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Reports until 17:14, Thursday 15 October 2015
LHO General
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:14, Thursday 15 October 2015 (22563)
Transition To EVE Shift Update

TITLE:  10/15 EVE Shift:  23:00-07:00UTC (16:00-00:00PDT), all times posted in UTC     

STATE of H1:  Taken to Observation Mode at 22:55 by Jim with a range of 75Mpc.  Current lock going on 2.5hrs.

Outgoing Operator:  Jim

Support:  Occupied Control Room, Kiwamu is On-Call if needed

Quick Summary:

useism clearly becoming more quiet in last 10hrs.  Winds under 15mph.  Smooth observational sailing!

jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:05, Thursday 15 October 2015 - last comment - 13:26, Tuesday 20 October 2015(22561)
H1 DARM OLGTFs and PCAL to CAL-CS TFs confirm that H1 ETMY Bias Sign Flip Caused Minimal Change
J. Kissel, K. Izumi, D. Tuyenbayev

As expected from preliminary analysis of the actuation strength change (see LHO aLOG 22558), DARM Open Loop Gain TFs and PCAL to CAL-CS transfer functions reveal minimal change in the calibration of the instrument. For these measurements, all we have changed in the CAL-CS model is switching the two signs in the ESD stage, which in turn cancel each other. As such, the only change should be the change in discrepancy between the canonical model and the actual current strength of the TS / L3 / ESD stage. Again, this change was small (sub ~10%, 5 [deg]), and has been well-tracked by calibration lines, so we will continue forward with focusing our efforts on determining how to apply the time-dependent corrections.

Attached are screenshots of the raw results. Darkhan's working on the more formal results. Stay tuned!

The after-bias-flip results live here:

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Comments related to this report
darkhan.tuyenbayev@LIGO.ORG - 21:10, Thursday 15 October 2015 (22571)CAL

Jeffrey K, Kiwamu, Sudarshan, Darkhan

Some conclusions based on the analysis of the DARM OLG TF and the PCAL to DARM TF measurements taken after flipping the ESD bias sign:

  • Together with the ESD bias sign flip we also inverted the sign of the ESD DriveAlign gain, this means that overall L3 stage actuation function sign was not affected by today's sign flip activites;
  • Since L3 stage actuation function sign was not affected, CAL-CS front-end calibration and EPICS values for calculating kappas are still valid1;
  • Actuation function analysis showed that flipping the ESD bias sign resulted in reduction of the ESD actuation stregth by 7-8% (LHO alog 22558);
  • Change in ESD actuation strength was reflected in mean κtst calculated from calibration lines over 43 minutes of undisturbed data after the ESD bias sign flip; comparison of the most recent actuation and sensing function measurements vs. H1 DARM model corrected with kappas showed residuals at the same level as measurements vs. kappa corrected models before the sign flip (see attached plots).

1although the total L3 stage actuation function sign did not change, the ESD bias sign flip was reflected in two of the SUSETMY L3 stage model EPICS replicas in CAL-CS model: H1:CAL-CS_DARM_ANALOG_ETMY_L3_GAIN and H1:CAL-CS_DARM_FE_ETMY_L3_DRIVEALIGN_L2L_GAIN.

Below we list kappas used in the kappa corrected parameter file for the measurements taken after the ESD bias sign flip on Oct 15. We used 43 minute mean kappas calculated from 60sec FFTs starting at GPS 1128984060 (values prior bias sign flip are given in brackets, previously they were reported in LHO alog comment 22552):

κtst = 1.004472 (1.057984)
κpu = 1.028713 (1.021401)
κA = 1.003843 (1.038892)
κC = 0.985051 (0.989844)
fc = 334.512654 (335.073564) [Hz]

An updated comparison script and parameter files for the most recent measurements were committed to calibration SVN (r1685):


Comparison plots were committed to CalSVN (r1684):


As a double check we created Matlab file with EPICS values for kappas using H1DARMparams_1128979968.m parameter file and made sure that the values agree with the ones currently written in the EPICS. The logs from calculating these EPICS values was committed to CalSVN (r1682):


