TITLE: 01/03 Eve Shift: 0030-0600 UTC (1630-2200 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Observing at 156Mpc
Wind: 14mph Gusts, 8mph 3min avg
Primary useism: 0.04 μm/s
Secondary useism: 0.43 μm/s
This is an update on the quantum noise compairson to models started in 80747. Apoloiges for the large numer of plots. The main message is that we have a decent model of the quantum noise from October (see this and this plot ) can get a fairly independent constraint on homodyne angle and SRC detunings from these squeezer data sets without the filter cavity, and some loose estimates for arm power based on squeezer losses. There is a discrepancy between the model and the data in the traces taken near anti-squeezing without the filter cavity that is interesting, and I haven't tried to model mode mismatches yet.
Outline of how this model is made:
The first two attachments show data from mid October (80664), separated into two different plots (one with mid squeezing, one with +/-10 degrees from sqz and a sqz) to make it easier to read. We can look at the mid and low frequencies to help us constrain the model for homodyne angle, SRC detuning, and maybe mode matching and FC parameters. With the filter cavity, the traces that are +/- 10 degrees from squeezing and anti-squeezing don't provide much information, we can probably skip these in future data sets, but the ones +/-10 degrees from anti-squeezing without the filter cavity are interesting.
Arm power: We can get some constraints on arm power by assuming that all of our unknown loss is injection loss, or all readout loss, this gives us a range of 327kW-381kW with a homodyne angle of 10.8 degrees and no SRC detuning. Attached are plots made for the high and lower power models, by clicking back and forth you can see that the lowest powers seem to disagree with the low frequency data, implying that some of our unknown losses truly are readout losses, but this isn't a very precise way to estimate arm power.
SRC detuning: Without the filter cavity, the mid squeezing traces are most clearly sensitive to SRC detuning, shown in this attachment where the SRC detuning of 0.057 degrees is clearly too large. You can flip through these 5 SRC plots which suggests that our SRC detuning at the time of these measurements was between 0 and -0.057 degrees (I'll leave it at -0.029 degrees, or -1mrad in the model) .
Homodyne angle: In 80747 we noticed that anti-squeezing without the filter cavity is very sensitive to the homodyne angle, and that we've been using the wrong sign for our modeling in O4. Here are plots that reaffirm that the negative homodyne angle is wrong, with mid squeezing (as we did in 80747) and with squeezing angle +/-10degrees from squeezing and anti-squeezing, which also clearly shows the problem for those traces near anti-squeezing. It's also nice to notice that the mid sqz traces aren't especially sensitive to homodyne angle in the mid frequency range taht we were using to set the SRC detuning, so this data set without the filter cavity can give us fairly independent constraints on SRC detuning and homodyne angle. Here is a plot of the homodyne angle of 10.7 degrees (based on 71913), without the squeezing traces so that it's easier to see what's happening. There is a large discrepancy between the model and FDAS -10 degrees, from 30-55Hz, and there is also a smaller discrepancy for FDAS+10 degrees in this frequency range. This discrepancy can be redcued a bit by making the homodyne angle larger, but that doesn't seem to be a good model of the data, so this discrepancy is probably due to something we aren't modeling correctly here.
Filter cavity detuning: We have used -33Hz as the filter cavity detuning, but data from mid squeezing with the filter cavity suggests that the detuning in this data set closer to 27 Hz. Here is a series of plots to show how mid sqz is sensitive to FC detuning.
The last two plots are with the final model paramters, it is a reasonably good description of the data, with the main discrepancy remaining in the anti-squeezing without the filter cavity. The scripts, parameters and data used to make these plots is in quantumnoisebudgeting commit 92f7e965. The quantum noise paramters used are here.
Currently Observing at 155 Mpc and have been Locked for 40 hours now. Secondary microseism is high but not increasing any more and the wind has been going down the past few hours.
Fri Jan 03 10:10:00 2025 INFO: Fill completed in 9min 57secs
Gerardo confirmed a good fill curbside.
Oli, Camilla, Sheila.
We reran all lockloss events from 22nd November (PSL swap) with the improved ETM_GLITCH code MR#143. Oli has found that even with this improved tag, some locklosses with small glitches or a glitch just before the lockloss are being missed, e.g. 1419179528, 1419158677. It's possible that sometimes we loose lock on the first glitch so don't tag it. Jim is looking into a filter that could reduce this: 81589.
We've had 73 locklosses from Observe, of these: 11 tagged ETM_GLITCH, 10 tagged EARTHQUAKE.
