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Reports until 15:05, Wednesday 12 September 2012
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:05, Wednesday 12 September 2012 (4173)
After morning meeting, the Apollo crew (Randy, Mark L., Chris) and I went to X-end to begin serious work. We spent the first hour or so moving cleanrooms into usable position while still accommodating the dome on the clean half of the floor. We moved the bang board to a more central location for cleanroom, vacuum, air handler, and computer use. Randy and I bunnied-up to do contamination inspection. We found the usual mess : fibers of various sizes at all the flange joints, a human hair in a viewport nozzle, particulate adhering to the gate valve, etc. I'm attaching one picture just because. Next, Mark L. came into the chamber so that he and Randy could do the micrometer measurements requested by Lisa Austin. Last time Lisa was here, she noticed that there is a port in exactly the area where the cryopump baffle frame is supposed to be installed. 

After lunch, the crew headed back down to work on removing viewports, illuminator, camera, etc and to document the condition of the chamber. They'll also start the wrapping of the the support tubes.
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mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:31, Wednesday 12 September 2012 (4172)
Mark B. and Jeff B.

Took TFs on MC1 from around 10:00. Andres was working nearby and other noisy stuff was happening but DQ not too bad.
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keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:51, Wednesday 12 September 2012 - last comment - 14:13, Wednesday 12 September 2012(4167)
SUS channel names were changed, we cannot trend the old alignment offsets

H2:SUS-ETMY_M0_OFFSET_P etc. were changed to H2:SUS-ETMY_M0_OFFSET_P_OFFSET etc. yesterday, apparently, and ISC screen for TM offsets are now white.

More importantly, because of this, we can't trend the old alignment offsets from the past using data viewer. Thank you.

From OFFSET_P to OFFSET_P_OFFSET, and OFFSET_Y to OFFSET_Y_OFFSET. Sounds as if somebody decided that we needed to put a standard cds filter module just for the offset. I don't know why, but I can believe that there's some reason. Anyway , please talk to integration testers before making such a change next time.

Comments related to this report
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - 09:47, Wednesday 12 September 2012 (4168)
This change was necessary in order to allow the ramping of the gain for the very large DC offsets.  Otherwise, instantaneously engaging these offsets trips the watchdogs.  
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - 10:22, Wednesday 12 September 2012 (4170)
The latest offsets for ITMY, ETMY, and TMSY are listed below:

H2:SUS-ITMY_M0_OFFSET_P 1 5.773156262190410e+03
H2:SUS-ITMY_M0_OFFSET_Y 1 7.655051822649471e+02

H2:SUS-ETMY_M0_OFFSET_P 1 -3.026901455243990e+03
H2:SUS-ETMY_M0_OFFSET_Y 1 5.405575230252840e+03

H2:SUS-TMSY_M1_OFFSET_P 1 -7.363600000000000e+04
H2:SUS-TMSY_M1_OFFSET_Y 1 1.919600000000000e+04

These values were taken from an hourly ".snap" file taken from the directory '/ligo/cds/lho/h2/burt/2012/09/11/09:00/'.  
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 14:13, Wednesday 12 September 2012 (4171)

Snapshots are not trends. Now we need to use NDS2 client for trending data from the past, which is OK but not ideal.

rodica.martin@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:27, Tuesday 11 September 2012 (4166)
IO Faraday work - attempt for power measurements

Luke, Cheryl, Rodica

This morning we were planing to do measurements of the FR rotation at several input power levels, but we had to defer this until the AC issues inside PSL got solved and the temperature lowered down so that the PMC becomes stable again. Meanwhile, Cheryl and I prepared and assembled a set of posts and clamps to hold the cover over the HAM Aux-es.


The retaining rings for the FI half waveplate and DKDP came out of clean and bake in the afternoon and tomorrow we will assemble these two optics in their final mounts.


We also assembled the heat sinks for the TGG crystals and the DKDP holder and mount. Luke has been assembling the pico-motor half waveplate mount. I removed the alignment input iris as it was not useful anymore and mounted a power meter to measure the FI incident power.


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LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:12, Tuesday 11 September 2012 (4163)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .5 microns in particles per cubic foot. For yesterday I included a plot of the mode of the dust monitor put under the clean room over HAM3 (H0:PEM-LVEA_DST15_MODE) to show approximately when I moved it into there.
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keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:13, Tuesday 11 September 2012 (4162)
Fiber swap (Jax, Dick, Keita)

It turns out that somebody tripped on the fiber that runs from the PSL room to the patch panel before it was installed, so Richard and Filiberto put a new one in.

