We took TFs and Power Spectra data for HSTS I1-MC1. All files have been committed to the SVN repository. The data files are attached below for review by Stuart A. and Jeff K.
My only minor concern is what appears to be a roll mode ever so slightly coupling into longitudinal + transverse DOFs. Although, damping appears to suppress this coupling on I1-MC1. After discussing this with Jeff B over the phone, he and his assembly team will check flag alignments.
Under close inspection, MC1 looks to exhibit similar R-T cross-coupling as has been seen on the L1 SRM suspension (see LLO aLog entry 6451), although shifted in frequency consistent with the shift in the roll mode. However, the MC1 R-T coupling is significantly weaker than for SRM, and having raised this with both Norna R and Jeff K, we feel that this minor feature should be noted, and that MC1 can be approved through Phase 1b.