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Reports until 12:51, Friday 29 July 2011
robert.lane@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:51, Friday 29 July 2011 (1126)
H2 SUS ITMY Possible Rubbing
R. Lane, A. Ramirez

Possible rubbing point on both M0 and R0. 

Took a while to get the adjustment shown below because:
* Very little room to fit your hands in to make adjustments
* One cam on every OSEM position adjuster plate is almost touching (the pitch adjuster I think?) and so you cannot get the long socket we normally use for adjusting the Top Stage OSEM adjuster plate cams onto it.
* Not enough adjustment range to properly position the OSEM adjuster plate
* We are using cams, which limit your ability to adjust the plate in a controlled manner in any direction

Also, cannot visually check to see if the PUM OSEMs are rubbing or not:
Using a flashlight you can see through the little hole in the end of the OSEM and see the tip of the flag moving around. Cannot see the edge of the OSEM body to see if the flag is touching or not. They did not appear to be moving as if they were touching when I checked.

Images attached to this report
vincent.lhuillier@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:49, Friday 29 July 2011 (1123)
Damping loops - ISI - BSC8 - LVEA
The damping loops have been closed on the ISI-BSC8 using the experimental model. Before setting up the damping filters, actuators and geophones symmetrization filters were also installed. No time was spent on tuning. All damping loops have the same poles and zeros. Powerspectra when the ISI is non-controlled and controlled can be found at:


jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:00, Thursday 28 July 2011 (1120)
The crew spent the morning staging around the BSC-7 dome by craning a garbing-staging cleanroom, a couple of staging tables, the external purge air unit and the HEPA filter into position. A variety of other paraphernalia was transported as well. After lunch, Mark L. and Zack "bunnied-up" to start work on the dome. They removed a large conflat (preserved in Class A condition) to allow better air flow inside the dome. Mark took and Zack recorded five FTIR samples. Then, Mark proceeded to vacuum the welds. He got about 3/4 of the upper half completed.
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:56, Thursday 28 July 2011 (1119)
BSCISI#2 Horiz GS13's Installed on Stage 2
	(Corey, Greg)

	Yesteray it was decided we would go ahead and install the (6) GS13's which are NOT vacuum-ready (basically they can only be used for testing and then need to be pulled out and exchanged with GS13 Pods that pass a leak check). 

This afternoon we spent roughly a half day installing (3) of the horizontal GS13's.  I had not done this before, so I had to remember how we did it on Assembly#1 and also had to deal with an out of date assembly procedure (and a drawing which had a few errors).  Now I don't remember Tooling being used for installation last time, so we went ahead and manhandled these horizontals in.  It wasn't too bad, as I moved them in to place and Greg would secure them on to the assembly. Here are notes for each GS13: Corner #1 Horiz S/N 37 (not vacuum-ready, must be replaced!), and we used (2) of the thick Mizumi washers for shimming the Stabilizer Plate Corner #2 Horiz S/N 14(not vacuum-ready, must be replaced!), and we used (1) thick  & (1) thin Mizumi washer for shimming the Stabilizer Plate Corner #3 Horiz S/N 27(not vacuum-ready, must be replaced!), and we used (2) of the thick Mizumi washers for shimming the Stabilizer Plate Note:  Didn't  get to torque the 5/16 bolt on each assembly which is on the flange base and closest to the center of the ISI (the nearby actuator was in the way for our socket, and we only had one type of 1/4" socket to work with.  Need to figure out a way to torque these down.
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:41, Thursday 28 July 2011 (1118)
Stage0 and Optical Table Level of ISI#1 on LVEA MTS
Corey and I shot levels with the Sokkia Optical Auto level.

Attached is my logbook page.

Bottom line, the top of the Stage0, at the Alignment/Assembly Posts is level <.2mrad and,

the Optical Table is level to 1/8mrad as well.  The level requirement given to me by IAS (Doug & Jason) is 0.4mrad so we are comfortably under that.  So no fussing with the MTS with the ISI on top.
Non-image files attached to this report
H2 General
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:01, Thursday 28 July 2011 (1117)
Ops Day Summary
throughout the day:
HAM HEPI install work at HAM 7

cleaning by BSC 7

staging for BSC extraction at Mid-X

OpLev testing at Mid-Y by Gregorio, Walter

End-Y External Seismic work - HEPI hardware installation, prepping BSC chamber for HEPI and upgrades.

Vacuuming in the Beer Garden
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:25, Thursday 28 July 2011 (1116)
Low pressure alarm on CS purge air compressor (Kobelco)
Kobelco unit experiencing low output pressure alarms -> Discovered that the Left drying tower pneumatic valve located between the tower and the exhaust muffler was stuck in the open position.  I closed it with a wrench (flats on position indicating shaft) and then watched it for three drying/regenerating, i.e. close/open, cycles.  Seems to be working now.  We have replacement parts on hand in the event that it acts up again.  
robert.lane@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:26, Thursday 28 July 2011 - last comment - 07:28, Friday 29 July 2011(1115)
Took some ITMY R0 TFs. Results Below for review.
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Comments related to this report
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 07:28, Friday 29 July 2011 (1121)
Robert and I discovered a bug in his plotting routing, so the degrees of freedom plotted can't necessarily be trusted. We've re-exported and replotted his data using the a set of scripts I've been using to plot and save all of the data,

The results are the first attachment.

