Displaying reports 75461-75480 of 76933.Go to page Start 3770 3771 3772 3773 3774 3775 3776 3777 3778 End
Reports until 10:36, Monday 10 October 2011
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:36, Monday 10 October 2011 (1529)
BSC7 HEPI Actuators Install Complete
All the actuators have been installed and they are all connected to the Four-way Valves.  As usual:
*** Don't operate the Valves  *** at the tops of the piers.
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:34, Monday 10 October 2011 (1528)
HEPI Welding HAM9 Complete
This is the first HAM completed at LHO.  A few photos attached to show the routing.  These have not been pressure tested--they can't until the compete main lines are put in place.  Routing has been checked by Worden and McCarthy in regards to Vacuum & Electrical interaction.
The first image is the North end of HAM9--this is the busy end as far as plumbing.  The second photo is  half of the South end and is about as busy as it gets there.
Images attached to this report
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:44, Sunday 09 October 2011 (1525)
ITMy monolithic work
Last week, the ITMy compensator plate (CP09) was transported to the LVEA and installed into the QUAD reaction chain lower structure.  It was suspended from it's loop and found to hang decently.  Apon hanging the CP, RePUM, and ReUIM as a triple unit, we found the CP was hanging at 1.6mRad, so we proceeded to lock it down in prep to reattach it to the main chain.  Pictures are on ResourceSpace:


Note that in the pictures, the Reaction Chain with the CP (left) is sitting in front of the Main Chain (right) in order to gain access to the IAS equipment to the right of the cleanroom.
richard.savage@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:58, Saturday 08 October 2011 (1524)
H2 aLIGO PSL installation
Lots of progress made this week with assistance seven colleagues from AEI and LZH in Hannover, Germany (Maik Frede, Mathias Janssen, Raphael Kluzik, Michaela Pickenpack, Oliver Puncken, Benno Willke, Lutz Winkelmann) and Peter King from CIT as well as Michael Rodruck, Dave Barker, Cyrus Reed, Richard McCarthy, Patrick Thomas, Irena Libby, et al. from LHO.

The PSL components were uncrated and moved to the LVEA, then into the Laser Diode Room, Chiller Room, and Laser Area Enclosure.  The high-power oscillator (770 lbs.) was moved into position on the PSL/IO table along with the front end laser, diagnostics breadboard, and pre-modecleaner assembly.  The fibers for the 800 nm pump light were run between the Laser Diode Room and the Laser Room.  Hoses were installed between the chiller and the water piping and the system was charged with water and tested.  The scheme for removing the chiller heat by dumping it into the LVEA return air plenum via an exhaust chimney appears to be working well.  Video cameras are operating and generating Laser Room and Ante-room images that are being displayed in the control room and outside the Laser Room in the LVEA.  Cabling work in the Laser Diode Room and PSL racks adjacent to the Laser Room is ongoing.

On Monday, we plan to begin commissioning of the front-end laser (35-W laser like that used for eLIGO).
greg.grabeel@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:57, Friday 07 October 2011 (1523)
Unit #3 Assembly Progress
After discovering there was an unacceptable amount of twist happening between Stages 0-1 on BSC Unit #3 the springs and flexures were uninstalled and replaced with new ones.  New flexure brackets were installed as well. The new parts are as follows:

	Corner 1
	Spring 0-1 s/n 15
	Flexure 0-1 s/n 138
	Flexure 1-2 s/n 140

	Corner 2
	Spring 0-1 s/n 10
	Flexure 0-1 s/n 131
	Flexure 0-2 s/n 132

	Corner 3
	Spring 0-1 s/n 13
	Flexure 0-1 s/n 150
	Flexure 1-2 s/n 120 

 The twist is now down to less ~.007" but we'll need to re-level to be sure. Regardless, this is much improved over the previous state of affairs.
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:19, Friday 07 October 2011 - last comment - 14:12, Monday 10 October 2011(1515)
BSC8-ISI Cabling Work

(Corey, Filiberto, Hugh, Jim, Mitch, Vincent) 

****  This covers Testing & Installation of Cables for BSC8 which covered much of this week.  ****

Swapping Cables & Laying Them Out For Final Configuration

Other than the Capacitive Position Sensors, cabling for the BSC8-ISI had been Class-B.  This week we swapped out these cables for Class-A cables, and  positioned them on the ISI in a "final configuration".  Photographed cable layouts, and posted in ResourceSpace, here.  Below are the serial numbers and locations for all of the cables we installed this week.

