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Reports until 16:11, Wednesday 13 July 2011
H2 General
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:11, Wednesday 13 July 2011 (1049)
Ops Day Summary
activities throughout the day in the LVEA:
cleaning out in the LVEA
chamber cleaning in BSC 7
mass levelling on the BSC build #1 on the test stand

9:00 - Filiberto out to check seismic channels out in LVEA

9:00 - Gregorio out to Mid-Y for measurements

1:00 - stonewell electric

2:00 - Swageloc delivery for Hugh
john.worden@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:01, Wednesday 13 July 2011 - last comment - 12:29, Monday 18 July 2011(1048)
X1 Beam Tube module pressure with small ion pump.
This is 24 hours of pumping on X1 beam tube with a 75l/s ion pump located at CP2.
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Comments related to this report
gerardo.moreno@LIGO.ORG - 12:29, Monday 18 July 2011 (1061)
Plot of Beam Tube module pressure with small ion pump, 6 days trend.
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kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:18, Tuesday 12 July 2011 (1046)
Changed gate valve configuration of X-arm
Opened GV8*Hard-closed GV14*Dumped GV20 gate annulus accumulated gas into aux. cart*Opened GV20*Finished opening GV15 then hard-closed GV15 -> At this point X1 hydrogen is being pumped by temporary 75 l/s ion pump connected to CP2's 1.5" purge valve and X2 hydrogen is being pumped by IP12
H2 General
michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:16, Tuesday 12 July 2011 - last comment - 15:58, Tuesday 12 July 2011(1045)
Ops Day Summary
Comments related to this report
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - 15:58, Tuesday 12 July 2011 (1047)
CP4 and CP8 were filled today
H2 General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:53, Tuesday 12 July 2011 (1044)
dust monitor flow measurements
I measured the flow rates of dust monitors 5, 7 and 9 in the LVEA using the Top Trak flow meter model no. 822-13-OV1 PV1-V1 serial no. 46313. The flow rate should read .1 scfm. The measured flow rates were

location 5: .095 scfm
location 7: .028 scfm
location 9: .087 scfm

With the dust monitors turned off, the flow measured -.005 scfm.

I could not adequately adjust the flow rate on location 7 and 9 to .1 scfm. I was able to readjust it back to ~ .1 scfm on location 5. I have removed locations 7 and 9 from the LVEA.
Further measurements need to be done on the remaining dust monitors in the LVEA.
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:36, Tuesday 12 July 2011 (1043)
FM1 wire loop segments
Gary brought this up at a recent SUS meeting, but today, I am back in the lab paying closer attention to it:
We continue to fight the fact that the jaw on the wire clamps want to swivel in the slop of the through holes when we lock them down, creating an "over hang" of the jaw (see picture of the BSFM one we are working on).  I know for iLIGO, people were concerned about this interface as a rubbing noise source.  As well, Gary pointed out that it can rear itself in a form of differential pitch when in wire pairs.  I'm not sure if this is a noise problem, but heads up with this nice picture.  (Note, we tried very hard to clamp the jaw while holding it against the torque that the head of the screw induced, but to no avail.)  I think we should at least use washers here - I've placed an order for a batch to try.
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kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:10, Monday 11 July 2011 (1042)
PT134B alarms
Kyle, Gerardo, John 

Soft-closed GV8.  Connected 75 l/s ion pump to purge valve of CP2.  PT134B in "alarm" as the result of the reduced hydrogen pumping speed of this configuration.  Calculations imply pressure indicated by PT134B should level off at ~ 5 x 10-7 torr.  Alarm setpoint for beam tube and cryopump cold-cathode gauges (i.e. PT134B)  is 1 x 10-7 torr.  

This experiment is motivated by a desire to vent the X-mid station while the XBM is also vented.  There would be no nominal ion pumps available to pump hydrogen from X1 with both of these volumes valved-out simultaneously.  
H2 General
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:07, Monday 11 July 2011 (1041)
Ops Day Summary
Chamber cleaning work continues throughout the day in BSC 7.

9:15 - Gregorio at mid-y 

11:00 kyle and Gerardo to soft close a gate valve
mid columbia forklift 11:45

1:45 – Mike L. and Gerardo to check out beam baffle in LVEA

Kyle informed the control room that the channel PT 134 B  will alarm once the value drops below 1e8 torr.  This level is expected and the alarm can be ignored for now.  The alarm level will need to be changed to prevent the trigger.

robert.lane@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:18, Monday 11 July 2011 (1040)
H2 ITMY OSEM Relative Calibration TFs
R. Lane, A. Ramirez

Set up OSEMS and performed a diagonalization procedure,using ambient noise as a basis (see https://alog.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/aLOG/index.php?callRep=1039). Took a Transfer Function using DTT between Main Chain Right OSEM (as channel A) and Main Chain Left OSEM. Switched out the Left OSEM with each other OSEM one-at-a-time, recording a transfer function with each OSEM swap. Results are saved on the SVN ( ~/sus/trunk/QUAD/H2/ITMY/SAGM0/Data/ and ~/sus/trunk/QUAD/H2/ITMY/SAGR0/Data/).
robert.lane@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:04, Monday 11 July 2011 (1039)
ITMY Binary Input/Output Woes
H2 Sus and Electronics Team

