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Reports until 15:32, Thursday 04 November 2010
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:32, Thursday 04 November 2010 (297)
Y-end pumping update
Found Y-end QDP80 with "low N2 flow" alarm -> Investigation shows low pump shaft N2 flow due to near zero vapor pressure at LN2 dewar (pump shaft purge utilizes LN2 dewar boil-off which is nominally 10psi N2) -> "Economizer" valve (a.k.a. pressure relief valve) for this dewar has a history of sticking open and closed - see ilog entries from Jan. 2010 -> frost indicates economizer plumbing is flowing -> Turned adjuster screw 1 full turn cw -> will hold-off on continuing pumpdown of Y-end until normal shaft seal protection (flow) can be demonstrated.
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:22, Wednesday 03 November 2010 (295)
HAM1 prep for east door removal
Kyle- Removed all but minimal bolts from HAM1 east door
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:21, Wednesday 03 November 2010 (294)
Y-end vent
Kyle- vented Y-end

Kyle, Ski- removed BSC10 south door.  Then rehung door. 

Kyle-torqued door and pumped Y-end to 6 torr -> valved out pumps for the night will resume tomorrow.
H2 General
jonathan.berliner@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:07, Wednesday 03 November 2010 (293)
Ops Day Log
0847 - Door ajar at EY, ok.
0930 - Mike L. gives tour of LVEA to visitor
0957 - Ryan and Joe from LLO arrive.
1000 - Richard and Cyrus at MX.
1026 - Kyle at EY, working on instruments there.  Ignore vacuum alarms from EY.
1111 - EY SUS watchdogs begin to fire off
1250 - Door Forced, LVEA
1315 - Chris and Derrick from Apollo arrive
1345 - Gerardo heads to MY to drop off boxes
1400 - Noticing white pickup truck working on radio transmitter on Rt. 10 just past the driveway
1405 - Richard heads out to Vault
1405 - Cyrus out to MX
1456 - EY Optic Lock-Down Complete (Ski)
1503 - Door Forced, LVEA
1535 - Swagelok doing inventory work
jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:33, Wednesday 03 November 2010 (292)
Adjust Quad Mass Weights
Removed the Main Chain Penultimate and Test masses from Quad 2, and increased the static weight of both to 39634g. Reinstalled the masses and are going through the rebalancing alignment process.      
douglas.cook@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:21, Wednesday 03 November 2010 (291)
EY ETMy on stops
Door off ~2:00PM
Placed the ETMy on EQ chamfer stops
The 4 (AR side) chamfer EQ stops were tightened to capture the ETM against the front 4 (HR side)chamfer stops.
Magnets remained well centered in the OSEMs.
The HR face of the optic was very pristine as was the transmon telescope large optic.
The chamber floor had a few bits of AL foil and a couple of white cotton like fuzzballs.
Door back on by 3:00PM
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:49, Tuesday 02 November 2010 - last comment - 21:55, Tuesday 02 November 2010(289)
dust monitors in labs running out of local directory with new code
Finally got the support code for the weather stations, dust monitors, motor controllers, video and projector controls checked out of svn and compiled. Had to tweak the dust monitor code as expected. Had some weird issues about the paths in the dust monitor target directory. I'm not really sure how it was running at all from there before and it isn't now. The $TOP path used in the st.cmd shouldn't have existed the last few times I restarted it, but didn't seem to notice that until after I changed its support libraries to the svn checkout (which should have nothing to do with it). Anyway, the new code is running out of my home directory until tomorrow, when I can update the target directory. Note the running state of code for the weather stations, dust monitors, video and projector controls has been in differing states all late morning to evening. The laser power motor controllers are still down.
Comments related to this report
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - 21:55, Tuesday 02 November 2010 (290)
Never mind, the dust monitor code isn't running. I guess it needs more tweaking.
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:10, Tuesday 02 November 2010 (288)
HEPI actuator testing begins
Eric A., Hugh R., Jim W., Jeff G.

This afternoon we began flushing out our first HEPI actuator on the HEPI test stand.  The procedure is to "bleed" the actuator valves with HEPI fluid for ~24hrs (and rid them of air), then actual testing can begin.  Jim W., Hugh, and Eric modified our side plate that diverts flow into the valves with very good results.  The new plate barely leaks fluid (minor oozing of fluid after ~30min).  

First pic is the actuator/hose set-up after we began flushing.  Second pic is the modified side plate.  The idea is to have the triangle-shaped O-ring encompass the three holes at the vertices.  

