Started RO unit this morning at 06:45
The chiller was running Friday and Saturday morning for the Corner station. We lost the chiller some time on Saturday, but the CWP remained running at 45 Hertz, but there was no display on the controller panel. I've turned off that pump, manually restarted CWP2 and Chiller 2 started. Once temps return to normal we will turn the heat back on.
Due to a loss of communications to the chiller yard we have no chilled water to serve the LVEA and OSB. Temperatures were starting to climb so I have de-energized two heater circuits for the LVEA.
Thawed out CP1 and CP2 actuators am leaving shop lights on to keep them warm overnight
9:00 work begins cleaning and prepping for IO tube removal 9:00 – Jodi and crew beginning brush test and sampling in the test box by ~1:00 - work resumes on the IO tube removal ~1:30pm - PAP tour comes to the control room ~2:30pm – tour group with Dale to the control room ~3:45pm – work completed on removal of IO tube.
The satellite boxes for the quad test stand have jumpers to select different modes of operation. When using the test stand to do noise tests on AOSEMs it may be convenient to change the jumpers on channels that normally look at BOSEMs, so as to be able to test as large a batch as possible. For future reference the attached photo shows the correct settings for BOSEMs. For AOSEMs (as on the quad PEM stage) move the jumpers to the opposite positions.
Dave fixed a problem with the email alarms not getting sent to cell phones. The cron job on GC was not running. Richard and Cyrus worked on resolving issues with the access control system losing communication to end X. The electrician looked at End X, Mid X and LVEA circuits for Richard. Unifirst Delivery 8:45 Paradise Water Delivery 9:20 Sprague 9:26 Tumbleweed bailing finished 2:13 The test of the vacuum pump degrouting will not take place until next week.
I deenergized IP7 and removed the HV connectors from the pump and disconnected the ground cable. This pump is going to be removed soon to facilitate the 2K output mode cleaner tube removal/replacement.
Locations 1, 3, 5 and 8 got stuck holding. Dani restarted them for me at ~10:08 am.
On Friday, we finished up rebuilding the Solid Stack with modified parts which allow for more head-room while working. We helicoiled, and fit the Upper Structure with Top Masses, Top wires, and the necessary Table cloth walls. Joe O'Dell (RAL in the UK), Travis, and I continued working on the QUAD3 build today (Sun). Joe loaded the Upper Structure onto the Solid Stack while we re-made a few sets of wire assemblies. Joe also reset the UIM blade tips to the new heights of 15mm (nominal was 12mm). We are working towards making a few measurements of lateral blade tip deflection while Joe is here, so we are currently building the QUAD with the following configuration. The Reaction Chain will likely need to be refit to match the Main Chain after measurements are analyzed. The Main Chain matches LLO's Q13 Build, and what they are working towards on Q14. MAIN CHAIN Top Mass Weight = 22kg UIM Weight = 22 kg Top Mass Blade Tip Heights = 9.7mm shims (nominal was 6.7mm) UIM Blade Tip Heights = 15 mm (nominal was 12mm) Middle Wire Length = 2.7mm shorter than nominal Bottom Wire Length = 3mm shorter than nominal REACTION CHAIN Top Mass Weight = 22kg UIM Weight = 22 kg Top Mass Blade Tip Heights = nominal at 6.7mm) UIM Blade Tip Heights = nominal at 12mm Middle Wire Length = nominal per D060516 Bottom Wire Length = nominal per D060516
We decided to proceed with making up the Reaction Chain as per the new parameter set, so it now has shorter wires to match the Main Chain.
I became aware (in the middle of the night) of a voice message left by Cyrus R. on my work cell phone informing me of a reboot and burt restore of the Y-mid VE computers that had occured earlier in the evening. At 1030 this morning I logged in (remotely) to view the Vacuum Site Overview (as I routinely do on non-work days) and noticed that CP3 and CP4 were "in the red" and indicating 40% full levels. I immediately came to the site and corrected the problem which was due to the lack of enabling the instrument air to the liquid level control valves (LLCV) -> Following a reboot, manual enabling of this is required from the "Fill Control" portion of the HOVE_MY.adl screen. The PID outputs of the CDS system have no effect on the LLCVs, and thus can't control the 80K pump levels, if the electropneumatic LLCV valves don't have instrument air available, i.e., enabled. I am not sure why the default following a reboot is for the instrument air to the LLCVs be disabled. If this is the result of concern of overpressuring the 80K pumps(?) then we should revisit this reasoning. NOTE: Cyrus had left me the voice message shortly after rebooting and burt restoring on Friday evening-Good! I did not recieve any alarms via text message during the entire period-Bad! Had I not routinely logged in this morning, it is entirely possible that CP3 and CP4 would have got "warm" over this 3 day weekend (boil-off rate ~2.5%/hour). Had this happened 13 years of adsorbed water and "gunk" would have be release into the beam tubes and all of us would be looking for new employment opportunities!!!! No crisis is more important than preventing the site 80K pumps from getting too low (except maybe shattering a viewport, hmmm)
I came in the control room around 5PM to find that all the channels for h0vemy were invalid, and the vacuum alarm handler was complaining loudly. Telnetting in produced a long list of dead task and memory errors, so I rebooted it. Had to run the startup scripts by hand (probably startup.cmd -> startup.h0vemy change). Burtrestored it to midnight, and refreshed the CP PID values with the help of Richard. It appears to be working OK now, but should probably be checked up on now and again over the weekend.
~9:00 – work begins on chipping away under HAM 12 ~11:00 Cheryl turned on TCS chiller pumps ~15:40 – Robert out to Y-End work under HAM 12 was finished by sometime before 3pm.
Just a heads up the H1 TCS chiller are running again, so temperatures should all be green on overview. Posted in other elog as well.
Rodney, Zack, Michael R.
We layed out the floor plan for the H2 PSL laser room and ante-room. We couldn't mark the airshower because the PSL table is in the way, but that doesn't matter since we aren't replacing linoleum in the airshower. Area was vacuumed and mopped to clean up chalk lines used for marking.
White tape indicates the footprint of these rooms, along the outside walls. We will eventually replace the linoleum inside the taped region.