Sus team was running a diagonalization procedure when we discovered that the TF was showing that we were not driving the suspension at all. With help, we tracked down that the Binary Input/Output was not switching, and B I/O monitors were showing no change to any request sent by the user. We tried all channels enabled, just the test channels, just the LP channels, and each channel one at a time. Nothing changed on the monitor bits and nothing changed to enable a drive signal to pass through. R. McCarthy confirmed that cables and hardware are set up correctly. Model appears to be set up correctly as well. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
robert.lane@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:42, Monday 11 July 2011 (1038)
H2 ITMY OpLev Spectra
R. Lane, B. Bland, A. Ramirez

Set up QPD on optical table and took an ambient Spectra of ITMY L3.
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H2 General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:47, Monday 11 July 2011 (1037)
dust monitor at LVEA location 3
The dust monitor at location 3 in the LVEA has been put inside the ISI LVEA test stand clean room. I was surprised to find that it did not have an intake nozzle attached, and attached one. I would therefore not trust its previous readings since the last time it was moved. I believe it was moved there when the previous one at that location had a sensor fail. I also measured the flow rate, and it was less then .1 cfm. I adjusted it to .1 cfm.
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:34, Monday 11 July 2011 (1035)
Overall BSC ISI Assembly Status


The clean/in-vacuum cables were connected to the interface boards, and much of the external/dirty cabling has been connected as well.

Finally put weights on this assembly (we first had unusable iLIGO HAM weights out there, and had to get some iLIGO BSC weights craned over).  With the forklift we were able to squeeze/slide these masses on top of the Keel---space is limited here when the cleanrooms are in place.  We also put on smaller weights around the assembly as well. 

Wanted to balance the system using the Capacitive Position Sensors, but we found out there was a wiring/electronics issue.  So no balancing attempted.


On 6/30, the system was floated, but an overall twist in the system (order of 0.030" seen on dial indicators) was observed.  To address this, last week we swapped out the Flexures and re-floated.  Once again a twist was observed (about the same order and it was a counterclockwise [looking from top] twist).  We will let Fabrice know about this and then come up with a plan for where to go next.


The Stage0 Bottom is on the Granite Table and all of its helicoils have been installed. 


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greg.grabeel@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:31, Monday 11 July 2011 (1036)
HAM 9 & 10 install progress

Working with Scott and Ed, HAM 9 was leveled and each support tube brought between 24 and 20 thousands of an inch above their final value to deal with expected settling. HAM 9 is now ready for actuator installation and final positioning of the springs.

HAM 10 has had the East end cross-beam installed but not put into final position yet. The West end cross-beam will be loaded on first and then both will be squared up and put into nominal position with relation to the support tubes.

A few of the clamp caps have required modification. The holes were not tapped deep enough for a 2-d helicoil causing the end of the helicoil to bind with the bolt. Thanks to a great idea from Tyler, tapping the helicoil shaved down the tail enough to have the bolt move through smoothly.

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kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:42, Friday 08 July 2011 (1034)
Vertex pumping
Kyle, Gerardo 

Put viewport covers on (2) squeezer viewports (South door HAM4).  

Also, I was notified ~ 1hr into the rough pumping that the Vertex EH2600 roots pump was smelling "hot" -> I discovered that I had not opened the chilled water lines to this pump before running it -> I cracked open both lines and noted that the return line was hotter than normal.  I made a few iterations of slightly increasing the cooling water flow, followed by waiting several minutes, then slightly increasing flow, waiting etc...  After ~30 minutes of this exercise the pump temps returned to normal.  
H2 General
jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:18, Friday 08 July 2011 (1033)
TMS Top Stage Blade Cartridge
Jeff B. and Andres R. completed the assembly of the TMS Top Stage blade cartridges. They are currently undergoing the 100°c creak bake for 168 hours.   
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:03, Friday 08 July 2011 (1032)
Weld Practice Round 2 Complete
Travis finished the 8th weld on the practice setup in the Fiber lab yesterday.  Today, he annealed the welds, but then had a fiber broke during release of the mass.  He suspects a brushing of one of the fibers in the fiber cutter.  Eh.
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:47, Thursday 07 July 2011 (1031)
The pressure-washed walking plates were transported from the VPW to the LEA/LVEA for fit check.

The 2nd half of the cleanroom skeleton from mid-Y was transported to the LVEA and craned over the beamtube. The retrofit of hardware and curtains will start tomorrow.
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:41, Thursday 07 July 2011 (1030)
Mick and Zack went out and ran start-of-day checks and opened up BSC-7. Carolyn was recorder. (Mark L. and I had a telecon and joined the crew once we were finished.) Four drills were ready to go but two were non-starters in chamber. Drill "4 of 6" worked for 18 minutes (2 sections) before slowing down to the point where it was useless. Drill "5 of 6" was once again the workhorse: it cleaned 10 sections before the end of the day. The chamber is now 63.6% cleaned. One nozzle remains to be brushed prior to vacuum-wipe down-vacuum (V-WD-V), which should start tomorrow.

In preparation for V-WD-V, we moved the garbing-staging cleanroom so that the external purge air unit could be properly positioned in front of the door nozzle.
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