This problem is still a mystery. Usually dtt "test timed out" problems mean that the system clock and the daq clock are off by several seconds or more. In this case the dtt and daq are running on the same machine, and the system clock was spot on! Previously when I had to correct the bscteststand clock, I had the restart the daqd to pacify dtt. So today, I just restarted daqd and it did the trick, but the clock was good all along! I'm monitoring the clock corrections (done by cronjob) in the file /var/tmp/timecorrections/log.txt Perhaps the local quartz clock is having aging problems (battery failure)?
With Michael Landry's help, we loaded Brett's filter file into /cvs/cds/llo/chans/L1QTS.txt (Brett's file is saved as Loading Coefficients appears to have loaded filters with appropriate names which correspond to the file. (Note that the file structure needs a little work!) After a DAQ reboot by Dave to clear "Test Timed Out" errors on DTT, we checked that we were able to inject excitations through the awggui and run transfer functions. We can now do some filter checks and run a gamut of TFs.
I've created a program called system_check which
checks all the front end processes are running correctly.
It also checks for duplication.
[controls@seiteststand scripts]$ system_check
Checking setup_shmem.rtl g1x01 g1isiham ... pid = 5732
Checking g1x01epics ... pid = 4994
Checking g1x01fe.rtl ... pid = 5022
Checking awgtpman -s g1x01 ... pid = 5025
Checking g1isihamepics ... pid = 5249
Checking g1isihamfe.rtl ... pid = 5283
Checking awgtpman -s g1isiham ... pid = 5288
Checking daqd ... pid = 5418
Checking nds ... pid = 19919
During one of Fabrice's final measurements on our Unit#1 Assy, it was noticed that the V2 GS13 appeared to have a gain of 2 lower than everyone else. We wanted to check this out. Today, the Seismic Team finished moving all the GS13's from Unit#1 to Unit#2. Today, I ran power spectra looking at the GS13's in various states. [See attached plots] Meas UL: This was with Unit #2 Locked. Here V2 looks to be ok (if anything it seems bigger than everyone else (in contrast to the Meas LL below). Meas LL: This was an old measurement from a locked Unit #1. Here may be the gain of 2 less on the V2 GS13. Meas UR: Here Unit#2 was UNLOCKED. Everything looks normal here. All the H's look similar and the V's look similar. Meas LR: The H2/V2 cable was swapped with the H3/V3 cable (Unit#2 is locked). Nobody looks glaringly different on this plot. The DTT data taken for this measurement is available for your perusal here: /opt/svncommon/seisvn/seismic/HAM-ISI/X1/Data/unit_2/dtt/20100729_geo_V2check.xml
DB and CG The seiteststand was not running all of its required processes, all the g1x01 were missing. We did a killg1x01 and killg1isiham to cleanly remove all processes, and then started g1x01 and g1isiham in that order.
Now that we've completed testing on HAM-ISI Assy #1, we wanted to update our transformation matrices to the more accepted canon (Jeff K. made a new matlab script to generate these matrices which include Celine's work that include the L4Cs among other things). Jeff G. loaded these briefly a couple of weeks ago, but we reverted to older scripts since we were still in the midst of Unit#1 testing; see his elog for the specifics on the files used & an overall explanation. Attached are the BEFORE/AFTER values for these matrices. Now, the new script matrix yields values to 12 sig figs, but EPICS rounds these values to 5 sig figs when they are loaded into our actual/medm matrices. Noticeably Different CONT2ACT Matrix The DISP2CEN & GEO2CEN matrices look fairly identical before and after this update. The noticeable change is with the CONT2ACT matrix. For this matrix, we have values at different locations and also sign changes. During the Assy #2 testing, we'll need to confirm that our sign convention is obeyed due to this matrix change.
CONT2ACT Matrix Looks FINE! Looks like a case of Operator Error here--The matrix I loaded CONT2ACT with was actually for the L4C2CEN matrix! I've rerun the script and acquired/loaded the correct CONT2ACT matrix. Now CONT2ACT looks closer to what it was before. So, this is the mistake I ran previously: >> [GEO2CEN,DISP2CEN,CONT2ACT] = make_HAMX1_projections_100709 It should be: >> [GEO2CEN,DISP2CEN,L4C2CEN,CONT2ACT] = make_HAMX1_projections_100709 I'm attaching an updated/correct BEFORE/AFTER document.