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jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 13:26, Tuesday 20 October 2015 (22686)
For the record, we changed the requested bias voltage from -9.5 [V_DAC] (negative) to +9.5 [V_DAC] (positive).
H1 General
jim.warner@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:03, Thursday 15 October 2015 - last comment - 17:16, Thursday 15 October 2015(22560)
Shift Summary

TITLE:  10/14 EVE Shift:  23:00-07:00UTC (16:00-00:00PDT), all times posted in UTC     

STATE of H1:  Low noise, undisturbed

Support:  Usual CR crowd

Quick Summary: Most of the day spent doing commissioning work, switching bias on ETMY ESD

Shift Activities:

15:35 JeffK starting Pcal TF
16:10 Bubba to ends looking at chiller yards, done 17:00
16:10 Jenne runing a2l script
17:45 Mitch retrieving tamper from desert inside vertex
18:00 Leaving IFO in ISS 2nd loop for 1 hour to thermalize for ETMY bias flip
18:30 Jeff launches ETMY actuation strength measurement
Most of the afternoon was more OLGTF, and bias switches
23:00 IFO to low noise, undisturbed


15:35 JeffK starting Pcal TF
16:10 Bubba to ends looking at chiller yards, done 17:00
16:10 Jenne runing a2l script
17:45 Mitch retrieving tamper from desert inside vertex
18:00 Leaving IFO in ISS 2nd loop for 1 hour to thermalize for ETMY bias flip
18:30 Jeff launches ETMY actuation strength measurement
Most of the afternoon was more OLGTF, and bias switches
23:00 IFO to low noise, undisturbed
Comments related to this report
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - 17:16, Thursday 15 October 2015 (22564)

This is actually 10/15 & Jim's DAY shift.  :)

sudarshan.karki@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:59, Thursday 15 October 2015 (22559)
Slow change in Optical Gain at the beginning of lock stretch

We have seen slow change in optical gain at the beginning of each lock stretch at LHO. Jenne has a nice alog (LHO alog 22271)  about this varying optical gain.  Here, I am trying to use the calibration parameters kappa_C which is a measure of change in optical gain from its nominal valure of 1. For this analysis, I take the the data that has  Guardian state vector greater than 600 (Low nominal noise) and plot kappa_C from the beginning of each lock stretch to 2 hours into the lock.

The attached plot has total of nine segments starting from Oct 03, 2015. There were total of 12 viable segments but I excluded 3 segments which were more flatter at the beginning. Not sure why these are flatter than the other but excluding those stretches help to visualize the time constant of optical gain better.

The estimated time it takes for the optical gain to reach its nominal values after the IFO is locked is about 30 minutes or so as seen in attached plot.

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jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:03, Thursday 15 October 2015 - last comment - 13:26, Tuesday 20 October 2015(22558)
Actuation Strength Measurements Complete for H1 ETMY
J. Kissel, K. Izumi (with relocking team help from J. Warner, J. Driggers, and S. Dwyer)

We've (finally) completed the couple of ETMY iStage actuator to DARM sweeps + PCAL to DARM sweeps with the IFO locked on ETMX. This took several attempts because (a) the transition from locking the DARM on ETMY to ETMX failed, (b) we accidentally rapidly flipped the ETMY bias while locked on ETMX which glitched the mass, and (c) in efforts to lock, we've rearranged when ASC gets turned on, and in doing so, during the last attempt we forgot to turn on a few of the loops. However, rubbin's racin'.

More details to come once we've processed the measurements carefully, but the preliminary message is that the ESD actuation strength has decreased by 7-8% -- going from ~5-6% stronger than the model, as expected from the continuous estimate of the actuation strength from calibration lines to ~1-2% weaker than the model. Both the UIM and PUM have not changed strength at all, also as expected. As such, because the changes have been accurately tracked by the calibration lines, and the change in TST stage actuation has brought the model systematic from +5 to 6% to -2 to -1%, we will *not* be updating the front-end CAL-CS calibration (and that *includes* the EPICs record to compute the time-dependent parameters). We should also expect to see this change perfectly in the estimation of the actuation strength in the next few hours of this lock stretch.

We're currently retaking DARMOLGTFs and a PCAL2DARM TF to get a similar before vs. after result comparing against this morning's result (LHO aLOG 22546), but we expect to be up and running within the hour, with as good a calibration accuracy as we've had before.