Cable Serial Numbers

Drawing # (D11001__) S/N (S110____) LOCATION
_48 _4051 Corner1_Stage1_Horiz Actuator Extension
_48 _4050 Corner1_Stage1_Vert Actuator Extension
_48 _4057 Corner1_Stage2_Horiz Actuator Extension
_48 _4058 Corner1_Stage2_Vert Actuator Extension
_50 _5188 Corner1_Stage1_Horiz Actuator
_50 _5187 Corner1_Stage1_Vert Actuator
_51 _4085 Corner1_Stage2_Horiz Actuator
_51 _4084 Corner1_Stage2_Vert Actuator
_52 _5193 Corner1_Trillium
_53 _4556 Corner1_GS13 Extension
_53 _4557 Corner1_L4C Extension
_54 _4256 Corner1_L4C
_55 _4120 Corner1_GS13
_48 _4056 Corner2_Stage1_Horiz Actuator Extension
_48 _4049 Corner2_Stage1_Vert Actuator Extension
_48 _4047 Corner2_Stage2_Horiz Actuator Extension
_48 _4048 Corner2_Stage2_Vert Actuator Extension
_50 _5189 Corner2_Stage1_Horiz Actuator
_50 _5186 Corner2_Stage1_Vert Actuator
_51 _4086 Corner2_Stage2_Horiz Actuator
_51 _4094 Corner2_Stage2_Vert Actuator
_52 _5192 Corner2_Trillium
_53 _4560 Corner2_GS13 Extension
_53 _4561 Corner2_L4C Extension
_54 _4257 Corner2_L4C
_55 _4122 Corner2_GS13
_48 _4055 Corner3_Stage1_Horiz Actuator Extension
_48 _4054 Corner3_Stage1_Vert Actuator Extension
_48 _4053 Corner3_Stage2_Horiz Actuator Extension
_48 _4052 Corner3_Stage2_Vert Actuator Extension
_50 _5191 Corner3_Stage1_Horiz Actuator
_50 _5190 Corner3_Stage1_Vert Actuator
_51 _4082 Corner3_Stage2_Horiz Actuator
_51 _4083 Corner3_Stage2_Vert Actuator
_52 _5194 Corner3_Trillium
_53 _4558 Corner3_GS13 Extension
_53 _4559 Corner3_L4C Extension
_54 _4258 Corner3_L4C
_55 _4121 Corner3_GS13

SUS Viton Cable Clamps Installed

Swapped out Peek cable clamps with newer Viton Cabl Clamps for the SUS cabling strung on the side (at Corner3) of the ISI (we did NOT address any clamps on the Optical Table. (photo of Jim installing a clamp is attached)

Testing Seismometer Cables

Before connecting cables to the Interface Feedthrus and Powering ON the seismometers, we used our Emulator box to test out the cables for the L4C's and GS13's.  (We were not able to test out the Trillium Cables; we tried the STS2 Emulator, but this did not work for us.)

Balancing Stage 2 & Capacitive Position Sensor (CPS) Issues

On Wed night we made an attempt at checking/balancing the ISI because the SUS group wanted to run measurements on a floating ISI.  We were surprised at how much Stage2 was off.  It took a while, but we were able to get all the Vert CPS under 0.5V. 

After this, we locked up Stage2, and unlocked Stage1 to begin balancing, but then we noticed we had a railed (+13V) V3 CPS.  In all liklihood, we are going to have to swap this CPS and board out (we checked it and its cabling several times to no avail).  

