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Reports until 16:05, Monday 26 September 2011
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:05, Monday 26 September 2011 (1465)
75% Of BSC7 HEPI Actuators Crained Into Place

(Corey, Eric)

Working a corner at a time (installing a Horizontal & then a Vertical), Actuators were craned, secured, & roughly positioned in place for 3 (of 4) BSC7 Piers.  If the crane is available tomorrow, the final corner (SE) will get its Actuators.

LHO General
jonathan.berliner@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:29, Monday 26 September 2011 (1464)
Monday Ops Log

- BSC4 Actuators Installed

 - ICC at HAM7 and HAM8

- TMS assembly at EY

- H2 PSL work ongoing

- Cleanroom in West Bay moved

 - RO water system alarmed, gas buildup suspected, system bleeding and bypass of charcoal filter cleared the alarm. Contact JohnW and Ski if it keeps alarming

- Laser hazard expected at ~4:30pm

hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:31, Monday 26 September 2011 (1463)
HEPI Actuator Install Complete at BSC4
Eric & Corey
Early last week the crew completed the Actuator installation at BSC4.

*** There is fluid in the Actuators--DO NOT operate the Valves ***

The two four-way valves at the top of each BSC SEI Pier must not be adjusted or fluid will escape.  There is no locking mechanism.  We haven't had any issues with this, just wanted to reiterate.

Couple photos: 001 is Actuators installed.  003 is the valves at the top of Pier for reference.
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LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:48, Monday 26 September 2011 (1462)
dust monitor in ISCT 4
The dust monitor in ISCT 4 was turned off on September 17. It has an internal pump which is too noisy for the squeezer experiment. I was using this one because I was having trouble getting the correct flow with the external pump. Currently there is no dust monitor running in ISCT 4.
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 02:34, Monday 26 September 2011 (1461)
FMY OSEM diagonalization measurements
BOSEM diagonalization tests were run remotely using the FMY Vertical and Yaw degrees of freedom. 

The measurement is a transfer function of the Euler DoF to the individual OSEM responses.  The excitation was a sine wave at 1.4 Hz with an amplitude of 800cts for "Yaw" and at 1.1Hz with 150cts amplitude for "Vertical".  

The goal is to have the responses of the individual OSEMs that directly contribute to the respective Euler-basis DoF be about ~30dB isolated from the other individual OSEMs.  For "Yaw", the Euler DoF is comprised of equal but opposite sign contributions from OSEMs "F2" and "F3".  In "Vertical", the Euler DoF consists of equal contributions from OSEMs "LF" and "RT" of the same sign. The transfer function responses from the remaining OSEMs should be ~30dB below the responses from these contributing OSEMs for their respective DoFs.

For the Vertical DoF, the "LF" and "RT" OSEMs are about 10-16dB isolated from the "F1","F2", and "F3" OSEMs.  The "SD" OSEM, however, seems to be completely coupled with the "Vert" Euler DoF. An adjustment of the flag position inside the OSEM for "SD" would be needed to decouple this OSEM from the "Vert" DoF.

The attached plot for "Yaw" shows the magnitudes of "F2" and "F3" at 1.4Hz to be about ~20dB above the responses of all the other OSEMs.  Ideally, ~30dB of isolation is the goal.  

The adjustments to the flag alignments would be best done with these DTT measurements run in real time in between OSEM adjustments.  

DTT .xml templates found in:

Yaw DoF file:

Vertical DoF file:
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angus.bell@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:06, Saturday 24 September 2011 (1460)
Monolithic quad first shake down and guard install
Angus Giles Mark 
set up optical lever and the laser autocollimator to masure modal frequencies of the ITM hanging from the nominally fixed PUM. 0.656 Hz (longitudinal), 1.1 Hz (pitch), 6.75 Hz (bounce - need to multiply by approx 1.42 to get number when PUM is free), 1.09 Hz (yaw). Measure two violin modes provisionally to be 524 Hz and 522 Hz. Had problems with reasonances in the measurement set-up that stopped us getting values fo rthe others. Probably the weld shelves were vibrating or something similar.
Fitted fibre guards without to many problems but NOTE ****** the left hand side guard is very close to the mass - less than 1 mm clearance. Please have a look at it before doing **anything**. Clearance on the fibres is fine.
The mass has the teflon brackets under the upper earthquake stops and the lower line stops just touching the mass.
It would be nice to get a number for the centre to centre distance - perhaps that could be done next week by referencing the two ears or something similar.
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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:22, Saturday 24 September 2011 - last comment - 11:42, Saturday 24 September 2011(1458)
ITMy monolithic is hanging!
Last night, the final fiber weld on ITMy was made.  Angus and Giles performed the annealing of the welds, and we proceeded to hang the Test Mass with Jason on the scopes to watch pointing and elongation.  It hung successfully!  

The pitch differential observed between the PUM and the Test Mass was found to be 1.8 mRad when hanging, inside the goal of 2 mRad.  The elongation of the fibers was measured to be 6.3 mm (6mm expected).