More details, plots, and quantitative results to come!

The data have been committed to 

and exported to

Comments related to this report
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 13:26, Tuesday 20 October 2015 (22687)
For the record, we changed the requested bias voltage from -9.5 [V_DAC] (negative) to +9.5 [V_DAC] (positive).
jim.warner@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:59, Thursday 15 October 2015 (22557)
New blend filter page for LHO BSC-ISIs

Because we are now using two different BSC blend filters depending on ground motion, I wanted to make the job of checking and switching them easier. With copious coaching from Jenne, I copied and pasted the buttons of the two filters from each ISI to a single screen, so you should be able to tell at a glance what is running. This now lives under the O-1 tab on the site map as ISI BLEND FILTERS. It's not pretty and it's not perfectly organized so I will clean it up eventually. I also need to test that each button does what it should, but we are locked and people taking measurements.

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sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:19, Thursday 15 October 2015 (22554)
Locklosses durring CARM offset reduction

Jenne, Jim, Sheila

This morning we are trying to flip the bias sign on ETMY with high ground motion.  This has caused a few locklosses, and since we currently have moderately high ground motion (20 mph winds, normal microseism) it is difficult to relock. 

This gave us a chance to relook at the locklosses durring the early stages of CARM offset reduction, that are currently the biggest problem we have with locking durring modestly high ground motion (see here).  A few weeks ago I had added pulling the OMC off resonance to the guardian (as is done at LLO) alog.  I think that the OMC was probably not part of the problem, it is just that when the ground is moving more we get more fluctuations in the power at the AS port, which tended to cause the OMC to flash when it was on resonance.

In the locklosses durring the switch to QPD step, the first attachment is fairly typical.  We have glitches of about 1/10 of a second that happen as the CARM offset is reduced, and show up as dips in REFL LF, AS LF, AS_C, and AS45 Q.  You could imagine that this is caused by an alignment fluctuation, but I have looked at optical levers and witness sensors for many of these locklosses and don't see anything.  It seems more likely that these "glitches" are from the ALS DIFF loop, because as soon as we transition to RF DARM they stop.  

One thing that I've seen is that because AS_C sees these glitches, the loop that sends AS_C to SRM and SR2 has a large glitch when these happen.  This morning we edited the gaurdian to turn off both of the SRC loops in the state TR CARM (after the ASC is offloaded, when the refl WFS loops are turned off), and turn them back on in ENGAGE_ASC_PART1 (beofre turning on any other loops).  We used to always have these loops off durring CARM offset reduction so we think this should be OK.  However, it didn't completely solve the problem.  

In this state we run an ezca servo that takes the AS45Q signal and adjusts the ALS DIFF offset.  For some but not most of these SWITCH_TO_QPD locklosses it looks like this servo isn't able to keep AS45Q at zero because it simply doesn't have enough gain.  For this reason we also tried increasing the gain of this servo in the switch to QPD step by a factor of 2 (to -82222).  There are other locklosses however where this isn't the case.  Also, in many of the glitches that we survive, the glitch is over before the servo reacts, which makes it seem like we need more proportional gain in the servo (its just an simple integrator).

Perhaps the best solution would be to try transitioning to RF DARM at a higher CARM offset. We occasionally have difficulty with the RF DARM transition at the current offset (sqrt TR CARM = -3.3, which should be about 140 pm carm offset depending on alignment) when the inital alingment is not good. If we move the transition to a lower CARM offset we will become more sensitive to inital alignment.  One idea would be to try engaging the SOFT loops durring the CARM offset reduction to help compensate for a bad inital alignment. 

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gerardo.moreno@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:33, Thursday 15 October 2015 (22555)
BSC8 Annulus Ion Pump Status

It appears that the AIP for BSC8 has failed, we will investigate its status next Tuesday.

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bubba.gateley@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:57, Thursday 15 October 2015 (22551)
Supply fan air flows and chilled water pump frequency
As requested by Robert Schofield, I have dialed back the supply fan air flows in the LVEA to ~ 10,000 CFM per fan and the End Stations to ~ 9000 CFM per fan.  

Currently there are 3 fans running in the LVEA, SF 2,3,&4. AHU-3 has both SF-1 and 2 running at ~9000 CFM. Each end station has only 1 fan running at the time.

