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Reports until 17:41, Thursday 01 September 2011
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:41, Thursday 01 September 2011 (1336)
Pumping YBM
Removed 6" O.D. viewport from spool connecting GV1 to BSC8 and replaced with blank -> Begin pumping YBM -> will connect PT180 gauges tomorrow
michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:04, Thursday 01 September 2011 (1334)
H2 PSL installation

Air controller was installed and is wired and working. There are two units, one outside the anteroom and one inside that can control the HEPA units. Double doors for the anteroom arrived today and were installed. The chiller support structure was installed in the chiller room and we are waiting on a few more parts before we can hang the chiller.

Dust counts are good.

Images attached to this report
H2 General
michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:55, Thursday 01 September 2011 (1333)
Ops Day Summary
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:26, Thursday 01 September 2011 (1331)
EndY BSC6 HEPI Plumbing Complete
The plumbing going to BSC6 is complete.  Air pressure test in the system has been 100psi for 24 hours now.
See photos below:
First is ~overview of the Pump Stations to the Reservoirs and the plumbing before it runs through the wall.
Next a zoom into the recirculation section downstream of the Reservoir.
Before turning to go through the wall, there is an electrical break (third image.)
The fourth photo shows the VEA side of the penetration.  Obviously, we need to seal this up.
The fifth image shows where the vertical stack of tubing turns West at the BT termination slab and goes horizontal for the run to the BSCs.
Next image (010), the BSC10(H1) runs have stopped and at the East end of BSC6, the Supply and Return lines tee off to the manifold.
Next (060), is the West end of BSC6 where the runs terminate at the Distribution manifold.
Image 070 shows the pressure gauge holding 100psi after 24 hours.
Then much like BSC8, the 1/2" tubes from the manifolds turn up at the corners and run to the Four-way valves at the top of the SEI Piers--images 008 & 009.
Hats off to Jim & Danny, the Apollo welders, nay, artists!
Images attached to this report
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:15, Thursday 01 September 2011 (1332)
FMY is now in the LVEA
B.Bland, T. Sadecki, J. Bartlett, A. Ramirez, Apollo Crew

Today the SUS crew dismounted the BSFM assembly (the future FMY) from the solid stack in the Staging Building, socked it up, and covered it in its protective housing.  It was then transported across the street into the LVEA high bay area where a few of the Apollo crew craned it over the X-arm beam tube to its present location outside of the BSC-ISI & Quad test stand clean room.  It is currently still in its sock and inside its metal protective housing.  Plans for tomorrow are to uncover the FMY, weigh it, then mate it to the BSC-ISI.  
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:36, Wednesday 31 August 2011 (1329)
Vented Y-end, installed Rai's RGA, pumped Y-end

Found leaking (cocked centering ring) NW gasket on NW blank at Vent valve ~3 hours after pump-down started -> corrected and continued pumping -> Room air leaking into volume is wet = complication.  
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:37, Wednesday 31 August 2011 (1327)
gps rollover counter

A reminder that the GPS time will roll over from 9 digits to 10 digits in 13 days (Sep 13th 18:46). I have created a count down EPICS system and attached it to the sitemap (see attached)

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corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:23, Wednesday 31 August 2011 (1305)
BSCISI#3 Assembly Status

(Corey, Jim)

Now that the superstructure assembly is complete, we are now pecking away at items we weren't able to do earlier (due to lack of parts), or are in the procedure for post-superstructure.


The 0-1 & 1-2 Lockers are installed.  (Don't forget:  slide in the Spring Barrel Nuts before installing the Stage0-1 Lockers...we always seem to forget this until after the fact!).


Flexure Rod Bracket assemblies are installed.  The Stage1-2 Spring Posts have also been installed.  We are now staged and ready for installation of the Springs.


Went through a few iterations of installing the Stage1-2 Actuators due to gaps not looking nominal after tooling was removed post installation.  I had gaps bigger than our NO-GO value a few times, but after a while, I think I was able to atleast get gaps under our NO-GO value.  (not sure what magic spells [or re-machinging of tooling or tightening of tolerances] are required to make this non-trivial).

For the Stage0-1 Actuators, when the Actuator Post was installed it was discovered that some hardware has fallen through the cracks.  The HK 1/2-13x2" bolts used to secure the post to Stage0 also happen to be used for lifting/transporting the entire assembly.  The latter bolts are the ones which had been accounted for and ordered, so we stole from this supply to install the assy#1 & #2 Actuator Posts.  At any rate, we are short because these bolts weren't ordered for the Posts.  Jim/Mitch are remedying this issue (getting these bolts into our hardware lists) & have also notified Celine at LLO.  In the meantime, we did have (6) of these bolts (we need [18]).  We went with a work-around here, BUT this variance needs to be corrected when we get the correct bolts.  Talked with Jim and thought we'd call/flag a variance like this as an "errata"......

