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Reports until 08:59, Wednesday 09 November 2011
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:59, Wednesday 09 November 2011 (1684)
H2 PSL install, computing and networking summary

Summary of H2 PSL install over past few months; computing and networking components:

The following H2 PSL items have been temporarily installed in the LVEA adjacent to the enclosure:

The following units have been installed in their final locations

The H2PSL LAN is being broadcasted in the LVEA  to permit wifi laptop operations inside of the enclosure.

david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:45, Wednesday 09 November 2011 (1683)
Tue maintenance summary, 8th Nov 2011

Dan and Dave:

powered down h2ldasgw0 to investigate the frequent crashes of h2fw0 and associated QFS errors on the ldas gateway. We redistributed the fiberchan cards between two pci-e risers (before they were both on the same riser). Dan did a qfs fsck on the /frames file system as well. Although a new error was reported on h2ldasgw0 on startup, h2fw0 has now ran for 19hours with no crash (before it would not run for more than 4 hours). We'll get more runtime info before making a decision to swap out hardware.

Cyrus, Jim and Dave:

relocated the "GC" CDS servers from the MSR to the computer users room as part of the prep work for the MSR shutdown. We moved the machines

These are all on the GC network (sugarloaf is also on the old 10.1 network, which Cyrus added to the CUR switch).

LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:35, Tuesday 08 November 2011 (1682)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .5 microns. The flat line at the end of channel H0:PEM-LVEA_DST7_5 (LVEA location 7) is probably from when the dust monitor was moved (see earlier report). The dust monitors in the beer garden and the OSB bake oven room still need to be fixed, but I have no ready replacements.
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jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:07, Tuesday 08 November 2011 (1680)
QUAD Diagonalization for M0 Yaw DoF
Now that the latest QUAD build has been completed, Yaw Diagonalization measurements were run on the M0 and R0 masses of the new quad build.  On Friday, the measurement on M0 was run which indicated less-than-ideal coupling of the F1 OSEM to Yaw.  Ideally, the isolation should be at around ~30dB for each OSEM not contributing to the Euler-based DoF. The first attached plot shows the F1 OSEM at around ~18-20dB isolated from F2 and F3, the "Yaw" OSEMs.  The measurement excitation for this measurement was a sine wave at 1.353Hz with a 100-ct amplitude.  

A slight "Roll" on the M0 mass was noticed with a bubble level after these results, and it was decided to try to correct the offset by adding shims under the M0 blade springs.  After realignment, the Yaw diagonalization measurement was run again with the same result (it is actually this measurement that is attached as the first pdf - the measurement from Friday was identical).  

A new measurement was then set up with slightly different drive parameters.  The drive frequency was changed from 1.353Hz to 1.3Hz with the same amplitude.  The second attachment is a plot of the results.  The F1 OSEM is now noticeably more isolated at this frequency with an isolation of ~28-30dB from "Yaw". Thus, the Yaw diagonalization for the M0 mass on the new quad build is now in an ideal configuration.
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LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:05, Tuesday 08 November 2011 (1681)
dust monitors moved for HAM-11/12 ICC
The dust monitor at LVEA location 3 in the LVEA ISI/QUAD test stand was moved to the fiber welding area in the LVEA probably sometime between 15:00 and 16:00 PST today by Jeff G.

The dust monitor at LVEA location 7 was moved from the previous location of the H2 electronics racks to LVEA location 11 between the clean room over HAM12 and the clean room over the LVEA ISI/QUAD test stand at around 16:00 PST today.

The data for LVEA location 11 is not yet in the frames. The alarm settings also need to be updated.
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:45, Tuesday 08 November 2011 (1679)
This afternoon, the re-entry of HAM-10 was completed for two purposes: to re-sample the "hot spot" on the floor and to remove the dust barrier that was left in for extra protection of the chamber while BSC-4 was being cleaned. The "hot spot" was FTIR-ed prior to any other activity in the chamber. Then the dust barrier was removed after being wiped down. The nozzle area that held the barrier was also cleaned up. On examination, the side of the barrier toward BSC-4 did not show any visual evidence of extraneous particulate accumulation nor did a wipe turn up anything worrisome. This supports other evidence that the in-chamber cleaning process does not allow the liberated oxide material to travel far. The "hot spot" was then wiped down and re-sampled. The chamber was exited and the door blank was reinstalled.
LHO General
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:00, Tuesday 08 November 2011 (1678)
Ops Day Summary
activities throughout the day:

Unifirst delivery at ~9:30

cleaning out near HAM12 and BSC-ISI clean room

Patrick moved dust monitors

End-Y TMTS assembly/testing
christina.bogan@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:08, Tuesday 08 November 2011 (1677)
Locked PMC with High Power, aligned and calibrated the High-Power-AOM
Yesterday we aligned the AOM in the high power path. The alignment was optimized to have maximum power in the right direction of the first order diffraction, in order to be able to dump this beam in front of the PMC, see Tablelayout (DCC-T0900610). 

The alignment of the PMC was optimized for high power operation. Afterwards we had 156W in transmission and 14W in reflection of the PMC without a beam diffracted by the AOM.

We also calibrated and linearized the diffraction of the AOM (the potentiometer in the Servo was adjusted to have 0.234V at the signal connected to the AOM driver, when the AOM offset was 0V).

