Reports until 23:28, Wednesday 10 April 2019
georgia.mansell@LIGO.ORG - posted 23:28, Wednesday 10 April 2019 - last comment - 18:58, Monday 22 April 2019(48406)
SR3 heater steps down

Craig, Danny, Georgia

Today we stepped the SR3 heater down in 0.5 W steps, from 5W to 3.5W, according to plan. Here's what we found as we reduced the heating on SR3:

Buildups, cavity pole

These values are shown in the first attachment, The kick in many signals just before we stepped down to 3.5 W is explained below.

DARM plant and laser noise couplings

We also monitored the DARM plant, frequency noise coupling, intensity noise coupling, and RF9 RIN coupling at each step.


While we were sitting at 4W on the SR3 heater we checked for detuning in the SRC ASC. This is the big peak in RF18 and RF90 in the first attachment; the 4th attachment is zoomed in during this time. We opened the loops and moved the sliders (top right plots), found nothing too interesting in pitch, but while aligning yaw we saw:

We were surprised that the optical gain increased, that doesn't seem to hang together with the other pieces of information here. Maybe we should consider operating with 4W on the SR3 heater, and re-phasing the SRC ASC for this. [Edit: notes for attachment 4: at t = -4500s we turned the SRC ASC back on, which is why the alignment went back to its nominal level. The calibration lines were off before t = -4800s, and the calibration values before this time are not to be trusted.)

Other notes:

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Comments related to this report
georgia.mansell@LIGO.ORG - 18:46, Thursday 11 April 2019 (48428)

We now understand that the increasing Kappa_C corresponded to a decrease in optical gain. So we were misaligning the SRC when we were aligning it by hand. The fact that RF18 was able to be improved with a misaligned SRC suggests there's room for improvement in the beamsplitter or PRC alignment. 


We have made some DARM spectra from times during our SR3 heater test, and SRC alignment test.

First attachment shows DARM with the SR3 heater at 5W (black) compared to 4W (cyan), showing definite improvement in the bucket, which explains our range increase. A similar spectrum at 3.5 W on the SR3 heater sits somewhere in between these two. 

Second attachment shows DARM with SR3 heater at 4W, with the normal alignment (blue), and when we opened the SRC ASC loops and "aligned" by hand, maximising POPAIR_B_RF18 (yellow). It seems like I can undo the SR3 heater improvement by misaligning the SRC...


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craig.cahillane@LIGO.ORG - 18:40, Friday 12 April 2019 (48453)
The DARM plant did not change very much over the period of the SR3 heater move.  
I measured the DARM plant 4 times, at SR3 power of 5W, 4.5W, 4W, and 3.5W.  The DARM plant did not change very much this time.  

According to some MCMC fits:
Optical Gain = 3.20 +- .28 × 106 cts/m   (<0.8 % uncertainty)
DARM pole    = 417.80 +- 15 Hz          (4 % uncertainty)
Delay        = 5.31 +- 1.7 × 10-5 s     (33 % uncertainty)
Spring Freq  = -5.12 +- 1.6 Hz          (32 % uncertainty)
Spring Q     = 37.11 +- 4.7             (13 % uncertainty)

This is a different result than the SR3 heater move at 30W input power.  We moved the SR3 heater by less this time (from 5W to 3.5W rather than from 0 to 5 W before).  We would also like to test the DARM plant for SRCL offset and DARM offset changes.

Also the frequency noise coupling to DARM did not change.  Will post plots later once they are correct.
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craig.cahillane@LIGO.ORG - 20:09, Monday 15 April 2019 (48511)
Posted DARM ASDs, calibrated frequency ASDs, and frequency coupling TF plots.

DARM calibration: 
6 zeros at 30 Hz, 6 poles at 0.3 Hz, gain of 1

Frequency Calibrations: Same as 46864.  See attached freqCals.txt.

Comparison to 30 W coupling: 45831.

Before, we had a dip in the freq-to-DARM coupling at around 30 Hz where the radiation pressure and contrast defect effects destructively interfered.  Now that effect seems to have flattened out. (Plot 3 in the PDF)

Over the SR3 heater test cooling from 5W to 3.5W, it seems our freq-to-DARM coupling increases by a few percent, but does not change too radically.

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georgia.mansell@LIGO.ORG - 18:58, Monday 22 April 2019 (48677)

Sheila was thinking the SR3 heater improvement could be attributed to the changing MICH and SRCL feed forward. I had a look at the coherence between DARM and MICH/PRCL/SRCL during the SR3 heater test, comparing a time at 5W (black) and a time at 4W (cyan), and am not convinced the coupling changed significantly. If anything the MICH coherence is worse at 4W than 5W in our frequency band of interest (20-60 Hz).

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