Displaying reports 56941-56960 of 78028.Go to page Start 2844 2845 2846 2847 2848 2849 2850 2851 2852 End
Reports until 03:34, Friday 18 September 2015
H1 General
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 03:34, Friday 18 September 2015 - last comment - 04:48, Friday 18 September 2015(21648)
5.1 & 6.3 Earthquakes From Chile (Mid-shift Summary)
Earthquakes ringing planet (& L1/H1 lockloss).
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corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - 04:48, Friday 18 September 2015 (21649)

~10:50 Left to cook salmon and bagel/cream cheese, and set ISC_LOCK to DRMI

11:22 Came back to H1 locked on DRMI  (since 11:18)

NOTE:  So DRMI finally locked up, and on the 0.03-0.1 seismic band, the velocity was down to 0.1um/s. Recap:  

  • 0.03-0.1 Normally 0.01um/s
  • When EQ (over ~1hr) took this band to 0.1um/s, we had lockloss
  • EQ peaked at 1.0um/s(!)
  • Once this band lowered to 0.1um/s, H1 was able to lock DRMI

Observation Mode was set to Earthquake from 10:03-11:34 (should be more like 9:30-11:18, where 11:18-11:33 would be Lock Acquisition).

11:35 Back to Observation Mode (with a range trending toward 80Mpc).


LHO General
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 01:55, Friday 18 September 2015 (21646)
Transition to OWL Shift Update

TITLE:  9/18 OWL Shift:  7:00-15:00UTC (00:00-8:00PDT), all times posted in UTC

STATE OF H1:   Smooth sailing at a steady ~74Mpc.  O1 begins in T-Minus 6hrs!


SUPPORT:  Kissel hung out for an hour, but flying solo now.

QUICK SUMMARY:   H1 has been locked at NOMINAL_LOW_NOISE since 9/17 at 13:49UTC (that's ~19hrs) & the current Observation Segment is going on  15.5hrs.  Range is averaging ~74Mpc.

Seismically, we look decent.  Terramon is warning of an impending 5.1 Chilean quake (0.27um/s) at 9:05utc.  Low winds.  

Ed has left me with a task list for the next lockloss:

H1 General
edmond.merilh@LIGO.ORG - posted 23:58, Thursday 17 September 2015 (21645)
Shift Summary - Evening

TITLE:  Sep 17 EVE Shift 23:00-07:00UTC (16:00-00:00 PDT), all times posted in UTC

STATE Of H1: Observing




Activity log:

23:00 IFO locked and In Observing mode. 70Mpc

00:03 Reset a timing glitch at ETMX

03:23 ETMY Saturation

03:45 ETMY Saturation

04:45 ETMY Saturation

04:46 ETMY Saturation

05:30 ETMY Saturation


End-of-Shift Summary: IFO Locked entire shift 72-76Mpc. No obtrusive Seismic or wind activity. 5 ETMY glitches. Approx. 12 hours coincidence with LLO.No Lockloss, therefore the ITM GS13s are still in LO GAIN state.  Handing of to Corey.

jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 23:08, Thursday 17 September 2015 (21644)
H1 CAL CS Filter File containing current Inverse Actuation Function
J. Kissel

Though I have not yet flipped the sign on te actuation filter as I suspect I need to (see LHO aLOG 21627, and more to come), I've heard on several calls today that in order to resume, hardware injections need to go though an offline test showing that the wave-form must be passed through each sites actuation filter offline to confirm it will not cause saturations in the IFO. In order to facilitate that study, I attach the H1CALCS.txt foton file currently running. Recall that you want the produce FMs 3 and 4 in the H1:CAL-INJ_HARDWARE bank (see LHO aLOG 21487).
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craig.cahillane@LIGO.ORG - posted 23:08, Thursday 17 September 2015 (21643)
Actuation Systematic Fits
C. Cahillane

Today I have fit phase delays on the various actuation stage residuals (L1, L2, L3) and a zero pair on the magnitude residual of the L1 actuation stage to appease the calibration gods.
The L2 and L3 actuation magnitude weighted mean residuals were already flat, so I did not have to fit them.
This gives us a good idea of what our systematics look like for actuation.  Slight phase delays on all at 100 Hz, and large deviation for the L1 stage magnitude.  I will use these results to "correct" systematic error in our model by making a puesdo-model with the systematics included and comparing the two.