Fluid is currently flowing at ~62 psi.
Images attached to this report
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:21, Tuesday 02 November 2010 (287)
Y-end pre-vent activities
Kyle- Y-end - Started purge air, closed GV18,started MTP and QDP80 pumps.
jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:04, Tuesday 02 November 2010 (286)
Quad 2 AOSEM Tuning
Worked on alignment and tuning of the AOSEMs in Quad 2. It is a time consuming and rather tedious process, with waiting for the suspension to quiet down between adjustments. The glue on several of the steel inserts, which hold the magnets in place, did not set well. This permitted the steel insert to come loose, allowing the flag to fall off or become misaligned. We will check these on next batch of flags just coming out of the oven. I am working on a short set of procedures for tuning these OSEMs.        
H2 General
cyrus.reed@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:00, Tuesday 02 November 2010 (285)
Ops Day Shift Summary
Today's random list of notable events:
  • Cleaning at EY/EX in preparation for vent (Terry/Christina).
  • Vacuum system pumps running at EY in preparation for vent (Kyle).
  • Restoration of (some) vault channels, others to be investigated later (Richard).
  • General Tuesday maintenance contractors/vendors on site.
  • One pallet delivery to LSB (Gerardo), and one pickup (Richard).
  • h1adcuex CPU has failed and will require replacement (Richard).
  • Other scheduled tasks not listed here.
mark.lubinski@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:57, Tuesday 02 November 2010 (283)
X mid check valves
Changed the check valves on the control air compressors at X mid.  Restored system
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:49, Monday 01 November 2010 (282)
HAM6 lock down
Mike and I went to HAM6 to lock ISI/OMC down.

For OMC breadboard, all 14 EQ stops were engaged, though probably that was an overkill.

We decided to leave ISI locked down (no eddy current damping).
Images attached to this report
H2 General
dani.atkinson@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:00, Monday 01 November 2010 (281)
Ops Day Shift Summary
  • Mike and Keita locked down HAM6.
  • Richard attempted unsuccessfully to fix the vault PEM channels via MX restarts.
  • A number of FMCS channels have dropped out (INVALID), suspected DAQ issue. May be related to PEM issues. Dave has been notified via e-mail but won't be in until Wednesday.
  • Gerardo took some measurements of the 'experiment room' at MY.
Shift ends as the door is being put back on HAM6.
jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:13, Monday 01 November 2010 (280)
Quad-2 BOSEM Tuning
We encountered an issue with mounting/tuning the BOSEMs located on the Quad Top Mass. To raise the flag assembly high enough to fully interact with the light path, we placed two 1/4-20 flat washers under the Magnet Retainer (D060418). (Note: Cannot add more than 2 washers as spacers due to the short threaded shaft on the Magnet Retainer.) With the washers in place, there is just enough height to get full light block when the adjuster is run all the way down. On the Quad-2  Reaction Chain right side, we are just able to get half-light with the BOSEM fully down.

In the attached photo, the flex circuit is just about to contact the base of the OSEM mount, and there is around 6mm of travel left on the adjuster. If the OSEM is cranked down enough to get full light block, the flex circuit is folded and possibility kinked against the mounting block. Given the circuit path is at the edge of the film, and the flex circuit could be pinched between the OSEM and the mounting bracket, cutting the film and shorting the OSEM is a possibility.

Mark Barton is looking into a long-term solution. 
Images attached to this report
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:32, Saturday 30 October 2010 (279)
Purge Air normal
Dewpoint measurements normal @ Y-mid and Vertex, i.e. <-54C.
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:38, Friday 29 October 2010 (278)
Y-mid purge air dewpoint
Y-mid purge air dewpoint measured -13C drying tower working normally purge air flow full-open since incursion yesterday 4 or 5 compressors running constantly to meet demand soft-cover on for the weekend -> dialed flow down -> dewpoint measured -27C an hour after dialing flow down
filiberto.clara@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:36, Friday 29 October 2010 (277)
Uninstall of H2 Electronics Updata
Removed VME cards and chassis from H2 racks, expect for network and fiber box. Holding off in removing VME crates from racks due to storage issue. Will do inventory of items removed for storage and will upload on Alog early next week. As of now we have removed around 1,000 lbs of cabling.
Images attached to this report
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:12, Wednesday 27 October 2010 - last comment - 15:55, Tuesday 02 November 2010(266)
trying to run motor controllers, weather stations, dust monitors, video & projector controls from svn checkout
Did not succeed. For some reason my compiles are deleting the object files and then complaining that they're gone. I don't know what is going on, so I copied the old code back for now. I restarted everything except the motor controllers, since we are not using them for awhile.
Comments related to this report
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - 15:55, Tuesday 02 November 2010 (284)
Seems that deleting my local .subversion directory and rechecking out the repository might have fixed it. Odd, might have something to do with the restore from the earlier hanford2 crash?
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