When connecting the new fiber to the fiber launcher in the PSL room, we got rid of APC-APC fiber and a long coil of APC-PC patch, and put in a shorter coil of APC-PC in place.

Upstream of the fiber launcher, the power was 3.2 mW, and about 1.8mW goes into the fiber. In the mass storage room, we're getting about 1mW, which is somewhat worse than before.

Anyway, we cannot test this configuration today as the PSL is still cooling down slowly. Tomorrow.

Tonight Vincent will run a long measurement for SEI.

keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:06, Tuesday 11 September 2012 - last comment - 20:23, Tuesday 11 September 2012(4161)
Air conditioning error costs us one day

At some stage in the morning, I, Rodica and Cheryl thought that Laser room was hot. We checked the Beckhoff temperature monitors which looked fine, but it was so hot that we convinced ourselves that the monitors are bogus (later it turned out that Beckhoff monitors that are reporting temperatures were all frozen).

The touch panel interface from AirCare Automation was reporting that the A/Cs were both running, but they were clearly not running. Toggling running/stop from the touch panel didn't change the situation, it would say that A/Cs were running but they were not.

While we were trying various things, the temperature was running up quickly and the PMC started dropping lock and relocking repeatedly with a few minutes' interval because the PMC temperature servo couldn't keep up.

After a while I noticed that there are good old hardware A/C control panels from Mitsubishi in the laser room, the sensors of these panels were reporting 28 degree C instead of 20, and an error message was on the display. I switched it off and on, and after a while we felt that the temperature was coming down.

The room temperature came back to normal after a few hours, but some things (e.g. PMC) is very slow to respond, and it's still going back to where it used to. Because of this, PMC servo is dropping lock once per 10 minutes or so as of now.

I disabled the temperature servo of PMC and leave it like that for tonight.


I wanted to see when exactly the room temperature started rising, but I couldn't because the Beckhoff monitors were all frozen from last Friday. But anyway it should have been me because I'm the only person who touched A/C.


One thing though, I was told to turn A/C on and off from AirCare touch panel, but Livingston manual says this is done from Mitsubishi control panel. If this should NOT be done from the touchpanel, fine, but the touchpanel should not pretend as if it can control and monitor the status of A/Cs.

Comments related to this report
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - 20:15, Tuesday 11 September 2012 (4164)
It appears that the problem with the Beckhoff for the H1 PSL environment channels was that one of the chassis was turned off (H1 Corner 2 I think). I don't know when or why this happened.
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 20:23, Tuesday 11 September 2012 (4165)

I looked at some monitors that are sort of related to PSL room temperature and found that the most likely failure point was NOT when I turned everything off (except the make up air) and then back on with some reduced HEPA setting in the evening on Monday, but it was when I turned everything back on with full speed in the morning.

For record, last night I temporarily turned off HEPA and A/Cs, and reduced the make up air to 30%, for a short while.

In the same evening I turned A/C back on, and left PSL laser room HEPA off, set PSL ante room HEPA to 55% level, and Make up air to 75%.

The time this happened is shown as a pink line in the attached. As you can see, after this, because of reduced HEPA and make up air, the temperature very slowly dropped but nothing drastic happened. At some point the temperature servo for PMC bottomed out (see Ch1 and Ch2) but the PMC was still locked (Ch7). At this point A/Cs were most likely running fine.

This morning at about 10AM (Cyan line), before anybody went into the PSL room I made sure that everything was back to 100%. I set both of HEPAs to  "100" more than once, as I thought the touch panel was displaying 100% even though it should be displaying 55% when I first saw the setting. I also toggled A/Cs to make sure that the touch panel display responds to my request to change A/C status, and made sure to go back again so that it was reporting "running" for both A/Cs.

Apparently the system didn't like it, PMC temperature started going up rapidly, PMC dropped lock, and the refcav transmission dropped drastically (Ch.4)  probably because of the alignment drift caused by the temperature change.

The change in temperature was noticed by us, and at about noon A/Cs were turned on again via Mitsubishi control panel, so we were A/C-less for two hours.

It seems like the the alignment to the refcav never came back.

