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Reports until 14:50, Friday 20 July 2012
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:50, Friday 20 July 2012 (3529)
More MC2 Phase 2b testing

This afternoon, I:

- ran and committed to svn, TFs of all 6 DOFs of the glass MC2 chamberside, with the damping loops ON.

- performed svn commit on the exports I did of the 2012-07-20 TFs taken earlier of the all metal MC2, which also required renaming with arbitrary time as the form was incorrect for matlab.

- added all 3 sets of the latest data to the plotallhsts_tfs.m file and committed

Plot comparisons to come.

bram.slagmolen@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:36, Friday 20 July 2012 (3527)
Optics lab RefCav laser on standby (tripped)

After restoring the Beckhoff system we could not relock the PLL in the end-station.

I turned out the the laser in the optics lab (corner station) was on stand-by, indicating that the 'door' wasn't shut on-time or something similar.

I tickled the laser temperature to find the 00-mode and all is running again.

The PLL in the end-station is running smoothly.

keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:19, Friday 20 July 2012 - last comment - 14:37, Friday 20 July 2012(3525)
Calibration of ETMY M0 drive, plus calibration of M0/L1/L2 OSEM sensing. L1 sensing is a factor of 10 off. (updated: It's a digital gain.)

Calibrated ETMY M0 OSEM drive, plus calibration of M0/L1/L2 OSEM sensing, by injecting 0.1Hz drive to M0 while the cavity is locked without low frequency offloading from VCO to ETMY. M0 damping was on but L1 damping was off.

Length drive (e.g. output of TEST and DAMP filters) to displacement

0.48 nm/cts

M0 DAMP_L_IN1 sensing 31 nm/cts
L1 DAMP_L_IN1 sensing 3.2 nm/cts
L2 DAMP_L_IN1 sensing 37 nm/cts

Length drive calibration for M0 stage is 0.48nm/cts, not 1nm/cts.

M0 and L2 OSEM sensing calibration is in a ballpark. According to Stuart JeffK, it should be 38 nm/cts.

L1 OSEM sensing calibration is off by a factor of 10. I checked digital gains but they look OK to me. JeffK called me to tell that Matt put a factor of 10 in SENSALIGN matrix for L which I forgot.

If SENSALIGN matrix element for L were 1, L1 DAMP_L_IN1 calibration would be 32 nm/cts.

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jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 14:17, Friday 20 July 2012 (3526)
And for the record, the ballpark BOSEM calibration (+/- 50% because of variations in OSEMs open light current) is

[m / ct] = (avg sensitivity * Sat Amp. Transimpendance * ADC gain)^(-1)
         = (62.5 [uA/mm] * 240e3 [V/A] * 2^16 / 40 [ct / V])^(-1)
         = 4.0e-8 [m/ct]

The ballpark AOSEM calibration is about the same, 

[m / ct] = (avg sensitivity * Sat Amp. Transimpendance * ADC gain)^(-1)
         = (80 [uA/mm] * 240e3 [V/A] * 2^16 / 40 [ct / V])^(-1)
         = 3.2e-8 [m/ct]

keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 14:37, Friday 20 July 2012 (3528)

What was done:

Disabled VCO to ETMY offloading servo.
Disabled L1 damping.

Injected 0.1Hz 30000 counts excitation into ETMY M0 L lock filter (though I should have done this to DAMP L filters in a retrospect to make it simpler).

Measured the transfer coefficient from the exc to Lock filter output and OSEM DAMP L input of M0, L1, L2, and H2:ISC-ALS_EY_ARM_IN1_DQ which is calibrated in nm for the entire frequency range.
H2:ISC-ALS_EY_ARM_IN1_DQ had a coherence of 0.995 for an average of 5, everything else had a coherence of practically 1.

Since M0 damping might have some effect on the measurement (and that's the reason why I should have injected into DAMP_L), I "reproduced" the overall length drive output by adding TEST filter output and DAMP_L filter output transfer coefficients. In the end that didn't matter (only made 1% change).