BSCISI#3 Assembly Errata

Entry#1 20110830:  Due to lack of hardware, did not have enough HK 1/2-13 x 2" bolts for Stage0-1 Actuator Posts.  Temporary solution is to use (2) of the called out bolts in the holes which are in-accessible after assembly (basically two of the bolts here are under the Optics Table and switching them out later would be exteremely grievous!  The other (4) bolts used are generic 1/2-13x 2.5" bolts.  These generic bolts must be swapped out with the correct HK bolts once they are available!

The Stage0-1 Actuators were installed on to Stage1, but we chose NOT to connect to Stage0 at this time.  Due to the twist observed on Assy#2, it was decided to hold off on making this Actuator connection until after we float. 

Here are the Serial Numbers/positions of Actuators installed:

Small Actuators




Large Actuators





With the Flexure Rod Brackets and Actuators installed, we were now able to install the Stage1 Ribs where the Trilliums are located.  The GS-13 Closeout Doors were also installed.

michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:01, Tuesday 30 August 2011 (1325)
H2 PSL installation

Motor for the air shower was installed today. HEPA units and lights are also in place in the acoustic enclosure.

Dust levels are good, see Patricks log for plots.

patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:38, Tuesday 30 August 2011 (1324)
Ops Summary
Oscar bailing tumbleweeds
Safety audit
Unifirst delivery
Return of cardboard container
Pickup of waste pallets
Fire department

plots of .5 micron particle counts attached, high counts at end X
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kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:43, Tuesday 30 August 2011 (1323)
Correction: Started pumps at Y-end not Y-mid

kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:43, Tuesday 30 August 2011 (1322)
Started MTP and QDP80 pumps at Y-mid
In preparation of venting Y-end tomorrow
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:02, Tuesday 30 August 2011 (1321)
X1 BSFM 01 ready to become H2 SUS FMY
After a few subtle software mysteries were solved, we've finally finished processing the M1 to M1 transfer function data taken last Tuesday on BSFM01, mounted in the assembly test area. Though the measurements do not exactly match the model*, everything looks qualitatively excellent, and I therefore approve that X1 BSFM 01 is ready to move over to mate with H2 ISI ITMY to become H2 SUS FMY.

Attached are the results (as "alltfs").

* The model was built from previously designed physical parameters, and does not yet reflect the recent changes to get the pitch mode frequency higher. Given that fact, the small discrepancies between model and measurement are understandable. We'll work toward getting a better model. More importantly, LLO is ready to suspend their BSFM, so we'll see how well it reproduces this measurement suite.

Details of the software mysteries:
Mystery #1 - Incorrect model of M1 V to V transfer function.  (see pg 1 of "mysteriessolved")
Up until recently, we had been using the Mathematica-exported Matlab model that was a closed loop, combination MIMO and SISO triple suspension model, that needed simulink to run (see T1000724-v2). In this model only some degrees of freedom were cross-coupled, only some stages had inputs, and sensor noise was included. This resulted in a confusing arrangements of inputs and outputs, so much so that we couldn't find the M1 V to V transfer function, and could only find wha looked to be the M1 to M3 V to V transfer function.
However, Mark had developed a fully MIMO triple model in July (with full 6x6 inputs and outputs for every stage plus 6 DOF ground inputs -- just like the QUAD model that we've been using), so I incorporated that into production QUAD-like analysis scripts. Further, because we're interested in open-loop loop transfer functions, I've stripped out all the clunky old Simulink parts. The with the new model, the inputs and outputs are all sorted out and organized nicely, so it was trivial to find the appropriate M1, V to V transfer function.

For the record, this model now lives in 
in which one should use the wrapper
which calls the following files
    -> triplep.m
        -> BSWIRE2008_Nov.m
    -> symbexport3full.m

Mystery #2 - DC scale factor of ~100 between measurement and model for Pitch DOF.  (see pg 2 of "mysteriessolved")
The BSFM was measured using the exact same electronics (save the OSEMs themselves) as the previous QUADs. Since we haven't measured and compared any other degrees of freedom on the BSFM besides pitch to the model, I had been scaling the measurement by 2.7, and assumed this was just "the number" for the BSFMs. However, once I compared the other DOFs, they matched their models quite well (withing 50%) by scaling the measurements by the same factor of 225 used on the QUADs (which in retrospect is obvious). This screamed of some software bug, which after glancing over the OSEM2EUL and EUL2OSEM matrices, I noticed the Pitch matrix elements were quite small (they should typically be the largest coefficients in the matrix). I traced the route of this problem back to the script that calculates / defines these matrix elements, 
and found that the distance between the F2F3 plane and F1 had been mistakenly defined to be 0.55 m (half a meter!!) instead of the actual distance of 0.055 m (or 55mm -- see attached). This factor of ten in both the OSEM2EUL and EUL2OSEM matrix explained away the factor of 100. I corrected the script, and repopulated the matrices, retook the pitch measurement, and voila! 
The data / xmls for this measurement suite can be found in
Note that the re-measurement of the pitch degree of freedom after the matrix corrections is
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greg.grabeel@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:58, Tuesday 30 August 2011 (1320)
HEPI BSC 6 Installation

BSC 6 HEPI installation is now nearly complete. Housings are in place with the positioned support tubes, horizontal and vertical actuators are installed, and most of the plumbing is in place.

