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Reports until 16:42, Tuesday 24 July 2012
bram.slagmolen@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:42, Tuesday 24 July 2012 (3569)
OAT RefCav - locked and stable

After relocking the RefCav in the optics labs at the nominal settings from early yesterday, and tweaking the servo settings (UGF ~170 kHz!).

I took an SR785 spectrum of the RefCav transmitted beam and the ~2.6 Hz resonance is clearly visible. After turning off the HEPA filters, they dropping in amplitude, but a 4Hz spike appears.

The RefCav table has its HEPA filters turned OFF, hope that is ok.

Data will follow shortly.

betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:20, Tuesday 24 July 2012 (3568)
H1 MC2 Coil Drives checked

After yesterdays failed attempts at seeing drive on the MC2 M2 and M3 lower stage coils, Richard checked the electronics and found nothing.  So, we really think we just can't see the drive of these small AOSEMs.  Nonetheless, for the record here's what he checked and found to be healthy:

1) The signals on the cable from the satellite box to the AOSEMs

2) The signals on the cable into the satalite box

3) The satellite box lights were all green where appropriate

4) The offsets entered on the medm input were seen on the coil driver cable in

LHO General
gerardo.moreno@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:17, Tuesday 24 July 2012 (3567)
Iluminator Testing

(Richard M, Gerardo M)

Attached is a comparasion of the iLIGO illuminator vs. a new illuminator (consists of 3 sets of LED lights) illuminating the inside of BSC05.

The conclusion is that the new illuminator works good as is, but Richard will add one more set of LED lights to the new illuminator to increase its illuminance.

Photos below:

iLIGO = iLIGO illuminator

New = New type of illuminator

Images attached to this report
richard.mccarthy@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:44, Tuesday 24 July 2012 (3566)
MC2 Middle Stage
Betsy, Filiberto and I tested the signal chain for the MC2 lower stage.  We were able to confirm Sensor signals are reading back.  The Coil driver drives a signal to the SatModule in the right order.  We also checked that Coils,PDs and LEDs were all on the appropriate pins of the cable from the SatModule to optic.
richard.mccarthy@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:41, Tuesday 24 July 2012 (3565)
Optics Lab Ref Cav
We installed a Beckhoff analog input module and uplink in the optics lab to monitor the RefCav transmission photo diode.  This temporary setup has an Ethernet cable from the optic lab to the MSR plugged directly into the Beckhoff Front End computer.  The photo diode signal it split off the BNC and converted to twisted pair and plugged into the beckhoff 3102 module.  At some point I need to extend this Cat5 cable to clean up the installation but the signal can be seen in the beckhoff system.
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:39, Tuesday 24 July 2012 (3563)
4 hourly rsync backup of h1boot now showing EPICS slowdown of front end data

Starting this weekend, the slow down of the front end epics systems started on the H1 systems as h1boot was being backed up by cdsfs1. This is identical to the H2 problem which started July 4th.

Investigation is continuing, but for now the short term "fix" is to only rsync h1boot at 05:20 each morning. h2boot is rsynced at 05:40 each morning.

james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:41, Tuesday 24 July 2012 (3562)
Changed GDS control room software
Changed gds software from gds-2.15.2 to gds-2.16.3 for linux workstations in control room.
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:34, Tuesday 24 July 2012 (3561)
Restarted X1 tripleteststand after timing fiber replacement
Restarted IOP and x1sushxts27 models after the timing cable to the I/O chassis was replaced.  Complete power down, power up restart.  Burt restored 20120622-x1sushxts27_PR2.snap, restarted data concentrator.
eleanor.king@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:12, Tuesday 24 July 2012 (3560)
Tracking down fringes on the HWS

( Aidan, Thomas, Elli)  Recently Aidan noticed fringes on the beam spot on the HWS down at EY.  He also noticed a coupling between beam movement and the spherical power the HWS senses.

In an attempt to clean up the fringes, yesterday I replaced the polarizzing beam splitter which sits just upstream of the HWS with a mirror.  This reduced the fringes on the HWS, improving the image quality.