Drive calibration = [H2:ISC-ALS_EY_ARM_IN1_DQ]/[reconstructed length drive].

Sensing calibration = [H2:ISC-ALS_EY_ARM_IN1_DQ]/[DAMP_L_IN1_DQ].


Measuement files are here:


john.worden@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:49, Friday 20 July 2012 (3524)
Corner station chilled water trip

The LVEA and OSB chilled water pump was inadvertantly tripped off while attempting some adjustments. The Chiller and water pump were off from about 11:26 local time to 11:35.

The system appears to be back to normal and we have switched to Chiller 3 rather than Chiller 1. Water flow is up from 45hz to 60hz (variable speed pump) We have increased the water flow to help deal with

the summer temperatures.

corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:19, Friday 20 July 2012 (3523)
BSC Back In Da House: Stage0 On Granite Table

(corey, greg, jim, mitch) [Work from Thursday]

:::  LHO Sauna, aka Hot Yoga Studio, aka Staging Building :::

Cleanroom Weather:  A balmy 80degF ... (with a 95degF Cleanroom-suit-Factor) ... [& 100degF garbed-Corey-Factor]

Today, we quickly and efficiently moved a BSC Stage-0 Bottom Pate into the Staging Building and placed it on the granite table for prep work.  This marks our return to BSC-ISI assembly work after many month hiatus.

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corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:12, Friday 20 July 2012 (3520)
HAM3 Cabling (cont.)

(corey, mitch)   [this is work for Thursday]

Yesterday, we continued with installation/dressing of cables for SEI/ISC/SUS.  Mitch completed installation of the non-SEI cables.  I pinned out some Actuator cables for installation (installed one of them on H1 & still need to install the H2).  I installed the GS13 Grounding Cable Bracket for Corner2. 

As for Corner3....ah, Corner3. 

Ideally, it would have been preferred to have installed the Cable Bracket and dressed the SEI cables before insertion of the HAM-ISI in the chamber, but we didn't have the Bracket parts, so we are installing after the fact.  Corner-3 is basically entirely in the center of the Chamber.  Access to it was not a problem in HAM2 (since one could climb into the chamber and work on your belly as you dressed cables & installed the bracket.   But for HAM3, there is the Septum on the north of the chamber, and so this preferred space isn't useful (I tried, but I would need to shrink a factor of 4 to be useful here).

Another option was to lay on the table and then hang of the side--UPSIDE DOWN! (my Picasso-esque yoga pose [where gravitational force points down] is attached, yes that's my head at the bottom...I was resting on my left shoulder.  And could only stay like this for a couple of minutes until it felt like my head was going to explode). 

Since we needed to cleanly dress the GS13 cables from Stage1-to-Stage-0, I unclamped cables on the breadboard here to have a clean slate, and would like to now start dressing cables and then install the GS13 Grounding Cable Bracket (easier said than done).  Will try the upsided down technique, or we will see if Jim can somehow squeeze in from the side.

Note For Future:  

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matthew.evans@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:08, Friday 20 July 2012 (3522)
New 0.7Hz line and other things

(unknown author using Matt's alog account)

This is a (sort of) follow-up of https://alog.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/aLOG/index.php?callRep=3508.

In the attached, you'll see the calibrated spectrum of this morning (red), last evening at about 9PM (blue), last evening at about 4PM (green, the same one as what Matt posted), and some old reference (brown).

There are several things to note:

1. New 0.7Hz-ish sharp line

In the newer two traces, there's a 0.695Hz line which is new to me.

There should be no difference between green and blue except environment noise as far as I can tell.

2. Low frequency

Red, blue and green are all worse than brown at f<0.1Hz. Somebody needs to do on/off test to identify what's offending.

3. High frequency

High frequency noise at f>5Hz apparently changes with time.

