 10:17, Tuesday 31 January 2012 (2113)
The quick search area should be more versatile now.

The task selection is staying on the main page so that users can easily filter to only a specific task if needed.
LHO General
robert.schofield@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:05, Wednesday 28 December 2011 (1958)
Particle levels in cleaned BSC8 down by about 10 from 2007, Y-manifold unchanged

Summary: I measured particle counts in the Y-manifold and newly-cleaned BSC8, and compared them to levels I measured in 2007. High-activity particulate levels (>0.5um) were about 100/ft^3 in BSC8, down by a factor of  about 10 from 2007, and about  1000/ft^3 in the manifold, unchanged from 2007. After cessation of activity, manifold particulate levels dropped by a factor of 2 approximately every 7 minutes. To prevent activity in the manifolds from contaminating the clean chambers, I suggest using a dam to separate clean and unclean regions and/or selecting purge air ports so that the air flows from  clean BSCs to unclean manifolds.  


In preparation for installing the arm cavity and cryopump baffles, which will require work in the un-cleaned manifolds, I compared in-chamber particle levels for activity in the manifold to levels for activity in BSC8. I did not want my manifold measurements to contaminate clean BSC8, which has the ITM and FM, so I ensured that purge air was flowing out of the Y-manifold where it is open at the gate valve, and my simulated activity took place between the purge air port and the opening at the gate valve. The manifold measurements were made after vacuuming of the manifold. My measurements in BSC8 took place while Travis was unlocking and preparing the quad, which involved a lot of movement and sliding on the chamber floor. 

I took several tens of 1 liter measurements, which are summarized here and compared to measurements taken at the same locations in 2007, here, before the cleaning of BSC8.

                                                          Counts per cubic foot >0.5 micrometers in diameter

                                                       Y-Manifold                              BSC 8

Activity level                             2007        2011                     2007       2011

High (sliding, walking)                         ~1000     ~1000                   ~1000      ~100

Low (careful movement)                                      ~200                     ~150        ~25

The cleaning of BSC8 appears to have reduced particulate levels during heavy work by about an order of magnitude. I also experimented with brushing the chamber wall with my bunny suit. In the manifold I got large pulses of counts (>1000/ft^3) as particles came off the wall, but in BSC8 I got no evident increase in particle levels (~25/ft^3). 

Thus the cleaning of BSC8 was successful but, if we are not careful, the particle load from activities in the manifold may swamp any gains from cleaning BSC8. For the part of the arm cavity baffle installation procedure that requires moving in equipment through the manifold, we plan to install the dam between the manifold and BSC8, with the aperture in the dam mostly blocked with foil in order to reduce the quantity of particles that enter BSC8 from the manifold.

After settling (counts dropped by a factor of 2 in about 7 minutes) we will remove the dam and retrieve the staged equipment from the manifold while trying to minimize scuffing the floor and brushing the walls. I find that I can walk in the manifold and maintain ~100/ft^3 level by not sliding my feet and not brushing the walls.

I also suggest that, where possible, the purge air be set up so that the flow is from clean chambers into the dirty manifolds. This is currently not the case at BSC8 and would require switching purge air ports.


kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:19, Tuesday 27 December 2011 (1957)
Y-end pumping misc.
Kyle, John -> Verified BSC10 annulus volume was vented by opening to atmosphere -> No change in Y-end indicated pressure (as expected since volume had yet to be pumped by aux. cart) -> Stopped pumping BSC6 annulus volume with aux. cart and vented to atmosphere -> Y-end pressure responded by increasing from 7.7 x 10-7 torr to 8.1 x 10-7 torr -> Torqued BSC6 South, West and East door bolts as well as spool bolts -> Y-end pressure responded by returning back to initial value of 7.7 x 10-7 torr.  Resumed pumping BSC6 volume with aux. cart.

Kyle -> Sprayed helium around new feed throughs and conflats on BSC6 and new GNB spool -> signal fell linearly from a starting value of 5.0 x 10-9 torr*L/sec to 1.9 x 10-9 torr*L/sec during period of helium application (this does not mean that these joints "pass" a leak test).
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:06, Saturday 24 December 2011 (1956)
Relocation of iLIGO CDS servers to the LDAS server room

Greg, Dan, Cyrus, Jim, Dave

We have relocated the iLIGO CDS servers to the LDAS server room. Details can be found in the DCC document D1102272.

