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Reports until 17:56, Monday 15 April 2013
hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:56, Monday 15 April 2013 (6095)
HAM2-ISI - TF Overnight

Transfer functions are running overnight on HAM2-ISI. Jim pulled the covers away witht he metal rods taken from HAM3. Covers should not rub against the ISI this time around.

arnaud.pele@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:48, Monday 15 April 2013 - last comment - 16:24, Tuesday 25 March 2014(6014)

B&K hammer test was made monday and tuesday last week with Betsy and Travis on HAM2 and HAM3 chamber for MC1-MC3-PR3-PRM-PR2 suspensions

The measurements have been taken with :

Pictures attached are showing position of the tri-axis accelerometer, and hammer hit locations for : 

The following pdf document shows the different measurements, with comparisons between VA on / off for PR3 and PRM, and comparisons between LLO and LHO measurements.

As required for the ISI tables, resonnances of the structure below 150Hz (marked by the black dotted line) are damped by the vibration absorbers (page 9 to 12 to see their effects on PRM and PR3)

Data have been exported and plotted following the operations manual wikipage.

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arnaud.pele@LIGO.ORG - 16:24, Tuesday 25 March 2014 (10997)

Label on the first picture should be MC1 and not MC3.

arnaud.pele@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:37, Monday 15 April 2013 (6094)
PR3 Phase 3a passed

Phase 3a transfer functions have been running last friday on PR3 supension. Transfer functions are consistent with model.

First pdf shows TFs with damping on vs model, the second one shows TFs with damping off vs model

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cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:16, Monday 15 April 2013 (6093)
PRM aligned and parking positionsL
PRM was left in it's parking position after IO work last week, and this was disruptive to transfer functions last Thursday.  Today I put PRM into it's aligned position, so new transfer functions can be made.

The PRM PARKED position, which sends the IFO REFL beam out a viewport atop HAM2, is:
P = +2500 urads, which is    4688 in counts of drive
Y = -6000 urads, which is -16084 in counts of drive

The PRM ALIGNED position, which sends the IOF REFL beam into HAM1, is:
P = +2000 urads, which is 3750 in counts of drive
Y =     +50 urads, which is   134 in counts of drive

Aligned snapshot of the medm attached.
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arnaud.pele@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:12, Monday 15 April 2013 (6092)
PRM Phase 3a passed

Prior to HAM3 chamber close up, PRM transfer functions have been running last friday.

The attached pdfs show :

  1. Comparison between last TF damping on and model
  2. Comparison between last TF damping off and model
  3. Comparison between last TF LHO damping on/damping off and LHO phase 3a (in march 2013)
  4. Zoomed version of 3

Measurements are consistents with model and previous data, and PRM has been approved for Phase 3a testing

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LHO General
justin.bergman@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:52, Monday 15 April 2013 (6086)
ops shift
0730 Justin refilling xtal chiller in diode room
0900 LVEA transitioned to Laser SAFE
0920 Filiberto pulling cables along HAM 2/3
0930 Thomas working on OpLev near HAM 2/3
0945 Cyrus to EX
1015 Cheryl torquing bolts HAM 2/3
1020 Arnaud taking quick measurement at BSC2
1030 Gerardo working on periscope and baffle alignment @BSC2
1250 Arnaud taking spectra at PRM
1350 Pablo and Michael R working on periscope assembly in H2 PSL enclosure

arnaud.pele@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:46, Monday 15 April 2013 (6091)
MC3 Phase 3a passed

Prior to HAM3 chamber close up, MC3 transfer functions have been running last friday.

The attached pdfs show :

  1. Comparison between last TF damping on and model
  2. Comparison between last TF damping off and model
  3. Comparison between last TF LHO damping on/damping off and LHO phase 3a (in december 2012)
  4. Zoomed version of 3

Measurements are consistents with model and previous data, and MC3 has been approved for Phase 3a testing.

The only particularity to notice is that the damping in YAW doesn't provide much effect

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arnaud.pele@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:32, Monday 15 April 2013 (6089)
MC2 Phase 3a passed

Prior to HAM3 chamber close up, MC2 transfer functions have been running last friday.