To do:
1) Get realistic values for kappa uncertainty
2) Apply systematic "corrections" to a pseudo-model and compare with actual model
3) Make correct A_pu calculation corrections from Mathematica notebook
4) LLO
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H1 General
edmond.merilh@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:41, Thursday 17 September 2015 (21642)
Mid-Shift Summary - Evening


Not much to report. IFO locked and Observing - 74MPC. Wind < 10mph only a mild rise in earthquake graph. ~ 10.5 hours of coincidental locking with LLO. 5 ETMY glitches.

evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:59, Thursday 17 September 2015 - last comment - 13:26, Friday 18 September 2015(21162)
Noise budget for 2015-09-12

This is a budget for the DARM noise on 2015-09-12. Compared to the previous budget, the only major difference (that we know of) is the elimination of the excess 45 MHz AM.

DARM spectrum and calibration

For the DARM estimation I use the DCPD sum, which is calibrated into milliamps. Calibration into freerunning displacement requires the DARM OLTF (I used the CalSVN measurement from 2015-09-10) and an estimate of the optical plant. I use Kiwamu's measurement of the optical plant along with Sudarshan's corrections to arrive at an optical gain of 3.39 mA/pm, and a DARM pole of 349 Hz.

Quantum noise, DCPDs, null stream, readout losses

Quantum noise is taken from GWINC, using the same parameters as previously: recycling gain 37 W/W, 107 kW circulating power, 755 kW BS power, 87 % quantum efficiency, 14 % other readout losses. The dark noise is taken from a measurement made several months ago.

The null stream is higher than this shot noise prediction by about 7 %. This was the case previously, but this is almost certainly a coincidence, since the previous budget used data with two stages of whitening on (which we already know has a small calibration discrepancy). Previously I had used pcal directly to estimate the optical plant (without the necessary pcal correction factors), so this could explain part of the issue.

The attachment shows sum, null, and quantum noise curves, along with 20.0 mA shot noise. It could be that we are missing some readout loss, or the GWINC curve could still require some more tuning of the power.

Seismic, Newtonian, thermal

The seismic and Newtonian curves are the vanilla ones from GWINC, as is the coating Brownian noise.

DAC noise

DAC noise (using Peter's model) is propagated forward to displacement noise at the quads. The elevated noise from Chris's pringle measurements is not yet included.

Intensity and frequency noise

Intensity noise and frequency noise are as described previously. Intensity noise was measured with the ISS outer loop off. I injected into the ISS inner loop error point and used the outer loop's out-of-loop PD array (sum 5–8) to estimate the RIN. Frequency noise is a lower bound, including only the noise of the first stages of the CARM loop (PD dark noise, PD shot noise, and electronics noise of the CARM board).

LSC and ASC control noises

LSC control noises include PRCL, MICH, and SRCL. ASC control noises include dHard, BS, and SR2 loops (these are our high-bandwidth loops). I injected broadband noise for each of these and estimated the coupling via ratio of excess power (not coherent TFs).

Compared to the last budget, the SRCL coupling has increased slightly (see attached injection spectra), which is responsible for the slightly increased LSC noise around 50 Hz. Unclear whether this was a short-term excursion or a long-term drift of the SRCL coupling.

Gas noise

Squeeze film damping and residual gas are calculated as before. End station pressures are assumed to be 1×10−8 torr of molecular hydrogen. For residual gas, I have used 5×10−9 torr of molecular hydrogen.


IMC input jtter was measured by driving the IMC PZT in pitch and in yaw. On Keita's suggestion, as a sensor for the PZT motion I use WFS B I for pitch and WFS A I for yaw. Again the coupling is estimated by excess power ratio. Jitter at the OMC is not yet incorporated.

Based on Bruco, there is still some coherence with the endstation QPDs around 78 Hz, as Gabriele has already noted. But other than that, no channel seems to jump out as the culprit for the noise from 50 Hz to 150 Hz. So either we are looking at some nonlinear process, or we are seeing some kind of displacement noise that is not captured by the digital system.

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evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - 21:08, Thursday 17 September 2015 (21640)

In the above entry I have added a zoomed plot in the region where we have unexplained noise.

In this entry I have attached the residual of the measured noise and the budgeted noise, in two versions. The first uses the total noise trace as given in the above entry. The second uses a total noise trace in which the quantum noise has been increased by 7 %, since (as mentioned above) the quantum noise curve seems to underestimate the shot noise by this amount.

