The QDP80 roots pump serving the Vertex and XBM MTPs developed a temperature warning ~10 days ago and adjustments to the thermatic control valve have not resolved the overtemp (66C at pump body, < 60C is normal) -> I spun-down the Vertex and XBM MTPs and will investigate tomorrow when QDP80 is at ambient
0925 - Bradley comes in to see Bubba from Apollo 1015 - Landry, Bubba, Mark finish installing HAM1 cleanroom cover 1045 - Reibold Construction arrives for MichaelR. 1500 - HAM1 optics unlocked and closed. That makes HAM1,HAM2,HAM3 optics unlocked. Air pressure in HAM1 ~820 torr. 1500 - One spool piece inserted and anchored in MY void. 1525 - Betsy to roof.
Discovered that the Kobelco compressor (Corner Station purge air supply) had shut down due to high oil temperature -> Restarted and adjusted the throttle valve which supplies cooling water to the oil heat exchanger -> Purge air was OK during removal and reinstallation of HAM1 East Door. Must have shut down after the West door was removed but before it was reinstalled as exiting air was noticed when the West door separated but purge air pressure absent when the West door was rehung.
Nicole, Scott, Ed, Bubba (Apollo) Kyle, Jodi, Mike L, Mark H.(LHO)
On Wednesday the BSC Dome was removed from BSC5 at the MidX station. On Thursday the In-vacuum seismic isolation platform was removed and the Dome was replaced. Elements of the passive stack still need to be separated and some elements preserved. Further, one more in-vacuum operation is needed. The Support Tubes need to be chocked in place and strapped down for transport. This will require a few hours for a few people--let's say 3 & 3. At that time the door can be replaced. Currently the Dome bolts are all installed but not torqued. Of Note: *** The SUS feed thru on the Chamber now has a broken 4-40 screw body in one of the four threads. *** As I'll likely be instrumental in installing the 25 additional feed thrus required for advanced LIGI on each chamber, I'm sure I'll remember this one. And likely, the flange will have to be removed anyway as something other than the d-sub will be required in that location.
Stage1 Installed on Full Assembly
After measurements from Wed, some Walls & the Closeout Plates (on top) were removed from Stage1. Stage1 was then attached to the full Assembly. While lowering Stage1, we were not that level and this looked a little worrisome to Fabrice, so we re-hung Stage1 by changing eyebolt position---this improved level enough to attach Stage1 onto the Optics Table.
While inspecting the Assembly, it was discovered that some "arrows" machined onto Stage0 & Optics Table (which is part of Stage2) did not produce the result we wanted. The arrows were lined up of course, but the whole purpose of these arrows was to establish a correct orientation for Optics Table. On the Optics Table there are 3k+ holes, and then therae are line-grooves as well. These lines are desired to be parralel with the Support Tubes. Unfortunately, the arrow on the Optics Table orients the grooves out of rotation. [In the afternoon, the team was going to lift Stage1/Stage2 such that the grooves are lined up]
Subassembly Work
Parts were unwrapped and laid out for Spring Pull Down and Spring Pusher tooling. Sensor parts were also laid out. We will go through all these assemblies to confirm we have all the parts/hardware needed.
Clean & Bake
Assisted with wrap/bag/tag of parts pulled out of ovens.
Work has begun on installing HEPI onto HAM 7. The Dirty Room was moved and a cleaning crew was brought in to clean up the ground in the area. The chambers should also be cleaned as well, but this will have to happen later (hopefully Friday). The HEPI frames have been lifted onto the piers but will remain loose until they can be brought into their final position with the crossbeams.
Turned off the heat in both ENDY and ENDX. This may cause VEA temps to wander a bit during the night until it warms up a little.
We have completed the assembly of stage 1 and did transfer function measurements. The first resonance is at 284 Hz. Second one is at 292Hz. That's quasi identical to what we measured at MIT (~280 Hz), though we were seeing only one peak. It might be due to the boundary conditions being less symmetric (see last picture in which stage 1 is suspended from the crane). The goal was to verify whether the cleanliness of this assembly, causing higher friction, and less tension in the bolted joints would result in less overall stiffness. The answer is no. That's very good news for the performance of our platforms. Tomorrow, we'll remove the doors and the close out plates of stage 1, we'll position it on stage 2, and will continue with the assembly of Stage 2. We'll also keep working on parallel sub-assemblies activities: actuators, lockers, and blades tooling.
The Apollo crew floated BSC6 via gantry cranes and chain hoists, and extracted it from its to-date location in the beam tubes. The chamber was translated via Hilman rollers to the high bay air lock via a come-along and rail system. Photos attached, better quality ones to follow.
Helium background too high (~3e-8 mbar*L/sec) -> hoping to find minor leak that seems to persist -> inconclusive
Randy Nicole Scott2 & Hugh--Re WP2762/E1000603 No issues, ready for PISI extract next.
Beam tube gauges were added to the vacuum epics alarms, both in the alarm handler running in the control room and to the system which sends alarms to cell-phones.
(Corey, Eric, Fabrice, Greg, Jeff, Jim)
Clean & Bake Assistance
(5) SEI personnel devoted morning to assisting Clean & Bake with wrap/bag/tag of parts removed from Oven in the morning.
Moving Plates
Now that we had space, set of three Stage1 plates were shuffled around at the VPW, and then shuffled around down at the Staging Building. Stage-1 was moved on to the granite table.
Stage1 Work
Stage1 Base Plate was pre-assembled (Ballast weight/dowel pins/helicoils installed). This required a flip of the plate; a Class B Teflon sheet was useful for this (see photos). Walls were also installed on this Base Plate as well.
Actuator SubAssembly Work
Have moved on to helicoiling parts for the Small Actuators.
Sorting Parts
Started going through a pile of hardware from a recent bake load and sorting out in the BSC work area.
Mid Columbia Forklift came to work on a Genie. Unifirst delivery Praxair deliveries Water tank fill delivery Demo forklift was retrieved Preparations to move BSC 6 Unlocking of optics in HAM 2 Preassembly for HEPI NW of HAM 8
Today I unlocked the H1 MC2 and MMT2 from their earthquake stops in HAM2. I didn't get a close look at their level of cleanliness, but no big issues were evident while I was adjusting the EQ stops. - Cheryl, Dani, and Apollo Crew (Nicole, Randy, and one more)
The seismic test stand has been updated to use RCG 2.0.1. Models have been rebuilt, installed, and are running. Issues with the daqd process were found and fixed, the largest problem was a missing minute_raw directory. Old frames data was removed to make space for new frames, this should be done automatically from now on.
Link to HEPI L4C testing Transfer Function results: