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Reports until 00:08, Thursday 03 September 2015
H1 General
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 00:08, Thursday 03 September 2015 (21166)
OPS EVE Summary: IFO locked for more than 12 hours! Range increased steadily over the lock.

Shift Timeline:

00:45 - drop out of observing - PEM injections and violin damping resume

05:01 - went to observing

06:02 - forced lock loss for tests



I had to align both TMSX and TMSY to get the green arm powers above 1.  Possibly related to the very nice 12+ hour lock we had.


Sheila's changes loaded

Jim is relocking



Tasks handed off from Corey:


- sheila, complete changes from last tnight

changes - guardian line uncommented

filters - changed from ramp to immediate

--- reloaded 07:01UTC


- gerardo, watch the voltages, should be about 7kV on HOVE_MY.adl - still at 7kV, handed off to Jim


- Robert and Anamaria - OEM injections - done now

H1 General
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 23:25, Wednesday 02 September 2015 - last comment - 11:44, Thursday 03 September 2015(21165)
Returning SDF To "Safe" State (aka Removing Differences)

After making a few "OBSERVE.snap" files for a few SDF nodes during the DAY shift, I tried taking the nodes back to their "safe.snap" files, but some of the nodes ended up having differences!  Since we need to have ZERO differences to allow going to OBSERVATION Mode, I did what I could to make the differences as close to a "safe" state as possible.  For the "safe" files which had differences, I looked used whatever .snap file which got us as close to GREEN as possible. 

Here are the Nodes I worked on, the .snap file they are currently running, and a note about differences observed:

    1.    SUS-ITMX:  safe & GOOD!——> but now has nutsinee differences!
    2.    SUS-ITMY:  safe & GOOD!
    3.    SUS-ETMX *:  safe_150902_124725 & (1) Diff:  H1:SUS-ETMX_L2_DAMP_MODE1_GAIN ???, set point 0 & currently 50—>violin 1004.54Hz
    4.    ISI-ITMy:  safe_150902_124924 & GOOD!
    5.    SUS-ETMY:  safe_150902_151039 & GOOD!
    6.    HPIITMY **:  safe_150810_115155 & (1) Diff (H1:HPI-ITMY_OUTF_H2_TRAMP?? , set point 60 & currently 5)—accept
    7.    ISIBS:  safe_150902_151938 & GOOD!
    8.    HPIBS:  safe & GOOD!

* The SUS-ETMx difference was a gain change Nutsinee made.  She returned the gain to 0.

** The HPIITMY difference was a Time Ramp, so I ACCEPTED.

Comments related to this report
nutsinee.kijbunchoo@LIGO.ORG - 11:44, Thursday 03 September 2015 (21182)

Dan found that one of the modes was rung up and switched the gain for ITMX L2 DAMP MODE1,7,8,9,10 back to 0. The changes can be accepted.

nutsinee.kijbunchoo@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:30, Wednesday 02 September 2015 - last comment - 11:53, Thursday 03 September 2015(21160)
Added ITMX L2 DAMP MODE 1, 7, 8, 9, 10 gains to Guardian

To damp ALL 8 frequencies of the ITMX first harmonics.


MODE1 damps 996.53

MODE7 damps 995.36

MODE8 damps 995.64

MODE9 damps 992.43, 992.79, 994.28, and 994.73

MODE10 damps 996.25


MODE1, 7, 8, 10 MUST stay on if MODE9 is on.

The damp settings have been added to the table.

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Comments related to this report
nutsinee.kijbunchoo@LIGO.ORG - 22:31, Wednesday 02 September 2015 (21164)

997.7169 Hz and 998.6645 Hz identified.

daniel.hoak@LIGO.ORG - 08:21, Thursday 03 September 2015 (21174)

Tonight while collecting OMC modescan data at high power (with DARM on AS45), we found that one of the ITMx modes was ringing up with these new damping filters.  The frequency was 995.645 Hz.  We were able to construct a narrowband filter for this mode (FM5 on ITMX Mode8) and damp it easily, with positive gain and no phase shift.  Since we weren't sure which of the new filters rang up the mode, we zeroed all of the gains (for filter banks mode1, 7,8,9, and 10) and also commented them out of the guardian.  We'll have to work out later today which filter was providing the signal that was 180deg out of phase.

nutsinee.kijbunchoo@LIGO.ORG - 11:53, Thursday 03 September 2015 (21183)

MODE9 damps four frequencies with 180 deg but will ring up the other four which have 0deg. I contructed individual filters for them and 995.6447 was one of them. However, I only set MODE9 gain to 40 while the others have gains of 100 hoping that they will be damped faster than being rung up by MODE9. Not sure what's wrong but if anything gonna ring up 995.647 it's the MODE9 filter.


How high did it get rung up? I watched it for hours before letting Guardian turned it on but didn't see anything then.

sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:31, Wednesday 02 September 2015 (21157)
DHARD P boosts engaging

One of the issues that has caused us a few locklosses over the last several days is a transient that happens when we engage a boost in DHARD P. 

The solution that has worked at least once today was to comment out the engaging of the boost in the state CARM 5 pm, and engage it latter in the sequence when the loop has higher gain(21133) .  However, this is the boost that has saved us from the DHARD pit instability in the refl trans state that plauged us durring ER7 (19243) and for a long time before that. We would like to engage it before transitioning the CARM control to the refl sensor to avoid the return of this instability.

I downloaded some data of transitions through the CARM 5 pm state.  In the attached screenshot the red traces are from locking attempts which failed either in this state or the next one, and the blue traces are from locks which survived. It seems as though this is a transient from engaging the first of the boosts, which had zero history and a 0.1 second ramp.  The impulse response of this filter is about 2 seconds long, and the DC gain is about a factor of 2. 

Evan and I set this filter to zero history, immediately, and also changed the 23Wboost in DHARD pit, from zero history 0.1 second ramp, to zero history immediately. 

We also uncommented line 1321 in the ISC_LOCK gaurdian, ezca.switch('ASC-DHARD_P', 'FM1', 'ON'), so that this filter will be engaged before the transition of CARM to the refl sensor. 

Cheryl will load the new filter and reload the ISC_LOCK gaurdian if we unlock, and knows how to undo the changes if necessary. 

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H1 General
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:21, Wednesday 02 September 2015 (21158)
FMCS alarm Major/Low: H0:FMC-EX_CY_H2OSUP_DEGF

Confirmed with a trend that the ambient temperatures have pushed the EX chiller into and past the low alarm levels.

The Major/Low alarm at 23:42UTC had a temperature of 34.99F.

The channel went back in the NO_ALARM state at 23:47UTC with a temperature reading of 35.45F.

I followed the alarm handler guidance and made a 10 day trend which shows that this has been happening for a while, so no notification/action needed.

jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:06, Wednesday 02 September 2015 (21154)
H1 CAL-CS Hardware Injection Channels That are Now Not Monitored by the Settings Definition File (SDF) System
J. Kissel, C. Gray, B. Weaver

Every once and a while while Betsy and Corey are "beating the streets" to find out why there are SDF differences between the settings definition file ("safe.snap") and the current value of the EPICs record for every front-end model, they ask me about differences in the CAL-CS model. Often times, including this time, there are hardware injection channels that show up, simply because the INJ infrastructure lives in the CAL-CS model. Over time, I've been changing these channels to NOT MONITORED, because they all appear to be EPICs records that are constantly updated with information about the last injection, or some recent GRB alert, etc. I attach a screenshot of this list as it currently stands.

For convenience I type the list here and give it the 'ol college try to explain them:
H1:CAL-INJ_EXTTRIG_ALERT_QUERY_TIME < a numeric GPS time that changes any time when TINJ (the hardware injection scheduling software) queries new external alert occurs
H1:CAL-INJ_EXTTRIG_ALERT_TIME       < a numeric GPS time that changes whenever there is a new external alert
H1:CAL-INJ_EXTTRIG_ALERT_SOURCE     < a string record from what telescope the external alert came (SWIFT, FERMI, etc.) that changes whenever there is a new alert
H1:CAL-INJ_EXTTRIG_ALERT_ID         < a unique alpha-numeric record for each record that changes whenever there is a new alert (e.g. E156669)
H1:CAL-INJ_EXTTRIG_ALERT_TYPE       < a string record indicating the claimed astrophysical source of the alert (e.g. GRB) that changes whenever there is a new alert
H1:CAL-INJ_TINJ_ENDED               < a numeric GPS time when the last hardware injecton ended
H1:CAL-INJ_OUTCOME                  < a numeric code labeling the level of success of the last hardware injection
H1:CAL-INJ_TINJ_START               < a numeric GPS time when the last hardware injection started
H1:CAL-INJ_TINJ_STATE               < a status vector of TINJ
H1:CAL-INJ_TINJ_TYPE                < a string indicating the type of last injection
As I understand it, all of the EPICs records are essentially readbacks, and therefore should not be monitored by the SDF system.

You can peruse T1400349 is you'd like more details on TINJ and the hardware injection infrastructure. T1500197 is the document for the external alert system.
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james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:57, Wednesday 02 September 2015 - last comment - 17:00, Wednesday 02 September 2015(21155)
Frame writer h1fw3 added to DAQ
WP 5455

A new frame writer, h1fw3, has been added to the DAQ system.  This frame writer is a disk clone of the frame writer that Livingston is running, with the system identity changed to LHO h1fw3.  The purpose of this frame writer is to see if there are differences in retransmission request rates between h1fw2 and h1fw3.  The h1fw3 is writing science, commissioning, and trend files to a local disk.  The raw minute files are not being written by h1fw3. 

If all tests are successful, the new frame writers will be installed in a permanent configuration on Tuesday Sept. 8.
Comments related to this report
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - 17:00, Wednesday 02 September 2015 (21156)

I have added fw3 to the DAQ MEDM screen. Now that three frame writers are writing science frames, I am comparing the frame size for all three and the large green bar will show if all three agree with each other. We now have two frame writers wriring commissioning frames, so I can now compare these as well.

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LHO General
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:53, Wednesday 02 September 2015 (21143)
Ops DAY Summary

9/2 DAY Shift:  15:00-23:00UTC (08:00-16:00PDT), all times posted in UTC

Summary:  This morning we had an unhealthy H1.  The first few hours were devoted to troubleshooting H1 & solutions found (see Kiwamu's alog).  H1 has been running for over 6hrs (but with fairly big glitches) & has been in/out of Observation Mode.  It looks like Hardware Injections have been running most of the shift.  PEM injections started around 1:20pm.

Had some issues saving .snap files from the SDF interface.  Have talked to Betsy & Jamie about it.  RED SDFs were GREEN-ed, and I will post an alog with notes on this.

Support:  Jenne handed off to Kiwamu & then Sheila/Betsy later joined.

Activity Log:

david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:18, Wednesday 02 September 2015 (21152)
simple IFO range MEDM added to sitemap

I have created a simple H1IFO_RANGE.adl MEDM screen. This is mainly so users can get the channel name of Jonathan's IFO range epics channel. It is linked to the sitemap under the O-1 button.

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david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:14, Wednesday 02 September 2015 (21151)
local H1 modified files committed to SVN

To better manage the H1 IFO configuration changes during ER8 and into O1 I have committed all pending modifications of source files, filter files and safe.snap files into SVN.

Turns out I was the main culprit for model changes not being committed, the changes I made yesterday to odcmaster and pemcs had not been committed, nor my change some time ago to calex to add the irig-b channel to the science frame. I have committed these today.

The filter files for the new PI models were still static files in the chans directory. I moved them to the userapps/sus/h1/filterfiles area, made the symbolic link and committed them to SVN. The CFC bit was raised during this shuffle, so the DIAG_RESET button for both PI models were pressed to clear this bit.

All remaining local mods to filter and safe.snap have been committed with a generic "version as of 02sep2015 ER8" message applied.

jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:07, Wednesday 02 September 2015 - last comment - 21:57, Wednesday 02 September 2015(21142)
The Case of the Missing 85:300 Hz z:p Pair -- Solved: The FAST I MONs Won't See It Because Of Their Construction.
J. Kissel, D. Tuyenbayv

After a quick look at the results from the UIM driver measurements taken for calibration purposes (see LHO aLOG 20846), and hearing similar whisperings of confusion from Darkhan in his detailed fitting analysis (progress continues, aLOG pending), I got the chance yesterday to quickly take a look myself to confirm my initial suspicions about the FAST I MON response to DAC drive measurements we took, and how they're "missing" the 85:300 zero:pole pair; see LHO aLOG 21127. I drove myself nuts for a half-a-day trying to reconcile the overall gain on the UL coil with what was expected to be sure *that* was right -- assuming it would provide clues if I couldn't reconcile it. I couldn't. 

I subsequently measured the respose of all UIM drivers of all QUADs and confirm that I was not insane. While the jury is still out on my sanity, at least I can confirm that
- The FAST I MON / TEST L EXC response for all four coils on all four of the Modified UIM Drivers are missing the expected 85:300 Hz zero:pole pair 
  EDIT: This is because the FAST I MONs are immune to this frequency response. See Below.
- This measurement techniue reports a factor ~2 less drive strength on the ETMY UL and LR channels, likely a busted monitor board.
- ITMY's UR and LR monitor board signals are total hosed.
I'll update the Integration Issue #9 with the later two bits of information.

EDIT: Why are the FAST I MONs Insensitive to the 85:300 [Hz] zero:pole pair? Turns out I just can't follow my own math. As it clearly states in My Notebook, you need to divide the current monitor by the output impedance -- i.e. whatever's in-between the voltage monitor pick-off and the coil current pick-off. Hence my equation I copied in LHO aLOG 21127,
                  R24_{MON}       1                   1     1       1      
DC calibration  = --------- x ---------- x G_{ADC} x --- x --- x ------- 
                  R25_{MON}   2 R5_{UIM}             E2O   CBG   G_{DAC} 
is wrong, and it should be
                  R24_{MON}       1                   1     1       1    
DC calibration  = --------- x ---------- x G_{ADC} x --- x --- x ------- 
                  R25_{MON}    2 Z_{OUT}             E2O   CBG   G_{DAC} 
where Z_{OUT} is formed by the whole R4, R5, and C12 ( = R27, R23, C26) network. This network is from where the 85:300 [Hz] zero:pole pair originates. Once I divided the transfer function with the right impedance -- voila! -- the 85:300 zero:pole pair appears.

The message again: The FAST I MONs are immune to the very frequency response we want to measure. So is every other monitor circuit, so we *have* to measure these drivers using analog electronics if we want to characterize this pole zero pair with any high precision than calculating what it should be from the component values. That being said, I don't think we'll time for this. In its stead, in case we don't find time, I checked the relevant resistor values inside spare modified UIM driver, and they we *at worst* 0.3% discrepant for all four channels on the spare. It's *very* regrettable that the monitor board appears to be giving discrepantly low DC transconductance, because that begets suspicion that the compenents are wrong, but I would be MUCH more inclined to blame the monitor board than the actual coil driver circuit given that the coil balancing gains are so similar, and using the stage hasn't brought up any issue.

Importance of this in the big picture: this re-opens the mystery of the frequency-dependent residual seen between naive model and measurment in the early results of the UIM actuation strength in LHO aLOGs 21015 and 21049. 

Stay tuned for Darkhan's results fitting the coil driver response poles and zeros that *are* there. After O1, we'll look into perfectly compensating all of these electronics, so we never have to think about this again.

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Comments related to this report
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 21:57, Wednesday 02 September 2015 (21161)
To further the explore the impact of not having measured the 85:300 z:p pair in the transconductance of the driver, let's explore how the uncertainty in the components affects the uncertainty in the DC impedance, zero and pole frequency.

Given what I saw when I measured the spare UIM driver -- for example, for the R5 = R23 = 2000 [ohm], I consistently measured between 1996 and 1993 [ohms]. Let's take a worst case scenario of 2000 +/- 10 [ohm] or +/- 0.5% -- let's say the all the relavent components have relative uncertainty to be 0.5%. We know the pole frequency of the impedance can be computed analytically as
Zpole.freq_Hz = 1 / (2*pi*(R4.value+R5.value)*C12.value) 
              = 1 / (2*pi*(750 + 2000)*0.68e-6) 
              = 85.1096 [Hz].
and the zero frequency of the impedance can be computed analytically as
Zzero.freq_Hz = 1 / (2*pi*R4.value*C12.value) 
              = 1 / (2*pi*750*0.68e-6) 
              = 312.0685 [Hz].
Recall the the transconductance is a function of the output impedance of both differential legs and the coil impedance,
TC [A/V] = Vg / (2*Zout + Zcoil)
where Vg is the voltage gain of the circuit prior to the output impedance. For the modified UIM driver, Vg = (1 + R3/R10) = (1 + R20/R15) = 2.5. 
Having Zout in denominator is why the response (i.e. the TC) of the driver has a zero at Zpole = 85 [Hz] and a pole at Zzero = 312 [Hz].

Through standard uncertainty propagation, one can obtain
Zpole.relunc = sqrt( ( ( R4.absunc^2 + R5.absunc^2 ) / ( R4.value + R5.value )^2 ) + C12.relunc^2 )
             = 0.0063 
             = 0.63 %
Zpole.absunc = pole.relunc * pole.freq_Hz
             = 0.5388 [Hz]
Zzero.relunc = sqrt( R4.relunc^2 + C12.relunc^2 )
             = 0.0071
             = 0.71%
Zzero.absunc = zero.reunc * zero.freq_Hz
             = 2.2067 [Hz]

In summary, again, if we assume a realistic spread on the component value, the pole and zero frequency will have an uncertainty of around 0.7% uncertainty, i.e. negligible.

I'll note that the compensation filters for the UIM are compensating the z:p = 85.1:312.1 [Hz] with a z:p = 299.67:85 [Hz] filter. Even if we include the above quoted uncertainty in the knowledge of the zero:pole pair, mis-compensating it as we have is at MOST a 5% systematic error by 1 [kHz], which is much less that the systematic error we're searching for in the UIM scale factor residuals, which is greater than 50% by 1 [kHz]. We'll update the model with this analytically calculated z:p pair (accompanied with the fits of the z:p = 10:1 [Hz] low-pass filters which *can* be resolved clearly from the FAST I MON measurements).
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bubba.gateley@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:34, Wednesday 02 September 2015 (21148)
New DCS room fire suppression system
The contractor has completed the 2nd phase of the installation which included the agent tank, piping and nozzle.

The remaining work involves the high voltage termination after which Fire Protection Specialists will return to test the system and turn it over to us.
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gerardo.moreno@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:24, Wednesday 02 September 2015 - last comment - 15:56, Wednesday 02 September 2015(21147)
Mid-Y IP9 Controller Fails

(John, Gerardo)

Noticed the pressure along the Y-arm was rising, but there was no alarms of any kind, after investigating a bit, I determined that the pressure started rising at the Y-Mid station before any other place.
Went to Y-Mid and found the Ion pump controller tripped with the following error "SYSTEM ERROR SEE MANUAL ER7", still looking into this error, called John and he suggested to power cycle the controller, I did and the controller is now up and running.  The pressure is dropping.  We will keep and eye on this controller.
Attached is pressure trend for 1 day along the Y arm.

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gerardo.moreno@LIGO.ORG - 15:56, Wednesday 02 September 2015 (21150)

Error as displayed on controller.

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H1 General
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:09, Wednesday 02 September 2015 - last comment - 15:42, Wednesday 02 September 2015(21145)
SDF "OBSERVE.snap" Files Made & Loaded

(Betsy, Corey, Jamie)

This morning I worked with Betsy (& Jamie over phone) on the SDF/Configuration Control (it actually knocked us out of Observation Mode at 18:55UTC!).  SDF is now being used to measure part of the configuration for H1, AND it must be in GREEN (no diffs) in order for an operator to go to Observation Mode.  In order to make SDF more all-encompassing, there was a thought to have SDF note the state of all channels when H1 was in Observation Mode.  (So, SDF would "light up like a Christmas Tree when in acquisition, but should be all GREEN when Guardian is complete. 

To test this out, we randomly picked ITMy.  We decided to Monitor ALL* of its channels while at NOMINAL_LOW_NOISE, and then (1) save this file as OBSERVE.snap & (2) Load this file into SDF. 

* We did decide to NOT Monitor a small list of channels which will change from lock to lock.  For a suspension, this would be the OPTICALIGN pit/yaw biases.

I've been waiting for H1 to break lock, so I could watch the new OBSERVE SDFs, to see if they return to a GREEN state when making it to NOMINAL_LOW_NOISE again, but we haven't dropped out of Science.  I might revert these SDFs to their safe.snaps since this is test configuration, and I wouldn't want to prevent Observation mode tonight.

At any rate, below are the SDFs I made OBSERVE.snaps for:

  1. SUS-ITMX (Not monitored:  Optic pit/yaw)
  2. SUS-ITMY (Not monitored:  Optic pit/yaw)
  3. SUS-ETMX (Not monitored:  Optic pit/yaw)
  4. ISI-ITMy (Not Monitored:  H1:ISI-ITMY_ST1_CPS_[*]_SETPOINT_NOW, which might be making tiny changes all the time.)

To back out of using the OBSERVE files & load safe, one can always:

  1. go to the SDF nodes for the ones noted above,
  2. open "SDF RESTORE SCREEN" (top center)
  3. click "! SELECT REQUEST FILE" on RESTORE window
  4. select & open "safe.snap" file
  5. click "LOAD TABLE" on RESTORE window
  6. This will return you to where we were at

To make these OBSERVE files will take us out of Science Mode (since "diffs" will be noted albeit briefly).  I might try making some more now since we are out of Science Mode for PEM Injections.  Otherwise, Betsy will be back Monday to also help out with this.

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corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - 15:42, Wednesday 02 September 2015 (21149)

Made a few more OBSERVE.snaps:

  • SUS-ETMY (Not monitored:  Optic pit/yaw)
  • HPIITMY (Eveything accepted & monitored!)
  • ISIBS (Not Monitored:  H1:ISI-[*]_ST1_CPS_[*]_SETPOINT_NOW, which might be making tiny changes all the time.)
  • HPIBS (Eveything accepted & monitored!)

I also decided to back out all of these OBSERVE.snaps and revert back to the save.snaps for the time being.

jenne.driggers@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:01, Wednesday 02 September 2015 - last comment - 16:45, Wednesday 02 September 2015(21133)
Locking shenanigans

[JimW, Jenne, Evan, DanH]

Relocking after we took the IFO down for some Cal measurements about 7 hours ago has been pretty painful.  However, we're back up.  We were back up, before DHARD Pit kicked us out.

Our biggest problem was with some glitches that we think are in one of the mode cleaner mirrors.  They went away after a few hours though, so we aren't really clear on what the problem is.  We see them in MC2 MasterOut channels, so the glitches do exist in the digital system.  But, loops are closed everywhere, so it's tricky to tell where they originate.  While these glitches were present, we couldn't lock ALS for more than a few minutes at a time.  We would lose the lock before we were able to lock the DRMI, much less transition off of ALS.  The 2nd and 3rd attachments show quiet and noisy times, respectively.

Later, we lost lock a few times at Switch_to_QPDs.  Last month, Sheila and I kept adjusting the TRAMP on the reduction of the CARM offset that happens in that state, so I changed it again tonight.  I still don't have any particular understanding of why the speed at which we reduce the CARM offset matters so much.  For a while, we had been making it longer and longer (up to a Tramp of 60 sec), and then eventually reverted to the original 10 second ramp time.  Tonight, I put in the guardian that it should do this ramp over 30 seconds, and it's worked a few times in a row.

Next up was a set of weird PRCL glitches.  The attached lockloss screenshot shows them appearing in PRCL out, and the effect they have on the power recycling cavity's 9MHz buildup.  Some time around here, although I don't remember the exact order of operations (Evan, do you remember?) Evan reverted the 9MHz RF source from the IFR (which he installed during the calibration break earlier in the evening) back to the OCXO.  I don't know if we have a way to tell, other than someone's memory of the time, whether we were on the IFR or the OCXO at the time of this PRCL weirdness.  Anyhow, I think this only caused one lockloss, and it doesn't seem to be there right now. 

We have been seeing DHARD pitch oscillations during the CARM offset reduction for the past few days now.  Sheila and I were going to do some loop measurements last night to see why the loop was so unstable, but last night had its own troubles.  Anyhow, Evan commented out the turn-on of DHARD pitch FM1, "boostLTE".  This boost increases the gain below 1 Hz, but eats about 70 degrees of phase at 1 Hz.  With this commented out, we were finally able to get to DC Readout.  After we were sitting on Nominal Low Noise for a while, DHARD Pit started oscillating.  We saw it in the ASAIR camera, and in the ASC control signals.  My current hypothesis (without doing any measurements...) is that the IFO isn't stable enough for us to handle this semi-delicate loop before the rest of the ASC comes on.  So, I have added FM1 of DHARD Pit back to the guardian, but I put it at the very end of Engage_ASC_Part3 so that it comes on last.  Since it didn't ring up for more than ~30 minutes, I think delaying the boost turn-on should be okay.

The last sticking point didn't cause a lockloss, but it did prevent the guardian from getting to Nominal low noise on its own: The IMC guardian got stuck trying to turn on the ISS.  The ISS guardian has some logic that if the absolute value of the 1-second average of some number (PSL-ISS_SECONDLOOP_SIGNAL_OUT16) is above 2.5, don't turn on the ISS.  If this happens, it returns to the Locked state, but the ISC_Lock guardian is still requesting ISS_ON, so I think it should go back to trying to preparing the ISS, and rechecking this number.  Instead though, it just hangs at the Locked state.  I tried hand-requesting ISS_ON a few times, with the same result.  I don't know what this channel means, and I don't know how conservatively that threshold was set, but to try to get the lock to complete, I temporarily changed the threshold to be 3.5.  (After we got past this state, I put it back to 2.5 and reloaded the guardian, so next lock it will be back to the original threshold).  What is this signal (it's totally unclear from the screens, and I haven't opened up the model to see if I can figure it out)?  What are the consequences of increasing this threshold?  Why is the guardian getting stuck?  I think we need to re-examine this guardian logic. 

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sudarshan.karki@LIGO.ORG - 16:45, Wednesday 02 September 2015 (21153)

PSL-ISS_SECONDLOOP_SIGNAL_OUT16 is the output of the ISS Outer Loop Servo that is fed to the first loop actuator.  If we try to close the loop with a larger value it will create a  DC offset large enough, on the first loop actuator, possibly kicking the ISS out of lock.   All these threshold values were determined from the experience. I dont remember what is the max threshold but probably we should understand why this value is not getting small enough as there is a PID loop that constantly tries to adjust the value.

On the other hand,  if this is happening after the loop is closed at which point the loop threshold value is already decreased to 0.1. At this point, the loop checks that the threshold condition is met before engaging each stage (gain, boost and integrator). If any one of the condition is not met it will open the ISS, go back to IMC LOCKED sate and start preparing ISS again. Looks like this is not happeing either. Hmm. More investigation needed.

kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:36, Tuesday 01 September 2015 - last comment - 17:09, Thursday 30 June 2016(21101)
OMC DCPD signal chain,maybe missing 10-ish kHz pole in our model

In this morning, I checked the OMC DCPD electronics chain (for both A and B) by injecting known sine wave analog signal. This was one of those items that Keita suggested me a while ago.

According to the data, I am concluding that our calibration model needs to add another pole at 10-ish kHz for accurately simulating the OMC whitening circuits.



The measurement method is straightforward -- it is a swept sine measurement in a manual way.

I had a function generator by the HAM6 electronics rack which drove a single-ended-to-differential convertor (D1000931, technically speaking this is a coil driver test box). Then the differential signal is sent to the input of the OMC DCPD whitening board (D1002559, S1101603) by some clipping technique. By the way, the actual cable for connecting the OMC DCPDs were unplugged during the measurement. The excitation amplitude was set to 2 Vp-p at the function generator which resulted in 2 Vp-p in both positive and negative paths at the input of the whitening board as expected accroding to the schematic of the coil driver test box.

I then recorded the data in IOP at the full sample rate using dataviewer for 1 sec for a selected excitation frequency (and for some reason, diaggui did not want to run and hence dataviewer this time). Keeping the same excitation amplitude, I manually stepped the freqyency from 8 kHz to 100 Hz. After every step, I saved the time series of the IOP so that I can make a transfer function later. In addition, I had an oscilloscope with me which kept monitoring the excitation ampitude at the input of the whitening board. The scope told me that the excitation ampltude stayed constant at 2.02 Vp-p in each channel throughtout the measurement. The OMC DCPD had


Analysis and result

To get a transfer function from the data that I took in time series, I decided to do a sine-wave fitting for each data chunk to get the amplitude information. I wrote a small matlab script to do it. It can be found at:


The script utilizes fminsearch and spits out the best fit amplitude for each frequency measurement. Additionally, it places uncertainty or error bar by taking the standard deviation of the residual. Note that this is not a standard way to place an error bar since it does not take the number of measurement points into consideration. According to the fit, the residuals were found to be usually a few counts which is much smaller than the amplitude of signals which was about 2000 counts. So it typically places 0.1% uncertainty after all.