Images attached to this report
Comments related to this report
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - 14:12, Monday 10 October 2011 (1531)

Change to Cabling Table Above

After routing cables last week, we tested Actuator cables and it was noticed (2) Actuators were wired up wrong (Corner3's Horiz & Vert Fine Actuators were basically switched).  The cables were then switched. 

On Friday afternoon, I did one more check of all of our cables to confirm everything matched the documentation, and sure enough I saw that the (2) actuators we switched were physically cabled to the wrong actuators! 

This morning, we checked the cabling here, and the problem was traced to the Position Sensors (what we use to look at what the Actuators do).  The Horiz & Vert Fine Capacitive Position Sensors (CPS's) were the culprits (a Horiz cable was connected to a Vertical Sensor, and vice versa).  These CPS's were switched to a correct configuration, and the Actuators were also switched.....all this switching occurred at the Interface Feedthru.

So, to be thorough, here is the correct cabling layout for the Fine Actuators at Corner 3 (:

Drawing # (D11001__) S/N (S110____) LOCATION
_48 _4052 Corner3_Stage2_Horiz Actuator Extension
_48 _4053 Corner3_Stage2_Vert Actuator Extension
_51 _4083 Corner3_Stage2_Horiz Actuator Extension
_51 _4082 Corner3_Stage2_Vert Actuator Extension
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:27, Friday 07 October 2011 (1521)
Test stand data rate issue
I called in Dave Barker to diagnose an issue with the test stand. I wanted to create a DTT job to look at X1:SUS-QUAD_M0_OSEMINF_F1_OUT and 19 other X1:*_OSEMINF_*_OUT channels (with a view to getting the dewhitened noise signal from a batch of AOSEMs which will presently be hooked up and tested for noise). 

The problem that I saw was that only of order 5-6 channels had valid data - the rest had garbage (typically a few non-zero data points and the rest zero) repeating on a 1 second loop.

Jeff K and I tried his new x1susquad model (with the swapped channels to allow for the new OSEM wiring) and saw the same problem. We reverted to the old model and still saw the problem so we put the new model back in place.

After a few reboots of the test stand and much head scratching, we found the problem was a marginal .ini file (  /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/chans/daq/X1SUSQUAD.ini ) which was logging so many channels that there was no processor time left over to look at 20 test points. Dave Barker saved the large version as X1SUSQUAD_verylarge.ini , and put in a minimal one (there's a rule that at least two channels must be uncommented). I made a spare copy of the minimal one at X1SUSQUADminimal.ini . We will need to swap back in the large one before trying to do transfer functions.
LHO General
angus.bell@LIGO.ORG - posted 01:10, Friday 07 October 2011 (1520)
Fiber shipment test - LHO to Glasgow
A fiber pulled at LHO was shipped to Glasgow in the aluminum tube shipping container design by Doug. On arrival fiber was in one piece and was tested for strength by hanging 15 kg from it for 24 hours. Fiber passed the test, which is good news.
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:13, Thursday 06 October 2011 (1519)
Support table, viewports, and feedthroughs were removed. Condition of chamber was documented. Pre-work wipes and FTIR samples were taken. Compressor trailer was moved into the LEA/High Bay. 
LHO General
jonathan.berliner@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:09, Thursday 06 October 2011 (1516)
(Personal) Policy Statement for Each LHO Alarm's Response

I'm sharing this list as a guide to which alarms I clear on activation, as opposed to those I respond to according to the guidance provided. Operators who are more or less familiar than I am with the status quo of operations on site should communicate with each other and system leads for updated procedures

All other alarms are responded to according to the guidance provided by the EPICS Alarm Handler. Stay tuned for door alarms in a different post.

LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:52, Thursday 06 October 2011 (1518)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .5 microns.
Non-image files attached to this report
LHO General
jonathan.berliner@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:27, Thursday 06 October 2011 (1517)
Thursday Ops Log

- H2 PSL work continues with help from Peter King and the visiting group from Germany

- EY: Painting of the VEA floor

- EY: Cyrus heads down to EY to pull a cable

- Patrick installs a dust monitor at the H2 PSL

- ICC in HAM10

- H1 TCS Lasers turned off due to temperature anomalies. Tidal file regenerated. Good duty cycle today, as H1 locked up to OMC locking on its own.

jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:40, Thursday 06 October 2011 (1513)
H2SUSITMY Simulink Model + Medm Screens Updated
Similar to what I've done for the X1SUSQUAD's model yesterday, H2SUSITMY's model had to have some channels re-arranged given the new M0 / R0 OSEM arrangement shown in T1100327-v3 and D1001725-v7. This update is now complete for H2SUSITMY (only). 

In addition, I've brought the QUAD_MASTER.mdl library part up to the standard we'd finished with the triples at LLO a few weeks ago, in that the M0, L1 and L2 stages now use the SIXOSEM_F_STAGE_MASTER.adl, FOUROSEM_STAGE_MASTER.adl and FOUROSEM_STAGE_MASTER (respectively), and all stages use the sus-subsystem-wide-usable WATCHDOG.c instead of the quad-specific QUAD.c. Because their control schemes are unique to the QUAD, R0 and L3 do not have their own stage master, but are left as part of the overall QUAD_MASTER.mdl library part. Finally, the BIO interaction has been brought up to the "RCG2p3 Strategy" referenced in T1100507.
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:48, Wednesday 05 October 2011 - last comment - 12:53, Monday 24 October 2011(1512)
FMY M1 OSEM diagonalization and mechanical adjustments
J. O'Dell, J. Garcia

Continuing with the diagonalization of the FMY M1 OSEMs, mechanical adjustments to the FMY top mass (M1) were made to further decouple the "F1" and "SD" OSEMs from the Yaw DoF.  The same sine wave excitation at 1.4Hz was injected to the "H2:SUS-FMY_M1_TEST_Y_EXC" channel with a 100ct amplitude. The expected contributions to the "Yaw" transfer function should be the "F2" and "F3" OSEMs with desired isolation of the other OSEMs ("F1", "RT","LF", "SD") at ~30dB or less.

Initial measurements indicated the "F1" OSEM to be ~10dB isolated from Yaw, with the other OSEMs at ~30dB isolation. Our reasoning was the "F2" and "F3" OSEMs were not in line with the center-of-mass of M1, causing a slight Pitch that would manifest itself in the "F1" OSEM response.  To lower the COM of M1, a 300g mass was added to the top of M1.  The OSEMs were then realigned to center the flags and the first pdf is the same measurement with this configuration.  The "F1" response is roughly ~20dB lower than "F2" and "F3" and the "SD" response about ~17dB lower.


This promising result encouraged us to add more mass to lower the COM further.  A 100g mass was then added to M1. At this time, it was noticed the flag of the M2 LL OSEM was twisted and possibly rubbing against the OSEM photodiode sensor and/or LED source.  The M2 LL OSEM housing was removed, and the subsequent measurement is displayed on the second pdf.  The "F1" isolation is now at ~25dB and the "SD" OSEM now at ~29dB.  

pdf #2 - "fmy_osem_diag_yaw_add_topmass_400g_f1alignm2llosemoff_111005.pdf"

The flag for the M2 LR OSEM was noticed to be twisted as well, and it's OSEM housing was removed.  The current configuration of the FMY is the M2 LL and LR OSEM housings are removed, there is now 400g added mass to the M1, and the M1 LF and RT flags are out of range of their respective OSEM beam paths due to the added mass.
Non-image files attached to this report
Comments related to this report
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - 12:53, Monday 24 October 2011 (1609)

I should note that adding the mass to the top of M1 lowered the position of the entire chain but NOT the Center of Mass.  These adjustments have an effect of RAISING the Center of Mass.  It was the positioning of the entire chain relative to the CoM that was lowered with the added mass.  This incorrect wording added some confusion but the procedure and results remain the same.

LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:23, Wednesday 05 October 2011 (1511)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .5 microns.
Non-image files attached to this report
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:06, Wednesday 05 October 2011 (1510)
Second cleaning took place this morning. Garbing and staging cleanrooms were moved into place around the chamber cleanroom. Garb and contamination control supplies were stocked. Particle counts were taken and since they looked good (at both the 72" height and floor level) and purge air was on, the north door was removed. The door blank on the west side of the chamber was also removed.
Logbook Admin Bug
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:14, Wednesday 05 October 2011 - last comment - 17:25, Tuesday 13 December 2011(1509)
Comments don't show up in search results
Comments do not show up as results of search queries for them (I've tested by searching for entry ID #, author name, and keyword search).
Comments related to this report
jameson.rollins@LIGO.ORG - 14:44, Thursday 10 November 2011 (1700)

I agree that this is a pretty bad bug.

jonathan.hanks@LIGO.ORG - 17:15, Thursday 10 November 2011 (1705)
I'll work on that after the NSF review.
jonathan.hanks@LIGO.ORG - 17:25, Tuesday 13 December 2011 (1904)
This is implemented in test test aLOG.  It will be moved to production in the next few days.
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:45, Wednesday 05 October 2011 (1500)
New violin mode measurements on monolithic stage
With help from Travis, I redid the provisional violin mode measurements on the monolithic stage from 9/24: https://alog.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/aLOG/index.php?callRep=1460 . I used (see attached photo of setup):

* The optical lever laser, with a steering mirror mounted on a Brunson stand to one side of the structure.

* A small audio speaker placed on UHV foil on the cross bar of the structure and pointed toward the fibre.

* A quad photodiode on an second Brunson stand on the other side of the structure, nearest the fibre to be tested.

* A Stanford signal analyzer for excitation and read back.

* A digital oscilloscope in XY for checking the DC spot position as reported by the QPD.

Procedure was:

(i) Adjust the steering mirror location and angle until the shadow of the fibre to be measured is clearly visible in the beam spot on a gloved finger just behind the fibre. 

(ii) Adjust the position of the QPD until the spot is centred per the oscilloscope. 

(iii) Tweak the position of the QPD until the swaying of the mass is clearly visible (sometimes the optimum position is slightly off-centre either horizontally or vertically).

(iv) Set the signal analyser source to 10 V. (The previous measurements used a powered speaker, but the Stanford can drive an unpowered speaker at a fair volume.)

(v) Do a swept-sine measurement from approximately 500 to 530 Hz, with 800 lines of resolution (this takes about a minute).

The peaks were low-Q and had about a 1 Hz bandwidth (see photos of analyser screen). The frequencies were approximately

Left front: 504.5
Left back: 507.5
Right front: 506
Right back: 511

(Here "back" is the AR side, and "left" and "right" are as seen standing at the back.)
Images attached to this report
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:35, Wednesday 05 October 2011 - last comment - 13:39, Thursday 06 October 2011(1508)
Signal Routing changed on X1 SUS QUAD
Since we've moved forward with the suggested clean up of the TOP stage of a QUAD's cable routing (see T1100327-v3, D080273-v2), this change needed to be accounted for in the test stand's simulink model, given that the order of the analog inputs have changed as a part of the clean up. I've edited, compiled, and installed the simulink model
to reflect the new input order as defined on D080273-v2:

ADC Channel     Signal
0               M0 F1
1               M0 F2
2               M0 F3
3               M0 SD

4               M0 LF
5               M0 RT
6               R0 LF
7               R0 RT

8               R0 F1
9               R0 F2
10              R0 F3
11              R0 SD

Comments related to this report
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 13:39, Thursday 06 October 2011 (1514)
In this update, I [forgot / didn't realize] that the *output* order needs changing as well. I've now installed the model with *both* the inputs and outputs matching the signal order shown above. This corresponds to the userapps svn repo version 1190.
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