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Reports until 18:29, Monday 19 September 2011
LHO General
robert.schofield@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:29, Monday 19 September 2011 (1425)
No microphonic electronics found in aLIGO test stand
I have been looking for environmental coupling to the aLIGO electronics located by the SUS and SEI test stands in the Y arm of the LVEA. To test for vibrational coupling, I used speakers and shakers (photograph below shows accelerometer and shaker on one of the cabinets). I shook each rack using a 5 Hz ramped sawtooth, and looked for evidence of the 5 Hz comb in many of the working channels by looking for coherence between the channel and the accelerometer channel. Even though I shook the racks with more than 100 times the amplitude of the ambient background at most frequencies (see plot) I found no evidence of coupling - good job CDS.
Images attached to this report
Non-image files attached to this report
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:37, Sunday 18 September 2011 (1423)
ITMy monolithic work
B. Bland (and G. Moreno, T. Sadecki)

On Friday, the first piece of glass was installed into a suspension at LHO.  The ITMy Penultimate Mass (PUM) was loaded into its QUAD lower structure in the LVEA fiber welding cleanroom.  We utilized the ergo arm, and the Genie lift, as we encountered some leg interference between the ergo arm and the weld trolley which holds the lower suspension structure.  We will look into a different weld trolley base mount to alleviate this interference for the future installs.  Pictures of the maneuver are on ReSource Space (note the software uploads the library backwards, so start clicking pictures at the end for appropriate install sequence):


Collection entitled "LHO ITMy Glass PUM Install" if the link above doesn't work.

After we do a test hang of this mass with it's new wire loop, we anticipate loading the ITMy Test Mass this week in preparation for fiber welding later in the week.
H1 General
robert.schofield@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:22, Saturday 17 September 2011 (1422)
Clean rooms over HAMs 1, 2, 4, 6 and BSC 7 shut down
These clean rooms were not in use so I shut them down to prevent interference with interferometer locking.
bram.slagmolen@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:45, Friday 16 September 2011 (1421)
ISC/TMS Breadboard Cabling

Yesterday we mounted and routed the various cables from the QPDs and picomotors on the H2 ETMY Transmon ISC breadboard.


Using ISC breadboard layout D1101585 for the picomotor locations and D1000238 for the actual picomotor cable assembly, the connectors are conected as follow:

J1 (25-pin connector) = mounted in the connector bracket in the lowest location on the ETM side of the breadboard ( photo of the bracket)

J2 (4-pin mighty mouse connector) = M3 (green beam)

J3 (4-pin mighty mouse connector) = M6 (green + IR beam)

J4 (4-pin mighty mouse connector) = M4 (IR beam)

J5 (4-pin mighty mouse connector) = M14 (IR beam)

During assembly of the picomotor mounts, we are not sure if the 'verticl' and 'horizontal' axis of the picomotors are maintained (e.g. we did not know which of the picomotor was horizontal or vertical).


Also, the two QPD sleds are aligned, with each a single 25-pin connector (D1000231), are mounted in the connector brackets. There are two QPDs per 25-pin connector, one for the green sled adnd one for the IR sled. The QPDs are ordered such that QPD1 is the first QPD the beam will be director to (by a beam splitter), while QPD2 is the last QPD on the sled.

The connectors are mounted with pin-1 on the top right corner, with the connector mounting bracket on the primary mirror side of the breadboard. (photo of the bracket)

25-pin IR QPD connector mounted on the lowest position

25-pin GRN QPD connector mounted on the middle position.

Here is a photo of the top view of the breadboard with the cables routed and clamped on the breadboard. The 'ETM Side' is on the right.

The only cable missing on the breadboard is for the bam diverter (the larger structure on the bottom right on the breadboard).

Matt and Bram

LHO General
jonathan.berliner@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:25, Friday 16 September 2011 (1420)
Friday Aft Ops Log

I inherited this shift from MichaelR at noon.

- DaveB and JonathanH at EY installing WiFi

- HEPI actuators being craned in LVEA

- Bob Hamilton of Bob Rhodes HVAC arrives for H2 PSL work

- Work continues by SUS stand in LVEA

- L1 OMC shipped this morning from LLO

- Laser hazard restored in LVEA by ~15:30 for squeezer work

corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:12, Friday 16 September 2011 (1418)
BSC4 HEPI Actuator Installation

(Corey, Eric)

While we had access to the popular Main Crane, (4) Horizontal & (1) Vertical Actuators were craned and bolted (not torqued) into position on the BSC4 Piers.