[Of course, simply scaling the overall quantum noise is not correct, but since the radiation pressure part of the curve is buried below the total noise, it doesn't matter too much here.]

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evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - 13:26, Friday 18 September 2015 (21657)

Injection times, 2015-09-12 Z:

  • 04:15:20 − 04:20:30: SRCL
  • 04:23:00 − 04:28:15: MICH
  • 04:31:30 − 04:37:00: PRCL
  • 04:42:30 − 04:47:00: dHard pitch
  • 04:49:00 − 04:56:00: dHard yaw
  • 05:03:00 − 05:08:00: BS pitch
  • 05:10:30 − 05:15:30: BS yaw
  • 05:19:00 − 05:25:30: SR2 pitch
  • 05:28:30 − 05:33:30: SR2 yaw
  • 05:48:20 − 05:35:20: IMC PZT pitch
  • 05:56:10 − 06:01:10: IMC PZT yaw
H1 General (DetChar)
laura.nuttall@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:44, Thursday 17 September 2015 (21639)
DQ Shift: Monday 14 Sept 00:00 UTC - Wednesday 16 Sept 23:59 UTC
The entire DQ shift can be found on the detchar wiki, but here are the highlights (all DQ flags are described on the detchar wiki):
madeline.wade@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:27, Thursday 17 September 2015 - last comment - 20:05, Monday 21 September 2015(21638)
Changes to GDS calibration filters between ER7 and ER8/O1

I've quantified the changes that will take place in the GDS calibration correction filters when the ER8/O1 update occurs. A summary of the changes are:

In total: 

The attached plots illustrate the changes described above.

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madeline.wade@LIGO.ORG - 20:05, Monday 21 September 2015 (21764)

I have also plotted the h(t) spectrum for the ER7 and ER8/O1 GDS filters.  Attached are plots of the spectrum on top of each other and of the residual between the two.  Overall, the ER8/O1 GDS filter updates average ~a few percent corrections to h(t).

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H1 DetChar (DetChar, PEM, SEI, SYS)
jess.mciver@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:12, Thursday 17 September 2015 (21636)
Air compressor at EY thought to be injecting seismic noise to ETMY optics table

Background: As a follow-up to Josh et al.'s finding that an EX air compressor is likely seismically injecting noise into DARM (alog 21436), a similar study was done for EY. 



The counterpart channel used in 21436 (HVE-EY:INSTAIR_PT499) was used in the same fashion to gauge whether the local air compressor was turning on. 

The induced motion is much different than observed at EX; it is not transient (on the scale of a second) but about three minutes long, as seen in H1_EY_AirCompressor_Glitch_Example.

This motion was first noticed at 29 and 58 Hz (as shown in this example spectrum, where blue is during an event and red is quiet time 5 minutes prior) there also appear to be shifted/additional harmonics in every other glitch instance, as seen in the plots in LHO_EY_AirCompressor.pdf

The attached pdf also demonstrates the correlation between the air compressor turning on (as defined in alog 21436) and 29, 58 Hz motion measured in both the ground and optics table. There is also a correlation with the mainsmon voltage monitor, as was observed for the air-compressor-induced motion seen in EX.

Both the daily hveto results and spectrograms of h(t) show no evidence this is producing transients in h(t), unlike the EX mechanism. 

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H1 General (CDS, DetChar)
edmond.merilh@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:03, Thursday 17 September 2015 - last comment - 01:45, Wednesday 23 September 2015(21637)
Diag Reset of Timing Glitch at ETMX

I did a diag reset on a timing glitch that occurred at around 20:48UTC. THe reset was effected at ~23:28UTC

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Comments related to this report
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - 01:45, Wednesday 23 September 2015 (21832)

Does clicking Diag_Reset knock us out of Observation Mode?

LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:04, Thursday 17 September 2015 (21635)
Ops Day End of Shift Summary
TITLE: 09/17 [DAY Shift]: 15:00-23:00 UTC (08:00-16:00 PDT), all times posted in UTC
STATE Of H1: Observing, ~70Mpc
SHIFT SUMMARY: Quiet shift. Remained locked entire time. Only out of observing for ~12 minutes (see previous alog).