Services include: old ilog, blue web pages, lho supported wikis (cdswiki, 40m, upconv, iLIGO, mLIGO). Work is in progress to relocate the 40m wiki to Caltech.

We have attempted to retain the old URLs to make the transition transparent. These systems are now read-only and are not being backed up beyond this point of time.

please email any suggestions/problems to david.barker@LIGO.ORG

hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:16, Friday 23 December 2011 - last comment - 09:09, Tuesday 03 January 2012(1955)
BSC8 HEPI on stops
In anticipation of putting the Arm Cavity Baffle on to the ISI Stage0, we've put the HEPI (and entire Cartridge) on stops at the HEPI Crossbeam Foot.  This lifted the assembly 1 to 2 mils (.001-.002") monitoring the dial indicators.  We also brought in the out board stops (facing inward) on each Foot just to further constrain the position.
In case I don't make it back after the new year please don't forget.  GregG knows the story and where the numbers are recorded.

*** Please don't disturb the dial indicators at the Support Tube ends ***

Once the ACB is mounted up, we'll lift the load off the set screws, back them out of the way and set the payload back where it started.
Comments related to this report
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 15:17, Monday 02 January 2012 (1960)
For the record, we left the ITMy fully suspended and un-clothed for the break, in the event some testing took place.  The FMy is still stopped with it's EQ stops.

Also for the record - just before the break, Travis finished attaching the FMy baffle to the FMy (Thomas and I started this but didn't finish).
travis.sadecki@LIGO.ORG - 09:09, Tuesday 03 January 2012 (1961)

Correction:  FMy was left off it's stops over the break as well.  All suspensions in BSC8 are currently hanging and awaiting TFs in preparation for the handoff to SEI for their portion of testing.

david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:48, Thursday 22 December 2011 (1954)
iLIGO CDS shutdown, MSR decommissioning

This week we have been decommissioning the iLIGO H1 systems in the MSR and control room. The iligo DAQ is now powered down, all legacy VE, FMCS and slow PEM have been transitioned to the new H2 DAQ. All but the legacy computers and networking gear have been removed from the MSR (see photo). The archival iLIGO services (ilog, blue, wiki) are being relocated to the LDAS server rooom and will run in read-only mode to support S6 and squeezer data analysis.

Images attached to this report
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:38, Thursday 22 December 2011 (1952)
HAM3 SEI Extraction (plus HAM2 & BSC2 Work)

(Chris K., Corey, Randy, Zach)


With every thing staged and ready to go a couple of days go for HAM3 SEI Stack extraction, the Apollo crew and I made quick work of extraction this morning.  Our goal was to remove iLIGO SEI hardware (above Support Table), and keep the Optics Table and Masses clean.  We did this work in roughly 2hrs (8-10am).  Both doors were off of this chamber and everything was pulled out the West Siiide.  Nothing new here. 

The Optics Table is currently in the South Bay next to the HAM1 Table near the H1 Racks.  The Leg Element (masses) are on a pair of pallets nearby.  Other hardware is dirty and in a tub on top of the Optics Table. 

I believe the Apollo crew will install the doors this afternoon.

All photos of work at the HAM3 De-install Colection at:  https://ligoimages.mit.edu/?c=897


Since there was access to HAM2 & I had a tool, I went into HAM2 to disconnect all cabling from feedthrus.


Additionally, since I was in-chamber, I went ahead and did some work in BSC2.  Here's what I did:

The POX & POY mirrors are currently in a nearby mini-cleanroom on a "clean" table and have a layer of foil on them.  Not sure whether or not we need to keep these guys clean (sent out emails asking).

The counterweights, screws and Pick Off mirror dog clamps are all outside HAM3 on the ground.

Oh, I accidentally left a 3/16" allen wrench in BSC2 on one of the Beam Dumps (aka "cornucopias").  I didn't go back in to get it since we won't be pumping down this volume any time soon.