This morning between 14:14 and 14:30 UTC Thomas and I gave a periodic excitation of PZT_1 and _2 in pitch and yaw and measured the spherical power fluctuation.  We missaligned the ITM to ensure the cavity was unlocked while taking measurements.  It appears we have reduced the coupling between beam motion and spherical power fluctuations.

bram.slagmolen@LIGO.ORG - posted 00:18, Tuesday 24 July 2012 (3558)
ISCTEY Laser Intensity Noise Eater is not engaged

The intensity noise eater on the Innolight laser is NOT turned on. Once we get it locking again we will turn it on to see the improvement.

bram.slagmolen@LIGO.ORG - posted 00:02, Tuesday 24 July 2012 - last comment - 00:15, Tuesday 24 July 2012(3555)
No PLL and No arm lock -> fiber beatnote out of range

Alberto and Bram.

With the strange increased power readings on the REFL_PD, which seemed to be linked to the Beckhoff PLL temperature feedback, and not being able to lock the PLL we headed to EY. After trying to find the beatnote (fiber output with the local laser), it turned out there was no light coming out of the fiber (even after Alberto relocked the RefCav). Keita re-relocked the RefCav.

With light coming out of the fiber, no beatnote was found until we tuned the crystal temperature from the original 31.27 deg C to 38 deg C (which seems to be it maximum). Even at that setting, it was at a few hundred MHz. All Beckhoff settings were turned 'off/cleared', as indicated on the screens.

To get the beatnote within range of the EY laser, I changed the RefCav to the next FSR (up in laser crystal temperature), with only a small change in beatnote frequency.

Adjusting the Lightwave (= RefCav) temperature down by ~0.5 deg C, requires the Innolight (EY) laser to adjust by 0.2 deg C (down), to follow the beatnote.

In the end I reduced the RefCav laser down by 5 deg C (to ~34.6 deg C), but tuning the laser temp of the Innolight laser did not to bring the beatnote down to ~40 MHz (still just above 100 MHz).

There is something fishy going on, but so far we didn't manage to find it.

Next we will unplug the temp feedback cable from the laser controller, just to be sure we don't have a secret offset.

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bram.slagmolen@LIGO.ORG - 00:15, Tuesday 24 July 2012 (3557)

What is strange is that the RefCav FSR is 750 MHz (assuming 20 cm long RefCav), when locking the Lightwave laser to the 'next' FSR doesn't seem to move the beatnote frequency by a similar amount.

fabrice.matichard@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:10, Monday 23 July 2012 - last comment - 23:43, Monday 23 July 2012(3553)
Rounded coefficents
Last week:
- we designed and installed new high blends in all 12 directions of the the BSC-ISI, in order to reduce low frequency gain peaking (both units)
- we designed and installed a .250Hz low blend in the longitudinal direction (Y) (both units)
this provided interesting improvement as reported in the last cavity measurement.

However,the measured isolation was not as good as expected (it did not follow the low blend as it should).

The problem seems to be in the blend filter conversion to the foton format: The low blend filters first coefficients are small and rounded.

The plot attached show the improvement after fixing the low blend in BSC8:
- Red curve is the reference (Stage 1 Damped)
- Blue Curve is Stage 1 Controlled, with rounded coefficients
- Green Curve is Stage 1 Controlled, with better filter coefficients

We'll work tomorrow on a solution to prevent this from happening again.

I leave both units up and running for Bram to possibly run cavity measurements. 

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bram.slagmolen@LIGO.ORG - 23:43, Monday 23 July 2012 (3556)

Thanks Fabrice, but no sigar ...

thomas.vo@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:55, Monday 23 July 2012 - last comment - 17:17, Tuesday 24 July 2012(3551)
H2 ETMY/ITMY Optical Lever Quad Mappings via SUS Offsets
Jeff K, Jeff G, Thomas V

We thought it might be necessary to map out the quadrants of the ETMY and ITMY optical levers via offsets induced onto the suspension stages, namely M0.