The attached pdfs show :

  1. Comparison between last TF damping on and model
  2. Comparison between last TF damping off and model
  3. Comparison between last TF LHO damping on/damping off and LHO phase 3a (in december 2012)
  4. Zoomed version of 3

Measurements are consistents with model and previous data, and MC2 has been approved for Phase 3a testing

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cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:23, Monday 15 April 2013 (6085)
IO bolts (and a few others) in HAM2 and HAM3 torqued to somewhat spec.
- Cheryl, Chris (Apollo) 

HAM2 and HAM3 IO component bolts are now torqued to spec.  The actual inch-pounds is unknown, as we were working at the end of the range of the torque wrench.

I checked the 1/4-20 bolts that are holding down cables and found a couple in each chamber that were loose - IO and SUS.

I found a couple IO 1/4-20s in HAM2 that seemed to be over torqued, and backed out one of them.

This clears all of the known IO mechanical changes needed before close-out - HAM2/3 given back to SEI.
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:45, Monday 15 April 2013 (6084)
Restarted models, timing incorrect
I restarted the user model and the IOP model this morning, there was a 55 second timing error that was causing excitations to behave badly.
thomas.vo@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:18, Monday 15 April 2013 (6083)
HAM 2 & 3 Optical Levers
Kiwamu I. Thomas V.

We've aligned the in-chamber optics for both HAM2 and HAM3, this is with the ISI balanced and locked (hopefully this does not change the pitch and yaw significantly after pumpdown and unlocking).  We only turned knobs on the optic mounts and did not translate anything on the ISI table so this should not have changed the #balance for @SEI.  The beams going in and coming out of the chambers look clean, I believe everything that needs to be done for these optical levers can be finished outside of the chamber.
jim.warner@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:36, Monday 15 April 2013 - last comment - 15:12, Monday 15 April 2013(6082)
HAM's 2 &3 Locked, BSC2 Unlocked

HAM's 2 & 3 are locked for AOS closeout. BSC2 is unlocked, but it looks like we have a bad CPS there, so we may be locking again shortly.

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jim.warner@LIGO.ORG - 15:12, Monday 15 April 2013 (6088)

BSC2 locked, then unlocked again to facilitate change out of a bad CPS. Now, it's floating, while Gerardo Sr. is in chamber with IAS for lollipop baffle alignment. HAM2 is also unlocked again for SEI checkouts, while HAM3 remains locked. Phew.

arnaud.pele@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:45, Monday 15 April 2013 - last comment - 12:42, Monday 29 April 2013(6081)
BeamSplitter phase 3a (pre)testing

Beamsplitter transfer functions have been running over the weekend in order to fix any issues during the day if needed.

The attached pdfs show :

  1. Comparison between last TF damping on and model
  2. Comparison between last TF damping off and model
  3. Comparison between LHO damping on/off and LLO phase 3a (feb 2013) TFs
  4. Zoomed version of 3.

Vertical degree of freedom is noisier than expected between 1.5 and 3Hz (3rd page of each pdf).

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arnaud.pele@LIGO.ORG - 15:10, Monday 15 April 2013 (6087)

Gerardo went into the chamber, checked the EQ stops, and nothing is apparently touching. When the chamber will be free tomorrow during the day, I will run quick DTT measurements for the vertical degree of freedom, between 1 and 3Hz and see if it's still noisy. There were no need of taking the night for full measurements since the other DOFs are fine. I let the night to Vincent for ISI tfs if needed.

arnaud.pele@LIGO.ORG - 13:44, Monday 22 April 2013 (6158)

I ran a DTT transfer function on the vertical degree of freedom of the beamsplitter this morning

New TF looks nicer than the old one from April 12th, meaning the beamsplitter is healthy and passed Phase 3a testing

Will run a full set of TF tonight, for our record.

Data of the DTT measurement has been saved in a matlab structure named :M1VtoM1V_20130422.mat under SusSVN/sus/trunk/BSFM/H1/BS/SAGM1/Data and has been commited to the svn

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arnaud.pele@LIGO.ORG - 12:42, Monday 29 April 2013 (6219)

Last measurement on the beamsplitter has been taken monday night April 22nd with damping on and off, before pumping down BSC2 chamber.

