Reports until 16:36, Tuesday 24 October 2023
victoriaa.xu@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:36, Tuesday 24 October 2023 - last comment - 11:05, Monday 26 February 2024(73696)
SQZ-OMC mode scan with hot OM2

Kevin, Sheila, Evan, Vicky

Summary: SQZ-OMC mode scans with hot OM2, and PSAMS 120/120 vs. 200/200. From this data, we should get single-bounce SQZ-OMC mode-matching with hot OM2, check SQZ readout losses (AS port throughput), and measure OMC losses via cavity visibility when locked/unlocked to the squeezer beam. With hot OM2, in sqz single bounce, SQZ-OMC mode-matching looks a bit better with PSAMS 120/120 than 200/200.

We'll ask Jennie W. to help us fit these SQZ-OMC mode scans. She can fit the double-peak in the 2xHOM, to give an accurate measure of SQZ-OMC mode-matching with hot OM2 and these two PSAMS settings. Here is just naively calculating mismatch from the relative power in TEM20 (TEM20/(TEM00 + TEM10/01 + TEM20)), and then calculating the total power not in TEM00 (ie 1-TEM00/(TEM00 + TEM10/01 + TEM20)), to get the following estimates on SQZ-OMC mode matching:

PSAMS 120/120, scan: 10/24/23 19:46:53 UTC + 200 seconds.
   --> mismatch ~ TEM20/peak_sums ~ 2%.      Total incl. mismatch + misalignment: 1-tem00/peak_sums ~ 8%.
PSAMS 200/200, scan: 10/24/23 19:04:57 UTC + 200 seconds.
   --> mismatch ~ TEM20/peak_sums ~ 5%.      Total incl. mismatch + misalignment: 1-tem00/peak_sums ~ 12%.

We will follow-up with analysis on OMC loss measurements based on cavity visibility, more accurate SQZ-OMC mode mismatches from these scans, and checking single-bounce SQZ powers through the AS port.




Some relevant alogs, as we try to piece together the SQZ-IFO, IFO-OMC, and SQZ-OMC mode matchings:

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jennifer.wright@LIGO.ORG - 14:38, Thursday 22 February 2024 (75931)

Thanks to Vicky for helping me update the code to work for SQZ measaurements I had some trouble fitting these in the past as the fitting code was not subtracting off the dark current on the measurements, this doesn't matter so much for mode scans using the PSL as this has a much higher power through the OMC than the SQZ beam (16mA on the DCPDs vs. 0.5 mA on the DCPDs).

For the first measurement taken on 24th October 2023, hot OM2, PSAMS (ZM4 at 120V, ZM5 at 120V).

I used 70s of data taken starting at 1382212031.

See attached plots of the mode scan with identified peaks, and the carrier 02 peaks fitted as a sum of lorentzians.

The blue line shows the data zoomed in to the C02 peak. Th red line shows the sum of lorentzians using the fitted parameters of both centre frequencies, both amplitudes, and the half-width at half-maximum of an individual peak.

The purple line shows the lorentzian sum as a function of the initial fitting parameters.


The fitted mode spacing is 149.665 - 149.153 MHz = 0.512 MHz, which is less than the expected HOM spacing 0.588 MHz from this entry which uses the original measurements by Koiji in Table 25.

The mode-mismatch is 0.0062 + 0.0071 /( 0.0062 + 0.0071 + 0.45) = 2.9 % for the 02 modes with the lower frequency mode (horizontal I think) being higher in magnitude.

Code to do run mode scans is and fit the data is in located in labutils/omcscan git reposiotory on /dev branch, ran using labtutils conda enrvironment at labutils gitlab).

Run with

python 1382212031 70 "PSAMS 120/120, SQZ-OMC 1st scan" "single bounce" --verbose -m -p 0.008 -o 2

And also it is neccessary to hard code in the C02 mode being the 5th largest mode and 01 being the third largest in order to get a good fit as the sidebands are off.


find the module:

def identify_C02(self):

then change the lines shown after:

#set frequency to be that of third largest peak.

to read:

third_larg = np.argsort(self.peak_heights)[-3]#third largest is 01.

fourth_larg = np.argsort(self.peak_heights)[-5]#fifth largest is 02

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jennifer.wright@LIGO.ORG - 11:05, Monday 26 February 2024 (75933)

For the second measurement taken on 24th October 2023, hot OM2, PSAMS (ZM4 at 200V, ZM5 at 200V).

I used 80s of data taken starting at 1382209515.

See attached plots of the mode scan with identified peaks, and the carrier 02 peaks fitted as a sum of lorentzians.

The blue line shows the data zoomed in to the C02 peak. Th red line shows the sum of lorentzians using the fitted parameters of both centre frequencies, both amplitudes, and the half-width at half-maximum of an individual peak.

The purple line shows the lorentzian sum as a function of the initial fitting parameters.


The fitted mode spacing is 149.757 - 149.204 = 0.552 MHz, which is less than the expected HOM spacing 0.588 MHz from this entry which uses the original measurements by Koiji in Table 25.

The mode-mismatch is 0.019 + 0.016 / (0.016 + 0.019 + 0.42) = 0.054 = 5.4 % for the 02 modes with the lower frequency mode (horizontal I think) being higher in magnitude.

Code to do run mode scans is and fit the data is in located in labutils/omcscan git reposiotory on /dev branch, ran using labtutils conda environment at labutils gitlab).

Run with

python 1382209515 80 "PSAMS 200/200, SQZ-OMC 2nd scan" "single bounce" --verbose -m -o 2

And also it is neccessary to hard code in the C02 mode being the 4th largest mode and 01 being the third largest in order to get a good fit as the sidebands are off.


find the module:

def identify_C02(self):

then change the lines shown after:

#set frequency to be that of third largest peak.

to read:

third_larg = np.argsort(self.peak_heights)[-3]#third largest is 01.

fourth_larg = np.argsort(self.peak_heights)[-4]#fourth largest is 02

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