The second attachment shows this measurement of H2SUSITMY (the QUAD formerly know as X1SUSQUAD02), compared against three other measurements and a model. One should not expect the model to match the measurements, as it is one of the test mass chain, and the reaction mass chain has subtle different parameters due to the thinner reaction masses; it serves merely to guide the eye. The measurements, however, are of X1 QUAD02 BUILD03 (H2SUSITMY when it was on the MTS in the assembly area), X2 QUAD11 BUILD01, and X2 QUAD12 BUILD01, all of which should be ITM / TCP configurations of the reaction chain, and therefore have identical dynamics.

We see several things:
(1) Not only has H2SUSITMY name changed, but her dynamics have as well (Look at PINK vs. FOREST GREEN). 
     (a) Obviously the measurement magnitude is noisy, distorted and smaller across the measurement band, but more importantly 
     (b) the resonances have changed. For example, look at the typically-benign YAW transfer function.
(2) Curiously, the PITCH transfer function, which typically varies the most and difficult to measure, is quite clean.

First guesses:
- To explain the changed dynamics, there may actually be physical rubbing.
- To explain the broadband drop in magnitude, perhaps we're not driving as hard as we think?

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H2 General
douglas.cook@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:31, Thursday 28 July 2011 (1113)
Monument Layouts in LVEA
Jason and I sorted through the existing iligo survey monuments to determine any that may be useful for aligo. We have put a plan together to establih where new additional monuments need to be placed. Jason is building spread sheet to compile this information. We reviewed tooling requirements and vacuum equipment spools that need to be removed at various stages of alignments. The spread sheet will describe the monuments to be on each stage of alignment. We will have a 3D model to depict this information as well.
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:39, Thursday 28 July 2011 (1111)

(Corey, Greg, Mitch)

Stabilizing 200lb Masses

Vince noticed some ugliness in the transfer functions for #1 on the LVEA Test Stand.  With the big (200 & 600lb Leg Elements) masses on top of the assembly being a possible suspect, we took a look at these masses.  With the layout we have on top (see attached photos), we observed that the 200lb masses were not very secure on the table (none of these masses are bolted down, but we thought gravity would be enough to keep them secure);  one could easily rotate or "teeter" these masses where they were. 

So yesterday (Wed), we went in and lifted the 200lb masses and slipped shims under them so they would have 3-pt contacts under them.  We did this for both 200lb masses (using two different types of shims for each mass; see photos).  This noticeably secured the masses much better.


1) These masses are a different set from the ones used for testing in the Staging Building.

2) This morning Vincent informed me the transfer functions haven't changed much.  Perhaps we'll have to put shims underneath the 600lb masses next, or look somewhere else for noise issues.

Re-balance Of System

After work with the weights above and adding of shims, went about re-balancing of the ISI.  With this sort of re-balance, we look at the Stage1-2 Vertical Capacitive Position Sensors (via Voltmeters plugged in to them).  We adjust the payload until we can get the Sensors to have voltages of +/-0.500V (where a negative value means the gap is small...in other words the corner for this sensor would be low).

After several iterations, the best we could manage was the following:

Corner 1 (~crane east):  -0.375 V

Corner 2 (~west):  -0.340 V

Corner 3 (~south):  -0.545 V

Corner 3 was the tough one, and this was the closest we could get to under +/-0.500V (see attached photo for locations of trim masses).  Overall we're low (perhaps due to the added shims).

Noting Serial Numbers

Keeping track of sensors (i.e. Capacitive Position Sensors, GS13's, L4C's, Trilliums) is becoming a bit of a bear.  Since we are ready to install sensors on BSCISI#2, and I didn't really have a grasp of where every sensor was, I went ahead and noted where sensors on #1 were and their serial numbers (well, only for those which had S/N's viewable. 

For podded seismometers, I believe we are noting s/n's by the numbers scribed on the actual pod (vs the actual s/n of the seismometer inside or the "base" flange of the pod).  Here is what we were able to note for s/n's on BSC#1:

L4C S/N's

Corner 1 Vert:  155

Corner 1 Horiz:  22

Corner 2 Vert:  151

Corner 2 Horiz:  152

Corner 3 Vert:  153

Corner 3 Horiz:  150


Corner 1 Vert:  76

Corner 2 Vert:  84

Corner 3 Vert:  98 *

* NOTE!  This is the one which exhibited issues and needed to be opened up to repair it.  It's good for testing, but needs to be replaced with another GS13 before this ISI is installed in the Vacuum System/BSC Chamber!)

Images attached to this report
Logbook Admin General
jonathan.hanks@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:26, Thursday 28 July 2011 - last comment - 13:13, Thursday 28 July 2011(1112)
Short outage on the LHO aLOG and the aLIGO project wiki starting at 1pm Pacific today

The LHO aLOG and the aLIGO project wiki will receive a security update today at 1pm Pacific [3pm Central, 4pm Eastern].

