Ran three different spectra for our Displacement Sensors. Since we currently have an electronics issue with the operation of our Sensors (there's "electronic cross talk" between our mini-racks when they're both powered up---resulting in a ~0.35Hz oscillation seen by all sensors) we ran three different measurements in the following running states: 1) Both mini-racks powered ON* 2) Only Rack#1 (for H1V1H2V2) powered ON* 3) Only Rack#2 (for H3V3) powered ON * DTT BUG: Although the plots for these measurements say there was only "1 Avg", they in fact were run at the required 10 Averages. (When one saves References from a previous measurement, and makes a new plot of these References, the new plot posts the averages as "Avg1". (If one already has the Reference plots made and one re-runs their "Now" measurement, the average value will change to whatever your "Now" measurement Average # is.