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Reports until 16:03, Wednesday 03 October 2012
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:03, Wednesday 03 October 2012 (4366)
HAM3 work

Today, we finished the B&K Hammer measurements on PR2 and MC2.  We also finalized the cable routing (more like threading) between the IO and ISC multitude of small mirror mounts and sled, adding more metal cable straps to hold everything down to the table surface nicely.  SUS really just needs to remove FC and inspect/cleanup the optics before closing out this chamber.  IO and ISC may have more work...

LHO General
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:02, Wednesday 03 October 2012 (4364)
Control Room Computer Changes
The workstations on the left side of the control room (as you face the screens) have been converted to be used for h1.  Also, the video screens on the left side are all now assigned for h1 displays.
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:26, Wednesday 03 October 2012 (4363)
various front ends restarted/rebooted to characterize mx_streams problem

Tuesday morning maintenance:

In an attempt to characterize the mx-streams issue (a front end is restarted/rebooted and all DAQ data from all front ends becomes bad), I made a variety of model restarts and front end computer power cycles using the following front ends:

h2susauxb478, h2pemeyaux, h2seib8, h2susb78, h2susb478.

Unfortunately I was unable to reproduce the problem.

LHO General
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:09, Wednesday 03 October 2012 (4362)
New webview scripts installed.
New webview scripts have been installed to automatically capture the currently built models for h1 and h2.  This new script allows read-only examination the current models from anywhere using a web browser, no matlab needed.  The current version treats model parts as links, so one can easily examine the hierarchy of the models.  The script has been adapted from one used at LLO, modified to handle two IFOs.
LHO General
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:00, Wednesday 03 October 2012 (4361)
New version of awgstream installed for control room computers
A new version of awgstream has been installed for control room computers for Ubuntu and OS X.  This version is for a bug fix that involves obtaining a channel list when the list has grown longer than a built-in limit.  The new code should solve this, at least until the list becomes so long that no storage can hold it!
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:54, Wednesday 03 October 2012 (4360)
WBSC8 Cartridge Ready for Extract
Thomas Vo and Bob Anderson reported yesterday to me that the ACB is down off the ISI.

Yesterday, SEI disconnected the ISI cables from the Feedthrus and secured them up above the ISI Stage0.  We also removed nearly 700lbs pulling the Keel Ballast Mass off along with the Stage1 Trim Mass.  The Mounting Pads are installed and torqued.  Also the Stage0/Support Tube bolts are all but a few removed and those are confirmed free and ready to easily extract.
We are ready to crane the Tri-Lift Spreader into position and connect up to the Cartridge.  We still need to fuss a bit with the sequencing of balancing the lift, lowering the cleanroom and positioning/opening covers.

Thanks to Jim and Mitchell and especially Jodi for helping securing, offloading, and wrapping up our goods.
stuart.aston@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:24, Tuesday 02 October 2012 - last comment - 18:07, Thursday 04 October 2012(4359)
Update of HXTS output compensation filters for all optics
As requested by Jeff K, I have updated the compensation filters for H1 HXTS suspensions. A similar update previously been carried out at LLO by Joe B (see LLO aLOG entry 4417). 

The process was first tested with the SR2 (HSTS) suspension, using the prepare script, located in "/ligo/svncommon/SusSVN/sus/trunk/Common/MatlabTools/", with the following Matlab command:-


Updated foton filter files were then visible from the GDS_TP screen for h1sussr2. The "Coeff Load" button was selected to import the new filters. A cursory check over the medm screens indicated that new filters were in place (see note below).

This was then repeated for PR3 (HLTS), PR2, PRM, MC3, MC2, and MC1.

The process initially failed (hung-up) for MC2, as this was found to already have in existence h1susmc2.txt.bak and h1susmc2.bak.txt, which prevented the process from completing. Once these were deleted, prepare scripts could complete.  

N.B. it was observed that the following models did not contain any DAMP filters: SR2, PR3, PRM. I shall confirm if this is intended with Joe B or Jeff K.
Comments related to this report
stuart.aston@LIGO.ORG - 18:07, Thursday 04 October 2012 (4381)
Joe B informed us that the "Prepare.m" script did not currently populate the DAMP filter banks.

So I have manually copied and pasted via Foton the 'default' filter banks from the MC2 (HSTS) to SR2, SRM and PR3 (HLTS). 