The result is shown in the attached pdf. By the way the lower panel in the plot says, "residual", but it should read "(measured)/(model)" instead. It shows the measured transfer function together with the expected model transfer function for comparison. It is very obvious that the measurement suggests that our model is missing some high frequency pole. The model is merely made of the analog AA response which I have already measured and fitted. Adding some random pole, I could see an extra pole at around 10.7 kHz making the fitting much better. In fact, I sort of knew that there seemed to be a high frequency pole by some other measurements which I did not post. We probably need to add this high frequency pole in our calibration model.

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Comments related to this report
kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - 19:28, Tuesday 01 September 2015 (21123)

I have measured and fitted the AA filter response for DCPD A and B (ch13 and ch14 of S1102788 respectively). I used the same coil driver test box to produce differential signal and measured the transfer functions with SR785. The results don't show any unexpected additional high frequency poles.

The plots are shown below in line. The fitting is good up to 10 kHz.


The fitting code can be found at:



The analysis/plot code can be found at:


The figures in both pdf and png formats are available at:





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kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - 21:24, Tuesday 01 September 2015 (21124)

Independently of the above measurements, I have measured the entire signal chain of the OMC DCPD A and B by injecting random signals from the extra DAC output in LSC (a.k.a. LSC-EXTRA_AO2).

It also showed a high frequency pole at around 10.7 kHz which is consistent with the result from the manual swept sine described above.


Measurement setup

  • Random noise excitation in LSC-EXTRA_AO2
  • Output of the LSC-EXTRA_AO2 at the ISC rack is connected to a spear RF patch panel and routed all the way to the HAM6 area.
  • In the HAM6 area, the excitation signal is split into two by a BNC tee and drives the A and B inputs (corresponding to ch4 and ch5 respectively) of the whitening board (D1002559, S1101603).
    • Note that this time the connections are made in a single-ended manner, so that it does not exctie the negative leg of the differential receiver in the whitening board.
  • I took a transfer function from the IOP channel of LSC-EXTRA_AO2 and that of OMC DCPD A and B in order to avoid confusion from IOP's up/down-sampling filters.

By the way, in the digital world particularly in the IOP world, LSC-EXTRA_AO2 is called DAC0_CH9, and DCPD A and B are called ADC0_CH12 and CH13 respectively.

AI filter for LSC-EXTRA_AO2 needed to be measured

Since this measurement automatically includes the AI filter for LSC-EXTRA_AO2, we need to subtract this transfer function out of the resultant measurement. So I measured and fitted it (ch10 of S1102761) by using the coil driver test box (D1000931) and a SR7850. Here is the result.

As shown in the plot above, the fitting is good up to 10 kHz. I did not see unexpected high frequency pole. The fitting code, data and results can be found at:






This fitting result is then used in the subsequent analysis as decribed below.



First of all, I attach the measured transfer functions together with the fitting result.

As I noted in the above subsection, the measured transfer functions include

  • AI filter of LSC-EXTRA_AO2
  • AA filter of DCPD A or B
  • flat response of the whitening filters (as I set them to 0dB with no whitening stages engaged)

In my fitting model, I newly inserted a high frequency pole at around 11 kHz as an initial guess. Without this additional high-freq pole, the fitting would be miserable above 1 kHz similarily to the one shown in the above entry or alog 21101. As for the parameters of the AA and AI filters, I have used the fitted parameters and do not try to re-fit them in this anaysis. In other words, the fitting parameters in this analysis are:

  • high-freq pole at around 11 kHz
  • scale factor (which should be close to 0.5 because I am driving only one leg of the differential receiver)
  • delay presumably due to some computation cycle

The below are the raw output from LISO:

#Best parameter estimates:
#pole6:f =  10.7609523979k +- 1.226 (0.0114%)

#Best parameter estimates:
#pole6:f =  10.7183613550k +- 1.209 (0.0113%)

The upper one represetns the fitting result for DCPD A and the lower one for DCPD B. Both of them have a pole at around 10.7 kHz.

Some SVN info

As usual, the data, codes and resultant figures are saved in svn. They can be found at:












Next step

I will analyze equivalent data with one whitening stage engaged. This is more important because this is likely going to be the configuration we will run during O1.

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kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - 23:00, Tuesday 01 September 2015 (21126)

I have measured the DCPD signal chain in the same fashion as the previous alog, but this time with the 1st whitening stage engaged.

Here is my conclusion:

  • The whitening board seems to consistently show a high frequency pole at around 11 kHz
  • The zero and pole location of the 1st whitening stage seem to be inaccurate by 12% at most
  • We should  re-measure the whitenig board in a wide frequency band

Measurement setup

The measurement setup is the same as the one in the previous alog shown above. I drove LSC-EXTRA_AO2 by random noise and took transfer functions from the IOP test point of LSC-EXTRA_AO2 to that of DCPD A and B. This time the 1st stage whitening filter is engaged with 0 dB gain.


Here are the measured transfer functions with the fitting results.

LISO says:

#Best parameter estimates (for DCPD A):
#pole6:f =  10.8756718522k +- 1.275 (0.0117%)
#pole7:f =  10.3442465820 +- 4.165m (0.0403%)
#zero2:f =  992.1541013425m +- 2.461m (0.248%)
#factor =  500.1410089072m +- 1.112m (0.222%)

#Best parameter estimates (for DCPD B):
#pole6:f =  10.8295424180k +- 1.26 (0.0116%)
#pole7:f =  10.4145450914 +- 4.172m (0.0401%)
#zero2:f =  998.2444937993m +- 2.463m (0.247%)
#factor =  499.8306079302m +- 1.105m (0.221%)


The result suggests that the high frequency pole (called pole6 in the fitting code) moved up by 1-2% from 10.7-ish kHz to 10.8-ish kHz in both DCPD A and B compared with the previous data without the whitening filter engaged. I don't have a good explanation for why they moved up. But the point is that the high frequency pole does exist in the whitening configuration that we want to run during O1. Therefore we should definitely include this pole in our calibration model. Additionally, the measurement done at Caltech also shows a reduction in the magnitude as frequency reaches the end of the measurement frequency band at around 6 kHz (S1101603). Therefore I start believing that this high frequency pole is real and do exist in the whitening boards. I guess this effect was not visible in my intemnsity transfer function measurement (alog 20851) because ASC-AS_C, which was my intensity reference, also uses the same whitening circuit (D1001530) as OMC DCPDs.