So, the only items on the BSC2 Optics Table are the BS Suspension & the cables/bracket on the table.  See attached photo of the Table.

Photos of BSC2 (and also some from BSC8) are at:  https://ligoimages.mit.edu/?c=898

Images attached to this report
richard.mittleman@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:50, Thursday 22 December 2011 (1953)
ITMY BSC HAs Been Balanced and is floating

  All of the CPS are within 3000 counts of zero, and their locked position which is good enough for testing.

hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:22, Wednesday 21 December 2011 (1949)
BSC8 HEPI Responds to IAS Direction
EricA, GregG, RichM, CoreyG

Yesterday while IAS was dialing in their instruments, we did a minor level tweak looking at the ISI Optical Table with the HEPI Springs.  We (Jim & I)had seem .530mrad on 12 Dec and today we lowered that as best we could.  I'll say it is perfect but it looked a bit saddled about on the scale of the manufacturing tolerances.  My observances are flat +-.004" or +-.1mm.  We might be looking over 1.5m of the table for a level to about 1.4mrad.  This sounds out of spec but I don't think it can be improved given what I see of the table shape.

Late yesterday IAS gave us a position of 1.6mm -X and 2.4mm +Y of nominal.  We moved this with the HEPI Springs in four steps totaling about 1-3/4 turns on the 3/4-20 Spring threads.  We made direct translations first North (+X), then East (-Y), East again, and finally North.  This put us well within spec.
We then did a small tweak up to the Optical Table Level again dropping the NW corner and raising the SE <0.2mm each.
With the table as level as we can get, SUS freed the optic and we got it quiet enough for a YAW shot after Travis pulled down the top edge of the First Contact.  IAS saw a rotation of 1.29mrad CW.  We broke for lunch.
After lunch with new found courage and Eric's calibrated wrench arm, we made a CCW rotation in three steps turning the 3/4-20 thread 1-1/12 turns.  IAS has done another final round and I'll let them post those results but I believe we are still good in our elevation, translational position as well as the yaw position.

Thanks Crew!
jason.oberling@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:19, Wednesday 21 December 2011 (1950)
IAS BSC 08 Alignment Progress

Used HEPI static adjustments today to adjust horizontal position and fine tune longitudinal position of the ITMy.  After, ITMy was fully released from stops, yaw was measured at 1.29 mrad clockwise (direction given assuming a top-down view).  HEPI static adjustment was used to correct for this yaw error, then horizontal, vertical, and longitudinal position was measured again to check for any changes caused by the yaw adjustment; pitch was also measured.  The ITMy is currently sitting:

IAS has temporarily moved out of the spool piece area (except for one piece of equipment which is in critical alignment and roped off with caution tape; please DO NOT TOUCH) to allow SLC to install the ACB in BSC 08 on Thursday.

kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:14, Wednesday 21 December 2011 (1948)
Roughed y-end to 1/2 atmosphere
Will add bellows tie-rods between BSC6 and BSC10 tomorrow and continue pump down.  BSC6 stand is not grouted yet.  Tie-rods will share horizontal load to additional anchors.
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:06, Tuesday 20 December 2011 (1947)
BSC6 ETMy STatus
More cabling continued on the underside of the ISI table.  Travis and I added the TMS bracket-to-feed thru cables, so there are now ~7 cables that are ready to be handed off to SEI for dressing up the ISI stack.  We still have a few more to add, such as the broken (and repaired) ESD DXXX1617 cable and 2 more D100225-199".

We also prepped the UIM wire segments in prep for mating the lower M0 to the upper structure, and refit most of the lower face EQ stops with the newly designed version.
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:02, Tuesday 20 December 2011 (1946)
BSC8 SUS Status
To facilitate the IAS measurements this afternoon, I unclamped the ITMy and then barely pushed the lower line stops back up to just-touching the ITMy barrel.  I also pushed the top PUM barrel stops in to just-touching.  I left the ITMy SUS in this state in hopes that these stops would provide a bit of friction during any HEPI moves subsequent to today's measurements (although Hugh assures me that the motion felt by the ITMy will be very slow and smooth).  The reaction chain and FMy are still clamped.