(Previous activities in mid shift summary)
20:25 UTC Filiberto taking yellow cart to LSB to pick up package
21:20 UTC Kyle and Gerardo going to Y mid to replace ion pump. Only ended up staging equipment.
22:24 UTC Kyle and Gerardo done.
H1 General
edmond.merilh@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:04, Thursday 17 September 2015 (21634)
Shift Summary - Evening Transition

TITLE: Sep 17 EVE Shift 23:00-07:00UTC (16:00-00:00 PDT), all times posted in UTC

STATE Of H1: Observing


QUICK SUMMARY:Full control room. IFO is locked and in Observing mode for the last 9+ hours @ 70Mpc. Wind is blowing ≤ 10mph. Seismic activity nominally quiet. Lights appear to be off in the LVEA, Mids, Ends and PSL.

kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:25, Thursday 17 September 2015 (21632)
Back and forth to Y-mid
Staging ladders, pumps etc. for GV10 AIP replacement (tomorrow) 

Drove past CS on Y-arm side @ 1415, 1435, 1455, 1515 hrs. local
H1 DetChar (DetChar)
nairwita.mazumder@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:23, Thursday 17 September 2015 (21631)
DQ Shift Report 7th - 10th September and some comments on ETMY saturation glitch followup
Shift Summary:
Total duty cycle were 47%, 36% and 16% for three days respectively.
Mostly locks were broken due to earthquakes/ increased ground motion or saturation of different parts (like ITMX, PRM etc)
Other than some non-stationarity at low frequency, spectrogram looked clean. Most of the high SNR glitches were noticed below 300Hz
In general high SNR glitch rate was low, but increased due to seismic activity and ETMY saturation
60Hz magnetic periodic glitches are still present with SNR <15, 50Hz glitches are noticed ( alog)
Still loud glitches due to ETMY saturation are the main problem for LHO
Most of the loud events are vetoed out successfully by Hveto
Glitches caused by earthquake showed up as a very loud event (with new SNR 8.5) in BBH search on 7th September. 

Some follow up studies of the Loud glitches: It is suspected that the load glitches might be caused by the ETMY saturation or may be because of some other reason. I scanned few randomly chosen loud glitches.
 Few omega scans can be found here:

I did see the glitches in ASC_Y_TR_{A/B} channels. But not always before DARM glitches. I am mentioning these particular channels as during ER7 dust glitches were observed in these channels too.

But I have scanned all the times given in the alog by Stefan  and could not find the same pattern. 


I also ran the modified Lockloss tool with the help of Nutsinee using default channel list and did not find any significant channel (other than SUS-ETMY_L3_MASTER_OUT) except the glitch happened at 1126437892. I have attached the lock loss plot for this particular loud glitch and the significant channels came out as the result of modified lockloss script are as given below (the numbers in the second column show the seconds after those channels had loud glitches):

H1:ASC-OMC_B_YAW_OUT_DQ	        0.000	
H1:ASC-OMC_B_SUM_OUT_DQ	        0.000	
H1:ASC-OMC_B_PIT_OUT_DQ	        0.000	
H1:ASC-OMC_A_YAW_OUT_DQ	        0.000	
H1:ASC-OMC_A_SUM_OUT_DQ	        0.000	
H1:ASC-OMC_A_PIT_OUT_DQ	        0.001	
H1:ASC-AS_B_RF36_Q_YAW_OUT_DQ	0.001	
H1:ASC-AS_A_RF45_Q_YAW_OUT_DQ	0.001	
H1:ASC-AS_A_RF45_Q_PIT_OUT_DQ	0.001	
H1:ASC-AS_A_RF45_I_PIT_OUT_DQ	0.001	
H1:ASC-AS_A_RF36_Q_PIT_OUT_DQ	0.001	
H1:ASC-AS_B_RF36_I_YAW_OUT_DQ	0.001	
H1:ASC-AS_A_RF45_I_YAW_OUT_DQ	0.001	
H1:ASC-AS_A_RF36_I_YAW_OUT_DQ	0.001	
H1:ASC-DHARD_P_OUT_DQ	        0.009	
H1:ASC-DHARD_Y_OUT_DQ           0.140

For all those five times (given in alog 21522) SUS-ETMY_L3_MASTER_OUT had glitches 0.001s after DARM had the loud glitch.(-0.001s before as written in the plot title- Thanks to Hang for noticing this).

In conclusion, it is still not clear to me if ETMY saturation is the reason behind these loud glitches or not.

