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Reports until 15:17, Thursday 26 August 2010
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:17, Thursday 26 August 2010 - last comment - 11:58, Friday 27 August 2010(159)
Attached are PDFs of the 3 of the DOF TFs of the first QUAD.
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Comments related to this report
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 11:38, Friday 27 August 2010 (163)
ANd here are the other 3 Q1 Main Chain DOF TFs.
Non-image files attached to this comment
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 11:58, Friday 27 August 2010 (165)
Main Chain DOF medm.
Images attached to this comment
H2 General
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:17, Thursday 26 August 2010 (158)
Awgstream, awgstream.m, and related files working on Seismic test stand.
I have installed a 32-bit version of awgstream, multiawgstream, and awgexc_run at /opt/apps/awgstream on seiteststand.  I also compiled awgexc_conf.c using mex.  

Modified ~controls/.bashrc to include paths /opt/apps/awgstream/bin and /opt/apps/awgstream/matlab_tools in $PATH.  

Time is now the same on workstation and seiteststand, so awgstream and dtt apps can be used on workstation again.  

Modified awgstream.m to include path to awgexc_run, this needs to be changed to get the path without hard coding!!!

Tested awgstream as standalone executable, and matlab script that uses awgstream.m, awgexc_run, and so on.  Did not verify that signals are actually injected and viewable with dataviewer, but no errors were reported.
H2 General
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:12, Wednesday 25 August 2010 (157)
SEI test stand workstation - modify ntp configuration file
During the course of testing awgstream, noticed that the time was ~20 seconds different between workstation and seiteststand.  On workstation, modified ntp.conf to match that of seiteststand, restarted ntpd.  Time (as reported by tconvert now) is the same.
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:45, Wednesday 25 August 2010 (156)
LHO X1 unit 2 co-located basis transfer functions
First file is a pdf of the actuator to disp. sensor and GS-13 transfer functions on unit 2 from 800 to 0.025Hz.  Second file is the same measurement on unit 1.  

Data stored in:

files named: 'colocTF_100824_L2L_*freq_band*_test1.mat'

Plots located in:

Plots named: 'colocTF_100824_L2L_0p025to800Hz_*DoF*'

This directory contains the .pdfs and the .fig files for use in Matlab.

Script to plot data:

Non-image files attached to this report
H2 General
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:34, Tuesday 24 August 2010 (155)
BSC Test Stand modifications
Added Adobe Reader to bscteststand in ~controls/Adobe, command is 'acroread' from an xterm on the iMac.

Modified ~controls/.bash_profile to include /home/controls/Adobe/Reader9/bin to include acroread.

Added bookmark to aLIGO LHO Logbook to firefox on bscteststand to enable logbook entries from bscteststand without copying files between machines.
H2 General
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:29, Tuesday 24 August 2010 (154)
Seismic test stand workstation modifications
The computer 'workstation' attached to the Seismic test stand can now talk to the outside world.  This means it can get licenses for Matlab and you can use firefox to view and modify the aLIGO logbook.  Please use your real login name!

Also set up ssh to not require re-entry of the password from seiteststand to workstation or the other way around...

Bookmarked aLIGO LHO Logbook in firefox
Installed Adobe Reader 9, the command to run it is 'acroread' from a terminal window.  
Modified ~controls/.bash_profile to add path to /opt/Adobe/Reader9/bin for acroread.
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 06:36, Tuesday 24 August 2010 (152)
LHO X1 unit 2 IFO coordinate basis transfer functions
The first file contains plots of IFO-coordinate-basis transfer functions from actuator to displacement sensor and GS-13 for each 6 degrees of freedom on our unit_2 assembly.  The excitation band was from 0.025 to 800 Hz.  

The second pdf file contains the results of the same measurement from unit_1 testing. The third file is a text file of the parameters used for the measurement.

Data stored in:

Plots located in:
This directory also contains the .fig files for use in Matlab.

