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Reports until 17:51, Friday 17 August 2012
aidan.brooks@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:51, Friday 17 August 2012 (3893)
Ring heaters on for rough cavity scan measurement - start time = 1029 285 549

Ring heaters are ON at 630mA requested power.

start_time = 1029285549

deepakmanoj.nandakumar@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:16, Friday 17 August 2012 (3892)
Moved Farday Isolator from H2 to H1 PSL

[David F, Mike R, Deepak K]

We moved the Farday Isolator from the H2 PSL room to the H1 PSL room. We used the C Channel as base and covered it using C3 covers and wrapped the entire thing in a Ameristat bag.  We moved from the Chamber using a cart and Slid it under the beam tube. Then used a diferent cart to move it to the H2 PSL Chamber.

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aidan.brooks@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:45, Friday 17 August 2012 (3890)
H2 ETMY HWS magnification measurement

I estimated the magnification of the ETMY HWS optical path. To do this, I took a measurement of the beam profile on the HWS CCD (without the Hartmann plate in place) and fit a Gaussian beam profile to it. This was then compared to the theoretical beam size at the ETM within the cavity. Given that the cavity scans show very little higher mode content it is a safe assumption that the beam size at the ETM is approximately the cavity beam size (although I don't yet have an estimate on the error/uncertainty in this approximation).

Measured 1/e^2 beam radius at the HWS = 1.51mm

Nominal 1/e^2 beam radius at the ETM = 31.49mm

Magnification (HWS to ETM) = 20.83x

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H2 General
jaclyn.sanders@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:16, Friday 17 August 2012 (3889)
Repeated cavity scan running

I've set up a cavity scan to run as often as the GPIB-Ethernet/SR785 system allows (~ every 165 s), in preparation for observing shifts after the ring heater is turned on later today. Excitation B of Common Mode A will be left on for the duration of these measurements.

corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:32, Friday 17 August 2012 (3887)
HAM2 Leveling & Cable Clean Up

(corey, jim)

Have Capacitive Postition Sensor (CPS) mini-racks in place under HAM2 and they were powered up so leveling could be performed.  While in the chamber we also cleaned up cabling a little.  All of this was in efforts to prep this ISI for Hugo-testing.

corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:23, Friday 17 August 2012 (3884)
HAMISI#7 & BSC#4 Work

[This is for work from Thursday]

(corey, hugo, jim)

HAM-ISI#7:  Much of the day was devoted to helping out Hugo finish out items from his testing document (noting serial numbers, checking level, helping with tilt spectra measurements, etc.). 

BSC-ISI#4:  Optics Table Assy forklifted from granite table on to Stage0.  Blade Posts were helicoiled and (2) of them screwed on to Stage0 (not torqued though).  Did not put third one on because the dowel pin for it was a tight fit.

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corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:07, Friday 17 August 2012 (3869)
HAM5-ISI In-Vac Cables Plugged Into Feedthrus

(work from Wed & today)

Before installing the HAM5 doors, wanted to connect the HAM5-ISI SEI in-vac cables to their respective feedthrus (roughly, not carefully dressed).   This is so we can install both HAM5 doors today, but also still be able to have Vincent run basic sensor tests.  The feedthrus were also labeled on the outside.

andres.ramirez@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:13, Friday 17 August 2012 (3885)
MC1 and MC3 HSTS have been moved to the LVEA. 

MC1 is placed (facing North) on the South end of the chamberside table and MC3 is in its storage container.
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bram.slagmolen@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:59, Thursday 16 August 2012 (3883)
Arm cavity and FIBR loss of lock

It seemed that the Arm caivty dropped lock, and th FIBR servo was railing (with the beat frequency at 79 MHz). I had a quick look around, but could not see anything wrong. I tried to relock the fiber with no success. I left the FIBR and Arm unlocked.

bram.slagmolen@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:53, Thursday 16 August 2012 - last comment - 23:22, Monday 20 August 2012(3882)
FIBR Servo PZT Notch

[Daniel and Bram]

With the appearance of the laser PZT resonance in the FIBR servo loop, we made a notch filter. We measured the PZT resonance in a previous entry 3857 to be at 287.55 kHz. After some searching and going back and forth we decided to go the easy way, using a passive notch filter (schematic attached 'FIBR_PZT_NOTCH.pdf'), which Daniel already has used in the TTFSS.