Logbook Admin General
jonathan.hanks@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:02, Friday 16 September 2011 - last comment - 09:11, Monday 19 September 2011(1417)
Update to the aLOG section/task structure (16 Sept & 19 Sept)
The structure of the sections/tasks will be changing to better reflect the system.  Currently most entries reside under the 'IFO and SubSystems' section with sub-system specific tasks.  These will be rearranged to separate out the H1 & H2 IFOs, test stands, and general site issues.

As such the new structure will be added today (Friday the 16th).  The actual migration will take place early Monday (I will aim for 8:15-8:30am Pacific).  The old section and task names will be removed as part of the migration.

You may continue to use the old section and task names today if you wish.  Please begin using the new ones before Monday morning.

No existing entries will be lost, they will simply be migrated to their new locations.

No chronology will be lost.

No downtime will be involved.

This will be done in the near future at LLO as well.

This email will be posted in the aLOG.

New structure:

Section: Logbook_Admin
Tasks: 	Bug
	Feature Requests

Section: LHO
Tasks:	General

Section: H1
Tasks: 	AOS

Section: H2
Tasks: same as H1

Section: X1
Tasks:	SEI

Jonathan Hanks
General Computing Sys Admin
LIGO Hanford Observatory
Comments related to this report
jonathan.hanks@LIGO.ORG - 16:13, Friday 16 September 2011 (1419)
The sections and tasks have been added.  Please begin filing new entries under the new sections/tasks before Monday.

The old secions/tasks (IFO and SubSystems and all its tasks) will be removed as part of the migration process.  All entries posted (or saved as a draft) will be migrated to the corresponding new section/task.  No entry id will be changed, but IFO and SubSystems is going away.

The migration will happen on Monday.

Thank you.
jonathan.hanks@LIGO.ORG - 09:11, Monday 19 September 2011 (1424)
The sections and tasks have been updated at LHO.
filiberto.clara@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:29, Friday 16 September 2011 (1416)
SUS SAT Field Cables
Finish swapping out SAT field cables from rack to SAT units for ITMY and FMY. Old cables removed.

F. Clara, J. Garner
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:45, Friday 16 September 2011 (1415)
Latest Balancing Of BSC8 ISI

(Corey, Greg, Jim)

This balancing encompasses two days.  We balanced the system by monitoring digital voltmeters connected to each Corner's mini-rack.  For the Stage1 CPS's we aimed for voltages under +/- 0.200V, and for the Stage2 (Fine) CPS's we aimed for voltages under +/-0.500V.  A negative voltage connotates a small gap w.r.t. Target Face, and a positive voltage obviously means a bigger gap. 

On Wed, we primarily addressed Stage2, and then stopped since we didn't have enough weights, and needed to consult MIT with our progress.  The notes for Wednesday's work is attached.  For today's work, we focused on finishing out Stage1 Balancing.  After the entire system was balanced we also noted mass placement for the system. 

Finishing Off Today's BSC8 ISI Balancing:

H:  -0.032 V
V:  -0.062

H:  0.016
V:  -0.115

H:  -0.021
V:   0.055

H:  -0.062
V:  -0.014
H:  0.066
V:  -0.299
H:  0.115
V:  -0.015
H:  0.103
V:  0.144
H:  0.190
V:  0.033
H:  0.432
V:  -0.380

Mass Distribution

Below are the masses used to attain the current balanced state:

(2) -1200 Type6

Optical Table:
(6) Trim Mass Damper Assys

Wall:  D0902614, -2615, -2616Type1 , -2616 Type2, -2616Type3, -2616Type5
Side Wall:  -2612
Walls (D0701200): (1)Type1, (3)Type2, (1)Type3, (3)Type4

Wall:  D0902614, -2616Type1, -2616Type1, -2616Type2
Side Wall: -2612
Walls (D0701200): (2)Type1, (1)Type4, (1)Type5

Wall:  D0902614, -2615, -2616Type2, -2616Type5
Side Wall:  -2612
Walls (D0701200): (1)Type2, (1)Type6

Non-image files attached to this report
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:03, Thursday 15 September 2011 (1414)
The dome was replaced on the chamber today and FTIRs were sent off to JPL along with an appropriate note regarding the priority of the samples. Needed items were staged back at the corner station for HAM-7/8 ICC. Door blanks will be replaced tomorrow. For the record, actual in-chamber work at BSC-6 required 7 work days.
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:44, Thursday 15 September 2011 (1401)
dust monitor at location 6
The first two serial cables connected together from the break-out box to the dust monitor at location 6 (in the H1 PSL diode room) had become disconnected. I reconnected them with extenders. The dust monitor had been swapped earlier as part of the troubleshooting.
H2 General
jonathan.berliner@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:06, Thursday 15 September 2011 (1409)
Thursday Ops Log