In addition to dialing the fan flows down, Robert also requested that the frequency of all the chilled water pumps on site be dialed back to 45 Hz. I was able to travel to both end stations since we were not in observation mode earlier this morning and those pumps have been set at 45 Hz. The corner station chilled water pump was previously set at 45 Hz.

We will attempt to maintain these parameters as long as the VEA temperatures remain stable. 
H1 General
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:16, Thursday 15 October 2015 (22547)
OPS Owl Summary: 07:00-15:00UTC (00:00-08:00PT)

H1 State:  Commissioning


- IFO out of lock when I arrived, minor tweaks to return to Low Noise, alogged earlier

- Brief (3 minute) observe lock

- Relocking went smoothly

- IFO returned to Observe

- Maintenance started at 15:02UTC - JeffK working on ETMY ESD drive


To Do: angle to length measurement 

I did not do the angle to length measurement before going back to Observe, so it's planned for this morning after JeffK is done, and before he needs to break the lock.

jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:01, Thursday 15 October 2015 - last comment - 13:26, Tuesday 20 October 2015(22546)
Beginning Measurement Suite and Flipping H1 ETMY Bias Sign
J. Kissel

We're taking the IFO out of observation intent and beginning measurement prep for flipping the H1 ETMY bias sign. Stay tuned for detail aLOGs.
Comments related to this report
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 09:01, Thursday 15 October 2015 (22548)
J. Kissel

DARM OLTGF Is Complete. Results saved and committed to 
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jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 09:15, Thursday 15 October 2015 (22549)
J. Kissel

PCAL to DARM Transfer Functions complete. We're going to quickly run an A2L measurement, then open the beam diverters. After which, we'll try to preserve the lock by transitioning over to ETMX for DARM control. However, this will require turning the ETMX HV ESD driver back ON, and we're on 50% confident that the IFO lock can survive that turn on transient. Wish us luck!

PCAL 2 DARM results have been committed to 
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darkhan.tuyenbayev@LIGO.ORG - 18:25, Thursday 15 October 2015 (22552)CAL

DARMOLGTF model vs. meas. comparison plots from measurements prior to ESD bias sign flip are attached to this report.

Parameter files for these measurements and updated comparison scripts are committed to calibration SVN (r1673):


Plots and a .MAT file with the models are committed to calibration SVN (r1673):


In the kappa corrected parameter file for the measurements taken on Oct 15 we used average kappas over 1 hour calculated from SLM tool starting at GPS 112894560. The values are listed below:

κtst = 1.057984
κpu = 1.021401
κA = 1.038892
κC = 0.989844
fc = 335.073564 [Hz]

For kappas used in parameter files for Sep 10 and Sep 23 see LHO alog comment 22071.

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jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 13:26, Tuesday 20 October 2015 (22688)
For the record, we changed the requested bias voltage from -9.5 [V_DAC] (negative) to +9.5 [V_DAC] (positive).
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 01:25, Thursday 15 October 2015 - last comment - 07:37, Thursday 15 October 2015(22538)
Lock loss plots - LL@05:38:34UTC and LL@07:37:06UTC

Both lock loss plots show H1:OMC-DCPD_SUM_OUT taking a sudden drop before any other channel shows a glitch.

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Comments related to this report
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - 07:37, Thursday 15 October 2015 (22544)

LL@07:37:06UTC - zoom on OMC-DCPD_A_OUT and OMC_PZT1_MON_AC_OUT.

There's something in PZT1 on the plot just after 2.354 on the x axis, where I put the blue cursor, that may be the first glitch.

It's also clear that PZT1 takes off before the OMC-DCPD.

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john.worden@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:15, Wednesday 14 October 2015 - last comment - 07:34, Thursday 15 October 2015(22533)
END Y temperature run away

I noticed that the End Y temperature was not recoverling after Robert's HVAC shutdowns. Since it appears the chiller was not working correctly I have started the other one. Water temps are now falling. For the record I turned off Chiller 2 and turned on Chiller 1.This is done indirectly by turning the chiller's water pump off or on.We do not control the chiller remotely. There may be some overshoot on the VEA temperature as it corrects - so don't be surprised if it gets cold before it comes back to normal.