By the lack of finding the right capacitors, we used a 500 pF and a 100 pF parrallel, with a 0-100 pF variable capacitor (oh and we got a 470 uH SMD inductor!). With the help of EE-Dave we managed to pack it into a pomona box.

Also attached is a discustingly bad phone photo of the measured response (the RF analyser has a naughty floppy disk drive).

All in all success. We plugged it in and it worked, we can lock the FIBR Servo with a UGF of 28 kHz (another log entry will follow when I get the data from the disk).

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bram.slagmolen@LIGO.ORG - 23:22, Monday 20 August 2012 (3905)

The measured open-loop response is seen in the attached tiff file.

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keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:26, Thursday 16 August 2012 (3881)
stupidly slow firefox launching was fixed.

Upon returning from vacation I was annoyed by the fact that launching firefox as controls from any of the cds workstation takes forever (more than 5 minutes). I eventually found that the firefox command was overridden by a launcher script (/ligo/home/controls/bin/firefox) that rsyncs user profile to /tmp/somethingsomething, and unfortunately it copies seemingly useless things like Cache.Trash******* that contains over 3.8 million files!

Cache.Trash seems to serve some purpose when firefox exits abnormally and tries to recover session information, but somehow it keeps growing because of firefox bug. I just deleted Cache.Trash.

In addition, though I don't know why you want to rsync your user profile to /tmp, I changed the launcher script so rsync excludes Cache.Trash (or anything starting Cache). I don't care if the previous session is not recovered.

keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:31, Thursday 16 August 2012 - last comment - 16:33, Friday 17 August 2012(3880)
Thinking about reducing residual arm motion

One of the goals of the OAT was that the residual arm motion measured by the green beam, with the VCO to arm offloading, is about 10 nm or so for f<0.5Hz.

Attached is the calibrated residual motion in nm/sqrtHz. Solid lines are with both ISI isolated (non-aggressive crossover, without Trillium), and the dashed are with both ISI only damped. These are not a true A/B comparison (different lock stretches, different seismic level, only 7 averages) but are good enough to show you some ball park numbers.

1. Even though the isolation helps greatly at 1Hz, it makes a huge peak at about 40 to 50 mHz with the RMS of about a micro meter. This might or might not be larger than expected, but as I understand from Vincent we expect some amplification at this frequency.

2. With or without the isolation, 0.46Hz peak is also big. Isolation might be helping a factor of 2 or so but we need a factor of 20 or more.

3. Though it's outside the scope of the stated OAT goal, 1Hz peak is not negligible. Without isolation, this should be reduced by a factor of at least 5 or so.


Vincent might be able to refine ISI further, but we shouldn't expect HEPI/ISI alone to bring the residual RMS down to 10nm level (or even 50nm for that matter, stated goal of OAT for HEPI/ISI is 200nm RMS and we're already quite close).

Regardless of the ISI isolation, we need a more aggressive VCO offloading to the length. Right now VCO is only offloaded to the HEPI, and the UGF of this path is smaller than 10 mHz. We need to use another path to the ETM and/or ITM suspension if we want a larger UGF to suppress e.g. 0.46Hz peak.

The reason why no work has been done for this for a long time, I think, is because there was a huge POS to PIT coupling when you drive M0. What's the current status of drive diagonalization (don't confuse this with sensing diagonalization)?

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Comments related to this report
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 12:16, Friday 17 August 2012 (3886)
Message received by team SUS. We'll think on it.
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - 16:33, Friday 17 August 2012 (3891)
The latest measurement of the ETMy M0 Diagonalization was earlier this year on May 21st.  The attached PDF contains the M0 Vertical and Yaw DoF diagonalization measurement results.  The motivation behind the measurements was to drive the OSEM coils at a single frequency within the resonance band for the Vertical and Yaw DoFs and measure the transfer function between this drive and the individual OSEMs.  The desired result was to have the individual OSEMs not contributing to the drive signal have a response at least 15dB lower than the driving OSEMs.  

