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Reports until 23:38, Tuesday 04 October 2011
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 23:38, Tuesday 04 October 2011 - last comment - 08:02, Wednesday 05 October 2011(1506)
FMY M1 stage damping loops closed
The damping loops for the M1 stage of the FMY on the BSC8-ISI were closed today with the gains tuned. Now that the BIO medms are in place, the 'H2:SUS-FMY_M1_CTRL' value was set to "0xaaa" to enable the test coils. The 'H2:SUS-FMY_M2_CTRL' channel was set to "0xfff" for the M2 stage.

The new damping gains for each DoF are:

The "burtgooey" gui was used to save a burt snapshot from the request file:

A burt snapshot of the new configuration is located in:
Comments related to this report
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 08:02, Wednesday 05 October 2011 (1507)
Other notes:
This suspension's EPICS values had been entered using the test stand's 
However, this script contained a few bugs, and the there are a few differences between the test stand and the production electronics that required a few changes.

(1) AA / AI sign flip. The test stand has an older version of the AA/AI filter board, which has a DC gain of -1. This sign had been compensated for on the test stand in the OSEMINF banks (for the AA sign), and the COILOUTF banks (for the AI sign) (see LLO aLOG 1672, and subsequent comments, for full explanation of all the sign flips in a test stand's signal chain). On the production units, which have later versions of these boards where the DC gain is +1, we no longer need to compensate for this sign change. So, the sign of gains in both the OSEMINF and COILOUTF bank must be flipped from what is hard coded in the teststand's Prepare script. HOWEVER, the COILOUTF bank still must compensate for the magnet polarities that differ between OSEM basis degrees of freedom, so the signs of each gain in these filter banks should now be (in F1 F2 F3 LF RT SD order),
OSEMINF = [+ + + + + +]
COILOUTF = [+ + - + - -] (corresponding to [N N S N S S])

(2) OSEM2EUL / EUL2OSEM matrices. A while back, I'd caught a bug (1321) in the function the generates/calculates the matrix elements for these matrices 
 -- the pitch lever arm had mistakenly been hard-coded in as 0.55 m, when it should have been 0.055 m. These matrix elements, which account for the rotational degrees of freedom's lever arms to preserve units through the basis transformation, were therfore off by a factor of ten. The Prepare script, which merely calls this function, was run before this bug was caught. No biggie, just called the make*_projections function and installed the elements "manually" using 

jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:57, Tuesday 04 October 2011 (1505)
HAM cleanroom moved over chamber. First cleaning done. Some staging accomplished. ICC work permit filed.
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:34, Tuesday 04 October 2011 (1504)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .5 microns during the last two days. I'm not sure what the increase during part of last night was (shown partly in the box drawn on the plot for the dust monitor at location 7 in the LVEA).
Non-image files attached to this report
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:10, Tuesday 04 October 2011 (1499)
H2 SUS FMY BIO medms added to FMY overview
J. Kissel, J. Garcia

The Binary I/O medm screen was added to the FMY Overview medm and the names of the "T1", "T2", and "T3" strings changed to "F1","F2", and "F3" strings to denote the FMY "Face" OSEM configuration. Attached is a snapshot of the new screen accessible from the top row of the FMY Overview medm. This will allow the switching of the I/O chassis signal path and the actuation of the OSEMs.  The ability to actuate on the OSEMs was confirmed with a simple sine wave drive via DTT and by offsetting the output drive values, monitored with dataviewer.

The actual switch for allowing actuation via the test output filters is the channel 'H2:SUS-FMY_BIO_M1_CTRL' with a new value of "0xaaa".  The channel 'H2:SUS-FMY_BIO_M2_CTRL' now has a value of "0xfff".