The update will require users to log into the systems again.

Users are advised to save their logbook and wiki entries prior to 1pm pacific [3pm central, 4pm eastern] to avoid losing them.  Users who are simply reading the aLOG should notice no interruption.

This message will be repeated in the LHO aLOG.  I will post a comment to the aLOG when the update is completed to avoid spamming lsc-all.
Jonathan Hanks
General Computing Sys Admin
LIGO Hanford Observatory

Comments related to this report
jonathan.hanks@LIGO.ORG - 13:13, Thursday 28 July 2011 (1114)

The LHO aLOG and the aLIGO project wiki (awiki) have been updated.

Maintenance is complete.

jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:21, Wednesday 27 July 2011 (1110)
We started the morning making an initial assessment visit into the BSC-7 dome where we took pictures, figured out how to "grid" the dome for documentation purposes, and took some particle counts. The dome walls appear to be quite clean (nothing comes off the wall onto gloves) but the surface is rough enough to "cling" to a ConTec when one is used. The welds (seams and stitches) have a "sooty" residue that comes off on light contact with gloves. 

We asked John and Bubba to come out and take a look at ventilation and recommend a means of improving air flow. We'll remove a blank conflat tomorrow morning so that the dome has some internal circulation. 

After lunch, Rai "bunnied up" for visit into the chamber and the dome. Then, the crew completed the wipe down of the chamber floor and took the last of the FTIRs, which were sent off to JPL. 
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:35, Wednesday 27 July 2011 (1109)
Decoupled MTP to allow manifold to be retracted @ X-mid

H2 General
michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:00, Wednesday 27 July 2011 (1108)
Ops Day Summary
robert.lane@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:29, Wednesday 27 July 2011 (1107)
New Prepare Quad Script for SUS
A new version of the "prepare quad" script is uploaded to the SVN:


The script uses caput to change the state of the switches to our "Known Good Starting State" conditions.

The only hard-coded part is on Line 22:

optic = 'ITMY';

Please change to whichever "optic" (i.e. ETMY, ITMY, ETMX,ITMX) you are using it for and update any vales as necessary. Then save in whichever directory is appropriate for the optic you are working on.
H2 General
jonathan.berliner@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:46, Tuesday 26 July 2011 (1104)
Tues. Ops Log
0817 - Praxair arrives
0845 - H2-PSL work on Diode Room enclosure begins
0900 - RichardM at EX testing dust monitors, affecting weather stations and systems there
0930 - Paradise Water arrives
0945 - GregorioT at MY
1110 - Nor-Cal visits Hugh
1125 - MichaelR in Diode Room
1251 - Betsy and Richard out to SUS stand in LVEA
1300 - Rai Weiss lecture: "Introduction to LIGO"
1500 - EY, LSB Fiber Lab, LVEA entrance alarming erratically
1600 - Keita begins transition to Laser Hazard
1615 - JonathanB to EY to check Pcal stand
1645 - LVEA in laser hazard (PSL contractors are done)
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:29, Tuesday 26 July 2011 (1106)
CDS software upgraded to latest RCG version

All the H2 front end and DAQ software are recompiled using the latest tag-2.3 version of the Realtime Code Gen system.

All IOP and user models were recompiled.

All frontends and DAQ computers were rebooted to install the new software.

The H2 DAQ framewriters were modifed to write frames following the aligo naming standard

H-H2-[R,T,M]-{GPS}-{SIZE}.gwf for RAW, SECOND-TREND and MINUTE-TREND respectively.

So for example the file H-R-994483200-32.gwf becomes H-H2-R-994483200-32.gwf

All existing frame files were renamed on both fw0 and fw1 systems.

kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:29, Tuesday 26 July 2011 (1105)
Vented GV15 annulus , decoupled spool annulus piping and removed X-mid RGA
Spool connecting BSC5 to GV15 will be removed soon.  Need to decouple annulus plumbing from spool-to-GV15 flange, requires venting GV15's annulus volume, this volume has never been vented, don't know if inner O-ring(s) will leak into CP6/X2 module ->  First I isolated the ion pump body from the rest of the annulus piping, then I shut down the aux. pump cart connected to but isolated from GV15 and changed the setpoint at which the turbo starts to a value below what the diaphram backing pump could achieve.  Next I started the pump cart and let the pressure come down to the ultimate pressure of the diaphram pump (~1.5 torr).  Next, with Gerardo monitoring the pressure in CP6/X2 module, I valved-in the pump cart into GV15's annulus and Gerardo confirmed that CP6 pressure was unaffected.  Now I opened the orifice (vent port) and the hanging turbo which resulted in the annulus volume settling in to around ~200 torr.  Still no change in adjacent volume pressure.  Finally I shut down the aux. cart and let the annulus volume fully vent -> No leak.  

Decoupled piping from spool flange and blanked-off both (decoupled) flanges -> Pumped GV15 annulus volume with pump cart, opened pump body to rest of piping and restarted ion pump.  Isolated pump cart from annulus.

Removed RGA from BSC5. Now Apollo can remove spool from between BSC5 and GV15
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