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Reports until 16:15, Tuesday 18 June 2013
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:15, Tuesday 18 June 2013 (6792)

(Cheryl, Corey, Jeff B., Lisa, Virginio)


As of yesterday, this lab is now primed and ready to go.  We are requiring full cleanroom suits to enter.  The AC could be better (it's a little warm in there).  We now have parts out and are begining to build TMS Sub-Assys.  Pictures of the Lab are here.

All of this morning, Virginio and I unbagged parts and set up the lab for assembly.

TMS In-Vac Table Assy

Started building this Assy today.  As I was building it, I noticed we did not have vented washers, so I called it a day and started a search---I think we should be fine.  Want to get this assembly built ASAP so Lisa & Matt can layout optics on this Table (Lisa started cleaning small optics yesterday). 

TMS Telescope Assy

Virginio has started this assembly.  Upon building, he noticed one of the Teletube Assys had spots of rust on it.  We have India Tubes, so he swapped it with an extra one. (does rust on a part mean we do NOT want it in the vacuum system??).  Pictures of the rusty Tube are here.

Damage to 9" Parabolic Telescope Mirror Container

Yesterday I received a box which had a Pelican box (internally-cushioned hard suit case) with all four of the Mirrors for the Telescope.  Unfortunately, we discovered that the 9" Parabolic Mirror (the biggest one) was in a plastic container which failed.  The container cracked and the mirror looks liked it bumped about in the container during its trip to LHO.  There are noticeable particulates on all surfaces of the mirror.  And there also looks to be a big scuff mark on the edge of the front surface from where the mirror rubbed against the container.

The plan is to move on and clean all four optics.  Hopefully the big optic is useable.

Pictures of the optics are here.

Receiving Of TMS Parts

We've been deluged with TMS parts last week and this week, and between Cheryl, Jeff, and myself, we've beeing doing our best to keep the TMS wave at bay.  :)

michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:06, Tuesday 18 June 2013 (6791)
HPO diode currents adjusted

Rick S, Michael R

Yesterday Rick found the PSL output power was about 20 W too low. Some AEI people suggested we increase the pump light to get back our power, so today we went inside to adjust the pump diode current and temperatures. We made the following current and temperature changes:

Temperature changes were applied to all the diodes in one box, we did not adjust individual diode temperatures.

When we were adjusting diode box temperatures, we expected to get more power as we moved the center of the pump light spectrum toward 807.5 nm. However, we found each box was optimized at a different wavelength:

The diode boxes are closer to 100% than before, but are still a few percent off. We could bring them back to 100% but the output power of the laser would drop, and we couldn't get the power back by adjusting temperature. DB3 in particular wouldn't cooperate, and is now at 95.7%. Another unusual thing about DB3 is the EPICs readout of the current on this box is 101 A. However, the power supply box in the diode room is reading the correct 50.9 A. The green bar on the Beckhoff screen displaying the diode current shows this 101 A as well, but the numerical value is still at 50.9 A. We're not sure why this is.

mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:32, Tuesday 18 June 2013 (6790)
HAUX upgrade

Following work by Joe Betzwieser at LLO (alog7141), I upgraded the h1susim model and screens to provide new-style alignment offsets (implemented with filters so that the RAMP option is available) and to reduce the DAQ data rate from 2048 to 256. This involved:

* SVN updating /opt/rtcds/userapps/trunk/sus/h1/models, just in case.

* SVN updating /opt/rtcds/userapps/trunk/sus/common/models to get new HAUX_MASTER.mdl and FOUROSEM_DAMPED_ALIGNMENT_STAGE_MASTER.mdl parts (also HTTS_MASTER.mdl ).

* SVN updating /opt/rtcds/userapps/trunk/sus/common/medm/haux to get new SUS_CUST_HAUX_OVERVIEW.adl and  SUS_CUST_HAUX_OVERVIEW_all.adl.

* Building h1susim.

* Restoring from the 12:00 hourly backup and then manually copying the old offsets (as follows) into the new screens (new names are ...M1_OPTICALIGN_P_OFFSET and ...M1_OPTICALIGN_Y_OFFSET):

H1:SUS-IM1_M1_OFFSET_P 1 2.330000000000000e+03
H1:SUS-IM1_M1_OFFSET_Y 1 -1.700000000000000e+02

H1:SUS-IM2_M1_OFFSET_P 1 -1.880000000000000e+03
H1:SUS-IM2_M1_OFFSET_Y 1 -3.000000000000000e+02

H1:SUS-IM3_M1_OFFSET_P 1 2.850000000000000e+03
H1:SUS-IM3_M1_OFFSET_Y 1 3.000000000000000e+02

H1:SUS-IM4_M1_OFFSET_P 1 -2.420000000000000e+03
H1:SUS-IM4_M1_OFFSET_Y 1 -9.800000000000000e+02

* Confirming that the new alignment offset channels were in the autoBurt.req file and saving/committing a new safe.snap.