Images attached to this report
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:51, Tuesday 04 October 2011 (1503)
John inspected the conflat on HAM-8 with the ding in it and pronounced it usable. (The gasket that was removed at the start of ICC showed the imprint of the ding, clearly establishing that the defect had been present prior to the ICC crew removing the conflat.) The Al port covers were located and sent to clean and bake to replace the foil that is currently covering some ports and we will not remove the cleanroom from the HAM-7/8 area until those port covers are in place.
LHO General
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:59, Tuesday 04 October 2011 (1502)
Ops Day Summary
Activities Today:

Ski worked on Mid Station air systems
Cabling work by the SEI crew on the BSC8 ISI
Patrick made some Dust Monitor code reboots
Prep work for HAM in-chamber cleaning
craig.conley@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:47, Tuesday 04 October 2011 (1501)
Proposed Solution for Top Mass Interference
The attached red-lined drawing shows the proposed solution to the Top Mass interference issue, labeled 1) in my previous report. It is a small hog-out of (the adjacent) one of the two Top Mass upper plates. This obviously requires some dis-assembly, but appears to be the simplest and quickest solution. By wrapping the part in foil and milling it in a vise, it can be done with minimal contamination using alcohol as a cutting fluid and careful handling. Then we could possibly get clearance to clean it up in the lab and re-install.
Non-image files attached to this report
mark.lubinski@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:23, Tuesday 04 October 2011 (1498)
klixon switches
I replaced the klixon switches at X end and mid stations for the drier towers(for the control air compressors) in both chiller yards.  All systems were returned to normal operation following this.
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:29, Monday 03 October 2011 (1497)
H2 SUS FMY model updated
Jeff K., Jeff G.

The BSFM_MASTER simulink model was modified today to accomodate the binary input/output library parts.  

The modified file is in:

The new model "h2susfmy.mdl" was compiled on h2build and "make-installed".  After a DAQ reboot, the new model was confirmed to be functioning.  
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:07, Monday 03 October 2011 (1496)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .5 microns.
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craig.conley@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:33, Monday 03 October 2011 (1493)
Some Important TMS Notes
I have found that the interference we've been experiencing between the installed Upper Mass and Tablecloth is an actual design error. There is a slight (.017") nominal interference at the problem location in the assembly model (D1000549 'UPPER INTERMEDIATE MASS TOP ASSEMBLY'), pretty much as we have been seeing. This interference was designed in originally (over a year ago), and was never caught. It is quite buried in the assembly. I've attached two section views of the assembly model with the rear Tablecloth Plate hidden, to give a look at the problem.

Jeff measured the distance from the overhead table to the Top Stage Blade tips (with full suspended load) using a steel ruler with the following results.
To left Blade tip: 112 mm
To right Blade tip: 116 mm
The nominal distance to the blades for that measurement is 103.7 mm.
Was this to the top of the tips, or bottom??? I believe it was the tops.
Also, I would like to repeat this measurement, this time to the blade roots.

We would also like to take another sanity measurement (with full suspended load) from the overhead table, down to the top face of the Suspended Mass's Top Plate D1000393. The nominal dimension measured in Solidworks is 18.98" [482 mm]. See the attached sectioned view (3'rd file).
Images attached to this report
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:12, Monday 03 October 2011 (1494)
The crew continued conflat installation on HAM-8 until they ran out of parts. (The only remaining cleaned conflats-feedthroughs are for the one-arm chambers.) Doors were replaced on HAM-7/8 to clear the way for HEPI plumbing work. The west door of HAM-7 had some worrisome-looking spots on it which were scraped off with a razor blade, FTIR-ed, wiped down, and re-FTIR-ed. 
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:51, Monday 03 October 2011 (1492)
FMY input filter for "F1" updated
Dave B., Jeffrey G.

After noticing the extra noise from the M1 "F1" OSEM on the FMY, the input filter for the "F1" OSEM was switched on and off to see if it was contributing to the noise.  Switching the filter off settled down the signal and the foton .txt file was investigated for discrepancies amongst the OSEM channels.  The apparent difference was found in the "F1" filter bank which had a different gain.  These input filters should all be identical with a zero at 10 and a pole at 0.4.  The "F1" input filter now matches the other OSEMs' and the noise from this signal has settled to reasonable levels.  
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:38, Monday 03 October 2011 (1491)
FMY OSEM diagonalization
Travis S., Jeffrey G.