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jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:17, Thursday 17 September 2015 (21627)
Chasing Signs: H1 is missing the -1 in their Actuation Chain CTRL Chain
J. Kissel, D. Tuyenbayev, J. Betzwieser, S. Kandhasamy

We recently found out LHO has not included the LSC Output matrix in their matlab model of the DARM loop (see LHO aLOG 21601), and this resulted in a discrepant phase in the calculation of the time-dependent parameters. Independently, of the few hardware injections we've managed to test thus far, there remains a minus sign found in the H1 reconstruction (LHO aLOG 21616). Finally, Maddie has found that the sign of DELTAL_CTRL is different between the two observatories (no aLOG yet).

The messages: 
- We have found that CAL-CS *also* does *not* include this LSC OUTPUT MATRIX -1. We think this is an error, yet somehow the CAL_DELTAL_EXTERNAL is still showing sensible results, and we don't understand why.

- We believe this explains the missing sign in the inverse actuation filter. LHO has been inverting the DARM matlab model's version of the actuation function, which did *not* include the LSC output matrix, i.e. a -1, and hardware injections are injected upstream of this output matrix in the DARM path.

- We don't understand what we see when the CAL-CS installations comparing between sites (LHO does NOT account the output matrix, where LLO does, and both sites produce sensible DELTAL EXTERNAL ASDs).

Attached are screenshots of the CAL-CS MEDM screen, the replica of the LSC output matrix, and its actual counterpart in from the LSC overview screen, to prove to myself what is true. 

The path forward: 
- A sanity check: Take two transfer functions, DELTAL_CTRL to DELTAL_EXT and DELTA_RESIDUAL to DELTAL_EXTERNAL. Export them into matlab, add them and subtract them. Check if DELTAL_EXTERNAL would even notice if A was + or -. Our intuition says "yes, it should make some nasty bump or zero in the calibrated ASD."
- Make a sign table like LLO has in LHO aLOG 20587.
- Plot comparisons between both models, and make sure it makes sense.
- Figure out how to handle "the feedback minus sign" convention, to confirm that we're both obeying what's shown in LHO aLOG 21601
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craig.cahillane@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:08, Thursday 17 September 2015 (21604)
Strain Uncertainty with Propagated Actuation and Sensing Uncertainty
C. Cahillane

I have posted my latest uncertainty components plots including the propagated Actuation and Sensing Uncertainty:
I have also deflated my kappa uncertainties to 3% and 3 degrees:

σ_|A_tst| = A_coeff_sigma_mag_A_tst .* abs(A_tst);  
σ_|A_pu| = A_coeff_sigma_mag_A_pum .* abs(A_pum) + A_coeff_sigma_mag_A_uim .* abs(A_uim);
σ_|C_r| = C_coeff_sigma_mag_C_r .* abs(C_r);
σ_|kappa_tst| =  3;
σ_|kappa_pu| = 3;
σ_φ_A_tst = A_coeff_sigma_phase_A_tst;
σ_φ_A_pu = A_coeff_sigma_phase_A_pum + A_coeff_sigma_phase_A_uim;
σ_φ_C_r = C_coeff_sigma_phase_C_r;
σ_φ_kappa_tst = 3;
σ_φ_kappa_pu = 3;
σ_kappa_C = 3;
σ_f_c = 23.4731;

We have very high phase uncertainty above 1000 Hz due to our large systematic error in our sensing phase there.  Recall that I have simply quadratically summed our systematics and statistics into a single uncertainty expression, and that this is giving up valuable info on our error!
Otherwise, we have reasonable error even for 3% and 3 degrees uncertainties in the kappas.
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darkhan.tuyenbayev@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:01, Thursday 17 September 2015 - last comment - 14:20, Thursday 17 September 2015(21601)
Unexplained phase DARM_ERR / X_tst investigation progress

RickS, SudarshanK, CraigC, JeffreyK, DarkhanT

To calculate DARM time-varying parameters we use EPICS records precalculated from DARM OLG TF model, as described in T1500377-v7.

Earlier we reported that EP1 calculated from the canonical DARM model for ER8/O1 had an unexplained phase discrepancy (see LHO alog 21386) that came from measured TF taken between x_tst excitation point to DARM_ERR at cal. line frequency being off by -136.7 degrees compared to TF calculated accoring to Eq. 5 in T1500377 from DARM model. In this alog we outline current status of our investigations of this discrepancy.