Scripts to plot data:
Non-image files attached to this report
jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:27, Monday 23 August 2010 (151)
Beam Splitter Top Mass Assembly
Build the bottom half of the Beam Splitter Top Masses, 1, 2, and 3 for creak bake. 

Assembly Notes: 
(1). Install stability legs after pulling down blades, as the base plate cannot be clamped to optics table with the stability legs in place. 
(2). Use 6kg for blade pull down mass. A 7kg mass pulled the blade past flat, putting reverse bend into the blade. There is no base line spec for the blade tip height adjuster. Therefore lowering the blade tip height may allow for a 7kg pull down mass, if necessary. 
(3). Mount the pull down wire clamp as far out on the blade tip as possible to clear stop bridge when removing wire clamp.  
(4). Used a 2mm side gap between the blade and stop bridge.
(5). Take care when moving the blade side to side, as the blade twists easily.   

Images attached to this report
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:04, Sunday 22 August 2010 (150)
H2 CDS network drawing
The H2 CDS drawing

is posted in the DCC

Page 2 is the current combined H2DAQ-DTS system in the computer users room.

Page 1 is the proposed complete H2 aligo networks drawing.
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:01, Sunday 22 August 2010 (149)
H2 DAQ as-built drawing in DCC
I am maintaining the 

H2 DAQ Rack as-built drawing

For this week's test the H2 DAQ is part of the DTS system, and has
temporary DTS IP addresses. The DTS has been enlarged with many
more front end systems to simulate an IFO. This will allow us
to perform load testing of the H2 DAQ.
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:50, Friday 20 August 2010 (148)
LHO unit_2 Local to Local Transfer Function measurement
Last night I ran a Local to Local actuator-to-gs13 response transfer function measurement.  Plots are attached from last night along with unit_1's measurement from July.  A text file of the parameters used in July and last night is posted as well.

Scripts to Collect data located in:
  with titles: 

Data file location:

Data file titles:

Scripts to Plot data located in:

Plots located in:

It looks like our resolution isn't as good as we'd like in the lower frequency band.  The same features at lower frequencies are not present in this measurement as compared to unit_1. The gs-13 phase is also 180degrees from unit_1. I will set up a new measurement over the weekend with more repetitions and higher resolution.  

As for now, our damping filters have been implemented and have been running stably.

Non-image files attached to this report
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:30, Friday 20 August 2010 (147)
HAM ISI Assembly #1 to Transport Container And Container Purge
Around 30 July, the Assembly was moved from the Test Stand to the Transportation container.  I'll attach a couple photos here; find several more in my web space here.

We are currently boiling nitrogen into the container and logging the humidity.  After a couple hours the humidity exhausting from the container has dropped to 16% from 32%.  We expect to get a container volumes worth(not accounting for the ISI) through in less than four hours at our flow rate.  Before the end of the day we'll throttle back a go slow through the weekend.  Monday we'll download the humidity log and close all the valves.  The last photo below shows the N2 Dewar attached to the container.  The exhaust is plumbed into a bag containing our humidity logger on top of the box.
Images attached to this report
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:53, Friday 20 August 2010 (146)
LHO Assembly#3 Stage0 Base Level Check
Before moving the Stage1 PreAssembly onto the Stage0 Base on Tuesday, we checked the Base top surface bolted to the Test Stand for level.

Attached is my logbook copy of the observations.
Bottom line: Of 22 observations, a total range of 7.5mils.  Discard 1 reading nowhere near a support post and 21 observation are +-2.5mils.  
Non-image files attached to this report
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:50, Thursday 19 August 2010 (145)
H2 DAQ build starting
We (Rolf, Alex, Dave, Richard) started building the H2 aLIGO DAQ system
this week. Since it is being constructed and tested on the DTS,
this week's alogs will be filed under the DTS section but in part cover
the H2 DAQ system.
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:44, Thursday 19 August 2010 (144)
Rolf and Alex visit to test H2 DAQ using DTS
Rolf and Alex's visit started yesterday, August 18th. 
This visit will extend through to next Wednesday 25th.

