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Reports until 11:42, Friday 10 September 2010
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:42, Friday 10 September 2010 (181)
New front end code loaded on SUS QUAD
Mark requested that I get the latest qts.mdl file from the LLO
quad test stand and compile it at LHO. I saved the current 
file as archive/qts.mdl.3nov2008 (this is the date it was created)
and copied the LLO file as qts.mdl (this file was created 4oct2009).

I did the standard make qts, make install-qts, make install-daq-qts
and make install-screens-qts with no problems.

I then copied the medm files up from LLO. So everything in
/cvs/cds/llo/medm/l1/qts is a copy (orig saved as l1/qts_lho)

The new overview screen is working, and the DOF buttons open sub-screens
(see attached image)
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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:17, Friday 03 September 2010 - last comment - 13:39, Friday 03 September 2010(178)
Reaction Chain TFs without filtering
This time with filtering off.  There appears to be some stiffness in the cabling which is likely causing the PITCH and Z Tf's to be a little funky looking.
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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 13:36, Friday 03 September 2010 (179)
These were taken after the PenRe AOSEMs were installed, but with the cover off (for fear of cable dragging on the cover).  Air currents do not seem to be bothering us too much.  There is no other activity on the floor.
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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 13:39, Friday 03 September 2010 (180)
Screen snapshot of RO DOF medm used during TF's posted today.
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H2 General
vincent.lhuillier@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:41, Thursday 02 September 2010 - last comment - 11:29, Friday 03 September 2010(176)
HAM-ISI-LHO-Unit2 - Isolation filters
I have attached a sum up of the isolation filters installation on HAM-ISI-LHO-Unit2.
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brian.oreilly@LIGO.ORG - 11:29, Friday 03 September 2010 (177)
PDF version
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jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:53, Wednesday 01 September 2010 (175)
BS Upper Table Cloth Assembly
Andres R. and I completed assembly of the first two Beam Splitter Upper Table Cloth subassemblies this afternoon. No manufacturing or design problems were encountered, (all parts fit together and all holes were of the correct size and in the right place). 

Assembly Notes: 
(1). The ECD Blocks are still a bit tight fitting in the mounting bracket. Alcohol and rocking the ECD Block helps it slide into place. When adjusting with the jacking screws, take care to keep the ECD block parallel to the face of the mounting bracket or it will jam. 
(2). Adjust the side plates to their full width to allow the installation of the Top Mass into the Table Cloth assembly. 
(3). Run the four bottom 1/4-20 Helicoils used to fasten the front and back plates to the side plates in from the bottom of the side plate to their full depth. The 1/4-20x1 SHCS used to bolt the plates together will not reach the Helicoil, if they are not installed to full depth.            
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hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:56, Wednesday 01 September 2010 (173)
HAM ISI Unit#1 in Storage Nitrogen Purge/Humidity Trend
On Friday 20 Aug we started an N2 purge of the Transport container in which resides the HAM ISI assembly #1.  The N2 flowed at ~30 l/min for about 6hours.  We dropped the flow to a few l/min for the weekend and then ramped it back to about 10 l/min for the remainder of the week.  Attached is the trend of the temp/dew point/humidity of the exhaust.  Purge was stopped Friday afternoon 27 August.
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H2 General
jonathan.hanks@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:03, Tuesday 31 August 2010 - last comment - 10:47, Tuesday 31 August 2010(170)
Logbook Maintenance on Tuesday 31 Aug 2010 10:30am Pacific
I will be updating the aLog today at 10:30am Pacific.

Please save your entries to drafts or post them before this time.

The updates will allow the following:

 * Tighter integration of the aLOG and the LIGO.ORG authentication method. This is a permanent fix to the problem where the author name would disappear.  Your sessions will time out eventually.  Work in progress will be saved to a draft, so you will not loose any data.

 * The thumbnails will display with the correct aspect ratio

 * Preliminary support is included to allow a user to edit their entry for 24hrs.
Comments related to this report
jonathan.hanks@LIGO.ORG - 10:47, Tuesday 31 August 2010 (172)
The updates to the aLOG are complete.  The changes will be rolled out at LLO later on today.
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:40, Monday 30 August 2010 (169)
Modified medm files in Seismic test stand
In /opt/rtcds/geo/g1/medm/isiham/G1ISI_HAM_BLEND_ALL.adl, changed files loaded for filters from G1ISI_HAM_BLEND_*.adl to G1ISIHAM_HAM_BLEND_*.adl so the filter medm screens would be called when buttons were clicked on the _ALL screen.  