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jaclyn.sanders@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:30, Tuesday 11 September 2012 - last comment - 09:51, Wednesday 12 September 2012(4160)
ETM ring heater driver: gain adjustment and calibration

Today I pulled the ETM ring heater driver to investigate why its response to current was so different from the ITM ring heater driver. I found that resistor R44, which controls the gain of the input, was left void on the ETM. The circuit designs had been updated to include a 49.9k resistor, raising the gain by a factor of about 2. I added the 49.9k resistor, returned the ETM ring heater driver to the field, and recalibrated the driver. The calibration was performed by measuring the voltage over a 0.5 ohm resistor on the ring heater driver board (test points TP1 and TP2). The supplied current was increased from 0 to 425 "mA" of DC offset in steps of 25 "mA".

The driver's calibration is much closer to the ITM calibration, and is more consistent with using milliamps for the DC offset on the medm screen. Previously, it was calibrated at 0.0498 mA/ADC count. The updated calibration is 0.02396 mA/ADC count. The attached trace shows the data using the old calibration on the same axes as the data using the new calibration.

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Comments related to this report
jaclyn.sanders@LIGO.ORG - 09:51, Wednesday 12 September 2012 (4169)

I edited the plot to make the axis labeling more transparent. The x-axis is the output on the channel H2:TCS-ETMY_RING_HTR_SEG2_I_MON_OUTPUT (what the MEDM screen thinks it's sending to the ring heater), the y-axis is the current calculated from the voltage measured over the sense resistor R49 on the driver.

Again, the board was modified to bring its gain in line with that of the ITM driver. The initial calibration was done for the unmodified board. The modified calibration is the correct calibration for the modified ETM driver.

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jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:10, Tuesday 11 September 2012 (4159)
Check MC2 for rubbing
   This afternoon Andres and I checked MC2 for rubbing. We found the two left side (under BOSEM T1) Lower Blade Stops almost touching their respective blades. We backed both stops off to closer to the specified 0.75mm spacing. We also found the upper left EQ stop on the Bottom mass was lightly touching the glass, which we backed off. We checked the remaining EQ stops and adjusted as necessary. MC2 should be ready to continue testing.    
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:08, Tuesday 11 September 2012 (4158)
H1 MC2 rubbing alleviated - Phase 3a Testing On

Reportedly, Jeff and Andres went in and fixed some EQ stop rubbing on MC2 inside of HAM3 today.  With this done, I will now attempt more TFs as part of the Phase 3a testing (while at LLO).

hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:43, Tuesday 11 September 2012 (4157)
WHAM1 iLIGO passive Seismic Isolation Installed--Optical Table Next
ScottL BubbaG & Hugh

No issues with this.   First locked up HEPI.  Centering Pins in, Spring Locating Fixtures in place, Springs in place.  Lift the Mass, position over Pins, lower to placement.  Pull Centering Pins, replace with Safety Pins or Leg Screws, remove Locating Fixture.  Next, repeat seven times.

Couple things.  The Viton cork Springs are considerably shorter so the Leg Screws, which prevent the Mass from flying off if the world turns upside down, are installed without the Custom Thick washer (D972716, 3/8"thick).  See the first photo with a comparison.
The Safety Pins D972715-5 into the Support Table are installed with a 0.089" thick vented washer although it really doesn't need it.

We are ready to fly the Optical Table to the South Bay for install.  Then payload up, level, check the height & horizontal alignment (IAS.)

See the attached photos to experience a few of the thrills we had today!
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jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:52, Tuesday 11 September 2012 (4156)
Second cleaning was completed early this morning. Three doors and the dome were removed from the chamber by COB today.
LHO General
thomas.vo@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:27, Tuesday 11 September 2012 (4155)
09/10/2012 OPS Summary
- Quiet time after 03:00 PM
- Kyle to crane flange assembly 09:31AM
- Christina is cleaning HAM3 
- Apollo replacing leg on the beam splitter test stand.
- Dave is going to change some code to the SUSH2a IOP watchdog, needs a restart of the front end, awaiting Betsy (at LLO) to call. 
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:51, Tuesday 11 September 2012 (4154)
Cleanroom Choreography
Doors were taken off of HAM3 first thing this morning. I informed Jeff B. (SUS rubbing issues)and Kyle (conflat leaks) that the doors were off so that they could proceed with their work.
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