On Friday, the diagonalization of the OSEMs on the M1 stage of the FMY was completed for the Yaw DoF.  For Yaw, the drive was a sine wave at 1.4Hz with a 200ct amplitude.  The first attached plot shows the "F1", "LF", "RT", and "SD" OSEMs are isolated nicely at ~30dB from the two Vertical DoF contributing OSEMS - "F2" and "F3".  There was a bit of tweaking involved as far as the amplitude of the drive to see a nice transfer function, but after adjusting the alignment of the OSEMs, an amplitude of 200cts was enough drive to see the isolation.

For the Vertical DoF - "LF" and "RT" contributions - the isolation from the other OSEMs was not as clean. The subsequent two attached plots labelled "*_vert_*" show the first drive at 1.1Hz with 2500cts and the second drive with 3000cts.

For the 2500ct amplitude transfer function, the other ("F2","F3", "SD") OSEMs were isolated better at ~20dB, but not quite down to the desired ~30dB. "F1" only displayed a 10-15dB isolation.  The "F1" OSEM response was noticed to be coupled undesirably too much to the Vertical drive.  The filtered signal from "F1" (after the OSEM "input filters" implemented in the medms via foton) had some unexpected noise contribution.  There was some investigations into the signal chain/electronics rack to pinpoint the cause of this added signal noise.  No initial electronics issue was found, so the investigation continued into the software implementation.

For the 3000ct amplitude transfer function, the isolation for "F3" and "F2" was much better at ~30dB.  The "SD" isolation was at about 24-26dB.  "F1" still had the same coupling issues and did not improve isolation from the increased drive amplitude. The "F1" OSEM noise was noticed at the end of the day to settle down when the input filter was turned off on the medm.  Further information to come.

The flags were adjusted with tweezers to align them parallel to the LED light and PDs as well as the OSEM housing themselves.  These adjustments were done in between measurements to improve the isolation.

Apologies for the sideways plots in the pdfs - it was DTT.
Non-image files attached to this report
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:48, Monday 03 October 2011 (1490)
Created Generic TMTS MEDM Screens
After installing the h2sustmsy.mdl last week, I'd finished up the infrastructure by creating a set of generic MEDM screens for H2 SUS TMSY. The overview screen is now linked off of the sitemap. I attach a screenshot of the over view screen (which should look strikingly familiar to other SUS screens). 

The files can be found in 

Of interesting note -- though the TMTS has its top stage controlled by a stage that is virtually identical to a QUAD TOP stage, the "gotcha" here is that the TMTS TOP stage (M1) is rotated 90 degrees in its "cube" (which on the QUAD is the upper structure cage). As a result, where F1, F2, and F3 control LONG and PITCH on a QUAD (and BSFM), they control TRANS and ROLL on a TMTS. Similarly, where TRANS is the "lonely DOF" having only the SD OSEM to control it on the QUAD, LONG is the "lonely DOF" controlled by the SD OSEM on a TMTS. Hopefully, the cartoon and Cartesian coordinate definition on the overview screens help differentiate this fact.
Images attached to this report
craig.conley@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:13, Saturday 01 October 2011 (1489)
Final day at LHO (TMS work)
Late Thursday and Friday morning we worked on OSEM installation for the TMS on the
test stand. We found issues with getting all of the OSEMs aligned with the flags.
We checked the levelness of the test stand overhead table and found adjustment
needed there. As I was leaving the site, Bram and Kieta were heading out to the
End with some jacks and shims for under the test stand feet (at the floor) to
level the overhead table. They expect to make further progress once the table is
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:53, Friday 30 September 2011 (1488)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .5 microns for today and yesterday.
Non-image files attached to this report
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:34, Friday 30 September 2011 (1487)
dust monitors
Filiberto C. fixed the communication wiring to the dust monitor at location 7 in the LVEA (near the previous location of the H2 electronics racks). Michael R. swapped the dust monitor at location 10 in the LVEA (for the H1 PSL enclosure) back to the 227B model.
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:08, Friday 30 September 2011 (1486)
Second vacuum, inspection, and post-work FTIR samples were completed at HAM-8. One door needs a light vacuum and wipe-down before it is re-installed on the chamber and there are still a number of conflats and feedthroughs to be put on. The FTIR kits will be sent out on Monday.
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