* Getting the DAQ restarted so the new channels/rates would take effect.

NOTE: while researching what LLO had done, I discovered an error in l1susim: IM1 is supposed to be a call to the HAUX_MASTER.mdl part, but the link is broken, so it refers to a local copy (IM2-4 are OK). The local copy has the filter based alignment offsets and so works with the new screens, but the data rates for associated channels are still the old 2048 rather than the new 256.

kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:11, Tuesday 18 June 2013 (6788)
checked and tuned fiber polarization controller

[Richard, Daniel, Kiwamu]

 Richard and I took a look at the fiber connections around the fiber polarization controller in the MSR this morning because the output fiber seemed flaky yesterday (alog 6786). However we were unable to reproduce the same situation --- wiggling the fiber didn't change the power transmitted to the end station. So the symptom we saw yesterday is gone for whatever reasons.

Besides, Daniel and I tuned up the polarization controller since this seemed adding another loss of factor of 2-ish due to the wrong polarization. We rotated the knobs in the front panel of the controller box to minimize the rejected light on ISCTEY. The picture below is the setup for the polarization box after the tuning :

Images attached to this report
stefan.ballmer@LIGO.ORG - posted 00:20, Tuesday 18 June 2013 - last comment - 14:29, Tuesday 18 June 2013(6786)
ALS recovery after power outage / EY drift
(Kiwamu, Chris, Alexa, Lisa, Matt, Stefan)

We had to solve a series of mysteries today:

- The green beam from ISCTEY was completely misaligned. However, HEPI, ISI and suspensions were all at the same location as last Friday. The beam was realigned on to the quadrant PDs on the TMSY.
- The BSC cable running to the beat node monitor spectrum analyser was ripped out of its connector. Our forensic analysis team concluded that someone must have entered EY, stumbled over the cable and hit the ISCTEY hard enough to misalign it in yaw.
- The IFR frequency synthesizer used for the fiber launch AOM had to be reset after the power outage.
- The fiber connectors at the polarization controller in the MSR seem broken - the transmitted power changed by a factor of 5 when we wiggled the fiber connector. In the end we lost about a factor of 2 from what we expected. (That's on top of the factor of two loss in the reference cavity power.)
- The ALS-Y PLL autolocker is completely messed up after the reboot. This needs to be looked at.

- The MC x-over is currently set 10db too high - haven't tracked down why.

- We also redid the PLL to tame our ALS-C frequency sensor: We currently have a SR560 with a gain of 5 in feed-back (resuling in a 60kHz UGF of the PLL). On top we have an SR560 with pole at 1Hz and a gain of 10 hooked up to the PLL control signal.

Comments related to this report
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 09:09, Tuesday 18 June 2013 (6787)

As for EY thing, HEPI, ISI, EY suspension are exonerated (OPLEV looks fine),  TMSY suspension is also exonerated (once ISCTEY was aligned to TMSY, we were already hitting ITMY without changing TMS offset).

It should be some strange failure mode of ISCTEY (table moved, something on the table moved etc.) or more esoteric failure mode of TMSY (e.g. table/tele moved in relation to the top without affecting the top, in-vac steering mirror moved).

We had to physically turn a knob of a steering mirror downstream of the second PZT mirror on ISCTEY to relieve a huge YAW offset on the PZT mirror 2.

This was about a half turn of the knob of 100 TPI actuator (see the pictures showing before/after), and since this is a 2" mount, the angle change is

1"/200 / 2" = 2.5 mrad

which is huge.

Images attached to this comment
lisa.barsotti@LIGO.ORG - 14:29, Tuesday 18 June 2013 (6789)
 The BSC cable running to the beat node monitor spectrum analyser was ripped out of its connector. Our forensic analysis team concluded that someone must have entered EY, stumbled over the cable and hit the ISCTEY hard enough to misalign it in yaw. 

The cable was running on the floor between the ALS electronics racks and the spectrum analyzer, right in front of the ALS table.
Images attached to this comment
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:10, Monday 17 June 2013 (6785)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts requested from 5 PM June 16 to 5 PM June 17.