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john.worden@LIGO.ORG - 07:34, Thursday 15 October 2015 (22543)

For reference here is a plot showing the temperature excursion which is believed to have caused a lockloss. 7 days shown.

BLUE is the YEND temperature, RED is XEND, and BLACK is the LVEA.

YEND experienced ~ +/- 1degree F of a swing.

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robert.schofield@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:53, Wednesday 14 October 2015 - last comment - 17:15, Thursday 15 October 2015(22532)
HVAC shutdown increases range by nearly 5 Mpc

Tamper injections showed some upconversion from the tens of Hz region into the region above 60 Hz. The HVAC makes noise in this region so I did the test I had done in iLIGO, I shut down all turbines and chiller pad equipment on the entire site. This increased the range by almost 5 Mpc (see figure - the 3 range peaks are during the shutoff periods below).


1) make sure all VFDs are running at 45 or less

2) if possible use only 2 turbines for the LVEA


We did not drop out of science mode but here are the times of the changes (Oct. 15 UTC):

2:05:00 shutdown started, 2:08:00 shutdown complete

2:18:00 startup started, 2:21:30 startup complete

2:31:00 shutdown started, 2:37:00 shutdown complete

2:47:00 startup started, 2:51:00 startup completed

3:01:00 shutdown started, 3:03:30 shutdown complete

3:13:30 startup started, 3:17:00 startup complete

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Comments related to this report
peter.fritschel@LIGO.ORG - 07:25, Thursday 15 October 2015 (22542)

Here is a comparison of the calibrated DARM spectrum from times when the HVAC was ON and OFF, in the frequency band that was affected.

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jordan.palamos@LIGO.ORG - 13:01, Thursday 15 October 2015 (22553)

I plotted glitchgrams and trigger rates during this time. Doesn't seem to have made a noticable change.



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marissa.walker@LIGO.ORG - 17:15, Thursday 15 October 2015 (22562)DetChar

Attached are ASDs of DARM and one of the PEM seismometer channels (corner station Z axis) for all of the times when the HVAC was turned on and off (not including the times of transition). In general, the noise level between 40-100 Hz is lower during the times when HVAC was off. The peak around 75 Hz was better during the second two off times, but not in the first segment. (1128910297 to 1128910697)

More PEM seismometer channels are here: https://ldas-jobs.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/~marissa.walker/O1/Oct15HVACtest/

(note: the seismometer calibration from pem.ligo.org is only valid from 0-20 hz)

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peter.fritschel@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:23, Wednesday 14 October 2015 - last comment - 10:13, Friday 16 October 2015(22513)
Residual DARM motion: comparison of H1 and L1

The first attached plot (H1L1DARMresidual.pdf) shows the residual DARM spectrum for H1 and L1, from a recent coincident lock stretch (9-10-2015, starting 16:15:00 UTC). I used the CAL-DELTAL_RESIDUAL channels, and undid the digital whitening to get the channels calibrated in meters at all frequencies. The residual  and external DARM rms values are:

  residual DARM external DARM
H1 6 x 10-14 m 0.62 micron
L1 1 x 10-14 m 0.16 micron

The 'external DARM' is the open loop DARM level (or DARM correction signal), integrated down to 0.05 Hz. The second attached plot (H1L1extDARMcomparison.pdf) shows the external DARM spectra; the higher rms for H1 is mainly due to a higher microseism.

Some things to note:

The 3rd attached plot (H1L1DARMcomparison.pdf) shows the two calibrated DARM spectra (external/open loop) in the band from 20-100 Hz. This plot shows that H1 and L1 are very similar in this band where the noise is unexplained. One suspect for the unexplained noise could be some non-linearity or upconversion in the photodetection. However, since the residual rms fluctuations are 6x higher on H1 than L1, and yet their noise spectra are almost indentical in the 20-100 Hz band, this seems to be ruled out - or at least not supported by this look at the data. More direct tests could (and should) be done, by e.g. changing the DARM DC offset, or intentionally increasing the residual DARM to see if there is an effect in the excess noise band.