Another interesting thing is that LISO reports different poles and zeros for the actual whitening filters than the ones reported in DCC (S1101603, or see nice summary by Koji at alog 17647). The pole location seem to be almost the same at a few % level, but the location of zeros differ by more than 10%. This is not cool. This also makes me think that we should re-measure the whitenig filter response.

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kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - 01:45, Wednesday 02 September 2015 (21131)

This should be a killer measurement for this long discussion which was triggered by the unexpected high frequency pole-ish behavior in the DCPD signal chain. I have measured the transfer function of the DCPD whitening filter using an SR785 tonight.

The current conclusions are that:

  • A measurement of the whitening filter tells that we need to have two poles at high frequencies-- one at around 18 kHz and the other ar around 14 kHz
    • ( In addition, another pole at 98 kHz gives us a better fitting )
  • The whitening zero-pole pairs need to be updated in the calibration model and perhaps in the OMC front end model in order to accurately compensate the filter response.



There seemed to be one or perhaps multiple high frequency pole(s) at a frequency on the order of 10 kHz. We wanted to include them in the calibration model to be mroe accurately model the phase and time delay. Besides, independtly of the high frequency poles, we noticed that the whitening zero-pole pairs were not precisely at the frequencies specified in the DCC document of an early measurement (S1101603). These two things pushed us to re-measure the analog transfer function of the whitening filter, in particular the first stage which is the one we usually use in full lock.


I again used the coil driver test box only for the reason that I wanted a single-ended-to-differential convertor. With an SR785, I performed a swept sine measurement for ch4 and ch5 which correpond to DCPD A and B respectively. The 1st stage of the whitening filter was engaged while the rest are disabled for both A and B whitening filters. The whitening gain was set to 0 dB for both A and B. These settings are nominal that we usually operate in full lock. The exctiation amplitude was 200 mVp-p in the positive and negative inputs which resulted in 2 Vp-p at highest at the positive and negative outputs. With a scope, I confirmed that there was an obvious distortion or saturation in the signal at the outputs.


I fitted the measured data with four poles and one zero. See the fitting results shown below.

As shown in the plot, the fitting is good from 1 Hz to 10 kHz at 0.1% level in absolute amplitude and 0.02 deg level in the phase. Here are the raw output from LISO.

#Best parameter estimates (for DCPD A):
#pole0:f =  18.6402825833k +- 20.23 (0.109%)
#pole1:f =  14.5121291389k +- 12.5 (0.0861%)
#pole2:f =  98.9771014448k +- 60.89 (0.0615%)
#pole3:f =  10.2675781089 +- 660.2u (0.00643%)
#zero0:f =  973.9581771978m +- 151.1u (0.0155%)
#factor =  993.7495082788m +- 129.2u (0.013%)

#Best parameter estimates (for DCPD B):
#pole0:f =  18.4126906482k +- 21.61 (0.117%)
#pole1:f =  14.6312083283k +- 13.88 (0.0949%)
#pole2:f =  98.3231767285k +- 60.51 (0.0615%)
#pole3:f =  10.3405121747 +- 667u (0.00645%)
#zero0:f =  980.5696173840m +- 152.8u (0.0156%)
#factor =  993.4759822630m +- 129.8u (0.0131%)


In order to get a better fitting, I ended up adding three poles at high frequencies -- two of them seem to stay between 10 and 20 kHz while the third one tends to be at around 98 kHz. I did not need to have a delay at all because this is just an analog circuit.

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koji.arai@LIGO.ORG - 02:32, Thursday 03 September 2015 (21168)

Are these above-Nyquist-freq poles the ones I've reported with LHO ALOG 17647?
If so, they are the high freq poles associated with the OMC DCPD in-vac preamps.
Since they exist above the Nyquist frequency (~8kHz), it is not straight forward to compensate them.

As they show up like a linear time delay at low freq, we decided to leave them uncompensated in April. (Refer Daniel S, Jeff K).
This corresponds to ~18us delay. I thought this was already accommodated in the DARM calibration model described in LHO ALOG 17951
and the following comments (particularly in LHO ALOG 18037). Were they dropped at some point?

kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - 07:12, Thursday 03 September 2015 (21171)


No. They are not the ones in DCPDC's preamp. These poles are found in the whitening board by directly measuring it.

As for preamp's super-nyquist poles, they have been incorporated in our calibration model and  have been actually used in the upsampled FIR pipeline without approximating it as a time delay. So we did not drop the ones from the preamp.

kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - 12:16, Thursday 03 September 2015 (21184)

For double chek my conclusion written above, I went back to the original plot in alog 21101. With the newly discovered high frequency poles of the whitening board (alog 21131) included, the measurement agrees with the model with 1-ish % descrepancy up to 5 kHz in magnitude as shown in the attached plot.

This is good enough .


The code and figure:



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kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - 17:09, Thursday 30 June 2016 (28101)

The data for the whitening filters in the above entries are obsolete as of 30/6/2016.

The whitening chassis was replaced by a different unit on June 28th in 2016 (alog 28010). A new measurement was taken on June 30th in 2016 (alog 28087).

keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:48, Tuesday 01 September 2015 - last comment - 17:28, Wednesday 02 September 2015(21094)
Harmonic generator testing (Filiberto, Keita)

We pulled both the power supply and the harmonic generator from the remote rack and tested them in the lab, together with spare supply and spare generator. We used a spare 9.1MHz source on the bench.

In the lab, regardless of the combinations (supply and generator), 45MHz thing was clean.

In the rack, we tested the original generator with spare and original supply, with 9.1MHz source coming from the distributor in the rack. In both of the cases there were huge 45+-2MHz-ish humps.