Closes FAMIS#26343, last checked 81421
Laser Status:
NPRO output power is 1.845W
AMP1 output power is 70.11W
AMP2 output power is 137.5W
NPRO watchdog is GREEN
AMP1 watchdog is GREEN
AMP2 watchdog is GREEN
PDWD watchdog is GREEN
It has been locked 16 days, 23 hr 24 minutes
Reflected power = 24.8W
Transmitted power = 104.4W
PowerSum = 129.2W
It has been locked for 1 days 14 hr and 51 min
TPD[V] = 0.8161V
The diffracted power is around 3.0%
Last saturation event was 1 days 14 hours and 52 minutes ago
Possible Issues:
PMC reflected power is high
Closes FAMIS#26497, last checked 81707
T240 (channels averaged between 2025-01-03 17:24:45-17:24:55 UTC)
There are 15 T240 proof masses out of range ( > 0.3 [V] )!
ETMX T240 2 DOF X/U = -0.812 [V]
ETMX T240 2 DOF Y/V = -0.874 [V]
ETMX T240 2 DOF Z/W = -0.445 [V]
ITMX T240 1 DOF X/U = -1.647 [V]
ITMX T240 1 DOF Y/V = 0.37 [V]
ITMX T240 1 DOF Z/W = 0.478 [V]
ITMX T240 3 DOF X/U = -1.719 [V]
ITMY T240 3 DOF X/U = -0.818 [V]
ITMY T240 3 DOF Z/W = -2.148 [V]
BS T240 1 DOF Y/V = -0.369 [V]
BS T240 3 DOF Y/V = -0.318 [V]
BS T240 3 DOF Z/W = -0.458 [V]
HAM8 1 DOF X/U = -0.305 [V]
HAM8 1 DOF Y/V = -0.413 [V]
HAM8 1 DOF Z/W = -0.701 [V]
All other proof masses are within range ( < 0.3 [V] ):
ETMX T240 1 DOF X/U = 0.005 [V]
ETMX T240 1 DOF Y/V = 0.001 [V]
ETMX T240 1 DOF Z/W = 0.002 [V]
ETMX T240 3 DOF X/U = 0.027 [V]
ETMX T240 3 DOF Y/V = -0.052 [V]
ETMX T240 3 DOF Z/W = 0.011 [V]
ETMY T240 1 DOF X/U = 0.118 [V]
ETMY T240 1 DOF Y/V = 0.193 [V]
ETMY T240 1 DOF Z/W = 0.261 [V]
ETMY T240 2 DOF X/U = -0.045 [V]
ETMY T240 2 DOF Y/V = 0.229 [V]
ETMY T240 2 DOF Z/W = 0.094 [V]
ETMY T240 3 DOF X/U = 0.285 [V]
ETMY T240 3 DOF Y/V = 0.154 [V]
ETMY T240 3 DOF Z/W = 0.173 [V]
ITMX T240 2 DOF X/U = 0.164 [V]
ITMX T240 2 DOF Y/V = 0.286 [V]
ITMX T240 2 DOF Z/W = 0.257 [V]
ITMX T240 3 DOF Y/V = 0.145 [V]
ITMX T240 3 DOF Z/W = 0.121 [V]
ITMY T240 1 DOF X/U = 0.087 [V]
ITMY T240 1 DOF Y/V = 0.104 [V]
ITMY T240 1 DOF Z/W = -0.034 [V]
ITMY T240 2 DOF X/U = 0.049 [V]
ITMY T240 2 DOF Y/V = 0.202 [V]
ITMY T240 2 DOF Z/W = 0.119 [V]
ITMY T240 3 DOF Y/V = 0.081 [V]
BS T240 1 DOF X/U = -0.17 [V]
BS T240 1 DOF Z/W = 0.113 [V]
BS T240 2 DOF X/U = -0.056 [V]
BS T240 2 DOF Y/V = 0.031 [V]
BS T240 2 DOF Z/W = -0.112 [V]
BS T240 3 DOF X/U = -0.182 [V]
STS (channels averaged between 2025-01-03 17:24:58-17:25:08 UTC)
There are 1 STS proof masses out of range ( > 2.0 [V] )!
STS EY DOF X/U = -2.435 [V]
All other proof masses are within range ( < 2.0 [V] ):
STS A DOF X/U = -0.503 [V]
STS A DOF Y/V = -0.832 [V]
STS A DOF Z/W = -0.538 [V]
STS B DOF X/U = 0.276 [V]
STS B DOF Y/V = 0.948 [V]
STS B DOF Z/W = -0.379 [V]
STS C DOF X/U = -0.766 [V]
STS C DOF Y/V = 0.749 [V]
STS C DOF Z/W = 0.63 [V]
STS EX DOF X/U = -0.14 [V]
STS EX DOF Y/V = -0.012 [V]
STS EX DOF Z/W = 0.059 [V]
STS EY DOF Y/V = 0.059 [V]
STS EY DOF Z/W = 1.312 [V]
STS FC DOF X/U = 0.21 [V]
STS FC DOF Y/V = -1.065 [V]
STS FC DOF Z/W = 0.661 [V]
TITLE: 01/03 Day Shift: 1530-0030 UTC (0730-1630 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Observing at 156Mpc
Wind: 20mph Gusts, 14mph 3min avg
Primary useism: 0.06 μm/s
Secondary useism: 0.45 μm/s
We're Observing and have been Locked for 36 hours. Secondary microseism has slowly been creeping above the 90thpercentile and wind has also slowly been going up and is currently a few mph above 20mph.