There is some confusion here as to naming... G1ISI_HAM vs. G1ISIHAM_HAM, medm/isiham vs. medm/g1isiham, and so on.  Also, G1ISI_HAM_BLEND_GEOX.adl was called when it should have been ...GEOY.adl according to the label on the button.

I didn't bother making a custom screen for this because the naming of directories and files needs to get resolved.  This was to support Vincent in loading coefficients for filters for a test.
H2 General
fabrice.matichard@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:05, Friday 27 August 2010 (168)
Unit 2, Isolation loop
We are working on the implementation of the isolation loops. What we did to start:

- we use the normalization filters from HAM6. The first page shows the normalized displacement and GS13. The GS13 will have to be tweaked a little bit.
- we use the 1Hz blend filters from HAM6.
- the un-damped super-sensor using these raw filters is shown on page 3.

What's next:
- we tweak the GS13 normalization
- we are going to take damped data over the week end
- we built the damped super-sensor
- we design and implement the isolation filter

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david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:16, Friday 27 August 2010 (167)
photo of DTS and H2 DAQ after this install work
A photo is worth a 1.0e+03 words.
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david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:47, Friday 27 August 2010 (166)
weekly round up of DTS install and testing
X1DAQ DTS and H2 DAQ system install and test on LHO DTS test stand.

Rolf and Alex, August 18-27 2010.

Rolf gave a summary of the work which is minuted


executive summary:

9 new 2U diskless front end machines were installed. A new boot and NFS
server was installed. The front ends were loaded up with models to
approximate roughly 50% of an IFO. Data rates between the front ends and
the H2 DAQ were tested.

EX and EY systems were simulated. IOP comms was performed using 5565 RFM
NIC and switching equipment.

Dolphin and RFM IOP used to distribute timing to the front ends which did not
have an IO Chassis attached.

EDCU channel limit was found to still be evident, Alex to work on removing this
limit. The system as built has 48,000 epics channels, in line with the 
100,000 per ifo estimate.

awgtpman found to take many cpu cycles, needs to refinement.

dtt and dataviewer need some work to get them operational.
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:17, Thursday 26 August 2010 - last comment - 11:58, Friday 27 August 2010(159)
Attached are PDFs of the 3 of the DOF TFs of the first QUAD.
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Comments related to this report
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 11:38, Friday 27 August 2010 (163)
ANd here are the other 3 Q1 Main Chain DOF TFs.
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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 11:58, Friday 27 August 2010 (165)
Main Chain DOF medm.
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H2 General
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:17, Thursday 26 August 2010 (158)
Awgstream, awgstream.m, and related files working on Seismic test stand.
I have installed a 32-bit version of awgstream, multiawgstream, and awgexc_run at /opt/apps/awgstream on seiteststand.  I also compiled awgexc_conf.c using mex.  

Modified ~controls/.bashrc to include paths /opt/apps/awgstream/bin and /opt/apps/awgstream/matlab_tools in $PATH.  

Time is now the same on workstation and seiteststand, so awgstream and dtt apps can be used on workstation again.  

Modified awgstream.m to include path to awgexc_run, this needs to be changed to get the path without hard coding!!!

Tested awgstream as standalone executable, and matlab script that uses awgstream.m, awgexc_run, and so on.  Did not verify that signals are actually injected and viewable with dataviewer, but no errors were reported.
H2 General
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:12, Wednesday 25 August 2010 (157)
SEI test stand workstation - modify ntp configuration file
During the course of testing awgstream, noticed that the time was ~20 seconds different between workstation and seiteststand.  On workstation, modified ntp.conf to match that of seiteststand, restarted ntpd.  Time (as reported by tconvert now) is the same.
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:45, Wednesday 25 August 2010 (156)
LHO X1 unit 2 co-located basis transfer functions
First file is a pdf of the actuator to disp. sensor and GS-13 transfer functions on unit 2 from 800 to 0.025Hz.  Second file is the same measurement on unit 1.  

Data stored in:

files named: 'colocTF_100824_L2L_*freq_band*_test1.mat'

Plots located in:

Plots named: 'colocTF_100824_L2L_0p025to800Hz_*DoF*'

This directory contains the .pdfs and the .fig files for use in Matlab.

Script to plot data:

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