Just a quick alog to note the start. The DAQ test stand
is being reconfigured as a H2 simulation to load test
the new H2 DAQ system. 

The H2 DAQ rack was moved from the MSR into the DTS room,
and the h2daqdc0 and h2daqnds0 were built for the
initial testing.

More detailed alogs with pictures to follow. As-built drawings
will be posted to the DCC.
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:24, Thursday 19 August 2010 (143)
Reconfigured DAQ, added channels, turned on second trends
Dave and Alex,

Using Mark's full list of 64 fast channels which should be acquired
by the DAQ we increased L1QTS.ini from 25 chans to the required 64 chans.

All fast channels are being acquired at 2048Hz.

We attempted to turn on the second and minute trends, but found that starting
minute trends crashed the DAQ. Alex took a look at the code, but was unable
to find the cause. So for now, we are only acquiring full frame and second 

I did the math, and figured that with the disk space available we can have:

14 days of second trends
11.5 days of full data

We can extend the second trend look back at the expense of full frames
if this is required. 

The DAQ was restarted many times between 17:30 and 18:30 for this work.
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:35, Thursday 19 August 2010 (142)
LHO X1 unit_2 H1&V2 cables swapped with H2&V2
Hugh R., Eric A., Jeff G.

We believe we have found the solution to the odd GS-13 behavior from the transfer function measurements.  After several failed attempts to implement the damping loops, the path from each GS-13 to the feedthrough board was traced to see if any cables had been swapped since unit_1 testing. 

 Hugh and Eric noticed the "clean side" of the feedthrough for H1&V1 had been swapped with H2&V2. Since both GS-13s for each location (i.e. 1 & 2) are on the same cable up to the feedthrough, H1 & V1 were being mistaken for H2 & V2 and vice versa.  After the swap, a quick test from 200-800Hz showed the Horizontals and Verticals were fairly close in magnitude in this bandwidth, similar to unit_1.  Full measurements of the full bandwidth to be posted soon.

Shortly thereafter, the damping loops were implemented successfully with gains of -1.  I will set up long collocated and coordinate Transfer Function measurements for tonight.
H2 General
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:56, Thursday 19 August 2010 (141)
LHO Q1 damping
We discovered that turning the damping off at the output of the DOF filter bank doesn't give the QUAD a kick (because it is more appropriately placed wrt the integrator).  So, to damp, you turn the input and output switches on, but to turn damping off, you must turn the output switches off first.  Then before running the TF, you turn the input switches off, then the output switches back on.  Coherence looks MUCH improved after a shot of damping in this manor.

A 2k signal swing on pitch appears to be as quiet as it gets (without damping).

Had to restart the DAQ (again) today.  
H2 General
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:58, Thursday 19 August 2010 - last comment - 10:08, Thursday 19 August 2010(139)
Added workstation to SEI test stand
Modified seiteststand computer to export /cvs, /apps, and /home/controls, restarted nfs.  Changed /etc/hosts entry for to workstation.

Set workstation IP to, disabled DHCP, nfs mounted /opt, /apps, /cvs, and /home/controls from seiteststand.  Removed /home/controls/*, ~controls is now nfs mounted from seiteststand.  Added shared library config files to /etc/ld.so.conf.d/, recached shared libraries.  

Note that ssh is still directed to seiteststand, but controls can ssh to workstation for non-front end work.  The user "controls" can log in on the workstation and should have the same environment as on the workstation.  Did not do exhaustive testing, so there may be some more work to do on workstation.
Comments related to this report
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - 10:08, Thursday 19 August 2010 (140)
Added NDSSERVER environment variable with value to .bashrc and .cshrc, should cause initial value of NDS server fields in GDS gui applications to show, port 8088.
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