During this process I also transferred over the normDOF calibration filter from the DAMP filter bank too, with the exception of PR3 given we have not yet calibrated a HLTS suspension.
thomas.vo@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:30, Tuesday 02 October 2012 (4358)
H2 BSC8 ACB De-Install
Tim N, Gerardo M, Bob A, Thomas V

We have removed the ACB in BSC8 completely off of stage-0.  The parts are currently residing in the beam tube along with the lift table that will be sent to the machine shop for re-work per Tim N.  All parts will be extracted from the chamber once the cartridge is removed.

One note is that 5 AG-plated SHCS were still stage-0, I believe these were the hand tapped holes that were used for the pushers during installation and left in as plugs for any particulate from the tapping process, I wasn't sure if I should remove them so I left them in. 
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:52, Tuesday 02 October 2012 (4357)
CP8 dewar over-filled today -> expect a Low Level alarm tonight -no action is required -> PID will regain control after xfer line cools down tonight

LHO General
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:14, Tuesday 02 October 2012 (4356)
Packing optics from OSB Optics Lab
Cheryl and I spent some time working on the iLIGO Core Optics today. This morning, we verified the identity and location of the optics going to KAGRA. After lunch and re-reading the packing procedure, I verified that two of the KAGRA optics are ready for shipment. I also removed all old labels from the cake tins to avoid confusion on the part of those receiving optics from us. In addition, the Apollo crew wiped down the grey optics shipping cases and moved them into the LVEA. I moved the cases around to the cleaning space just outside the H1 electronics room. We will inspect, document and attempt to pack two KAGRA optics tomorrow morning.
LHO General
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:02, Tuesday 02 October 2012 (4355)
OPS Summary @ 3PM
- many of the usual deliveries, bottled water, rugs...
- LN2 truck filled EX CP8, so it's sitting at 99%
- Arm cavity baffle activity in chamber-side cleanrooms along HAM2/3, so sporadic alarms at levels of 150-250 counts, that cleared shortly after alarming
- reboots of H2 by Dave and Jim, so lots of red on H2 alarm handler
- some dust monitors are invalid, I changed levels for dust monitor at EY - see my earlier alog
stuart.aston@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:58, Tuesday 02 October 2012 (4353)
MC2 & PR2 (HSTS) Phase 3a M1-M1 un-damped TFs
[Stuart A, Betsy B and Travis S]

M1-M1 Matlab TFs were run in parallel yesterday evening, with damping loops OFF, for MC2 and PR2. This morning it was reported that the MC2 measurement had failed due to inability to extract frame data (and not a tripped watchdog as first thought).

However, the PR2 measurement was unaffected, with results available below (see 2012-10-01_H1SUSPR2_M1_ALL_TFs.pdf).

The MC2 TF was repeated again this morning, with no changes to the Matlab script, and it had completed by 2pm, generating the results available below (see 2012-10-02_H1SUSMC2_M1_ALL_TFs.pdf). 

(n.b. I suspect that trying to run two parallel Matlab TFs is pushing it a little far and so will line them up sequentially next time).  

Both sets of TFs are in good agreement with model predictions (blue traces).

For your viewing pleasure, I have also compared the Phase 3a H1 TFs with the equivalent L1 Phase 3a TFs in the final plot below (see allhstss_2012_10_02_Phase3a_MC2PR2_ALL_ZOOMED_TFs.pdf).

Each suspension looks to be freely suspended, and so we can now proceed to the B&K measurements.
Non-image files attached to this report
travis.sadecki@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:37, Tuesday 02 October 2012 (4354)
dropped set screw in HAM3

While working on AOSEM alignment yesterday, I noticed that a set screw was missing from the UL AOSEM at the M3 stage of PR2.  In attempting to reinstall it, as it is installed from the bottom up, I dropped the set screw.  After failing to locate it, I had to assume that it had fallen into the HAM-ISI through one of the 1/4-20 thru-holes in the optical table within the footprint of the suspension.  After consulting with Hugh and Jim, we decided it is likely not a problem, but we will conduct a more thorough hunt for it the next time the chamber is available for entry.  For reference, the rogue screw is a #4-40 x 0.112, so about the same size as the average piece of rock salt. 

betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:42, Tuesday 02 October 2012 - last comment - 20:20, Tuesday 09 October 2012(4351)
MC3 Y-V-T cross coupling - more Phase 2a testing

We resumed analysis of MC3 Phase 2a data taken Sept 27 and found that now the sus ails from pretty severe yaw to vertical and transverse coupling.  Travis eye-balled the suspesnion and sees that it is not well aligned in Yaw.  Note, the alignment procedure during the build phase of HXTSes is all done "by eye".  I think we possibly have been aligning suspensions to the crocked side flag mount (a recent discovery).

