Reports until 16:00, Sunday 17 February 2019
aidan.brooks@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:00, Sunday 17 February 2019 - last comment - 14:07, Thursday 21 February 2019(46976)
Commissioning guide for the custom H1ITMY CO2 mask: Step 1

The following is a short summary of an approach to commissioning the H1 ITMY CO2 mask, D1900030. The purpose of the mask is to reduce the scattering of sidebands into higher order spatial modes. However, when the mask is simply applied by itself, it creates a strong positive quadratic lens. A combination of the ITMY RH, ITMX CO2 central heating and ITMX RH must be used to minimize the overall effect of the COMMON & DIFFERENTIAL MICH lenses and the COMMON and DIFFERENTIAL ITM curvatures.

First Step: Mask application to reduce HOM and maintain current quadratic lens in ITMY 

The application of the mask is illustrated in the attached PDFs. An example of the application is shown here:

Note that (a) the color scales have been set to the same level [-70, 70]nm for comparison between different plots [so there is some saturation in some of the plots], (b) contours are set to 5nm spacing in all plots, (c) DC levels have been subtracted from each image so that the Gaussian weighted mean value is 0nm.

Once this step has been applied, the ITMY substrate lens should be same as it currently is. This will maintain the COMMON and DIFFERENTIAL MICH lenses. However, the application of ITMY RH will change the ITMY ROC and, hence, the COMMON and DIFF ITM ROC will need to be corrected. Which will be dealt with in step 2.

The attached PDFs show the effect for differing CO2 powers ranging from 50mW to 750mW. The minimum RMS OPD is achieved around 450mW. 


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Comments related to this report
aidan.brooks@LIGO.ORG - 09:17, Tuesday 19 February 2019 (46990)

Working on the full matrix description of this: 4 TCS actuators > 4 DOF (COMM/DIFF MICH, COMM/DIFF ITM ROC).

aidan.brooks@LIGO.ORG - 11:12, Tuesday 19 February 2019 (46995)

Somewhat crude matrix analysis of actuation strategies. The effect of interferometer power and the CO2 mask can be seen below. Any actuation strategy that employs this mask will enforce a change in either the COMMON ITM ROC/DEFOCUS and/or the COMMON MICH DEFOCUS.



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aidan.brooks@LIGO.ORG - 15:09, Wednesday 20 February 2019 (47035)

I'm working on plotting the time evolution of the RMS value of the OPD once the mask is added. However, as a rough guide (based on (a) some provisional simulations, (b) basic thermal diffusivity calculations), the thermal time constant of the mask is approximately 40 minutes.  This means that the majority of the effect the mask should manifest on this time scale.

Note: this excludes the time constant associated with the RH

aidan.brooks@LIGO.ORG - 13:08, Thursday 21 February 2019 (47058)

I just discovered that the code used to generate the wavefronts was using the ITMX RH power (~0.78W) rather than the ITMY RH (~2.56W). I'll need to regenerate these plots with the correct RH power.

aidan.brooks@LIGO.ORG - 14:07, Thursday 21 February 2019 (47061)

Here is the updated mask application based on 2.56W into ITMY RH.


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