Both the dust monitor at location 14 in the LVEA (H2 PSL enclosure) and the dust monitor at location 16 in the LVEA (H1 PSL anteroom) are indicating calibration failures.
Non-image files attached to this report
fabrice.matichard@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:59, Monday 17 June 2013 (6784)
HEPI BS offset after power outage
HEPI BS showed large offsets in H4 (~ +25000 counts) and V4 (~ -30000cts) after power outage. We disconnected the valve from the driver to check the electronics, they are fine. We closed the valves, and the offset dropped so we suspect something wrong with the Parker valves.

After playing for a while with offsets, H4 eventually dropped back to normal (8000 counts). We are driving V4 actuator overnight hoping to "unlock" this one as well. We are driving with 50s cycles, a bit below the channel frequency so that the actuator follows the drive and fluid circulates in and out. We'll check the offset tomorrow morning.

richard.savage@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:41, Monday 17 June 2013 (6783)
Recovering H1 PSL after power outage
Working today on getting the PSL back up.

The measured laser output power is down by about 20 W from what it was before the power outage this weekend.
When the PMC locks on the TEM_01 mode, the transmitted power is about 10 W, only about 2 W lower than what it is when it locks on the TEM_00 mode.
Before adjusting the alignment into the PMC, I would like to understand what has changed.  Maybe it is related to the power drop from the high-power oscillator (HPO).

The power meters that measure the reflected and transmitted PMC power were giving bogus readings on the PMC MEDM screen (negative power).  Removing the power connector at the meter head and reconnecting corrected this.  The LED on the PMC locking diode is very dim, much dimmer than the ISS PDs, for instance.  It may have been this way all along.

The first time the system was restarted, it shut down after about 30 minutes.   The cause of this shut down is now known.  The chillers seem to have plenty of water and the flow rates are well above the nominal thresholds.

Left the system to warm up overnight.  Watchdogs are set on both the front end (FE) and HPO.
We will trend all the relevant diagnostic channels in the morning (diode currents, powers, temperatures, etc.) to see if we can find what might have changed with the FE or HPO.

hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:43, Monday 17 June 2013 (6782)
LHO Corner Station & EndY HEPI Pumps & Pump Servo Restarted

Restarted the Controllers (IOCs) and Pumps this morning ~1130 & 1230 respectively.  No unusual issues in this process

hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:41, Monday 17 June 2013 (6781)
WBSC3 & WHAM6 HEPI Actuators moved from Bleed to Operation Mode

Just like HAM1 BSC1 & BSC2 are in Run mode, BSC3 and HAM6 are now also in Run mode.  HAMs2 3 4 & 5 are all still in Bleed Mode.  I did this between 10 & 11 am before restarting the LVEA Pump Stations.

LHO General
justin.bergman@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:56, Monday 17 June 2013 (6780)
ops shift

Site recovering from multiple small power "outages" during the weekend.

Corner Station laser safe, End stations in laser hazard (Laser welding at EX)

910- Dave and Jim restoring/recovering CDS machines, power cycling I/O chassis

915 Hugh restoring HEPI pump controllers which had shutdown

1145-1600 Rick Savage recovering PSL

1200 HEPI pump controllers for corner station operating normally

1245 HEPI controller at EY operating normally

1430 Pablo working in H2 PSL Enclosure

1456 Hugh investigating BSC2

1500-1600 Kyle leak checking GV6---this will require craning leak detector over YBM

1530 Dave B doing BURT restore on PSL FSS back to 6/15 backup

X1 General
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:27, Monday 17 June 2013 (6779)
All test stands restarted after power failure
I have restarted the DTS, triple test stand, quad test stand, and seismic test stand.  The test stands in the staging building have only the IOP model and daqd processes running, so the users will need to start the appropriate models for their tests.
kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:00, Monday 17 June 2013 (6777)
HAM1 chamber pictures

I have uploaded some pictures of the HAM1 chamber which were taken when we finished the in-vacuum work in this past Thursday (see alog 6755) to ResourceSpace.


Images attached to this report
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:26, Monday 17 June 2013 - last comment - 15:38, Monday 17 June 2013(6776)
status of the burt restore safe.snaps

During the recovery of the front end models I took the opportunity to review the status of the safe.snap files.

Of the 79 models, we had 19 safe.snap failures (24%).

here is the list of the failed models

Missing safe.snap files:

h1iopsusauxb123, h1susauxb123, h1susauxh2, h1susauxh34, h1isitst, h1hpiitmy, h1hpibs, h1hpiitmx, h1isiitmx, h1hpiham1, h1susauxey, h1asc

safe.snap files out of date:

h1susim, h1hpiham3, h1isiham2, h1isiham3, h1iscey

Also noted that some safe.snap files are not links to svn files but static files within the target area. Presumably these are not under svn control, here is the list:

h1hpiham6, h1isiham6, h1hpiham2, h1hpiham3,  h1hpiham4, h1hpiham5, h1isiham4, h1isiham5, h1pslfss, h1lsc, h1ascimc

NOTE, apologies, the hpi isi ham4,5,6 are hard linksed to their SVN files.