Evan reported in the past that using IFR at the rack didn't change the results, so we didn't bother to look at 9.1MHz source.

In all of these test cases both in the lab and rack, the only thing connected to the harmonic generator was power supply, 9.1MHz source and the network analyzer on 5x output. Everything else was terminated.

We also looked at the supply voltage in the lab. We opened the chassis and used clips to access gnd and +15V test points. Under the load, both of the units didn't show any huge high frequency noise. RMS voltage measured on the scope was about 1mV, which was dominated by some pickup (it got smaller when I hand held the chassis away from the 9.1MHz source). Fil also measured the spectrum and it was within the spec. And anyway, the harmonic generator didn't show any hump in the lab, so the power supply is pretty much exonerated.

Fil put the original units back in.

Comments related to this report
rich.abbott@LIGO.ORG - 13:17, Tuesday 01 September 2015 (21098)ISC
Do the other harmonic harmonic generator output spigots have excess sideband noise?
evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - 14:03, Tuesday 01 September 2015 (21100)

Rich, yes. I took measurements of some of the other ports of the HG in the CER a few days ago (measurements attached).

001.TXT: 45 MHz output

002.TXT: 27 MHz output

004.TXT: 135 MHz output

005.TXT: 90 MHz output

007.TXT: 36 MHz output

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rich.abbott@LIGO.ORG - 16:48, Tuesday 01 September 2015 (21113)
There's a clue in the data files you attached.  Looking at the plot of the 45 MHz, you see side lobes at +/- 1MHz.  Looking at the plot of 90 MHz, and 135 MHz you see side lobes with the same offset frequency.  If the source of the pollution was coming into the input of the harmonic generator, then the peaks of the side lobes would scale with frequency.  Given that this is not the case, you are looking for something that effects each frequency directly.  In my opinion, that would most likely point to a power supply issue causing phase modulation of an amplifier common to each output spigot (based on the observation that the induced modulation is about the same in each channel and assuming that's the physical topology of the HG).  

There is 50dB of separation between the peak of the carriers and the side lobes, so you can produce a spectrum like that with a pretty small 1 MHz noise hump on a power supply rail.  I would be wanting to look at the HG power supply directly with an RF spectrum analyzer (be sure to AC couple the power supply to the spectrum analyzer or else you will need to buy a new spectrum analyzer, 1000pF would suffice)

I don't know exactly how you are measuring these noise peaks, but I guess it could also be something in the particular spectrum analyzer (if you are using a different analyzer in the shop for example).  Have you looked at a "clean" signal to be sure you don't see it on all observed signals with that particular analyzer?  Sorry if this is simplistic, you may well have already vetted this and wrote about it only to have me forget somewhere.

I now wish I had popped the top on the HG and its power supply.  I have been itching to do that for a while, but missed the opportunity while I was there this weekend.  I'd be super interested to see a photo of the insides if anyone felt like looking...
daniel.sigg@LIGO.ORG - 00:28, Wednesday 02 September 2015 (21129)

The power supply is a LIGO low noise unit boxed into a standard chassis. More details here. Possible points of investigations: power cable shielding, power decoupling at the generator side, grounding issues.

evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - 05:21, Wednesday 02 September 2015 (21132)

I went back and looked at the IFR data from a few days ago, and it seems that this may be a problem with the 9 MHz coming from the OCXO. The first attachment shows the output of the harmonic generator when powered from the IFR versus the OCXO. The IFR measurement still has peaks around the 45 MHz, but they are much smaller than with the OCXO.

As a check, Dan and I measured the spectrum directly out of the IFR and out of the OCXO (no distribution amplifier involved). In both cases, the spectrum on either side of 9.1 MHz looks pretty clean, but the OCXO has much worse noise between 0 and 2 MHz, and the shape qualitatively matches the peaks that are seen on the outputs of the harmonic generator.

We also did some related tests, like looking at the 45 MHz spectrum of the spare HG when powered from the 9 MHz distribution amplifier. This spectrum has the same huge peaks as the primary HG.

Keita and I looked at the noise from the ±15 V power supply, but we didn't see anything outrageous. As advised, we ac coupled the spectrum analyzer with 1 nF. The spectrum seemed to be roughly a few hundred nV/Hz1/2 out to a few megahertz, but we found it hard to get a clean measurement.

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rich.abbott@LIGO.ORG - 10:52, Wednesday 02 September 2015 (21137)
I misspoke.  The offset frequency of PM or FM sidebands in a multiplied spectrum remains constant, but the sideband power scales with the multiplication factor.  

9.1MHz carrier (W) with sinusoidal sideband (Wm) before multiplication:
COS[W*t + A*SIN(Wm*t)]

Derivative of argument for angular Frequency:
W + A*Wm*COS(Wm*t)

After frequency multiplication of factor N:
N*W + N*A*Wm*COS(Wm*t)

Sideband frequency unchanged, power scaled by N

That being said, the sideband power is not scaling by N in the data I saw posted.  The carrier could still be amplitude modulated, but I don't see how it could be phase or frequency modulated.  Sorry for my earlier flawed theory on frequency multiplication.

If someone would please figure this out, I could do a much better job of warping theory to fit observation.

Conclusion:  There might be AM being induced on either on the 9.1MHz carrier, or somewhere inside the harmonic generator - for what little that does to help.

daniel.sigg@LIGO.ORG - 12:51, Wednesday 02 September 2015 (21144)

The direct RF spectrum of the 9.1MHz shows no side lopes at 1-2MHz offset. This describes the total power including both AM and FM sidebands. Odd harmonics generators are typically squaring up the fundamental and then filter out the desired frequency. So, they should be first order insensitive to AM.

rich.abbott@LIGO.ORG - 17:28, Wednesday 02 September 2015 (21159)
You are right about the limiting Daniel.  Evan saw sidebands on the OCXO input too.  I attach a plot of the 45.5, 91, and 135 MHz spectra frequency shifted for relative comparison (Data taken from earlier post).
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