The Yaw DoF was driven at 1.3Hz with a 25-ct amplitude. The Yaw DoF is comprised of the M0-F2 and M0-F3 OSEMs. The response of the remaining OSEMs (M0-F1, LF, RT, SD) was at least 28dB lower than the drive signals.

The Vertical DoF was driven at 2.2Hz with a 1000-ct amplitude.  The M0-LF and M0-RT OSEMs constitute the Vertical DoF.  The response of the other OSEMs was at least 23dB isolated from the driving OSEMs.  

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david.feldbaum@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:06, Thursday 16 August 2012 (3879)
Building the setup for the alignment of the IO FI
[Mike R., DF]

We have placed a number of mirrors on the H1 PSL table to divert the beam after the periscope to the FI testing and alignment area. This was done by:
a) moving three 1" IO_AB mirrors from their intended to new temporary positions
b) placing three 2" mirrors from the eLIGO POY and POB on the table.
The full setup will also require an HWP to control the polarization of the beam sent into the FI, and (maybe) a lens to get the correct beam size at the location of the FI.

Note: the schematic diagram below does not properly identify the identities of the newly placed/moved mirrors, only their positions.
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david.feldbaum@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:48, Thursday 16 August 2012 (3878)
IO Faraday Isolator Assembly
This morning Deepak brought several parts for the IO Faraday Isolator which had just come out of the bake oven, and I began putting the FI together. The assembly was performed in the H2 PSL enclosure, and so far does not include any optics, so it really is a "fit test". Everything fits, although some mods have to be made compared to the FI mechanical assembly E0900301-v5:

1. Same as at LLO, the removal of aluminum shims from between the rotator magnet and the magnet base resulted in magnet not being solidly held by the omega-shaped clamps. Same as at LLO, this was solved by inserting the same shims between the magnet and the omega-clamps on the upper side of the magnet.
2. The spacer plate is much thicker at LHO, and so 1" long screws are way short for attaching the magnet assy and spacer to the breadboard. 2" long screws work better, and I'll need to get more of those from the SUS people tomorrow.
3. Same as '2' for the HWP picomotor assembly and insert.

This is close to what can be accomplished without inserting the optics.
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H2 General
jaclyn.sanders@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:58, Thursday 16 August 2012 (3877)
Measurements of OLTF and selection of gain settings.

Elli and I took transfer functions of the OLTF using common mode B. The optimal gain setting was found to be -14. This results in a UGF of approximately 10.4 kHz while keeping the resonance at 42 kHz below 0 dB (maximum about -2 dB).

At higher gains (-10, -12, -13), the 42 kHz peak was consistently greater than 0 dB.

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aidan.brooks@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:26, Thursday 16 August 2012 (3876)
H2 ETMY Ring Heater calibration - resistance calculation and offsets

I ran some ring heater measurements this morning. I incrementally increased the requested current from 0mA to 29mA in units of 1mA. The power radiated from the ring scales as the current squared. We were radiating aorund 6-10W at 630mA requested. With these measurements we would've been radiated no more than ~22mW.

The calculated resistance of the ring heater is 33.93 Ohms for Segment 1 and 34.06 Ohms for Segment 2.

There are some offsets and gain settings between the requested and measured currents that I need to fix.

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cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:07, Thursday 16 August 2012 - last comment - 13:11, Tuesday 21 August 2012(3875)
PR2 is in HAM3
PR2 was installed in HAM3 today, and traveled well on the Genie and Arm.  It's sitting against it's cookie cutter, and dogged down overnight.  The crew was Kurt Buckland and Scott Shankle, as well as Deepak and I
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cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - 13:11, Tuesday 21 August 2012 (3914)
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kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:00, Thursday 16 August 2012 (3874)
"Bumped" external dial indactor(s) on HAM2 support tubes
During course of R&Ring center down-facing feed-through flange and extending purge air header beneath HAM1,2.  
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