Comments related to this report
hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - 15:38, Monday 17 June 2013 (6778)

I updated the safe.snap files for h1hpiham2 and h1hpiham3. Hard links were reset and checked OK.

I made a snafe.snap for h1ihpiham1, and the related hard link. 

Those snap files were commited under the svn:
h1hpiham1  -r4746
h1hpiham2  -r4747
h1hpiham3  -r4748

The safe.snap files of h1isiham2 and h1isiham3 need to be updated, to account for the recent addition of the oplev. I would need to turn the control off of those ISIs to update the safe.snap which cannot be performed without pertubating HIFO-Y. I will hold off for now.
kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:23, Monday 17 June 2013 (6775)
recovery of end Y laser

[Matt, Kiwamu]

We found that the end laser had become off in this past Saturday likely due to the power outage. The interlock seemed to have been initialized --- no power was supplied to the end laser. So we pressed the small red reset button for this power line at the floor in the Y end station and this recovered the end laser back on. We didn't change any current or temperature settings.

david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:18, Monday 17 June 2013 (6774)
H1 front ends and DAQ back up. ECAT ini were reconfigured

Given the strange status of some of the front ends, we decided to cleanly power cycle all front end computers, IO Chassis, Timing fanouts and IRIG-B units (with the execption of the MSR timing master and IRIG-B which are on UPS).

This was done in the corner station CER, LVEA, EY and MX.

All front ends are now running.

The DAQ was restarted several times. All the EPICS gateways were restarted.

It as noted that VE signals from IOCS MR, LX and LY were unavailable from the power outage to today. We are investigating why.

Daniel provided new INI files for ECAT C1, I have added them to the DAQ and renamed the INI files to the EDCU standard.

hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:17, Monday 17 June 2013 (6773)
HAM Status

Here is the current status of the aLIGO SEI work regarding the HAM chambers. Everything in bold is to be completed for HIFO-Y. Everything in red is a change from last week's status. Everything in green is available.


·         HAM 1

o    HEPI unlocked and running
      Ongoing commissioing

·         HAM2

o   ISI: previously commissioned with HEPI locked (recent performance spectra), currently unlocked, in vacuum

o   HEPI: to be commissioned, currently locked, models and electronics ready. Commissioning could start once HEPI is unlocked.

·         HAM 3

o   ISI: previously commissioned with HEPI locked (recent performance spectra), currently unlocked, in vacuum

o   HEPI: To be commissioned, currently locked, model and electronics ready. Commissioning could start once HEPI is unlocked.

·         HAM 4 

o   ISI: In chamber, Previously tested during assembly validation, currently locked, no suspension installed, in-vac cables not connected, chamber temporarily closed.
     Electronics ready, in field cables ready, in-rack cables 90%
     Simulink Model was created.
     Model is running, and MEDM screens are available in the Sitemap.

o   HEPI: Currently locked, to be commissioned
     Electronics ready, in field cables ready, in-rack cables 90%
     Simulink Model was created.
     Model is running, and MEDM screens are available in the Sitemap.

·         HAM 5

o   ISI: In Chamber, Previously tested during assembly validation, currently locked, no suspension installed, in-vac cables not connected, chamber temporarily closed.         
     Electronics ready, in field cables ready, in-rack cables 90%
     Simulink Model was created.
     Model is running, and MEDM screens are available in the Sitemap.

o   HEPI: Currently locked, to be commissioned     
     Electronics ready, in field cables ready, in-rack cables 90%   
     Simulink Model was created.

     Model is running, and MEDM screens are available in the Sitemap.


·         HAM 6

o   ISI: in a container. Need to be retrofitted with aLIGO censors (GS13, CPS) and to receive a new set of Actuator Cables. Cables and inertial sensors will be tested prior to installation. All this will happen chamber-side prior to installation in chamber. Commissioning will follow.
    Electronics and cables started, the rest is ordered.
    Simulink Model was created.
    Model is running, and MEDM screens are available in the Sitemap.


o   HEPI: Currently locked, to be commissioned
     Electronics ready, in-rack cables 90%
     Simulink Model was created.
     Model is running, and MEDM screens are available in the Sitemap.

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