After a Rolf-model-change a while ago, we ended up making new Front End scripts (i.e. our start & kill scripts). Our scripts are located at: /opt/rtcds/geo/g1/scripts I've made an archive folder in here, and I've put our old start & kill scripts in this archive folder. So now we have only the "real" ones in this main folder: * killg1isiham * killg1x01 * startg1isiham * startg1x01
It seems that I still cannot get playback data. I have restarted dv, but the request never opens a plot, _IN1 nor _DAQ channels. As well, the realtime data for either species looks like it is repeating. Also, how do I launch Foton??
from xterm terminal in the cleanroom: ssh -X controls@bscteststand type foton at the prompt.
With the completion of Assembly #1 testing, the ISI is locked. Actuator and GS13 Cabling is now disconnected.
For completeness, here is the list of channels currently being acquired by the qts (all at 2048Hz). [L1:QTS-Q1_M0_FACE1_IN1_DAQ] [L1:QTS-Q1_M0_FACE2_IN1_DAQ] [L1:QTS-Q1_M0_FACE3_IN1_DAQ] [L1:QTS-Q1_M0_LEFT_IN1_DAQ] [L1:QTS-Q1_M0_RIGHT_IN1_DAQ] [L1:QTS-Q1_M0_SIDE_IN1_DAQ] [L1:QTS-Q1_M0_X_EXC_DAQ] [L1:QTS-Q1_PEN_LLSEN_IN1_DAQ] [L1:QTS-Q1_PEN_LRSEN_IN1_DAQ] [L1:QTS-Q1_PEN_POS_EXC_DAQ] [L1:QTS-Q1_PEN_ULOUT_EXC_DAQ] [L1:QTS-Q1_PEN_ULSEN_IN1_DAQ] [L1:QTS-Q1_PEN_URSEN_IN1_DAQ] [L1:QTS-Q1_R0_FACE1_IN1_DAQ] [L1:QTS-Q1_R0_FACE2_IN1_DAQ] [L1:QTS-Q1_R0_FACE3_IN1_DAQ] [L1:QTS-Q1_R0_LEFT_IN1_DAQ] [L1:QTS-Q1_R0_RIGHT_IN1_DAQ] [L1:QTS-Q1_R0_SIDE_IN1_DAQ] [L1:QTS-Q1_R0_X_EXC_DAQ] [L1:QTS-Q1_UI_LLSEN_IN1_DAQ] [L1:QTS-Q1_UI_LRSEN_IN1_DAQ] [L1:QTS-Q1_UI_POS_EXC_DAQ] [L1:QTS-Q1_UI_ULSEN_IN1_DAQ] [L1:QTS-Q1_UI_URSEN_IN1_DAQ] Giving a 16 second full frame file size of 3.2MB.
Betsy reported two problems with the QTS DAQ this morning, getting past data and getting real time data using DTT. The DTT issue was due to the system time being 7 seconds off. After correcting the system time, I had to restart the DAQ for DTT to get realtime data. We tested it with DAQ channels and testpoint channels. I have corrected the root crobtab which should keep the system clock synchronized to the LHO NTP server. The trending problem was due to the DAQ not writing trend files since 19 Apr 2009. However full frames are being written, with a look back of 8 days. I noticed that only 25 channels are in the frame, all at 2048Hz acquisition rate. Betsy suggested we get together with Mark next week to see if more channels need to be added to the frame, and perhaps save some at the 16384Hz native rate. I also found that the QTS daq system is very old, with frame file layout as per S5 standards. Could we upgrade this system to aLIGO standards?