4. Vincent's thing is definitely good for 0.2Hz

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michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:43, Friday 20 July 2012 (3521)
PSL plots

35W beam

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keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:27, Thursday 19 July 2012 - last comment - 19:59, Thursday 19 July 2012(3517)
PDH lock was reset by me at about 19:08 Pacific

After Matt was gone, alignment degraded over 3 hours or so and ETMY output of slow servo for offloading VCO was getting large (lock filter output of the ETMY was more than 200000 counts).

Since IOP watchdog was alarming, I unlocked the cavity, reset the ETMY LOCK filter and relocked.

My guess is that the servo is running fine and it's just that the cavity length drift is big due to tidal or whatever. Regardless, I reduced the gain by a factor of 2 (H2:SUS-ETMY_M0_LOCK_L_GAIN=-0.1 instead of -0.2), as I want to provide more window to potential seismic/sus data mining for the night before the IOP watchdog potentially freaks out.

BTW the alignment got back to normal though I didn't realign. The poor alignment was apparently caused by the length drive  with large length to angle drive coupling.

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matthew.evans@LIGO.ORG - 19:59, Thursday 19 July 2012 (3518)

About the length to angle coupling: you can see at about -2.4h in the StripTool plot where I tuned the 4th digit of the L2Y coefficient.  The L2P tuning stil needs to be tuned, though I have alrady confirmed that it is less than 5e-4.  Unfortunately, it is not clear that 1 part in 1e4 is good enough (since the length drive is 1e5 and we are sensitive to alignment of ~10 counts on the sliders), nor is it clear that we can depend on linearity at this level.  We should be offloading this to HEPI, but that is not yet possible.  Some low-frequency WFS servos are probably the only hope for long OAT locks.

LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:52, Thursday 19 July 2012 (3516)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .5 microns in particles per cubic foot.
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patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:07, Thursday 19 July 2012 (3499)
Ops Day Summary
Times are approximate

9:27 Mitchel, Hugh working on cabling and leveling the ISI table in HAM 3
Betsy running transfer functions on suspension staged outside HAM 2
Michael R. working in PSL enclosure on alignment of the FSS path
10:23 Eric working on HAM3 HEPI housings
10:42 Eric, bump driving over cable?
Hugh, Eric operating crane near HAM 2,3
Mopping in LVEA
Kyle soft closed GV18
Thomas realign the H2 ETMY optical lever beam to the front surface, done at 11:22
11:31 Travis working on suspension staged outside HAM 2, 3
11:45 John to end station to open GV18

11:21 - 11:24, 1:32 - 1:35 Kyle, large displacements of East crane 11:24 - 1:32 small displacements of East crane (connection of Vertex Main Turbo Pump to H1 output MC tube)
1:07 - 1:31 Filiberto pulling SUS PR2-TOP 25DB cable from HAM3 Field Rack to mockfeedthru (MC2/PR2 assembly area)
1:07 - 1:20 Travis working on suspension staged outside HAM 2,3
2:34 - 2:46 Maggie, Daniel at end Y VEA

Jim B. Installation of 8-port switch at H1 PSL enclosure
Vincent Addition of DAQ channels in the HEPI template model
Dave Add new PEM channels to all three H2 PEM systems (LVEA, EY, EY AUX)
alberto.stochino@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:01, Thursday 19 July 2012 (3515)
ETM Monitor visible from corner station

Bram, Keita, Matt, Alexa, Alberto

Today we found a way to monitor the ETM from the corner station. We pointed the security camera in the Y VEA to the monitor. Now we don't have to drive to the end station to lock the arm. As this photo shows, the principle can be extended indefinitely.

The lock is now very stable.

