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Reports until 21:18, Saturday 12 September 2015
evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:18, Saturday 12 September 2015 (21450)
HAM6 injections

Stefan, Evan

We spent some time trying to see if some of the unexplained noise in DARM is caused by jitter (or other nonlinear pointing noise) in HAM6.

First, some things that didn't work:

We were able to make jitter noise by driving OM3 (I guess it would be surprising if we weren't able to do this). The first attachment shows some example bilinear coupling made by driving OM3 in yaw at 94.3 Hz.

Then we opened the OMC REFL beam diverter and tried some bandlimited injection between 35 and 45 Hz. The result is attached. We saw no coherence between OMCR and DARM (consistent with the notion that the coupling is all bilinear). Also, pitch and yaw of OMC REFL are highly cross-coupled. [Sorry for choosing a polluted band—I wanted a place where the DARM noise was low but where the OMC REFL QPDs are still plausibly seeing displacement noise.]

Finally, we made a broadband injection from 10 Hz to 300 Hz, in pitch and yaw. The times were 01:44:40–01:51:40 for yaw and 01:54:30–01:59:30 for pitch, both 2015-09-13 Z. The result for yaw is attached.

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