The negative sign of the DARM feedback loop that was shown on the simplifed DARM loop diagram in T1500377-v7 was not placed where it actually appears. This update affects only how xtst line to DARM_ERR (and DARM_CTRL) TF is calculated in the DARM model; Pcal and xctrl line to DARM_ERR (and DARM_CTRL) TF equations remain valid in T1500377-v7.

Figure below shows the correct location of the sign flip of the DARM loop (that's not included into C, D or A) accroding to our investigations; we'll update T1500377 with the correct diagram in the next version. (notice that this simplified diagram, as it was cited in T1500377, was borrowed from G1500837 where it might also need to be corrected)

In ER8/O1, since now we have xtst (ESD) calibration line that is injected from the suspension front-end model (inside of the block "A" on the diagram), additional to the knowledge that the sign flip is between the xctrl (DARM line) excitation point and ΔLext, we also need to know the location of it w.r.t. the xtst excitation point.

With the -1 sign flip placed in the new location Eq. 5 and Eq. 7 in T1500377 should not have a "-1" factor. Hence, Eq. 19 will also not have a "-1" factor, meaning that our calculation of EP1 was incorrect by 180 degrees.

Currently there's an unexplained +44.4 degrees of discrepancy (instead of earlier -136.7) between measurement x_tst / DARM_ERR vs. the model itself, that appears in EP1 (we looked into the measurement of x_tst / DARM_ERR on Sep. 10). We are investigating the source of this discrepancy.

The location of the sign was confirmed by using measurements of

meas. file: CalSVN/Runs/ER8/H1/Measurements/FullIFOActuatorTFs/2015-08-29/2015-08-29_H1SUSETMY_L3toDARM_LVLN_LPON_FullLock.xml

meas. file: CalSVN/Runs/ER8/H1/Measurements/DARMOLGTFs/2015-09-10_H1_DARM_OLGTF_7to1200Hz.xml

meas. file: CalSVN/Runs/ER8/H1/Measurements/DARMOLGTFs/2015-09-10_H1_DARM_OLGTF_7to1200Hz.xml

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Comments related to this report
kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - 13:29, Thursday 17 September 2015 (21629)

Are you talking about the LSC output matrix as a place to keep a minus sign or somewhere else ?

darkhan.tuyenbayev@LIGO.ORG - 14:20, Thursday 17 September 2015 (21630)

Kiwamu, that's correct the -1 in the "H1:LSC-ARM_OUTPUT_MTRX" was not included into either D or A.

And as I can see from comparing measurements to the model, it's the only sign flipping factor that was not included into C, D or A transfer functions of the DARM model.

stefan.ballmer@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:49, Wednesday 16 September 2015 - last comment - 15:40, Thursday 17 September 2015(21552)
So called dust glitches, some examples
Attached is agallery of 5 "dust" glitches. Still clueless of what they are, but
 - ETMY saturation is a symptom, not a cause  - it is not possible to produce such a white glitch from saturating a drive.
 - The DCPD spectrum shows a roll-off for all of them
 - But the roll-off frequency (i.e. glitch duration) varies significantly = from about 300Hz to 3kHz.

Example 2:
GPS: 1126294545
UTC: Sep 14 2015 19:35:28 UTC
ETMY saturation: yes

Example 3
GPS: 1126437892
UTC: Sep 16 2015 11:24:35 UTC
ETMY saturation: yes

Example 4
GPS: 1126434798
UTC: Sep 16 2015 10:33:01 UTC
ETMY saturation: yes

Example 5
GPS: 1126441165
UTC: Sep 16 2015 12:19:08 UTC
ETMY saturation: yes

Example 6
GPS: 1126442379
UTC: Sep 16 2015 12:39:22 UTC
ETMY saturation: yes

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nutsinee.kijbunchoo@LIGO.ORG - 05:46, Thursday 17 September 2015 (21613)DetChar

WIth Hang's help, I managed to investigate these glitches with the new lockloss tool using SUS-ETMY_L3_MASTER_OUT_LL_DQ as a reference channel. The script couldn't find any other optics that glitch prior to the ETMY. And sometimes the glitches are seen by ETMX 30-40 miliseconds after.

I've attached the plot of the glitches at the time you've given. I've also attached the list of channel I told the script to look. Basically all the SUS MASTER OUT DQ channels. Please let me know if you have any suggestions on whereelse I should look at.

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stefan.ballmer@LIGO.ORG - 15:40, Thursday 17 September 2015 (21633)
Attached are time traces of the DCPD_SUM for the 5 examples.
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