Displaying reports 78241-78260 of 78412.Go to page Start 3909 3910 3911 3912 3913 3914 3915 3916 3917 End
Reports until 13:43, Friday 24 September 2010
jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:43, Friday 24 September 2010 (191)
Beam Splitter Lower Structure
We have completed assembly of the first Beam Splitter Lower Structure. No fit, machining, or alignment issues were noted. The main Lower Structure drawing (D080005) calls for eight 1/4-20x0.5 SHCS. However, the EQ Stop Plate (D080008) and the LS-US Bracket (D080011), both require 1/4-20x.05 SHCS and therefore 16 of the 0.5” bolts are required.
Images attached to this report
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:41, Thursday 23 September 2010 (190)
reusing the X2200 in the DTS
Over the past two weeks we have repurposed the three X2200 units
for aligo auxillary system prototyping. From top to bottom the
X2200 are being used for:

top:, Cyrus network management tests
middle:, Patrick aconlog prototype
bottom:, Cyrus second net mgt machine
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:01, Thursday 16 September 2010 (189)
Reboot of X1 SEi Test Stand
This morning I noticed some extra testpoints on the GDS Overview medm on the Test Stand even though I was not running measurements or had dataviewer open. I ran Dave B.'s 'system_check' script that checks to see if the processes are running correctly.  There were several errors with processes not running and so I decided to reboot the front end.  Afterwards, the test points cleared and the system_check came up clean.  The workstation linux machine was also running really slowly, so that machine was rebooted as well.
jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:13, Wednesday 15 September 2010 (188)
BS Top Stage Cartridge Assembly
We have completed the assembly of the five Beam Splitter Top Stage cartridges, which are undergoing the 100-hour creak bake.  

Assembly Notes:
(1). We made the assembly jig out of four sections of aluminum box. For assembly, the end of the Base Plate is secured to the box sections via 1/4-20 SHCS into tapped holes. For blade pull down, the two end sections, bolted to the Base Plate, are dog clamped to the optics table. The remaining two box sections are slid under the Base Plate near the edge of the optics table to support the front half of the assembly. (See photos Assembly Jig and Clamp Down). 
(2). When installing Helicoils into the Blade Clamp Bottom ensure the two outer ones are run down to the bottom (the curved side) of the clamp. If not the 1/4-20x 1” mounting bolts will not engage the Helicoil.

(3). The Rotational Bushing can be a tight or loose fit in the Bottom Plate or Blade Clamp Base. If you have to tap or press to set the bushing, install a 1/4-20 SHCS into the bushing and push on the head of the SHCS. Tapping or pressing directly on the phosphors bronze will distort the bushing making it difficult to insert into the other part.
(4). If the mounting SHCS for the adjuster assembly do not line up with the slots cut into the Base Plate, loosen the 8-32 SHCS holding the two halves together to allow some free play. Once all five SHCS have been installed, the 8-32s can be tightened back down. This may cause some binding when trying to rotate the adjuster. 

(5). Use 20kg for the blade pull down weight. The assembly book calls for 50kg, which is too much.  
Images attached to this report
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:38, Tuesday 14 September 2010 (187)
X1 Test Stand ADC replacement
The General Standards ADC adapter board was replaced today after some investigations by Richard, Hugh, Dave B. and others regarding the flat-lined channels seen this morning by Corey.  The previous General Standards ADC board had a Serial #080421-35.  The replacement board (same model) installed today has a Serial #091102-16.  The channels have been confirmed to be reading and outputting data through dataviewer. 
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:41, Tuesday 14 September 2010 - last comment - 18:00, Tuesday 14 September 2010(185)
h1 daq raid ready for qfs
the SATABOY finally finished its RAID6 build at 15:00.
Dan noticed that the spare 2TB SATA drive was configured
as a global spare for the 64GB SSD drives as well! So 
we removed it from the global spare pool and added it to
the SATA RAID pool only.

I connected the Sun X4270 (frame writer) fibre channel
cards to the sataboy controllers. There are two FC cards
in the Sun and two controllers, so the connection is:

sun pci-e slot1 to controller 0 (left connector)
sun pci-e slot4 to controller 1 (left connector)

I've handed the system over the DCS for QFS install.

Dave, Greg, Dan
Comments related to this report
dan.moraru@LIGO.ORG - 18:00, Tuesday 14 September 2010 (186)
QFS is installed and configured with a 15.9TB (vs 16.3TB available) partition:

# mount LDAS/DCS filesystems
ln -s /net/dcs/export/ldcg_server/ldcg/opteron_sol10 /ldcg

# install QFS
lofiadm -a /net/dcs/export/mirror/sun/SAM-QFS-5.1/SUN_QFS_5.1.iso
mount -F hsfs -o ro /dev/lofi/1 /mnt
pkgadd -d /mnt/x64/2.10
#The following packages are available:
#  1  SUNWqfsr       Sun QFS Solaris 10 (root)
#                    (i386) 5.1.4,REV=5.10.2010.04.05
#  2  SUNWqfsu       Sun QFS Solaris 10 (usr)
#                    (i386) 5.1.4,REV=5.10.2010.04.05
#  3  SUNWsamfsr     Sun SAM and Sun SAM-QFS software Solaris 10 (root)
#                    (i386) 5.1.4,REV=5.10.2010.04.05
#  4  SUNWsamfsu     Sun SAM and Sun SAM-QFS software Solaris 10 (usr)
#                    (i386) 5.1.4,REV=5.10.2010.04.05
#Select package(s) you wish to process (or 'all' to process
#all packages). (default: all) [?,??,q]: 1,2
umount /mnt
lofiadm -d /dev/lofi/1

# add binaries and manpages to $PATH and $MANPATH
cat >> /etc/profile <<_EOF

# set global MANPATH
export MANPATH
cat >> /.profile <<_EOF

# disable all file system management
svcadm disable fsmgmt

# patch system
/ldcg/bin/patchreport -i

# update nfs/server svc manifest to enable proper QFS mounting and NFS sharing
svccfg export /network/nfs/server > /var/tmp/server.xml
# edit /var/tmp/server.xml
svccfg validate /var/tmp/server.xml
svcadm disable nfs/server
svccfg delete nfs/server
svccfg import /var/tmp/server.xml
svcadm enable nfs/server

# format disks, relabeling all with EFI labels
# initial dtsfw0 configuration:
#       0. c0t0d0 
#          /pci@0,0/pci8086,340c@5/pci1000,3150@0/sd@0,0
#       1. c4t6000402002F45FC666750C9500000000d0 
#          /scsi_vhci/disk@g6000402002f45fc666750c9500000000
#       2. c4t6000402002F45FC666750C9600000000d0 
#          /scsi_vhci/disk@g6000402002f45fc666750c9600000000
# final dtsfw0 configuration:
#       0. c0t0d0 
#          /pci@0,0/pci8086,340c@5/pci1000,3150@0/sd@0,0
#       1. c4t6000402002F45FC666750C9500000000d0 
#          /scsi_vhci/disk@g6000402002f45fc666750c9500000000
#       2. c4t6000402002F45FC666750C9600000000d0 
#          /scsi_vhci/disk@g6000402002f45fc666750c9600000000
# label type may be determined using prtvtoc
# SMI labels list the number of accessible cylinders
# EFI labels list the number of accessible sectors

# create /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf
# daq-h2-frames 300 ma daq-h2-frames -
# /dev/dsk/c4t6000402002F45FC666750C9600000000d0s0 301 mm daq-h2-frames -
# /dev/dsk/c4t6000402002F45FC666750C9500000000d0s0 302 mr daq-h2-frames -
# partitions must be less than 16TB

sammkfs -a 1152 daq-h2-frames
# from sammkfs manpage:
#     Data alignment refers to matching the allocation unit of the
#     RAID controller with the allocation_unit of the file system.
#     A mismatched alignment causes a read-modify-write operation
#     for I/O that is less than the block size.  The optimal
#     alignment formula is as follows:
#     allocation_unit = RAID_stripe_width * number_of_data_disks
#     For example, if a RAID-5 unit has a total of 8 disks with 1
#     of the 8 being the parity disk, the number of data disks is
#     7.  If the RAID stripe width is 64 kilobytes, then the
#     optimal allocation_unit is 64 * 7 = 448.

# add following to /etc/vfstab
#daq-h2-frames           -       /daq-h2-frames  samfs   -       samfs   -

# create mount point and mount
mkdir /daq-h2-frames
mount /daq-h2-frames

df -h daq-h2-frames
#Filesystem             size   used  avail capacity  Mounted on
#daq-h2-frames           16T   1.1M    16T     1%    /daq-h2-frames
H2 General
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:57, Tuesday 14 September 2010 (184)
GS13 & Displacement Sensors With Zero Inputs
Last night, I was getting ready to run a measurement for Vincent, but before running I happened to check channels and noticed some channels were zero at their inputs.  I went to do a quick check of cable connections, and they looked connected at the Feedthru Interface.  Not knowing what else to try, I killed/rebooted/started the isi system:  everything came back including the zeroed channels. 

I've not seen this issue before.  Any ideas on what's wrong (I'm attaching a snapshot of the sensors as they were on DV).  Now I only looked at these sensors, and nothing else, so not sure if other channels have zeroes at their inputs.

Sidenote:  I tried killing scripts from the "isiham GDS CUST" medm window from the workstation in the Tech Lab, but it didn't work.  The medm screen didn't go WHITE, and my mouse eventually became froze within an medm screen (I wasn't able to do anything on this machine...so I had to power it off via the power button).
Images attached to this report
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:21, Monday 13 September 2010 (183)
H2 DAQ SATA BOY Raid build started
The 2TB disk drives for the SataBoy raids were delivered
today. I installed the disks into the H2 DAQ system and
started a RAID6 install with one spare drive. Its looking
like the build will take about 40 hours.