More pictures will be posted over the next few days (this one of Angus/Giles annealing a lower set of welds on the ITMy).
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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 11:42, Saturday 24 September 2011 (1459)

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LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:36, Friday 23 September 2011 - last comment - 20:28, Monday 26 September 2011(1457)
dust monitor plots
Plots of > .5 micron dust counts are attached. Notice the higher than usual counts in the H1 PSL enclosure (H0:PEM-LVEA_DST10_5).
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patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - 20:28, Monday 26 September 2011 (1467)
The higher counts in the H1 PSL enclosure may be due to the fans being turned off.
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:21, Friday 23 September 2011 (1456)
EY front end computers running
Richard, Cyrus, Jim, Filiberto, Dave S and Dave B

We have all the installed front end computers at the EY station running. The only machine not currently installed is h2tcsey. All required networks (CDS, H2FE, ADMIN, H2DAQ) are running on the installed switches.

The h2susauxb6 (auxiliary suspensions for ETMY) is connected to its IO Chassis and I have an IOP model running. The timing looks good. The other front end computers (h2susb6, h2seib6, h2pemey) do not currently have IO Chassis installed. 

I have expanded the CDS overview medm screen to show these new nodes.
eric.allwine@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:40, Friday 23 September 2011 (1455)
HEPI Pump Station
(Hugh, Eric)
We started recirculating HEPI fluid to BSC6 piping after having it recirculate locally at the pump station for a couple weeks.  No observed leaks.  Had been set at 57.5Hz(1725rpm) with a pressure of ~45psi and reduced the speed to 35Hz at ~30psi.  Will leave it at 35Hz over the weekend and then go back to ~57Hz Monday.  
virginio.sannibale@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:22, Friday 23 September 2011 (1454)
TMS: Dummy Payload
(Craig, Virginio)

Class B parts of the dummy mass (DM) are in the oven since this morning. They will be certainly ready next Monday.

The rest of the DM parts have been wipe cleaned with isopropanol before entering into the Y end station clean room  and then re-cleaned again with isopropanol and acetone in the clean room.

Now, the big plate with the bars with the weights are sitting on the genie in the clean room and some other parts are on a small cart (see picture)

Some tools are needed to realign the DM  which are not class B:

 3/16 Allen key for 1/4 screws
 5/16 Allen key for 3/8 screws
 9/16 box wrench for 3/8 nuts


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LHO General
jonathan.berliner@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:58, Friday 23 September 2011 (1453)
Friday Ops Morning Log

- H2 PSL Electronics work continues

- Welding continues for H2 ITMY

- Cyrus working on fiber optics at MY

- Handing off to PatrickT

betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:25, Friday 23 September 2011 (1452)
ITMy monolithic work
By COB (very late) last night, Angus, Giles, and Gary had finished welding 3 fibers to the ITMy monolithic.  They used 4 fibers to do this, as the first fiber was removed due to an errant touch.  They also had another fiber that they were concerned about but pressed on.

This morning, they welded the 4th fiber and re-evaluated the 2nd fiber.  They have just decided to remove it and will do that this afternoon.  Gary is leaving on a flight now, so Angus and Giles will perform the final welds of this last fiber onto the suspension.
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:56, Friday 23 September 2011 (1443)
BSCISI Assembly Status

(Corey, Greg, Jim)

Unit#3's Pesky Rotation

Over the last week Jim & Greg have been addressing floating issues with Unit#3.  Stage1-2 floats well, but Stage 0-1 is exhibiting an even larger rotation than what was observed on Unit#2.  The first float showed a clockwise rotation, with dial indicators seeing a rotation atleast 0.060" (As Stage1 was floated, it would twist to the limit of the Lockers.  To observe the amount of rotation, the Locker Base bolts were loosened and Stage1 continued rotating to the 0.060" value, until the bolts ran into their thru-holes. 

Stage1 Parts were then addressed.  The system was locked back up, Alignment Pins installed, and the Stage0-1 Flexures, Springs, and Spring Posts were removed.  Jim & Greg used the Romer arm to take various measurements of the parts (both on a table and re-installed on Assy).  What I understood from Jim, is that there was nothing glaringly bad from these measurements.

So, Spring Assemblies were re-installed on Unit#3.  This time we went with different Springs & Flesure Assemblies.  Before torquing the Springs down, we pulled on the Spring tips such that they were slightly "to the right" (where right is right if you were looking at the Springs from above--we were hoping to favor a counterclockwise rotation), and then torqued them down.

Thursday afternoon Stage0-1 was refloated:  Alignment Pins removed, Lockers unlocked, and unfortunately, the system exhibited clockwise rotation.  The Lockers were adjusted horizontally to accomodate this rotation.  This time the Locker Base bolts didn't butt up against their holes and the worst observed twist was only 0.040".  So, all Lockers were adjusted horizontally to accomodate this twist, and the system is set to accomodate this clockwise Stage0-1 rotation.  Obviously, the Stage0-1 Alignment Pins will no longer work with the current set up.

Here are the s/n's for the new Flexures:

As Of This Morning......