TITLE: 01/03 Eve Shift: 0030-0600 UTC (1630-2200 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Observing at 159Mpc
H1 has been locked for 26+ hours.
Aside from GRB-Short E541203 from right before my shift started.
It's been a quiet night.
All systems are performing well.
TITLE: 01/03 Eve Shift: 0030-0600 UTC (1630-2200 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Observing at 161Mpc
Wind: 9mph Gusts, 4mph 3min avg
Primary useism: 0.02 μm/s
Secondary useism: 0.32 μm/s
H1 has been locked for over 20 hours now and we are currently in Observing.
Everything seems to be working well.
Gerardo went to the HAM Shaq to look for a vacuum gauge and affiliated parts.
TITLE: 01/02 Day Shift: 1530-0030 UTC (0730-1630 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Observing at 158Mpc
SHIFT SUMMARY: H1 remained locked throughout the shift, and the only drop from observing was intentionally for commissioning. H1 has now been locked for almost 21 hours.
Start Time | System | Name | Location | Lazer_Haz | Task | Time End |
22:08 | OPS | LVEA | LVEA | N | LASER SAFE | Ongoing |
17:25 | FAC | Kim | MX | N | Technical cleaning | 18:05 |
18:38 | FAC | Kim | H2 Bldg | N | Technical cleaning | 18:49 |
18:49 | FAC | Kim | MY | N | Technical cleaning | 19:40 |
H1 is back to observing at 159Mpc as of 20:03 UTC after a few hours of calibration measurements and commissioning activities. H1 has now been locked for about 16.5 hours.
Thu Jan 02 10:04:52 2025 INFO: Fill completed in 4min 49secs
Travis confirmed a good fill curbside. TCAmin = -50.1C, trip = -50.0C, OAT [3C, 37F]. Travis knocked some ice off the thermocouples.
I did a linear fit of the TCA starting temp (at 09:59:00 each day) and the TCA minimum over the following 30 minutes.
Attached plot show the fit for the past 14 days, X=starting_temp, Y=min_temp.
When the starting temp goes into the positive C region, the fit becomes more linear.
Fit is:
Tmin = 1.57*Tstart - 97.87
As Vicky noted, the squeezing angle adjustment servo adjusts things more often than seems necessary, 81300
I've edited the guardian code to only update the value when it is different by 18 delay steps from the calculated value, which is stored in 'SQZ-PHASE_OUTMTRX_1_1'. This is roughly equivalent to 3 degrees. This could be implemented bettwe by doing some averaging.
Ryan Short, Sheila
We've followed Camilla's suggestion to run the PSAMs scan script with a smaller step size. 814908
In userapps/sqz/h1/scripts/SCAN_PSAMS.py I've edited lines 267 and 269 so that PSAM_ZM4_LIST = [5.6, 5.7, 5.8, 5.9, 6, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4] PSAMS_ZM5_LIST = [-0.7, -0.6, -0.5, -0.4, -0.3, -0.2, -0.1] . We will let this run until noon, and see how many points it gets.
The script ran for a while then had an error, so we got some of this data (see attachment). The error is probably due to the way I edited the lists.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/rtcds/userapps/trunk/sqz/h1/scripts/SCAN_PSAMS.py", line 415, in <module>
PSAMS_scan(freq, cycle, amp_SQZANG, dT_ZM4, dT_ZM5, amp_sus)
File "/opt/rtcds/userapps/trunk/sqz/h1/scripts/SCAN_PSAMS.py", line 361, in PSAMS_scan
_best_sqz, sqz_angle = _sweep(ii,jj,fig,axs,dirname,zm4,zm5,'ZM4')
File "/opt/rtcds/userapps/trunk/sqz/h1/scripts/SCAN_PSAMS.py", line 287, in _sweep
best_sqz, min_sqz, sqz_angle, OMC_Q, ZM4_SV, ZM5_SV = sweep_SQZANG(freq, amp_SQZANG, cycle, axs[ii,jj],
IndexError: index -3 is out of bounds for axis 1 with size 2
ICE default IO error handler doing an exit(), pid = 70032, errno = 32
The plots created are attached and in /sqz/h1/scripts/PSAMS_data/PSAMS_SCAN/250102103351/ as SQZ_DB_fit.png and heatmap.png. No clear patterns seen when looking at plots of range/BLRMs data. From the heatmap, ZM4 at 5.2V or 6.0V with ZM5 -0.6V is best. Current is 6.0V/-0.4V so the only suggested change would be to decrease ZM5 from -0.4V to -0.6V.