In AOMOffset2power.pdf you can see the linerization. 

From the fit in AOMSignal2Power_diffraction.pdf one can get the values to calculate the AOM diffraction in %.
Non-image files attached to this report
LHO General
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:07, Tuesday 08 November 2011 (1676)
alog back after maintenance
We are moving the pure GC CDS servers from the MSR to the computer users room this morning as part of the CDS maintenance.

alog was one of these machines, it is now up and running in its new location and we dont expect any further downtime.

The other machines which will go down during this move are:

yakima (bugzilla)
redoubt (CDS SVN)
sugarloaf (email VE alarms)
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:06, Monday 07 November 2011 (1675)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .5 microns. The dust monitor in the "Beer Garden" and in the OSB bake oven room are not plotted. Both have reported sensor failures.
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jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:37, Monday 07 November 2011 (1672)
HAM-9 close-out work (second vacuum, inspection, post-work sampling, and door replacement) was completed today. A cleanroom was moved over HAM-10 for dust barrier retrieval tomorrow and staging was started around HAM-11/12.
benno.willke@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:44, Monday 07 November 2011 (1671)
HPL power trend
Here is the power trend of the high power oscillator for the last week after realignment. It appears as if some components are still settling. 
Images attached to this report
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:17, Monday 07 November 2011 (1670)
BSC ISI Shifted on Test Stand
The ISI was rehung (moved clean room out of the way.  Lift gear was reattached, ISI unbolted from MTS and lifted.  Unit was shift East (toward corner station) 7" and lowered back to MTS.  This shift accommodates the attachment of hte TransMon.  It does make working on the East side of the ISI quite tight...won't be too fun but we'll manage.
Thanks JimW & Apollo (Scott Mick & Mark)
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:12, Friday 04 November 2011 (1669)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .5 microns. From a plot of H0:PEM-LAB_DST3_MODE it appears that communication was lost with the dust monitor in the bakeout lab at around 17:43 UTC.
Non-image files attached to this report
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:34, Friday 04 November 2011 (1668)
In-chamber cleaning in HAM-9 got through wipe down today. Second vacuum was delayed by the absence of a clean vacuum brush which was retrieved from a Class B bake late in the day. (One had not been set aside as the crew normally does.) In the meantime, the east door was cleaned so that it is ready to be put back on Monday.

The dome was replaced on BSC-4 this afternoon and then the cleanroom was moved over HAM-10. We will re-sample the HAM-10 floor, pull the dust barrier, wipe down the floor, and then sample the floor one more time. 

A cleanroom was also moved over HAM-11/12 so that first and second cleanings can begin ASAP.
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:30, Friday 04 November 2011 (1667)
ITMy monolithic work
This afternoon:
Violin modes were measured.  (512,512,516,509.5, although further comments coming.)
The ITMy and PUM were clamped.
Weld vapor residue was removed from both PUM ears and the left ITMy ear.  The vacuum and isopropanol damped alpha wipes were used.
Fiber guards were installed.
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:37, Friday 04 November 2011 (1666)
QUAD 4 build (Q4)
Jeff and Andres are fixing roll of Q4, adjusting shims for hopefully the last time.  Height of the main and reaction suspensions are correct.  Before today's adjustment the shim stacks were (as viewed from the R0 chain):

R0 Right: 2.5mm
R0 Left: 1mm
M0 Right: 1mm
M0 Left: 2.5mm
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:33, Friday 04 November 2011 - last comment - 22:11, Wednesday 09 November 2011(1665)
ITMy monolithic work
This morning, Giles, Travis, Mark, and Jason measured modes of the single pendulum monolithic:

Bounce = 6.7 Hz
Longitudinal/Transverse = 6.66 Hz
Pitch = 1.1 Hz
Yaw = 1.1 Hz

All as expected.

Roll and violin measurements to take place this afternoon.
Comments related to this report
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 22:11, Wednesday 09 November 2011 (1693)
TYPO on the Longitudinal/transverse - it should actually be 0.66 Hz.
michael.landry@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:53, Friday 04 November 2011 (1664)
CDS electronics progress
Some photos of progress stuffing CDS racks, both in the H2 electronics building, and at EY.  
Plenty of cable trays mounted, too.

i) nearly-complete (for entire diagonal) SUS electronics in racks in the e-building
ii) DC power distribution racks in the e-building
iii) SUS/SEI electronics, cabling and trays at EY
Images attached to this report
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:42, Thursday 03 November 2011 (1663)
QUAD M0 and R0 Yaw Diagonalization
The M0 and R0 diagonalization measurements for the Yaw DoF were run today using the DTT templates "x1_susquad_M0_yaw_diag_111103.xml" and "x1_susquad_R0_yaw_diag_111103.xml", located in the SUS SVN in '~/SusSVN/sus/trunk/QUAD/X1/Common/dtt_templates/'.

The first plot is of the M0 stage. The F1 OSEM is roughly ~20dB isolated from the Yaw DoF for the M0 stage.  All other OSEMs are at least ~35dB isolated from Yaw.  The Yaw excitation was a 1.353Hz sine wave with 250cts of amplitude.

The second plot is of the R0 stage.  OSEMs "F1" and "SD" are about ~25-30dB isolated from Yaw.  The other two OSEMs are at least ~35dB isolated.  The excitation was a 1.3Hz sine wave with 35cts of amplitude.

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