One thing to notice :

Vertical degree of freedom remains noisy around 2Hz, as on April 12th, even though dtt transfer function from aLOG 6158 doesn't show any issues. It could be that when taking TF with matlab, the drive for that frequency band is not high enough. I will try with higher gains in the MATLAB_TFs.m script and see if it changes anything. 

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sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:35, Sunday 14 April 2013 (6079)
ALS doubling path
Kiwamu and I went into the PSL this morning, and added two irises to the ALS doubling path (labeled ALS iris 1 and 2) to use as references for the alignment into HAM1 and out onto ISCT1.  We moved the second lens in that path about 1.25 inches closer to the periscope to get the beam better collimated leaving the table.  A mode scan of the resulting beam is attached. The spacing of the measurements is small compared to the Rayleigh range, so the fitting is not great, but we have a pretty well collimated beam with a radius of 3.3 mm coming onto ISCT1 now.  We also aligned the path up o the SHG again.  For the purposes of calculating a mode matching solution, the first steering mirror is 4+1/2" from the bottom periscope mirror, the second is 18+1/2 inches away, and we have about 13 inches after the second steering mirror in which we can place the SHG.  
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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:56, Saturday 13 April 2013 (6077)
BSC 2 Next Vent Installation Task List

Again, the beginnings of a list - Things we need to address during the next vent opportunity (after HIFOy test):


Cleaning of BS optic

Set top stage BOSEMs in position to account for buoyancy (flat out forgot to do this and ran out of time)

betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:53, Saturday 13 April 2013 (6076)
HAM 2/3 Next Vent Installation Task List

The beginnings of a list - Things we need to address during the next vent opportunity (after HIFOy test):


PRM optic cleaning (if not all optics on table)

Although it "passed" the data round, investigate further some PR2 minor TF cross-coupling (SUS: see emails circa 4/11/2013 Kissel/Pele/Barton

Recenter any outstanding lower stage AOSEMs

sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:14, Friday 12 April 2013 - last comment - 18:38, Sunday 14 April 2013(6073)
Beam profile on ISCT1
Kiwamu, Sheila

We removed the guillotine on the viewport and saw that the beam is nice and Gaussian.  The guillotine was also probably causing polarization problems, now that we have removed it the ghost beams off the 5% reflector and the mirror after it are much better.  
We then measured the beam profile (with PLCX-50.4-309.1 installed right after the periscope mirror, at 0.223 in the units of the plot which start from the inner edge of the enclosure walls), the data and a fit is attached.  Propagating this beam back towards the PSL gives an answer that does not make much sense, I would need to be off by 2cm in the lens position to get a reasonably collimated beam to propagate 10m back to the PSL, but I double checked my measurements and they seem to be OK.  

The conclusion is that if we want to adjust the lenses to make sure we will not have problems with clipping on the PSL periscope upper mirror (or other places) in the future, we probably need to measure the beam inside the PSL first.  
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john.worden@LIGO.ORG - 07:16, Saturday 13 April 2013 (6074)

Kiwamu, Sheila,

How does one view the beam profile file(.fig)? 



kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - 07:41, Saturday 13 April 2013 (6075)

You need Matlab to view the fig file.

sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - 18:38, Sunday 14 April 2013 (6080)
here's a PDF, sorry about that.  
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hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:26, Friday 12 April 2013 - last comment - 14:59, Sunday 14 April 2013(6071)
HAM2-ISI - TF Running

Transfer functions are running over the weekend on HAM2-ISI as well.

HAM2 was unlocked. It was a bit difficult the get the tight covers to stay away from the ISI without the rods we usually have (used on HAM3, see attached pictures). I added a couple clamps to keep the sheet in place over the weekend.

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hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - 14:59, Sunday 14 April 2013 (6078)

It looks like the covers rubbed against the ISI afterall. We need to take the cover rods from HAM3 chamber, put them on HAM2 and take a new set of measurements.

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