Other small items not yet in the log:
Greg and I pulled the manifold barrier down which was left from the cleaning crew.  It was blocking the IAS view of ITMy.  We set it in the tube propped up against the side, but leaving a clear shot for IAS to the ITMy.  AOS is considering using the barrier when bringing in baffle hardware later this week.

Also, the last of my in-chamber FMy cables looks to have been restored to it's bracket and mating connector (after an end-to-end flip was made in order to mate to the feed-thru).  So, I suppose the FMy chassis can be powered up as well.
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:39, Tuesday 20 December 2011 (1945)
HAM3 Work Today: Doors Removed, and Table Cleared

(Corey, Ed, Mark, Slim Jim)

Today we removed components from the HAM3 Optical Table (Recycling Mirror, Telescope, Beam Dumps, and weights).  We also did preparations for iLIGO stack removal tomorrow. 

The Telescope was removed and not kept clean (it is on the floor in the south bay).  There is no distiguishing serial number on this assembly other than part numbers for individual parts. 

The Recycling Mirror (RM) was kept semi-clean, and is on a table in the Optics Lab with several other iLIGO Suspensions.  This mirror is designated as:  RM03-B.

The forklift with a short "surfboard" was used to pull the Telescope and RM from the HAM3.  This work took roughly 4hrs.

Photos of HAM3 work from today and tomorrow will be posted in Resource Space at this location:


Images attached to this report
jason.oberling@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:44, Tuesday 20 December 2011 (1944)
IAS Alignment Numbers for ITMy Horizontal, Vertical and Longitudinal Position

J. Oberling, D. Cook

First set of alignment numbers for the ITMy were taken today; we measured horizontal, vertical, and longitudinal positions.  Positions are relative to the desired optic position and directions are given when facing the front of the optic.

The horizontal translation will be done tomorrow morning via a HEPI static adjustment.

john.worden@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:25, Tuesday 20 December 2011 (1943)
H1 Input Mode Cleaner Tube

The H1 Input Mode Cleaner Tube(iLIGO) was removed and set outside today. No paint was scratched in the process.  HAM3 optical components were removed and preparations made for wrapping the stack for future use. Alignment is underway at BSC8 and the ITM.

H2 General
filiberto.clara@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:52, Tuesday 20 December 2011 (1942)
Field Cables to
Completed cabling of SEI and SUS field cables to BSC8. Ran cables from H2 Test Racks along Y-arm to BSC8. Moved Sat. Rack into beergarden. As of now, SUS coil drivers for QUAD are powered on. Units for PUM, UIM, FMY and ISI coil drivers units are powered down.

F. Clara, R. McCarthy, J. Garner
H2 General
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:09, Tuesday 20 December 2011 (1939)
Changed account preferences for controls on Ubuntu workstations
I removed old preference files from the controls user account for Ubuntu workstations.  The regenerated preferences have restored the window focus behavior that allows windows to pop to the front when links to them are clicked.  This affects matlab and medm applications in particular.  This will now make it much easier to work with applications that have large windows that hide other windows.
LHO General
greg.grabeel@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:26, Monday 19 December 2011 - last comment - 17:27, Wednesday 21 December 2011(1937)
Optics Air-Bake Oven

The air-bake oven in the LSB optics lab has had a new controller installed. The controller is capable of handling ramp and soak functions. Large changes to the oven (opening or closing the flue, etc.) will now need the autotune process after the change has been made if an accurate temperature ramping is desired. More info can be found here: Omega Manual. The controller can run a program with 30 setpoints to ramp and soak at different rates and hold times.

Attached is a graph of a ramp up from 40 to 70 degrees in 30 minutes that was run as a test. I will attach a more detailed report to this when it is finished, but if anyone would like to use that oven I will be more than happy to give a run down on how to set it up. This controller really suffers from a Blinking 12 problem.

Also attached is the modified wiring schematic that represents what is now in use for the oven. As you can see the controller will stay on even with the power switch off. This is how I intended it to be, the fan and heater will be de-energized by the switch still.

Images attached to this report
Comments related to this report
greg.grabeel@LIGO.ORG - 17:27, Wednesday 21 December 2011 (1951)
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