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LHO General
travis.sadecki@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:10, Thursday 19 July 2012 (3514)
Staging building Quad 3 status

Although the metal build Quad 3 that is hanging in the staging building has been checked out and is ready to be put in storage, today I used it to test fit a new ECD magnet replacement block and check wire lengths.  So, currently it's M0 top mass is locked and the BOSEMS on the main chain tablecloth are detached.  We will be doing a couple more retrofits of parts (and possibly another round of testing to vet these retrofits) before we are ready to put it in storage.  STATUS: Q3 IS NOT SUSPENDED AND BOSEMS ARE DETACHED.

hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:00, Thursday 19 July 2012 (3513)
HAM2 Vertical HEPI Actuators Installed
EricA & I today installed the Actuators in the HAM2 HEPI Housings.  This paves the way for us to now Float the ISI on the HEPI Springs and set the elevation and level of the Optical Table.  We could do that tomorrow and then be ready for IAS horizontal assessment and alignment correction.
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:55, Thursday 19 July 2012 (3512)
HAM3 ISI Elevation/Level Checked--Good
With IAS (Jason) giving us the all good yesterday on Horizontal position, today we checked the elevation and level.  Attached are my notes (some is JimW) recording level survey, dial indicator readings, HEPI Spring turns and load cell readings from the week of work on this chamber.  The last page records today's final level shots.  On average we are 0.1mm low with a level of 0.2mm p-p; pretty sure this will be considered in spec.

So IAS is free to relocate to HAM2--no rush though.
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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:31, Thursday 19 July 2012 (3511)
MC2 Glass TFs taken

The first round of H1 MC2 transfer functions have been taken and committed to svn under:




Kissel will look these over tonight.

jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:35, Monday 16 July 2012 - last comment - 08:48, Friday 20 July 2012(3455)
Phase 1b testing of HSTS MC1
Andres R, Betsy B, and Jeff B took the transfer function for Phase 1b testing of the HSTS MC1 suspension. This data has been plotted and is ready for review.
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Comments related to this report
stuart.aston@LIGO.ORG - 16:51, Tuesday 17 July 2012 (3460)
To assist with reviewing the MC1 (HSTS) suspension, please find attached below a plot showing a comparison of all HSTS suspensions measured at LHO and LLO, to date (allhstss_2012-07-16_AllHsts_ALL_ZOOMED_TFs.pdf). Note that, these M1-M1 transfer functions were all obtained at Phase 1b of testing.

Power spectra have been taken with damping loops both ON and OFF for each stage (2012-07-17_1300_X1SUSMC1_M*_ALL_Spectra.pdf).

Power spectra plots, with both damping ON and OFF have been produced, which compare all LHO HSTS measurements for PR2, MC1 and MC2 (allhstss_2012-07-17_ALL_Spectra_Don.pdf and allhstss_2012-07-17_ALL_Spectra_Doff.pdf).

Note that, the comparison power spectra provided for MC2 M3 AOSEMs, show an elevated noise floor at high frequencies above 100 Hz. A similar issues has also been observed for suspensions attached to the LLO triple test-stand, which was rectified by going chamber-side.   

In addition, power spectra for specific degrees of freedom (L, P and Y) can be more conveniently compared across multiple stages (M1, M2 and M3) of the same suspension in the final plots found below (allhstss_2012-07-17_X1SUSMC1_M1M2M3_Spectra_ALL_Don.pdf).

All data, results, and scripts I have committed to the sus SVN as of this entry.

This ensures all measurements have been taken required to complete Phase 1b testing.
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stuart.aston@LIGO.ORG - 08:48, Friday 20 July 2012 (3519)
For further reference, I have added power spectra plots comparing LHO MC1, with the LLO MC3 suspension. Results from all three phases for the MC3 suspension are shown as follows:-

Blue trace  = LLO MC3 Phase 1b (X2SUSMC3 2012−05−01_1600)
Green trace = LLO MC3 Phase 2b (L1SUSMC3 2012−06−28_1600)
Red trace   = LLO MC3 Phase 3a (L1SUSMC3 2012−07−02_1400)
Cyan trace  = LHO MC1 Phase 1b (X1SUSMC1 2012−07−17_1300)
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