After switching to the new "actual flange BNC feed-thrus", power spectra were run for the CPS's with the table un-locked. Attached are spectra taken when the table was LOCKED (w/ both mini-racks on & with only one on---as we've done for the previous measurements). Data is saved at: /opt/svncommon/seisvn/seismic/HAM-ISI/X1/Data/unit_1/dtt/20100722_all_disp_locked_spectra.xml
A few weeks ago, we discovered we had a FAILED Horizontal GS13. From our quick tests, it seemed as though we had a stuck mass inside the GS13---we were able to free the mass when we tilted the Table. For an exercise in checking the effects of a tilted table on our remaining functioning GS13s, we carried out some table tilt measurements on the table and looked at spectra from our GS13s (namely the Horizontal ones). We tilted the table by placing weights on the table in various locations. We used various types of Adjustment Masses D071200. Here are masses for the types of weights we used to tilt the table: Type 1: 0.5 kg Type 2: 1.0 kg Type 3: 2.1 kg As for the tilts, we did a few. Referencing this coordinate drawing(sorry, for some reason, aLOG wouldn't let me upload this picture), we tilted the table along several axis: RY: +RY tilt would have weights placed over the V1 GS13 (-RY had weights on side opposite of V1 Act). The RY tilts would tilt the H3 GS13 up and down along its axis (which is parallel to X RX: +RX tilt would have masses placed over H3 GS13 (-RX would have masses placed on side opposite H3 GS13). This measurement doesn't really line up with a clean tilt for any of the horizontal GS13's; they are all at angles with respect to RX tilts "H1": Here we wanted to perform a tilt for the H1 GS13 (similar to what the RY tilt did for the H3 GS13). A "-H1" tilt had masses placed over the V2 GS13 ("+H1" tilt had masses on spot opposite to V2 GS13. "H2": Here we wanted to perform a tilt for the H2 GS13 (similar to what the RY tilt did for the H3 GS13). A "-H2" tilt had masses placed over the V3 GS13 ("+H2" tilt had masses on spot opposite to V3 GS13. On this coordinate drawing referenced above, +Y & +X are the same as H1's (i.e. +Y points toward Rattlesnake Mountain). Overall, in the measurements we start out with an unlocked & balanced table with it's respective spectra. Small amount of masses are added (they are posted in each plots title). The system is ok with a little tilt, but once you get to a certain tilt the spectra changes noticeably (i.e. the primary resonances around 1-2Hz get knocked down & the high frequency behavior changes). The data for these measurements are saved at: /opt/svncommon/seisvn/seismic/HAM-ISI/X1/Data/unit_1/dtt With file names: 20100713_+RXtilt_geo_spectra.xml 20100713_-RXtilt_geo_spectra.xml 20100713_+RYtilt_geo_spectra.xml 20100713_-RYtilt_geo_spectra.xml 20100713_+H1tilt_geo_spectra.xml 20100713_-H1tilt_geo_spectra.xml 20100713_+H2tilt_geo_spectra.xml 20100713_-H2tilt_geo_spectra.xml
I had to clear the message queues for the TestStand this morning due to too many current message queues. The script to do so is 'rmq' in the scripts directory: '/opt/apps/scripts/'
A quick check on DTT - I loaded a channel in and hit start with default DTT settings loaded (channel was L1:QTS-Q1_MO_FACE1_IN1). After a few seconds of thinking it gave a "Test timed-out" error at the bottom. Richard hinted at a timing problem...? Also - how can I load the "editable" medm? And, we are ready to calibrate channels. Instructions on where to do this would be appreciated. BTW - All 12 Top Mass BOSEMs have been zeroed and are at 50% OLV. So signals and controls on L1:QTS-Q1_MO and Q1_RO channels are live.
The attached document shows the transfer functions used to compute the LZMP. The number we have are good: 0.24 mm and 0.30 mm in the X and Y directions respectively. However, we need a better coherence on the cross couplings in order to confirm these numbers. We are doing another measurement with much more averages (a 6 hours drive in each X direction).
We have redone a low frequency measurement (0.01 hz to 0.1 Hz) with much more averages (222) in order to estimate with more accuracy the lower zero moment point offset (distance between the actuators and zero moment point of the rods). The data is stored in: 100721_LZMP_0p01to0p1Hz_M2M_test2_tfretrieve.mat The script used to take data is : TFcollect_100721_LZMP_0p01to0p1Hz_30avg.m This script does contain 220 averages contrary to what his name says. The result are presented on the plot attached. The offset estimation is lower than it was: Last measurement gives: X offset = 0.24 mm Y offset = 0.30 mm versus X offset = 0.14 mm Y offset = 0.16 mm as presented in yesterday entree base on a measurement using only 30 averages. The numbers we get are very good, and maybe surprisingly low (that's less than .01" offset). However, they are consistently low so that we can conclude that we are good.
(Eric A., Corey G.) Over the last few days, we've bypassed our original BNC feed-thrus on our Interface Board, and are now using actual BNC feed-thrus. The issue here is that the original BNC feed-thrus proved to be troublesome and sacrificed the performance of our Sensors. We've found that using the "real" feed-thrus (and also buying better/expensive feed-thrus) have made our Sensors perform much better. Switching to the new feed-thrus has changed the DC value of of our sensors. At "zero" our Sensors were all under ~1000 counts, but with the new feed-thru the zeroes have increased to around 10,000 counts. Because of this we had to re-gap the Sensors. This sort of change required us to re-do a few more Sensor Tests (according to document T1000329). New Power Spectra for the Displacment Sensors have been run. The measurement is located here: /opt/svncommon/seisvn/seismic/HAM-ISI/X1/Data/unit_1/dtt/unit_1/dtt/20100720_all_disp_spectra.xml Attached are plots of spectra with BOTH Sensor Mini-Racks ON, and with only one ON.