The system has 14 disk slots, we have 12 2TB drives and 2
SSD 64GB drives. The SSDs are configured as a mirror raid
of size 64GB.

The 12 2TB drives are mounted as a RAID6 (9+2) plus a single
hot spare. This will give an 18TB disk system when it is built.
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:56, Friday 10 September 2010 (182)
more details on new code
Looking at the epics records, it appears the new system only adds
new records and does not change/delete any existing records. This
means burt restores of old backups will still work.

A new autoBurt.req was generated, so from now onwards the new channels
will also be backed up.

The old system had 1780 chans, the new has 3245 chans (addition of 1465 chans)

The new system as added the following filter modules:


which accounts for most of the new channels.
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:42, Friday 10 September 2010 (181)
New front end code loaded on SUS QUAD
Mark requested that I get the latest qts.mdl file from the LLO
quad test stand and compile it at LHO. I saved the current 
file as archive/qts.mdl.3nov2008 (this is the date it was created)
and copied the LLO file as qts.mdl (this file was created 4oct2009).

I did the standard make qts, make install-qts, make install-daq-qts
and make install-screens-qts with no problems.

I then copied the medm files up from LLO. So everything in
/cvs/cds/llo/medm/l1/qts is a copy (orig saved as l1/qts_lho)

The new overview screen is working, and the DOF buttons open sub-screens
(see attached image)
Images attached to this report
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:17, Friday 03 September 2010 - last comment - 13:39, Friday 03 September 2010(178)
Reaction Chain TFs without filtering
This time with filtering off.  There appears to be some stiffness in the cabling which is likely causing the PITCH and Z Tf's to be a little funky looking.
Comments related to this report
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 13:36, Friday 03 September 2010 (179)
These were taken after the PenRe AOSEMs were installed, but with the cover off (for fear of cable dragging on the cover).  Air currents do not seem to be bothering us too much.  There is no other activity on the floor.
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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 13:39, Friday 03 September 2010 (180)
Screen snapshot of RO DOF medm used during TF's posted today.
Images attached to this comment
H2 General
vincent.lhuillier@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:41, Thursday 02 September 2010 - last comment - 11:29, Friday 03 September 2010(176)
HAM-ISI-LHO-Unit2 - Isolation filters
I have attached a sum up of the isolation filters installation on HAM-ISI-LHO-Unit2.
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Comments related to this report
brian.oreilly@LIGO.ORG - 11:29, Friday 03 September 2010 (177)
PDF version
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jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:53, Wednesday 01 September 2010 (175)
BS Upper Table Cloth Assembly
Andres R. and I completed assembly of the first two Beam Splitter Upper Table Cloth subassemblies this afternoon. No manufacturing or design problems were encountered, (all parts fit together and all holes were of the correct size and in the right place). 

Assembly Notes: 
(1). The ECD Blocks are still a bit tight fitting in the mounting bracket. Alcohol and rocking the ECD Block helps it slide into place. When adjusting with the jacking screws, take care to keep the ECD block parallel to the face of the mounting bracket or it will jam. 
(2). Adjust the side plates to their full width to allow the installation of the Top Mass into the Table Cloth assembly. 
(3). Run the four bottom 1/4-20 Helicoils used to fasten the front and back plates to the side plates in from the bottom of the side plate to their full depth. The 1/4-20x1 SHCS used to bolt the plates together will not reach the Helicoil, if they are not installed to full depth.            
Images attached to this report
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:56, Wednesday 01 September 2010 (173)
HAM ISI Unit#1 in Storage Nitrogen Purge/Humidity Trend
On Friday 20 Aug we started an N2 purge of the Transport container in which resides the HAM ISI assembly #1.  The N2 flowed at ~30 l/min for about 6hours.  We dropped the flow to a few l/min for the weekend and then ramped it back to about 10 l/min for the remainder of the week.  Attached is the trend of the temp/dew point/humidity of the exhaust.  Purge was stopped Friday afternoon 27 August.
Non-image files attached to this report
H2 General
jonathan.hanks@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:03, Tuesday 31 August 2010 - last comment - 10:47, Tuesday 31 August 2010(170)
Logbook Maintenance on Tuesday 31 Aug 2010 10:30am Pacific
I will be updating the aLog today at 10:30am Pacific.

Please save your entries to drafts or post them before this time.

The updates will allow the following:

 * Tighter integration of the aLOG and the LIGO.ORG authentication method. This is a permanent fix to the problem where the author name would disappear.  Your sessions will time out eventually.  Work in progress will be saved to a draft, so you will not loose any data.

 * The thumbnails will display with the correct aspect ratio

 * Preliminary support is included to allow a user to edit their entry for 24hrs.
Comments related to this report
jonathan.hanks@LIGO.ORG - 10:47, Tuesday 31 August 2010 (172)
The updates to the aLOG are complete.  The changes will be rolled out at LLO later on today.
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