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Reports until 16:27, Friday 15 April 2011
michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:27, Friday 15 April 2011 (723)
H2 PSL installation

Work was finished on the first layer of exterior sheetrock, as well as the interior ceiling sheetrock. More sheetrock work to be done on Monday.

Dust levels are normal. Plot shows one week of data.

Images attached to this report
H2 General
jonathan.berliner@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:24, Friday 15 April 2011 (725)
Friday Ops Log
- H2 PSL: Work was finished on the first layer of exterior sheetrock, as well as the interior ceiling sheetrock. (MichaelR)
- Group from WSU touring site, including LVEA.
- Terry Santini at EY to fix water pump.
- Electronics delivery expected for Richard hasn't arrived yet (or at least when I was here).
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:03, Friday 15 April 2011 (724)
QUAD work - Q3 status
After running the balance of the test procedure on Q3 on Thur, we dropped the ECD blocks onto both chains.  New TFs revealed than something was then touching.  After another few hours of BOSEM/ECD plate alignment (which basically pushed us back through a portion of the test procedure), we finally found the slight interference.  Rob is back to running the TF gamut.  Of the 12 he had to re-take, he has 3 left for Monday.  
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 23:42, Thursday 14 April 2011 (719)
ISI Assembly Work Today

[Corey, Jim, Stephany]

BSC #1 Stage 0 Top Plate

This plate was placed on the granite table for pre-assembly work.  1/4"-20 & 3/8"-16 helicoils were installed on this plate.  Unfortunately, we did not have a tool to install the 5/8" helicoils.  Additionally, we also installed dowel pins.

HAM#3 Re-assembly

Last week one of the eyebolts installed on the Optics Table was found to be stuck in the table.  Today a 6' bar was used to attempt to turn it out and this 3/4"-10 Eye Bolt ended up breaking in the table.  There is probably ~1" Class B "threaded rod" now stuck in the Optics Table.  Initially thinking we would pull out this Table and swap it, ~130 of the bolts were pulled out of the table, but in this time, it was decided that we would probably keep this Table in place (so the ~130 bolts were re-installed).

The eye bolts we use for lifting plates have tons of thread (~2"), and each thread is an opportunity for galling a part in a plate.  In the future we should use nuts (as spacers) on these eye bolts, or cut these eye bolts down to a useful and safer length.

Since we decided to proceed with this Optics Table, we can now continue with assembling HAM#3 (install  Actuators, Sensors, Walls, weight for GS13's, release Springs, etc.).

Images attached to this report
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:29, Thursday 14 April 2011 (720)
BSC8 Prepare for HEPIinstall--Support TUbe Positioning
Attached is the final positioning observations for BSC8.  Thanks to Scott David & Bubba.

The numbers in the top plan view show the measurements from the ends of the Support Tubes to the Chamber "D" nozzle.  Mirror numbers indicate a balanced location.  Accuracy is typically 1/32".  This system is in very good initial position.

The lower numbers are the vertical positions of the Support Tube.  We purposely leave these a several mils high to allow for sinking when the ISI is added.

To understand why the design elevation is 1060.5mm, see T1100194.
Non-image files attached to this report
michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:16, Thursday 14 April 2011 (718)
H2 PSL installation

Contractors finished framing the building and began installing the exterior drywall. They will continue working on the exterior tomorrow.

Dust monitors show no catastrophic dust levels. Sustained counts of 3000-5000 at 0.5 microns near the H2 PSL. Attached trend shows 3 weeks of data.

Images attached to this report
H2 General
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:00, Thursday 14 April 2011 (717)
Ops Day Summary
Activities throughout the day
Kyle to Y-Mid to remove RGA isolation valve

 Craning over tube in LVEA

HEPI install work – removing iLIGO support stacks, install HEPI position support tubes

H2 PSL enclosure being constructed.
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:59, Thursday 14 April 2011 - last comment - 15:05, Thursday 14 April 2011(715)
HEPI Pump Servo at LHO
Commissioning of the HEPI Pump servo continues at LHO with the tweaking of PID control loop parameters.  Spectra of the voltage output from the Honeywell Pressure sensors are attached below.  The maximum allowed pump pressure fluctuations in PSI/sqrt(HZ) are calculated in the document T1100198.  The data was taken from the pressure sensor transducer outputs in-line with the servo box.  Data was then converted from Volts to PSI per the manufacturer's specifications (3000PSI/1V) .  A Dataq Instruments interface was used to record voltage input and record data in a text file using its software on a laptop separate from the single board computer in the servo box.  