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Comments related to this report
evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - 09:43, Thursday 15 October 2015 (22550)

We briefly tried increasing the DCPD rms by decreasing the DARM gain by 6 dB below a few hertz (more specifically, it's a zero at 2.5 Hz, a pole at 5 Hz, and an ac gain of 1... it's FM5 in LSC-OMC_DC). This increased the DCPD rms by slightly less than a factor of 2. There's no clear effect on the excess noise, but it could be we have to be more aggressive in increasing the rms.

  • Nominal DARM configuration: 2015-10-14 20:40:00 to 20:45:00 Z
  • Reduced low-frequency gain: 2015-10-14 20:34:30 to 20:39:30 Z
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hartmut.grote@LIGO.ORG - 10:13, Friday 16 October 2015 (22585)
but do I interpret it right that you (on the experiment reported in the comment) assume that the 
DARM errorpoint represents the true DARM offset/position?
I thought that it is the case at least at L1 that when DARM is locked on heterodyne,
and the OMC is locked onto carrier (with the usual DC offset in DARM),
then the power in transmission of the OMC fluctuates by several 10%.
Assuming that the TEM00-carrier coupling to the OMC would be no different when DARM is locked 
to OMC trans. power, then also the 'true' DARM would fluctuate this much
impressing this fluctuation onto DARM.
This fluctuation should show up in the heterodyne signal then.
So in this case increasing the DARM gain to reduce the rms would probably
not do anything.
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:30, Tuesday 13 October 2015 - last comment - 14:00, Thursday 15 October 2015(22496)
Low Voltage ESD monitor analog measurement (Elli, Keita)

Related: alog 22199

We measured the output of the Low Voltage ESD monitor (D1500129) at the AA side at the remote rack using SR785 right after the IFO was locked up again after the maintenance.

No surpise was found, see attached. 'UR', 'UL' etc. are the analog measurements of the corresponding ESD monitor. Noise floor was measured with the inputs of SR785 short circuited.

Don't worry about LR trace, it looks as if it's noisier than the others but it's not, it's just the spectral leakage artefact (somehow I did not save the small BW measurement for LR).

'digital LL signal projected' is H1:SUS-ETMY_L3_MASTER_OUT_LL, but with a correction of 20/2^17 Volt/count for DAC conversion, zpk([50;50;3250], [2.2;2.2;152]) for SUS awhite type filters, and 2 *4.99/(1.2+15+4.99)*zpk([],[40]) for the monitor circuit.

The measurements agree well with the projection up to 1kHz. Higher than that, the SR785 noise dominates, but this should be good enough for our purpose.

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Comments related to this report
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 18:49, Tuesday 13 October 2015 (22499)

What was done:

We disconnected the LV ESD monitor cable (SUS ESD 06) from the front panel of the AA, and connected DB9 breakout board to the cable but not to the AA.

For each quadrant (pin1-6 for UR, 2-7 for LR, 3-8 for UL and 4-9 for LL), we used two clip-BNC cables to connect the positive pin (1, 2, 3 or 4) to A connector of SR785 and negative to B, and the BNC shell was connected to the shell of the DB9 connector on the AA chassis.

SR785 was in A-B mode, AC coupled. The plot doesn't account for the AC coupling, but its roll off is at 0.16Hz and does not affect the plot. Sensitivity was fixed at -8dBVpk.

Low frequency measurements (0-400Hz, 800 lines) were performed for all quadrants but it was not saved for LR. As a result, in the plot it looks as if LR is noisier than the other channels, but in reality it's showing the spectral leakage artefact due to larger bandwidth measurement for f<400Hz.

Higher frequency measurements (0-1.2k and 0-12.8k, 800 lines) were performed and saved for all quadrants.

Only for LL we measured up to 102kHz to make sure that there's no high frequency bump or anything, but all measurements are dominated by SR785 noise for f>1kHz anyway.

Attached is the matlab file containing the voltage data for all quadrants and the SR785 noise.

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keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 14:00, Thursday 15 October 2015 (22556)

Um, count-to-voltage DC gain conversion of the DAC is 20Vpp differential per 2^18 counts. So the grandparent entry is incorrect by a factor of 2 there. But I'm measuring the voltage in the differential output stage of LV driver which has the DC gain of 2 (i.e. 10V pp single ended is converted to 10V pp differential), which I didn't account for in the script.

So in the end the conclusion doesn't change.

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