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Reports until 08:43, Wednesday 14 July 2010
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:43, Wednesday 14 July 2010 (71)
Assy #1 Displacement Sensor Spectra
Ran three different spectra for our Displacement Sensors.  Since we currently have an electronics issue with the operation of our Sensors (there's "electronic cross talk" between our mini-racks when they're both powered up---resulting in a ~0.35Hz oscillation seen by all sensors) we ran three different measurements in the following running states:

1)  Both mini-racks powered ON*
2)  Only Rack#1 (for H1V1H2V2) powered ON*
3)  Only Rack#2 (for H3V3) powered ON

* DTT BUG:  Although the plots for these measurements say there was only "1 Avg", they in fact were run at the required 10 Averages.  (When one saves References from a previous measurement, and makes a new plot of these References, the new plot posts the averages as "Avg1".  (If one already has the Reference plots made and one re-runs their "Now" measurement, the average value will change to whatever your "Now" measurement Average # is.
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