Note to self, our recent issues with processing the plothsts_dtttfs.m script was due to file naming convention.  Watch for dash and underscore locations in the name!

Comments related to this report
stuart.aston@LIGO.ORG - 13:39, Tuesday 02 October 2012 (4352)
Attached are the most recent M1-M1 TFs for MC3 (see 2012-09-27_0400_H1SUSMC3_M1_ALL_TFs.pdf).

These Phase 2a measurements can be compared to the equivalent Phase 1b measurements obtained for MC3 (see allhstss_2012_10_02_Phase2a_MC3_ALL_ZOOMED_TFs.pdf)
Non-image files attached to this comment
stuart.aston@LIGO.ORG - 20:20, Tuesday 09 October 2012 (4407)
The most recent MC3 TFs taken at the end of last week (2012−10−05). 

Following some re-aliment and tweaking of the tablecloth, the cross-couplings visible in the TFs are identical to how they appeared the week before (2012−09−27). 
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stuart.aston@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:16, Tuesday 02 October 2012 (4350)
Sign convention correction for HSTSs
A couple of incorrect sign conventions were identified in the EUL2OSEM and OSEM2EUL matrices. This affects the Transverse -> SD OSEM coupling elements and Vertical -> T1T2T3 OSEM coupling elements. These elements incorrectly possessed a positive (+) rather than negative (-) sign.

This was previously corrected for at LLO (see LLO aLOG entry 4023), and has now been corrected at LHO, using a similar method.

The following H1 suspensions had their matrix elements rectified: MC1, MC2, MC3, and PR2.

Safe BURT snapshots were taken of each of the above suspensions.

The above safe snapshots were then committed to the svn.

N.B. This change should be checked for future H1 suspensions too, i.e. PRM and SR2, since HLTS's are unaffected.
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:59, Tuesday 02 October 2012 (4349)
Dust Monitor at EY Alarm Levels Changed:
I consulted with Patrick, and the dust monitor at EY that was alarming this morning had alarm levels that are used for sampling inside a clean room.  The dust monitor may still be in the clean room, but the clean room is off, so I set the alarm levels to the nominal "outside" a cleanroom numbers.  This change is to EY dust monitor 1.

In cleanroom: for both 0.5u and 0.3u 
Minor = 100.0
Major = 200.0

Outside cleanroom:

for 0.5u:
Minor = 20000.0
Major = 100000.0

for 0.3u:
Minor = 10000.0
Major = 50000.0
dale.ingram@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:43, Tuesday 02 October 2012 (4348)
BSC2 ISI flight and BS takedown photos
The 9/27 ISI move and BS suspension takedown (partial) photo collections now sit in ResourceSpace. 
Images attached to this report
thomas.vo@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:26, Monday 01 October 2012 - last comment - 10:09, Tuesday 02 October 2012(4343)
H2 BSC8 ACB De-Install
Tim N., Gerardo M., Bob A., Thomas V.

Today we assembled the support table (D1101953) with lab jacks and brought down the box portion of the Arm Cavity Baffle.  Since we were waiting for a few tooling parts to be baked (they did not fit in the bake oven on Friday), we will assemble the installation lift stand (D1101957) tomorrow in order to bring down the suspension portion of the ACB.  

Both the suspension and the box portion will be laid down in the tube while the cartridge is being removed, then the suspension and box will be extracted afterwards.   
Comments related to this report
thomas.vo@LIGO.ORG - 10:09, Tuesday 02 October 2012 (4347)
Also, we dropped a 1/4 wrench on the BSC floor plates and it slipped underneath into the bottom of the chamber, we were not able to reach it.
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:21, Monday 01 October 2012 - last comment - 09:57, Tuesday 02 October 2012(4338)
PR2 AOSEM swapped

We finally swapped the M3 stage UL AOSEM which had a cracked filter (s/n 242).  The new unit (s/n 212) has an OLV of 26640.  Stuart reset the PR2 M3 UL OSEMINF offset to -13320 and the gain to 1.126.

Comments related to this report
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 09:57, Tuesday 02 October 2012 (4346)

I'll back log that we also straightened the side flag mount in an attempt to reduce cross-coupling noted in Phase 2a/b testing earlier.  We released the masses into suspension and Stuart ran TFs last night. 

Displaying reports 72761-72780 of 77002.Go to page Start 3635 3636 3637 3638 3639 3640 3641 3642 3643 End