Comparing our SQZ_BD_fit to LLO's (LLO#72749) our BLRMS seem to oscillate when LLO's don't. Maybe we need to adjust our BLRMs filtering to improve our SQZ DB fits.
1556utc H1 was taken out of observing due to PI24 ringing up (it was damped out within a minute), BUT....
Since we were out of Observing (and I had already gotten a workspace ready to work on the Squeezer), I wanted to try a "simple" Squeezer check (basically what Oli did with taking the Manager to DOWN and going back to FDS.
I thought I was close to FDS, because all of the sub-nodes went to NOMINAL states and then I believe the Manager would get to FDS, but then go to NO SQUEEZING.....Then I realized all their NOMINAL states were set for NO SQUEEZING!
So I worked on transitioning all 8-nodes Nominal states for SQUEEZING, to work on squeezing, but the issue I ran into was that the OPO_LR node had trouble getting to LOCKED_CLF_DUAL due to "USERMSG 0: No pump ISS means injecting bad squeezing. Going DOWN."
--->This sounds like yet another different SQZ issue. I did not have issues with the SQZ_FC as far as I could tell (also did not get to see the "leap second" issue RyanC noted last night).
At this point, I was stumped, but got a mattermost from Sheila saying she could help in a bit. So I switched all SQZ node Nominal states for NO Squeezing to get more Observing in the mean time.
SIDE NOTE: The buisiness for transitioning SQZ Nominal States is not quick or trivial (atleast for my slow self). While transitioning nodes for Observing WITH Squeezing, I ran into a LOADING error for the OPO_LR node. Eventually found that it was a typo in the wiki (for editing all the nodes I copied the state from the wiki into the node python files. I discovered the wiki had a typo [or the state had a slightly different name int he past]. For OPO_LR, the wiki said to make the Nominal -> "LOCK_CLF_DUAL". Eventually figured out from the log, that this name was wrong it is "LOCKED_CLS_DUAL". At any rate, I updated wiki. And now have more Nominal node experience...I think this is only my 2nd or 3rd time going through the buisiness of "editing nominal states" for observing.
Now realizing, I was looking at the "Old Instructions" wiki (hence the typo?).
NOTE: Is it useful having the old instructions in here? When you're under the time gun/clock, I tend to rush, and this time I gravitated to the old instructions (the first time I did this, I do remember looking at the NEW instructions and did an svn-commit of the edited python files.).
With that said, I did get there to Observing with NO Squeezing, AND I did not do anything with the SVN since I'm basically returning to Observing with NO Squeezing again (as RyanC did last night).
Additional Note: Also saw that right on the top of the wiki (under Quick Rundown), that RyanS made a script for the "WITH/WITHOUT Squeezing In Observing" transition, but I didn't get a chance to try it out before going back into Observing.
Good suggestion Corey, I've removed the old instructions from the wiki to avoid future confusion. They are still available in the wiki's history via the "info" button.
FAMIS 28455, last checked in alog81106
Only things of note on these trends are that the ITMX spherical power has been dropping for the past week and a half, which Camilla agrees looks strange, and the ITMY SLED power has reached the lower limit of 1, so it will need replacing soon. Everything else looks normal compared to last check.
Two plots, one with the ITMX V, P, Y OSEMs in the same time frame as with Ryan's plots. This could make me believe that the spherical power is just from the normal ITMX movement. The second plot is a year+ trend and I'd say that it shows this is normal movement.
What caught my eye with these plots is thst CO2Y power has increased in the last few weeks. We've that happen after it warms up and relocks, but this seems to be trending that way after a few relocks. Not sure how to explain that one.
Also, it looks like th flow for CO2X isn't as stable at Y, worth keeping an eye on.
Although ITMY POWERMON is below 1 (trend), the powermon seems to read lower than ITMX, see 73371 where they were last swapped in October 2023, both fibers had 2.5mW out but SLEDPOWERMON recorded 5 vs 3.
I checked that the data still makes sense and isn't considerably noisier: now vs after replacement. Maybe we can stretch out the life of the SLEDs for the end of O4 but should keep an eye on them.
You can see that the spherical power form ITMX is offset from zero so we should take new references soon.