Jim found out with this rotation, we are not able to mate the Large Actuators between Stage 0 & 1!  The horizontal gap is just too much for the L-Brackets.

Received Crates of GS-13's & L4C's

These crates were received on 9/22, and are inside the Staging Bldg.

Transitioning BSC Back To HAM

Since the next assemblies to be built will be HAMs, have started the task of bagging up/storing BSC parts/hardware to make room for HAM stuff.

Unit#2 Work

Install Spring Hatches, Secure Wall weights, & Install Bread Boards (procedure calls out for 1/4"-20x1.5" long bolts for the breadboards, and this is probably too long by 1".  I went with 1/4"-20x5/8" bolts).

betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:57, Thursday 22 September 2011 - last comment - 07:36, Tuesday 27 September 2011(1449)
LASTI PUM S4 Prism Glued
Gerardo and I glued the first sapphire prism to the LASTI PUM mass which is intended to be used in an H2 one-arm QUAD in the near future.  (Note, the ears were bonded to this mass at the on 8/31/11.)  All went well, and heat lamp curing is proceeding until tomorrow.  After 2 hours of heat-lamp heating, we used the FLIR thermo camera to see if we could "see" what temp the glass/glue joint was at.  This was difficult to see as there is a lot of fixturing around the bond to hold the prism in place during the first 12 hours of curing, but it seemed that the glass on the flat was running around 33 deg C, with the PEEK prism holder running at ~38 deg C.  Ideal EP30 curing temp is a minimum of 40 deg C.  We adjusted the lamp and hope it continues to rise in temp.
Prism s/n 11 was glued to flat s4 (see picture).
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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 07:36, Tuesday 27 September 2011 (1470)
Actually, s/n 12 was used, not 11.
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:51, Thursday 22 September 2011 (1450)
FMy BOSEMs adjusted
Andres moved the 10 FMy BOSEMs on M1 and M2 in to 50% OLV today.  If anyone is available to run the diagonalization, please feel free (ehem, Jeff or Jeff).  Otherwise, we'll try to get to it ourselves in the next day or so to home in on the perfect BOSEM alignment.
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:40, Thursday 22 September 2011 (1448)
ITMy monolithic work - first weld!
The beginnings of the weekly, but expanded to be capture current status as of this afternoon (Angus, Giles, Travis, Gary, Betsy, Norna):

In the last week, we dismounted the ITMy main chain metal dummy masses and installed the glass PUM and ITMy optic.  See Resource Space for pictures of the maneuvers which utilized the ergo arm.  Roll, pointing, and positions of the masses were adjusted in the structure such that the ITMy and PUM were in proper orientations relative to each other for fiber welding.  The newly introduced loop segment on the PUM showed a reproducible pointing from the metal hang at that stage.  Weld equipment from the LSB fiber lab was moved in numerous loads to the LVEA fiber lab and fit checked.  The welder and chiller were hooked up and alignment was checked.  Fibers in storage tubes have been moved to the LVEA.

During these operations, it was noticed that there was a small chip on one of the PUM Ear horns.  Since the chip was determined to in-fact be a chip and not a fracture, Angus and Giles annealed the area to repair/smooth out the imperfection.  Note, the ears can be reused roughly 3 times (in the event of fiber or weld failures) provided that there is not a fracture or damage higher up in the ear, so this smoothing operation is a somewhat known technique.

Welding commenced on the ear late in the afternoon with the first weld operation attaching a fiber to an aLIGO monolithic suspension!  (There are 8 welds on a suspension to attach 4 fibers, so stay tuned...)
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virginio.sannibale@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:33, Thursday 22 September 2011 (1447)
TMS: Payload Suspension wires and Dummy Payload
(Jeff B., Craig, Virginio)

Finished the assembly of the wires+clamps to suspend the payload.

Wires are now all attached to the suspension.

Finally, we found the dummy payload still sitting inside a wooden crate in the Y End Station
Unfortunately, it hasn't been cleaned yet. Maybe, we can class B clean only the parts that go 
into direct contact with the wires' clamps. This will require a small oven for the baking 
instead a big one which is at least 34" deep, and maybe this will save us some time.

betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:26, Thursday 22 September 2011 - last comment - 12:18, Friday 23 September 2011(1446)
ITMy Reaction Chain TCP status
BBland, GMoreno

Today, we went to the bonding lab intending to glue the TCP SST prisms to the glass barrel.  However, because this requires a heat lamp cure very near where there were some FC/PEEK mesh tabs (left over from transport?), we needed to remove them.  When I went to pull them off, we immediately noticed that the PEEK mesh was not sunk into the FC enough to get the edge to peel (see picture attached).  As well, there some brush strokes outside of the base FC "puddle" which were also not attached to the PEEK mesh, therefore not coming off with the pull.  So, we had to reapply the FC around the edge and let it dry (another 8 hours, as per the FC procedure), and abort the prism gluing.
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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 12:18, Friday 23 September 2011 (1451)
Note, the TCP had this first contact applied by CSIRO, not CIT.
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