After centering the beam on the optical lever QPD on ETMY, we offset the pitch on the M0 stage by a positive amount and expected the two lower quadrants of the QPD to have a spike in intensity (as deduced by the coordinate system set by SUS to determine which direction is positive and negative pitch and yaw).  Then offset yaw in a positive amount, which we expect to see the the two left quadrants to have a spike in intensity.  This was different than was what showing as pitch and yaw in the SUS medm and also is different than what I had used in my earlier calibration parameters.  This being said, the outcome of the mapping is as follows as viewed facing the QPD for ETMY:

Repeating the test with the same process on ITMY OptLev, we found that the mapping didn't correspond once again to what was previously recognized as the mapping and is as follows:

The plot thickens:
As you can see, the two QPD's are not the same rotated about the center axis, which begs a confusing question of what might be going wrong. The most obvious answer is that the pitch signs are flipped, but where might this come from?  It could be a wiring issue in the hardware connecting the QPD to the ADC, a problem with a few negative signs somewhere in the readouts, or a difference in polarity of the output coil drivers F2 and F3 on the M0 stage of the ITMY.  The last option was found when we were trouble shooting and found that aLOG 2109 written by Jeff K. had addressed this issue but we couldn't find a log that resolved it.  It might be a combination of these things, still a work in progress.  It might be worth it to put in the glass viewport protectors and remove the enclosures to do a laser pointer test again on these QPDs.  Either way, the discrepancy between the two scenarios via the same process is perplexing.
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thomas.vo@LIGO.ORG - 17:17, Tuesday 24 July 2012 (3573)
Opening up the Optical Levers on both ETMY and ITMY and used a laser pointer , I mapped out definitively the quadrants for both optical levers. This is as facing the front of the optical lever QPD and the channels correspond to the channels outputted by the SUS MEDM for ITMY and ETMY.



Now, the good news is that the OptLev electronics match between the ITM and ETM.  Also cross refrencing with LLO's HAM 3 optical lever QPD, it matches ours as well.  The interesting part is that when we give a positive pitch to the ITMY suspension, it shows exactly opposite of what we expect to see on the QPD.  A mystery still yet to be solved.  ETMY suspension and optical levers matched beautifully, a sign convention is the difference between them which come from a positive pitch misalignment on the suspension yields a higher intensity on the two lower quadrants of the optical lever QPD.  The same goes for positive yaw offsets on the suspension, both of these can be easily remedied.
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:49, Monday 23 July 2012 (3552)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .5 microns in particles per cubic foot.
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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:38, Monday 23 July 2012 - last comment - 19:12, Tuesday 24 July 2012(3545)
More MC2 Phase 2b testing

This afternoon we obtained the spectra of the lower stages (M2 and M3) of MC2 in both the damped and undamped states (using plothsts_spectra.m).  The spectra were taken over the lunch hour so the LVEA activity should have been pretty quiet.  Data was committed to svn.  WIll post a PDF shortly.

As well, I used awggui to try to verify that I could see drive on the coils of these lower stages (for example, exc H1:SUS-MC2_M2_COILOUTF_UL_EXC while watching the OSEMINF_OUT_DQ channel for UL).  This will need to continue later as at first pass, I couldn't see much signal on the M2 AOSEMs.

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jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 08:53, Tuesday 24 July 2012 (3559)
More details / results to come, but I figured we'd post the results for people to independently peruse, while we continue to discuss.

Conclusions at this point:
 - The top to top (undamped) transfer functions look mostly excellent
 - The only thing that has raised a yellowish flag is the first longitudinal mode at 0.68 Hz shows a sharp notch just above it in frequency. Given that the rest of the magnitude looks entirely clean (and independently looking at the DTT .xmls confirming good coherence), I'm confident it's a real feature. However -- after exploring the model in detail we (re)remembered that the first L mode is at the exact same frequency as the first T mode. So, perhaps, in this particular instance the two modes are just different enough to break the normally degenerate mode.
 - Spectra look as expected given the out-of-vacuum environment. The results are notably and encouragingly *less* noisy at high frequency, confirming that the surprisingly large excess motion at high frequency seen in this SUS's Phase 1b results was merely excessive ambient noise in the X1 Test Arena.

To come:
- Damped transfer functions (results taken, just not yet analyzed)
- TF comparisons with other, previous results
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jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 19:12, Tuesday 24 July 2012 (3576)
Status Update:

I attach new versions of the above plots, which now includes the 2012-07-20, damping-loops-closed transfer functions compared against MC2's phase 1b measurement (2012-06-15) and a token L1 HSTS (L1 SUS MC1, 2012-06-04). The conclusions are still the same; everything looks pretty darn good, except for the non-degeneracy of the first Longitudinal and first Transverse mode. Note that the non-degeneracy disappears with damping loops on, so the loops are modifying the dynamics enough that there is no further "cross-coupling" (if indeed it is a mechanical/physical cross-coupling and not just sensor cross-coupling from not-perfectly-aligned-flags or something).

