Reports until 22:20, Monday 01 October 2012
stuart.aston@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:20, Monday 01 October 2012 (4344)
SR2 (HSTS) Phase 1b M1-M1 damped and un-damped TFs, plus power spectra
[Stuart A, Jeff B and Andres R]

The following OSEMs have been installed into the SR2 (HSTS) suspension, as well as entering gains and offsets into the OSEM INPUT filters:-

M1-T1, s/n = 076, open-light = 26125.3, offset = -13063, gain = 1.148
M1-T2, s/n = 423, open-light = 27116.1, offset = -13558, gain = 1.106
M1-T3, s/n = 646, open-light = 25764.8, offset = -12882, gain = 1.164 (c)
M1-LF, s/n = 150, open-light = 31458.2, offset = -15729, gain = 0.954
M1-RT, s/n = 098, open-light = 25390.6, offset = -12695, gain = 1.182
M1-SD, s/n = 668, open-light = 25655.6, offset = -12828, gain = 1.169 (c)

M2-UL, s/n = 232, open-light = 26261.4, offset = -13131, gain = 1.142
M2-LL, s/n = 213, open-light = 27884.6, offset = -13942, gain = 1.076
M2-UR, s/n = 279, open-light = 25761.6, offset = -12881, gain = 1.165
M2-LR, s/n = 366, open-light = 26451.8, offset = -13226, gain = 1.134

M3-UL, s/n = 312, open-light = 26656.6, offset = -13328, gain = 1.125
M3-LL, s/n = 424, open-light = 25976.2, offset = -12988, gain = 1.155
M3-UR, s/n = 285, open-light = 25678.3, offset = -12839, gain = 1.168
M3-LR, s/n = 304, open-light = 25379.6, offset = -12690, gain = 1.182

Stemming from an incorrect ICS entry regarding BOSEM #646's characterisation status, SR2 currently has two characterised BOSEMs installed on M1. The M1-T3 BOSEM will be swapped out at the earliest convenience.    

It should also be noted that the M1-SD BOSEM has been re-located to the opposition side of the structure, as requested by systems, and already implemented at LLO. The change of sign then had to be accounted for in the COIL OUTPUT filters (by flipping gain sign from -1 to +1).

Firstly, a set of M1-M1 TFs were taken, with damping loops OFF, for all DOFs (see 2012-10-01_0900_X1SUSSR2_M1_ALL_TFs.pdf), which show good agreement with the model. These TFs were then repeated, but with damping loops ON.  

Secondly, both damped and undamped TFs obtained have been compared to all other LHO HSTSs tested at Phase 1b (see allhstss_2012_10_01_Phase1b_SR2_ALL_ZOOMED_TFs.pdf). 

Thirdly, power spectra have been taken with damping loops both ON and OFF for each stage (see 2012-10-01_1700_X1SUSSR2_M*_ALL_Spectra.pdf).

Power spectra data, with both damping ON and OFF can then be compared to a similar HSTS, PRM, during Phase 1b testing (see allhstss_2012-10-01_X1_SR2_Phase1b_ALL_Spectra_Don.pdf and allhstss_2012-10-01_X1_SR2_Phase1b_ALL_Spectra_Doff.pdf).

In addition, power spectra for specific degrees of freedom (L, P and Y) can be more conveniently compared across multiple stages (M1, M2 and M3) of the same suspension in the final plot found below (see allhstss_2012-10-01_X1_SR2_Phase1b_X1SUSSR2_M1M2M3_Spectra_ALL_Don.pdf).

Finally, all data, plots and scripts have been committed to the SUS svn as of this entry.

This should now be sufficient to complete Phase 1b testing of the SR2 suspension.
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