The first plot is with no PID servo enabled; it is simply with the motor controller set at a speed that read out ~80 PSI.  The subsequent plots have PID parameters listed in title of the plot.  The maximum allowed PSI fluctuations curve calculated from the above-mentioned paper is plotted as well.  So far, the conservative PID gains have not brought the performance to the maximum allowed fluctuations.  The spectra does decrease in magnitude over all frequencies with increasing PID gains. Next, more aggressive PID gains will be implemented (several 10s to 100s) and data collected.  Also of note, new accumulators were installed Monday and pressurised to 75 PSI.  
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Comments related to this report
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - 15:05, Thursday 14 April 2011 (716)
I should also note this data is with no actuator in-loop.  This is simply a closed loop through the piping in the mechanical building.  The goal is to add an actuator in-line and servo on the pressure drop across the actuation valve.  
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:53, Thursday 14 April 2011 (714)
RR flange on BSC6
Removed 10" to 4.5" skewed reducing nipple and the 2 1/2" angle isolation valve connected to it from the middle port of the SW corner of BSC6 and installed a 10"CFF blank in their place.  These items were the remaining fittings of BSC6's RGA (the RGA "tree" was removed a few weeks ago).  The RGA removal facilitates the relocation of BSC6.
michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:38, Wednesday 13 April 2011 (711)
H2 PSL installation

Framing of the laser room is nearly complete. They have to finish half of the roof and then they can start installing the sheetrock.

There have been some concerns about dust levels, but a trend of the past three weeks shows that this weeks construction activity has not been abnormally dirty. I plotted dust monitors 9 (2k PSL), 7 (iLIGO HAM8 position), and 5 (beer garden).

Images attached to this report
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:18, Wednesday 13 April 2011 (710)
X-mid instrument air
Replaced NC solenoid valve on left tower of X-mid instrument air drying unit.  Building pressure maintained by use of portable compressor (4cfm oiless)
H2 General
michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:56, Wednesday 13 April 2011 (709)
Ops Day Summary
Logbook Admin General
jonathan.hanks@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:32, Wednesday 13 April 2011 (708)
A tribute to the assembly techs
One of the project controls team created a tribute to our assembly techs and the great work they have been doing.

Please note, this was done on her personal time.  Everything is edible except for the bolt and the tool.
Images attached to this report
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:49, Tuesday 12 April 2011 (707)
lhocds now an aligo address, CDS web and wiki server ligo.org authenticated

Dave and Jonathan,

we repurposed the lhocds.ligo-wa.caltech.edu IP name from the old iligo system to the new aligo system. Users of the old servers will have to substitute "blue" for "lhocds" in their URLs to get to the old wiki, web pages.

We also ligo.org converted the new aligo CDS web/wiki server. Anyone with a ligo.org account can view the web pages and post wiki entries. In the future, when the wiki contains sensitive reboot instructions we may further restrict the number of subscribers.

patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:14, Tuesday 12 April 2011 (705)
Ops Day Summary
King Soft water
Construction started on H2 PSL enclosure
Field trip
Praxair delivery to CP2 and CP5
Camera can removed from HAM4 squeezing table
Preparation for moving BSC6
Finished unloading clean room parts for end stations
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:14, Tuesday 12 April 2011 (706)
X-mid instrument air wet
Noticed that the instrument air at the X-mid was wet -> Investigation showed a switching failure between the drying towers.  I reset the electronics and observed a few cycles of tower switching.  Also observed that the regeneration flow valve was set for near 0 psi -> adjusted for ~50 psi. -> checked a few hours later and working normally.  Why was valve setting so far off nominal???
michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:50, Tuesday 12 April 2011 (704)
H2 PSL installation

Construction began on the H2 PSL laser enclosure today. Contractors started laying the framing down, bolting the support structures to the floor.

Images attached to this report
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:44, Wednesday 15 December 2010 - last comment - 13:27, Friday 15 April 2011(414)
Quad test stand pitch/yaw range
Betsy, Jeff and I did a measurement of the maximum obtainable pitch and yaw range on the rebuilt Quad #2 using an optical lever. According to Norna's write up, T1000268-v1 ( https://dcc.ligo.org/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=11868 ) we should be able to get 1.4 mrad in each direction at the optic. At the DOF Test screen we applied successively offsets of +2556 and -2556 in pitch and +7863 and -7863 in yaw, which with the usual output matrix maxes out (32K) at least one of the OSEMs. The resulting deflections of the optical lever spot were +9.5 and -11.5 cm in vertical (+=down) and +5.5 and -6.5 cm in yaw (+=left). The optical lever baseline was 4.98 m. 

This implies a total range of 1 mrad in pitch and 0.5 mrad in yaw, which is rather less than expected. A big chunk of this is that the actual UK driver boxes for the test stand were not built to the 200 mA max output assumed in T1000268. To check this, the voltage across the face1 coil was measured at the simulated vacuum flange, with 32K-1 of offset applied at the Output Filters screen. The resistance (including that of the cables) was 39.9 ohms and the voltage was 3.69 V implying a maximum current of 92.5 mA.

The fact that the pitch range is larger than the yaw is probably connected with the fact that the fundamental pitch mode frequency is rather lower than in the model, i.e., there is more pitch compliance than expected.
Comments related to this report
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 13:24, Friday 15 April 2011 (721)
Further investigation revealed that the driver boxers are not the problem. The LHO ones have all been tested to 200 mA for 20 V input - see S0900011, S0900012, S0900013. The early low-capacity drivers that Norna recalled were apparently sent to LASTI - according to Brett Shapiro those were 75 mA units.
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 13:27, Friday 15 April 2011 (722)
Correction: test reports S0900011, S0900012, S0900013 were for LLO. Test reports S0900050, S0900051 and S1000001 are for LHO. In any case all top drivers for both sites have been tested to 200 mA.
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