- ICC in BSC6
- Some high dust counts by H2 electronics/PSL area (see eLog entry)
- Electrical work continues at EY
- Dome being replaced on BSC6
- Welding in LVEA

Laser Hazard Situation:

Today, we were in laser hazard for the entire day. An SOP is being designed to allow for modified laser hazard in the LVEA that will accommodate everyone's needs, i.e. Squeezers vs. H2 Install teams. Please communicate your intended work schedule well in advance. Additionally, please communicate your progress and start/finish updates to the operator du jour and MikeL so we can transition most efficiently.

jonathan.berliner@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:01, Thursday 15 September 2011 (1407)
H2 PSL Dust Report

Annotated plot attached. After Patrick fixed the dust monitor in the morning, counts were high at some discrete points, peaking the afternoon.

Note: Dust monitor is located by H2 electronics area, so dust may be caused by systems besides for the PSL.

Non-image files attached to this report
Logbook Admin Bug
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:40, Thursday 08 September 2011 - last comment - 17:52, Thursday 15 September 2011(1363)
Comments under main entry to not retain formatting
Where a comment to an aLOG is attached under the main entry, the formatting that a user enters into the comment is not retained (carriage returns, tabs, spacing, etc.). However, the redundant separated comment (that appears at the top of the viewing page) does contain all formatting. This fix will be imperative once the requested feature of Comments Only Showing Up Under the Main Entry is implemented.
Comments related to this report
jonathan.hanks@LIGO.ORG - 17:52, Thursday 15 September 2011 (1413)
Fixed Sept 2011.  Will ask the LLO admins to apply the fix tomorrow.  It will not result in any downtime.
Logbook Admin Feature Requests
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:16, Wednesday 29 June 2011 - last comment - 17:04, Thursday 15 September 2011(1002)
Comments Should Show Up Only Under Main Entry
It's redundant to have a user's comment to another user's entry show up both at the top of the "news feed" and be attached to the original entry. Further, a useful model of the old eLOG was to add subentries with related but less important information. So I suggest one or both of the following:

- If the desire is still to have the comment pull to the top of the "news feed," bring the whole main entry back up to the top of the feed, with the new comment attached.
- Or, have the "comment" button create a "sub-entry" that doesn't pop up at the top of the "news feed," but merely attaches to the main entry.

Either way, the comment / sub-entry should stay attached to the main entry, and that's the only place it should show up.

(For an example, I had intended entry 967 to be a subentry to 966)
Comments related to this report
jonathan.hanks@LIGO.ORG - 17:04, Thursday 15 September 2011 (1408)
Fixed, comments are only displayed under their main entry.
Logbook Admin Feature Requests
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:21, Wednesday 29 June 2011 - last comment - 17:07, Thursday 15 September 2011(1000)
Need ability to Log Out
Often times I would come to a work station, attempt to write an aLOG entry, and find that the web browser has someone else's ligo.org credentials in place (either from recent use or a stored kinit), and I have to close and restart the browser before continuing, or run kdestroy. One should have the ability to log out, or at least have a "Not You?" link that takes you to the home screen, clears the store credentials, and asks for new ones.
Comments related to this report
jonathan.hanks@LIGO.ORG - 17:07, Thursday 15 September 2011 (1410)
This is a known issue with the LIGO.ORG systems.  It probably will not be fixed with the aLOG.

There are two ways to fully log out.

1. Close the browser (all sessions).

2. Use kerberos, then after doing a kdestroy you can click the log-out button and it will actually log you out.
Logbook Admin Bug
michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:23, Monday 18 April 2011 - last comment - 17:08, Thursday 15 September 2011(728)
Search bug

If you type an entry into the "Quick search" box and hit enter, the page refreshes instead of executing a search. You have to click the search button to actually do a search.

Comments related to this report
jonathan.hanks@LIGO.ORG - 17:08, Thursday 15 September 2011 (1411)
Fixed as of Sept 2011.
Logbook Admin Bug
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:01, Friday 14 January 2011 - last comment - 17:09, Thursday 15 September 2011(482)
Quick Search issues
When hitting "enter" in quick search, it doesn't execute the search, it just returns the entire alog.
Comments related to this report
jonathan.hanks@LIGO.ORG - 17:09, Thursday 15 September 2011 (1412)
Fixed Sept 2011.
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