HOWEVER, after looking into the assembly tolerance for Roll, we found that, as currently constructed, MC2 is out of spec. So, Betsy and Travis will need to adjust the Roll of the optic (on Thursday), and therefore all measurements will have to be re-done, since it's a major change that would affect the dynamics. (Booooo.)

Thinking out loud: Hrmm... if the Roll is out of spec ... Roll is fundamentally coupled with Transverse ... maybe the roll in the optic is modifying (increasing? decreasing? the frequency -- can't tell) the first Transverse / Roll mode of the SUS, breaking the above mentioned degeneracy ... maybe this is why it's obvious in this SUS and not any SUS's prior? But this still doesn't explain how a L / P drive could produce R / T, which should be completely orthogonal degrees of freedom.
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thomas.vo@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:07, Monday 23 July 2012 - last comment - 08:50, Thursday 26 July 2012(3543)
H2 ETMY Optical Lever Calibration
I have taken the calibration data and analyzed it. The plot of the linear response curve is attached.

I used a polynomial fitting program in python to get these numbers.  This should give you the conversion from volts to micro-radians.

           Slope            Y-intercept
Pitch   [  1.01902201e+06   8.42886118e+00]
Yaw     [  9.83122943e+05  -1.19329010e+01]
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thomas.vo@LIGO.ORG - 19:11, Monday 23 July 2012 (3550)
Please hold off on using these calibration parameters, it looks like the SUS readout channels that map out the quadrants on ETMY and ITMY were not correct and I will need to re-calculate if this is true. Updates soon to come.
thomas.vo@LIGO.ORG - 14:25, Tuesday 24 July 2012 (3564)
The QPD mapping did prove to be different than what was previously shown on the MEDM screens.

Here are the new values for the linear response curve. The units are micro-radians/volts. The lever arm is taken to be 6 meters still 

Pitch [ 1727.67131855    23.41350328]
Yaw   [ 1666.80728788   -33.14694715]

It is relevant to address that a positive pitch on the ETMY quad suspension MEDM on the m0 stage will yield a higher intensity on the two lower quadrants of the optical lever QPD, giving a negative pitch as viewed facing the QPD. 
Also, a positive yaw in the quad suspension MEDM will yield a higher intensity on the two left quadrants of the optical lever QPD, giving a negative yaw as viewed facing the QPD. For alignment purposes this will be important to note.  

The next step is to take measurements over the course of at least 2-6 hours and measure the drift as a function of time.
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thomas.vo@LIGO.ORG - 08:50, Thursday 26 July 2012 (3588)
I copy and pasted wrongly into the screen the pitch and yaw are reversed, this is signal(1/m) vs translation(micro-radians) which gives units of micro-radians*meters.
       Slope              Y-intercept
Pitch [1666.80728788   -33.14694715]
Yaw   1727.67131855    23.41350328]

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alberto.stochino@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:44, Monday 23 July 2012 - last comment - 23:39, Monday 23 July 2012(3540)
ALS laser input power increased?

[Bram, Alberto]

Both the ALS REFL PD and the TMS green QPDs are showing larger counts than before the weekend. It looks like the trend started sometime between Friday and Saturday night.

See attached plots. The REFL PD is set with a negative gain so that it reads 0 when the arm was unlocked, and it beceomes postive when the arm is locked.

Now we read around -4000 cts when the arm is unlocked.

Also the green QPD segments, both A and B read around 2200 cts, vs about 2000 as they did before.

We're not yet sure if this means that there's actually more physical power in the beam going. If that was the case, then it would be quite strange.

Could it be a DAQ artefact?

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bram.slagmolen@LIGO.ORG - 23:39, Monday 23 July 2012 (3554)

This maybe have to do someting with the PLL being out of lock, with the intergrator railing both the temp and the PZT feedback. Although I don't know the mechanism, but it may seem that there is more green being generated???

After we disabled the PLL servo and cleared the integrator (in Beckhoff), the pwoer seemed to be fine. When we engaged the temp controller (slow servo and integrator in the Beckhoff), after a little while (2-5 min), the power on the green REFL_PD_DC seemded to 'increase'. 

We haven't measured the power levels in the end-station, as we had bigger fish to fry... see a later post.

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