The actuators will require spacers to be installed and the socket screws to be torqued to final value. However, doing so will wait until after the cartridge install.

Images attached to this report
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:11, Monday 29 August 2011 (1319)
H2 upgraded to RTS tag-2.3.1

I upgraded the H2 DAQ systems to RTS version tag-2.3.1 this morning between 11am and 12:20pm. All sytems were recompiled, including mbuf, mx_streams and the DAQ system (dc, rcv, nds). All computers were restarted.

michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:53, Monday 29 August 2011 (1318)
H2 PSL installation

The H2 diode room back wall (the LVEA wall) was painted and doors were installed in the diode and chiller rooms. More panels put up in the acoustic enclosure and anteroom. Perforated panels were also installed in the anteroom, to allow for airflow.

Dust levels are good.

Images attached to this report
H2 General
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:39, Monday 29 August 2011 (1317)
Ops Day Summary
Throughout the day:
SEI install work at End-Y

11:00 – Patrick installing new dust monitors

3:00pm – contractors using SW roll-up for moving to and from End-Y

4:00pm - Swageloc contractor on-site to see Hugh R.
H2 General
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:37, Monday 29 August 2011 - last comment - 17:41, Wednesday 31 August 2011(1316)
First H2 ITMY Quad R0 suspension Transfer Functions
J. Kissel, J. Garcia

The attached pdf includes plots of the open-loop transfer function measurements as well as the model for each Euler-basis degree-of-freedom of the top mass reaction chain (R0).  The plots display the calibrated measurement of the open loop transfer function from the test excitation channels ('H2:SUS-ITMY_R0_*DoF*_EXC") to the Damping filter inputs ('H:SUS-ITMY_RO_*DOF*_IN1_DQ').  Initial measurements agree quite well with the models.  More analysis and more measurements to come.  The measurement was conducted last Friday morning with the BSC-ISI Damping loops ON.
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Comments related to this report
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - 17:41, Wednesday 31 August 2011 (1328)
To clarify a few items:

1.) These are not the first H2 ITMY QUAD R0 Transfer Functions in general, rather these are the first since the mating of the QUAD to the BSC-ISI.  

2.) The Damping Loops of the BSC-ISI were ON, but local damping of the QUAD was OFF.

3.) I should note the location of the data and scripts used to plot and take the data.

All data and scripts are in the SUS SVN --> '/ligo/svncommon/SusSVN/sus/trunk/' under the following sub-directories:

The data file for this measurement is in '~/trunk/QUAD/H2/ITMY/SAGR0/Data/' with
filename = "2011-08-25-998352104_H2SUSITMY_R0_0p01to50Hz_AllDOFs_tf.mat"

Script for data collection in '~/trunk/QUAD/H2/ITMY/SAGR0/Scripts/'
file name = "collectTF_20110825_H2SUSITMY_R0_0p01to50Hz_AllDOFs.m"

Script for plotting in '~/trunk/QUAD/Common/MatlabTools/'
file name = "plotquad_matlabtfs.m"
H2 General
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:13, Monday 29 August 2011 - last comment - 17:37, Wednesday 31 August 2011(1314)
First H2 ITMY Quad M0 suspension Transfer Functions
J. Kissel, J. Garcia

The attached pdf includes plots of the open-loop transfer function measurements as well as the model for each Euler-basis degree-of-freedom of the main chain (M0).  The plots display the calibrated measurement of the open loop transfer function from the test excitation channels ('H2:SUS-ITMY_M0_*DoF*_EXC") to the Damping filter inputs ('H:SUS-ITMY_MO_*DOF*_IN1_DQ').  Initial measurements agree quite well with the models.  More analysis and more measurements to come.  The Reaction chain (R0) transfer functions were conducted on Friday as well, results to follow.

The measurement was conducted last Friday morning with the BSC-ISI Damping loops ON.
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Comments related to this report
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - 17:37, Wednesday 31 August 2011 (1326)
To clarify a few items:

1.) These are not the first H2 ITMY QUAD M0 Transfer Functions in general, rather these are the first since the mating of the QUAD to the BSC-ISI.  

2.) The Damping Loops of the BSC-ISI were ON, but local damping of the QUAD was OFF.

3.) I should note the location of the data and scripts used to plot and take the data.

All data and scripts are in the SUS SVN --> '/ligo/svncommon/SusSVN/sus/trunk/' under the following sub-directories:

The data file for this measurement is in '~/trunk/QUAD/H2/ITMY/SAGM0/Data/' with
filename = "2011-08-25-998323873_H2SUSITMY_M0_0p01to50Hz_AllDOFs_tf.mat"

Script for data collection in '~/trunk/QUAD/H2/ITMY/SAGM0/Scripts/'
file name = "collectTF_20110825_H2SUSITMY_M0_0p01to50Hz_AllDOFs.m"

Script for plotting in '~/trunk/QUAD/Common/MatlabTools/'
file name = "plotquad_matlabtfs.m"

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